Display Icons On Menu Bar

Jan 13, 2005

i am having no end of trouble trying to display just the print preview buttons and print button at all times during my Database being open.

i have tried adding various options through the startup option but i find that when i activate things so that i can print via an icon i also get the option available to go to the database window, which i want to prevent.

what is the best way around this please

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Display 5 Last Records On A Main Menu

Aug 13, 2015

menu items is it possible to show the last 5 items entered into the database on the main screen?

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Modules & VBA :: Custom Menu Bar Won't Display In Access 2013

Apr 5, 2014

I have a program.mdb with a customized menu bar from Database Creations.When I open program.mdb in 2007 & 2010 the ribbon is disabled and the custom bar is displayed as it should be and all is OK.When I open the same program.mdb in 2013 the ribbon is displayed and the custom bar is missing

I have a clean compile and get no error messages.How do I disable the ribbon and get the custom EZ Menu Bar to display in 2013?.Following are the Options, Current Database, Ribbon and Tool Bar Option settings that is used in all Access 2007, 2010 & 2013 versions

Ribbon Name:
Menu Bar:EZ Menu Bar
Shortcut Menu Bar:(default)
CheckedAllow Full Menus
CheckedAllow Default Shortcut Menus
UncheckedAllow Built-in Toolbars

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Count Number Of Yes Entries And Display It On Main Menu

Aug 19, 2015

I have a table called exiting staff data and a field called Follow up required. I want to count the number of Yes entries and display it on the main menu. Have tried

=Count([Exiting Staff Data].[Follow up required]="Yes")

And using dcount but keep getting error messages.

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Dec 28, 2006

Is there anyway to change the icon on a microsoft access database. I mean the actual File Icon, eg. the icon of Database1.mdb etc. I do not mean the icon once the database has loaded. Thanks for your help.

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Icons On Command Buttons

Apr 13, 2006

I'm running Access 2000 and want to use some different icons than available through Access on some command buttons. So far, I can only get it to accept bitmaps. This isn't a problem if bitmaps can have a transparency. I don't think they can though. Any suggestions?

The icons I want to use have a transparency.

Thank you,


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How To Remove Little Replication Icons

Apr 10, 2007

Hi everyone, does anyone know how to remove the little replication icons next to the db objects when a replica is converted back to a design master. I know there is a way cos i've seen it here before but I can't find it searching. Thanks.

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Buttons And Icons On A Form

Oct 23, 2005


I would like to use icons and interactive buttons for my forms to give them a more professional look. does anyone know where i can get such icons? i'm quite an illiterate fool when it comes to making the icons using icon editors. i tried searching on the web but it always throws up stuff relating to windows xp. i use office 2003. can i use them? if not can anyone tell me where i can find such icons?

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Help! How Do I Add Icons And Check Boxes??!

Oct 26, 2006

This will be easy for you guys...Ok see this pic below?


well the highlighted stuff are the things i have to put into an Access database...so ive just setup a table but how do I add boxes so they can tick whatever option? And what do I need to do to make it save. Also would it be better using forms because i wouldnt mind using a background image as well.. thanks alot.

Why cant I post pics?!?


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Hiding Microsoft Icons And Menus

Aug 1, 2005

I am trying to find a way of hiding the icons (bold, italic, font etc.) and menus (file, tools, edit etc) when displaying the forms in form view.

Any ideas guys?

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General :: Embedding Icons Instead Of Paths

Dec 4, 2012

I have an access icon (*.ico) file associated with my DB. But when I try to access the database from a place other than my desktop where the icon is located the icon doesn't show up. Is there any way to embed the icon into the application so that when the database is loaded on a different machine the icon loads too..

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Can You Use Animated Icons Or Titles In Access 2003?

Oct 27, 2007

I would like to create some custom icons and use them in Access. Does anybody have an experience doing this that can start me down the right path? Thanks:)

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General :: Pictures On Buttons - Icons Getting Resized On Desktop

Oct 31, 2014

I made nice little icons for my buttons, But when i transferred the app from laptop to server and run it on desktop comp icons get resized.

Guess it has to do with desktop resolution. How can i avoid this?

I tried with adding commands to playin pictures, but there are problems with focus, so that is not the best solution.

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Forms :: Storing Small Icons In A Table For Use In Continuous Form

Nov 29, 2013

I searched without success for a solution to show small pictures (icons) in a table field to show up in a continous form.

Purpose is:
a communication log table has comm codes such as
- mail out
- mail in
- tel call in
- tel call out

the comm log table has the fields
CustomerID, datetime, CommCode

The CommCode table hast the fields
CommID, CommCode, Icon

The form (subfrm) should show in continous form mode to each customer..Datetime, (commCode), and to visualize the Commcode the small image (icon) presented by an envelope with an arrow right, an envelope with an arrow left, etc.

I cannot find a solution for storing those little images and retrieving them from an OLE-Field.All my other pictures I do not have stored in the tables, but only the image path, but for that I would prefer to store them directly into a table field as they do not blow up the database.

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How To Show A Full Menu On The Menu Bar

Feb 19, 2007

Hi everyone,
I was trying out the options on the startup item of the tools item on the menu bar and my access window has gone except the following menu items: File,Window and Help.
Can someone kindly show me how to bring back these seemingly lost items?
Thank you for your willingness to help me out!

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Drop Down Menu Inside Drop Down Menu

May 15, 2006

Ok, This is something I have long wanted to do, but cannot figure out.

I am working on a database for a company that orders a large number of Items. I have these all in one table (itemCode, itemDescription, price, categoryCode, etc). I have another table with categorys (categoryCode, categoryDescription) . Each Item is asigned a categoryCode and the appropiate relationship exsists. Right now I have a comboBox in a form that when selected opens a drops down menu with all the Items. Then another one auto loads up (continuous form) and I get the same drop down list of all the Items.

What I would like to have is a combo box then when it is selected shows the categorys, then based on that selection, I see all the Items that are in that category.

I guess another way of saying this simply is, I would like to create a drop down menu inside of a dropdown menu.

Is this possible? Does anyone have another alternative suggestion that might work well? I'm relectant to use a list box, becoase ideally it would be a drop down menu inside of a drop down menu as seen on many websites.

Thanks in Advance!


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Need Help With Menu Bar

Dec 9, 2005

Before anyone get to upset with me I did search the board looking for the answer but only got more confused. I found the code I wanted to shut down the toolbars and menu bars but I need to allow the print options on the menu bar. How do I allow the menu bar up but only allow printing ?


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Help With Menu Bar

Apr 4, 2006

I have this code in the opening for of my database but the tool bar "passdown" does not open. Could someone please help me understand why?
thank you

Private Sub Form_Open(Cancel As Integer)
ChangeProperty "StartupForm", dbText, "Frm-UserLogon"
ChangeProperty "StartupShowDBWindow", dbBoolean, False
ChangeProperty "StartupShowStatusBar", dbBoolean, False
ChangeProperty "AllowBuiltinToolbars", dbBoolean, False
ChangeProperty "AllowFullMenus", dbBoolean, False
ChangeProperty "AllowBreakIntoCode", dbBoolean, False
ChangeProperty "AllowSpecialKeys", dbBoolean, False
ChangeProperty "AllowBypassKey", dbBoolean, False
Dim i As Integer
For i = 1 To CommandBars.Count
CommandBars(i).Enabled = False
Next i
DoCmd.ShowToolbar "passdown", acToolbarYes

End Sub

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Oct 3, 2006


I have a question.

I create a custom menu, and then assign hyperlink for running Excel application (C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice10EXCEL.EXE). When I click on it, it has security message,

Opening C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOffice 10Excel.EXE

Some files can contain viruses or otherwise be harmful to your computers. It is important to be certain that this file is from a trustworthy source.

Would you like to open this file?

How can I erase this security message? Thanks.

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Menu Bar

Feb 8, 2007

I was trying to change the form that appeared on Load by going to Tools>Startup and changing the settings there.

However now I have lost most my my menu bar i.e. Edit, View, Tools etc. I only have File, Window and Help. :eek:

How do I retrieve the menu bar in its original state?

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Menu Bar

Mar 1, 2008

In my access 2003 the principal menu is not more visible.

I have used the command:

CommandBars ("Menu Bar"). Visible = True

but it doesn't make to appear the menù.

What can I do?

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Pop Up Menu???

Aug 10, 2005


I was wondering if there is a way that I can create a 'message' that will appear whent he mouse is scrolled over a button. I have command buttons that launch my reports but would want the user to know what fields are included in each report...therefor, they can put the cursor ontop of a certain button and a small list will show them what is in that specific report

Cheers :)

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Menu Bar

Apr 29, 2006

I have a question of creating a few menu bars.

I made 3 menu bars.

When the user log in the database, the database program will detect the user name, and then output his own menu bar.

It works fine.
However, I got a problem, when I created the first menu bar, the menu bar have control box for the forms, the other 2 menu bars do not have it.

How can I make 3 menu bars with control box, minimizs, maximinize, close form boxes?

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Menu Bar And Sub Menu

Aug 25, 2006

Hello, I have created my own Menu bar in access and would like to add sub menus to it.

Any help? Thanks.

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Menu Design...

Jun 27, 2005

I could not find Menu design in Access...Is it available during design time?
When I searched for it I found AddMenuItem to programatically add menu...
I vaguely remember seeing menu design in VB 3.0 7 years ago...I am looking for something similiar..

This probably the simplest and stupidest question..please excuse me for that.


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No Tools Menu...?

Aug 4, 2005

I was just editing my Access database (stored on the intranet) when a message popped up saying "Disk or network error".

I clicked the only option ("ok") and closed the DB. When I reopened it, it said someone else was viewing it and I only had read permissions. I close it again, and see that in the directory where my .mdb file is stored I have the .ldb file remaining even though it isn't open.

I restart my machine, and try and open it again. I have to compact and repair the DB at Access' suggestion, yet now I only seem to have limited functionality....??

I.e. there is no Tools menu, I can't right click on forms or tables to choose Design View (although if I highlight them in the database pane and click the BUTTON for Design View I am able to proceed)....

What's going on?!!

I've tried going to File > Open and in the little arrow on the Open button choosing "Open Exclusive", but it opens and does the same thing as above...!!

I've checked a different database in Access, and I don't seem to have gone potty, in every other one I'm able to see the Tools menu, etc...?

Anyone got any clues as to how I can get my lovely database back on its feet and functioning properly? :confused: :eek: :rolleyes: :mad:

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