Display UserID And Username On The Form

Aug 16, 2005

Hi I want to do following in my application

1. Display userid and user name on the form, how can i do it.
2. When i am adding record, user should not be able to go back to previous record.
3. A form should open automatically when i open my application.

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[UserID] Is On A Distinguished Road? Huh...

Aug 5, 2006

Click on someone's post. In the upper right, click on the wee little green box directly under Posts:We then see [UserID] & " is on a distinguished road", e.g."Stumpy is on a distinguished road"What do you suppose that's about?Bob

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Automating UserID/Password Info

Nov 3, 2007

Hi –

Situation: I pay all of my recurring bills (mortgage, insurance, utilities, medical, credit cards, etc..) via internet accounts. A dubious decision on my part which was driven home when my ISP (the only game in town out here in the woods)...reassigned their remote servers without informing their help desk, and failed to calibrate the new settings to equal the previous settings. Result: I was without DSL access for six to eight weeks while the help desk folks repeatedly referred to their documentation and instructed me in establishing a new connection, which was an absolutely worthless effort. Why, do you ask, did you not request for a technician to be sent to yiour site? Cause, they (the help folks people) apparently receive bonuses for blocking on-site service calls.

Having said that, my 14 – 17 accounts have varying UserID/Password creation and input criteria. It’s quite easy to assign an HTML field which, when clicked, takes the user to the initial site. In some situations, I’m allowed to click a “Fill And Submit” button, which brings up and submits previously saved criteria.

In other cases, the user is required to submit both UserID and Password, and God help you if the information is case sensitive and you screw it up.

Bottom line: The UserID/Password has been captured for each and saved in a separate database. It’s thus possible—but a real pain—to refer back in each instance to ensure the correct data is being submitted. A Google on “Automate Password” shows that this problem has been previously addressed, but not in an Access environment.

My Question: Have any of you run into this, and is there an Access-related solution?



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Query Results Based On UserID

Apr 17, 2008


I have a query (used in a combox) with a field called "UserID" and in the query I would like to have the UserID field get it's criteria from the "User" field on a hidden form.

I have it for the most part however, I have two users (myself and another) that when we use the combo box we se "All" the records in the query.
I was thinking something like:

IIf([Forms]![frmUser]![user]= [User],true, "*")

I hope this makes sense.

Thank you

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Record UserID In Table Question

Oct 14, 2004

I have a form that several different people use. I would like to capture who created or modified the record. I don't need any fancy security such as a password. I just simply want the user to select their name from a combobox and then any records that they create or modify is saved in the records table. I would like this name to be the active name for all records worked on untill another person logs on. In other words, I don't want them to need to select their name for each and every record they work on.

Thanks in advance - John

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Capture Username Who Added A Record In Form

Nov 29, 2005

I have a form where there are many users to enter or update data. I need to capture the username who created a record , then , on form load , I want system to check for username if it is same as the creator of a record , then allow update , otherwise don’t allow update , but allow only adding new records. How can I do this

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Login Username Password Open Form Based On Id

Sep 13, 2006

Hi Freinds,

After viewing all the threads i got some useful information but just wanted some help as i am not a programmer but can understand logics. There are 2 issues i want to resolve

1. First query is i have a login form and in a table there is username password. Now issue is based on the username person should be able to view things. There would be 6 differrent departments. So i would have six users and 1 id only for viewing. These six users should be able to see there own records either assigned to them or create new query and assign to any other 5 users. Now option is either I create six replicated forms and based on the user login i open user form or switch board. Can there be any option where in a table i store the activities they can do and whereever these guys go the code check in table and enable or disable the view of items for other guys. Users would be accessing forms, reports and they would have option of entering cusotmer information and querying and changing information. The user which has option of viewing reports will only have option of seeing some customized reports.

2. Second query is that these six users would be addressing issues to each other regarding cusotmer issue. In this every response of the case should be stored in a table. i.e. like for customer x user1 said abc on 10th then user2 said cbf on 11th. so this would have history of case what was happeining in the matter.

I dont know how to go about this and if there is a easy solution. I dont want to use access security cause then all the six users would have security file.

Would apreciate your help and till now whatever responses i have seen in other forms they were quite helpful and did help me lot in understanding access.

Thanks to all who would be visiting this thread and taking pain in answering the query.

Take care

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Forms :: Username And Password For Database - Login Form?

Apr 8, 2014

I would like to implement a login form to my DB.

I have a table db-users with three fields: empID; empName; empPassword

I have a form with an unbound combo box: cmbdbUserName
And I have a text box: txtPassword where the user will type in their password.

cmdDBLogin is the button I want to add the VBA code to on click.

Code that will compare the inputs of the two objects listed above to the data in the table fields listed above that?

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Identifying Form - Check Username And Password Of A User

Jan 15, 2015

How to make a form that must Check the username and password of a user, in case if they are true then let the user to visit other forms and Tables...

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Tables :: Relationships - Link UserID To Each Line Automatically

May 1, 2013

One table contains UserID and information related to the user. Another table has been created and will be populated by a form. Basically the form asks approx 65 questions and I need the answers (for each question) to populate the table, so 65 records of data.

From everything I have read, for me to be able to pull all of the answers linked to the UserID (the person answering the questions), the UserID has to be in the table with each record. How do I link the UserID to each line automatically. To give you a bigger picture, I will have 5 users going into the database daily to answer the questions and I will need to link the user ID to each of the answers selected by each user. Over time, there will be thousands of records and I need to pull stats by UserID.

How do I create the form so that the answers to each question creates 65 separate records. Do I have to create a save button after each question?

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How To Get The Username From Workgroup?

May 18, 2006

I have the security set via the Access workgroups for both groups and users. I want to be able to use the username entered on the logon screen to filter my query results.

How can I get the logon id that was entered when my switchboard form opens?

Thanks in advance.

Dennis Cronin

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Username Problem

Dec 23, 2006

I have entered the following code to an onclick button. I am sure I have written it incorrectly (it's probably the line I highlighted below to do with username=Manager. By the way Manager is one of my usernames I have created.

Thanks for your help.


Private Sub Label218_Click()
If UserName = Manager Then
DoCmd.OpenReport "Tennis Teams", acNormal
Exit Sub
End If
MsgBox "You do not have permission to open this form!", vbOK, "Tennis Center Business Manager 2007"
End Sub

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Record OS Username

May 9, 2005

Have developed a support database in Access.

I need the dB to automatically pick up the username of the user logged on to the PC. Thus if I'm logged on to the PC as FLESTER, this username wil populate a database field.

Any ideas?

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How To Record The OS Username

Jul 26, 2005

How do you get Access to pick up th OS username currently logged in to the database? For example I'm logged on to the PC as FLESTER and I wnat that recorded in the dB.

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Windows Username

Jul 25, 2006

A couple of questions. I want my database to query the AD and make sure that the user trying to open the database had an account in the AD. I dont want them prompted for a password though. I have had a look at trying to change the example NT logon in the samples area, but just managed to get myself in a bit of a mess. Also is there anyway that you can query the users full name in AD and call that variable,or does this only work with the username?

Also, when a user created a record in a from, I would like the users username, called from the AD saved in a field in the table. I have tried this and the only way that I can call the variable is by having the "=Environ("USERNAME")" in the control source of the text box. Which means that it cant be save in a field in the table. I have also tried an after updated event on that textbox to update another textbox and have that textbox control source a field on the table. But again this doesn't work. Can someone tell me if what I am trying to do is possible. Thanks

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Username Issues

Oct 16, 2006

Hi all

I am currently trying to create a form that will have the ability to show the last person that edited that form and the time and date that it was last modified. When I try though I just keep getting the field to update to me just by viewing it. Can anyone give me a fairly detailed way of doing this?

Kind Regards


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Password/Username Help

Sep 26, 2004

I created a password for my database and now I cannot access it. The dialog box says that either the username or password may be incorrect. I do not know what the requested username is. I do not recall creating a username during the process of creating the password. I do not know what username ACCESS is asking for. I think I know what the password is. I think the problem is the username. However, if I somehow do not know the password, what can I do?

After you finish laughing at me, please help. Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

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Username And Password

Aug 10, 2006

I want to secure my Access database with a username and password. I want to be able to pull the nt login of the user and have them access only the things i need them to access. How can I do this?

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Username & Password

Sep 25, 2007


i have an access db which i want to protect with various usernames & passwords how do i go about this?

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Clear Login UserName

Jul 18, 2006

Hi all,

I've had a quick search but couldn't find the answer to this.

Is there a way that when a user launches the application via my workgroup file, the default login name is always null?

Currently it retains the last users' login name.


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Username & Password Woes!

Jan 10, 2007

I have a problem regarding using usernames and passwords to restrict access to certain tables/forms/reports etc....
I have read around the forum and various other websites but cant seem to get much relating to exactly what i am wanting to do.

I think i understand the way the access workgroup security works. But does this not just restrict users being able to view the database as read-only or with other certain rights like that? So, firstly would i be able to use this to restrict the database the way i want?

Or is there a way to create a table with names and passwords and create a form at the beginning where the user inputs their details and then according to the details gives/restricts access to parts of the database? Ideally i'd like the startup form to direct them to a different menu according to the user which gives them only the options they are allowed?

Seems a bit of a mouthfull and i sound like a complete newb but i been trying to figure this out all day!!

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Unique Username Routine

Jun 8, 2006

I was wondering if you have one or have seen a routine to generate unique
username from first, middle and last names. Here is my requirement -
by default first initial and last name of a user is their username.
But if the expected or default username is already taken then if the
user have middle initial, then the username for this user would be
first initial, middle initial and lastname. If the user does not have
middle name then the username for the user would be first two letters
of first name and lastname and if that's already taken then first
three letters of first name and last name and so on.

Any help or pointer is greatly appriciated.

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Get Username Of Current User

Oct 23, 2005

I have designed a MS Access tool accessed by multiple user. The first screen asks for badge number which is unique for each user. I wanted to do away with that screen. Instead wanted to get the username of the currently logged in user, may be from registry or somewhere. We have Windows XP here. Is there any VBA script for that....Need help!!

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Modules & VBA :: Use The Environ Username Somewhere In The Db?

Mar 27, 2014

Using Win 7 and Access 2007

db will be split and on a server

If it's possible: Would like to use the Environ username somewhere in the db so the user only sees their records.
Where would I place this? Or is their different code I should be using for this purpose???

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Access Doesn't Ask For Username And Password

Jun 23, 2006

I created security using the security wizards, separating admins vs. data entry users. I gave everyone a username and a password but when I reenter the database it doesn't ask me for my username or password. Does anyone know why or how can I fix it?

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Create Username And Password Promt?

Sep 17, 2004


I was wondering if it were possible to make a msg box pop up when opening a database asking for a user name and password. And that will be the only way to enter the database.


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