Display Average Value From Query In Label

Aug 12, 2005

I have a form that I want to use in order to work out a global figure for average travel time for my engineers (data coming from another database).

I have a form with two text boxes, which allow the user to define a date range. This links into my query which works fine and returns all records from that date range.

Now comes the troubling part!

On the click of a command button I want the label to change and display the average for my work time column form my query (which by the way is in decimal format).

Can anyone help me? I have tried searcing but to no avail

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Modules & VBA :: Display On Form Average Records Per Hour Added To Database

Sep 29, 2014

I am trying to display on a form the average number of lines/records per hour that a person is adding to the database.

Trying to work with Dfirst and DLast I'd subtract the time of the most recent record from the time of the first record entered and then divide the number of records to display the average per hour in a text box.

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Forms :: Display Label Within A Combo Box

Mar 13, 2013

I'm curious whether it's possible to display the label for a combo within the box itself, i.e. it would say something like "Enter Name" until the user clicked on it and opened the dropdown?

I found this which is really old and I couldn't get it to work.URL....

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Forms :: If No Records In A Subform Display A Label?

Feb 27, 2014

I have a form with 3 subforms on it based on individual queries.

If there is no data to display the subforms are blank.

I want to display a Label on the subform saying that there is no data to display?

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Reports :: Can Display Weekday In A Label On A Report

Jun 27, 2015

Can I display the weekday in a label on a report? If so, how? The record source for the report has a variable "StartDate" and I want to show the day of the week (Monday, Tuesday, etc) of this date in a label.

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Modules & VBA :: Change Label To Display Full Name Of State On Form

Jan 1, 2014

I tried this code to change the label to display the full name of the state on the form. Is there a shorter way than putting 49 more states after the if?

[CODE]Private Sub cmdStates_Click()
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmChurchesAll"
DoCmd.ApplyFilter "qryFindState"
lblTxtSt = txtState
If txtState = "FL" Then
lblTxtSt = "Florida"
End If
lblTxtSt.BackColor = 15658720
lblTxtSt.Visible = True
lblStatesof.Visible = True
lbAllChurches.Visible = False
End Sub /CODE]

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Modules & VBA :: Label To Display Total Of Column In Table Based On Two Checks

Jul 8, 2013

I am looking to generate a total number of a given column based on two criteria.I would like a label (or textbox if necessary) to display a given total of "Active" devices based on a given month.The table name is "Blackberry" and the specific columns I would like to check would be "Activated?" and "Registration Date". I'm not sure if I should be using a dsum or dcount and the error i keep getting is a type mismatch.an active device would have the text value of "Yes.

Dim advalue As Integer
advalue = DCount("[Activated?]", "Blackberry", "[Activated?]=yes" And "[Registration Date] > #01/01/2000#")
lblad.Caption = advalue

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10-min Average Query

May 3, 2006


I'm trying to create a query that returns 10-min average wind speed.

I have the logging date,time and the wind speed per second in the wind log table.
Date and Time Wind Speed(mph)
28/04/2006 2:17:01 PM 10.5
28/04/2006 2:17:02 PM 10.6
28/04/2006 2:17:03 PM 10

And I would like something like this from the query:
Date and Time Wind Speed Ave
28/04/2006 2:17:00 PM 10
28/04/2006 2:18:00 PM 7
28/04/2006 2:19:00 PM 5


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How To Change The Label Caption Of A Variable Label Name?

Aug 4, 2006

I have n horizontal labels named Label_1 to Label_n. I'd like to assign values to the label captions by using a loop.
Something like:

For i = 1 To n
Set Label_i.Caption = i

However, this doesn't work. Message "Object required".

Any suggestions?

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Simple Average Query

Jun 3, 2005

I apologize, I know this has been covered. But I just spent half an hour reading old posts and still can't quite decide how to apply it to what I'm doing.

I have a db that logs surgeries and all their details. One of the new things they want to do is be able to run a list of average cost for a certain surgery, since patients are always asking ahead of time how much it will cost. I have a query (and report that runs from it) that will list all the surgeries and total charges for individual ones for a date range the user specifies. But I can't figure out how to make it calculate an average charge for each surgery. I could if there were always a certain number to divide by, but of course there could be 2 of this type of surgery and 57 of that type.

The query I currently have set up is:

Field: MR#
Table: SurgeryLog

Field: Wname: [LastName] & ", " & [FirstName] & " " & [Initial]
Sort: Ascending

Field: OperationDate
Table: Surgery Log
Criteria: >=[Enter Start Date]

Field: PatientType
Table: SurgeryLog
Criteria: "SDS"

Field: TotalCharges
Table: SurgeryLog
Criteria: >0

Field: Operations: [Operation1Performed] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & [Operation2Performed] & Chr(13) & Chr(10) & [Operation3Performed]

Thanks much!

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Average Time In Query

Dec 6, 2005

I have a query with the fields dtDate (Date/Time in Short Date format), NC "Number of Chats" (Long Integer), and TCT "Total Chat Time"(Date/Time in hh:nn:ss format) from tblChats. Each date will have multiple NC and TCT values. This query is totaling them by date with the following SQL.

SELECT DISTINCTROW tblChat.dtDate, Format$([tblChat].[dtDate],'Short Date') AS ChatDate, Sum(tblChat.TCT) AS SumOfTCT, Sum(tblChat.NC) AS SumOfNC
FROM tblChat
GROUP BY tblChat.dtDate, Format$([tblChat].[dtDate],'Short Date')
HAVING (((tblChat.dtDate)>=Date()-7))
ORDER BY tblChat.dtDate;

The query works fine. Now my question.

I would like the query to figure the average time per chat for each day.

Could this be done without VBA? Any ideas??


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Average Rank Query

Sep 22, 2015

Right now, I have an output that looks like this:

AvgCost CompanyID Policy#
25 22 12
28 23 12
35 24 12
21 25 12
20 22 20
15 24 20
13 23 21
43 24 21

I want to know if it is possible to get an output that adds a ranks the CompanyIds by average cost per each policy #.how companyID24 ranks, and I have the query set up where it only outputs Policy#'s that company 24 is ranked in (has sold product in).

AvgCost CompanyID Policy# Rank
25 22 12 2
28 23 12 3
35 24 12 4
21 25 12 1


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Queries :: Average Function In Query

Jul 5, 2013

I am currently designing a dashboard for my team which works on projects, I have a main table which has main fields which i use for my dashboard

Project Type,Project ID (Primary Key), Submitted by, Project Start date, Project end date, Status

The tricky part is that the raw data has projects which got started couple of years back some got closed in the previous fiscal year but some are still being worked upon..I was able to put in a where clause to only display projects whose close dates either have null value ( projects which are still being worked) and where the close dates are >= 1/1/2013. My Dashboard needs to have the below fields

Project Type, Count of Projects, Count of Closed Projects, Average days to complete, Count of Active Projects & Average Active days

I was able to get it correct except the last field Average Active days as it is displaying Average no's even against the project type which doesn't have any active projects or where the active project count is zero.

SELECT TblWO.[Operational* Categorization Tier 2], Count([TblWO]![Operational* Categorization Tier 2]) AS [Count], Avg([TblWO]![SLA in Days]) AS [Internal SLO in Days], Count([TblWO]![Closedate]) AS [No Closed Projects], Round(Avg([TblWO]![Closedate]-[TblWO]![Work Order Submit Date Time]),2) AS [Avg Close Days], [Count]-[No Closed Projects] AS [No Active Projects], Round(Avg(Date()-[TblWO]![Work Order Submit Date Time]),2) AS [Active Avg Days]
WHERE ((([TblWO]![Closedate]) Is Null Or ([TblWO]![Closedate])>=#10/1/2012#) AND (([TblWO]![Status])<>"Cancelled" And ([TblWO]![Status])<>"Rejected"))
GROUP BY TblWO.[Operational* Categorization Tier 2]
HAVING (((TblWO.[Operational* Categorization Tier 2])<>" "));

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Queries :: Exclude Zero From Average Query

May 21, 2013

I made a query to calculate the average of a column, suppose that I have 5 records in that column (46,35,0,19.3,12), when the query calculate the average it sums the total of the column and divide by 5 (that's 112/5 = 22.4), what I need the query to do is to divide by 4 because one record is zero (that's 112/4=28). I put in the criteria the following (Not Is Null And <>0), yes this will not show the column that has zero but it still divide by 5.

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Can't Query For Average Balance Sytax Errors

Feb 17, 2008

Can someone help me please???:rolleyes: I have to query for the avg balance from customer table, custbal field from a certain state... I've tried everything and cannot seem to get the expression correct. How do I do this???? any help is appricated :D

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What About This Average?...Field Average...

Feb 16, 2007

Hi guys!!!!

I try to find an answer in the forum about "Average Fields",but ican't
I am confused:(

I wan't to export Avg Of the fields like in the panel below:

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Average Miles Per Gallon Query Require Assistance!

Oct 3, 2007

i have a quick question... I am having a slight problem with a query that i am using in my database... i am trying to calculate miles per gallon. The query i have set up looks at the previous records odometer value and subtracts the current odometer value to get the miles driven since the previous fill... Here is my sql code.

SELECT fuel_use_tbl.unit_ID, fuel_use_tbl.fuel_use_ID, fuel_use_tbl.fuel_date, fuel_use_tbl.gallons, fuel_use_tbl.odometer, (SELECT TOP 1 Dupe.odometer FROM fuel_use_tbl AS Dupe
WHERE Dupe.unit_ID = fuel_use_tbl.unit_ID
AND Dupe.fuel_date < fuel_use_tbl.fuel_date
ORDER BY Dupe.fuel_date DESC, Dupe.fuel_use_ID) AS PriorValue, [odometer]-[PriorValue] AS [Miles Driven], [Miles Driven]/[gallons] AS Expr1
FROM fuel_use_tbl;

The problem with this code is this... lets say i drive a brand new vehicle (its first record and it has no prior odometer value... the PriorValue reading shows up as nothing (NULL) when i then try to take [odometer]-[PriorValue] it shows up as nothing (NULL) while it should just treat it as [odometer]-0... i need help so that it shows an average mpg for every fill... Thanks for your help.

For a better example this is exactly what it looks like

unit_IDfuel_use_IDfuel_dategallonsodometerPriorValueMiles DrivenMPG

Fuel Use ID is my primary Key and it is autoindexed... ive just been messing around with fake data and have changed the dates... thats why it looks a little strange


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Queries :: Calculate Differential Between Average Earnings And Percentage Within Crosstab Query

Apr 9, 2014

I obtained data for earnings by industry for men and women over time (5 years). I developed crosstab query that showed the average earnings for men and women for the 5 years.

Now I want within this query to calculate the differential between men and womens average earnings and calculate a percentage within this crosstab query. I tried to use Expressionbuilder with little luck.

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Query Output To A Label Help!

Oct 18, 2006

Hello, I’m pretty bad with VB code but I need something pretty simple. I have a button on my form and when I click it I want it to run a query and output a certain field value to a label. I know I’ll need VB code for this, so any sample code would help a ton!

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Queries :: Average IF Statement-syntax Error (missing Operator) In Query Expression

Jun 5, 2014

I am trying to get Average If function to access sql. I have columns Period and Costs_Per_Capita, result should be like like this:

Costs_Per_Capita Period CALCULATED_Period_Avg_Costs
15,505 1 15976.27582
16,368 1 15976.27582
16,037 1 15976.27582
15,995 1 15976.27582
15,000 2 16000
17,000 2 16000

I tried:

SELECT Costs.Costs_Per_Capita, Costs.Period
IIF (Period = 1, (Select AVG(Costs_Per_Capita) From Costs Where Period = 1),
(Select AVG(Costs_Per_Capita) From Costs Where Period = 2)
AS result
FROM Costs;

But get "syntax error (missing operator) in a query expression ..."

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Queries :: Calculate Moving Average - Make Table Query Type Incorrect

Aug 16, 2015

I found the attached example a while back (can't find the site again though ) and it calculates a moving average. I've hacked out the parts I need for my own work and I can create my moving average query without an issue.

However, I need to extract the MA data into a table so planned on using append. I kept getting type errors so I tried make table to see what type it was creating and it appears to be Short Text rather than a number.

I've added an extra button and Make Table query to the example.

As far as I can tell from the code, the moving average value when calculated is a Single. However, when I write it to the table, its a Short Text.

How do I make the created Table use Number Type for my calculated moving average?

Using Access 2013

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Three Names On Mailing Label--need A Query

Aug 23, 2007

I am preparing mailing label for a political campaign. On my list of voters, many times two or more people are listed at a single address. By consolidating the labels (and postage) I am able to save a lot of money.

I have written a query to group these names into those with 1,2, or 3 or more/address. For labels I am able to print 2 names/label by using the FirstOfFirstname, FirstOfLastname, LastOfFirstName, LastOfLastName generated in my query. This works fine for 2 names per label.

My question concerns 3 names per label. Does anyone know how to include all 3 names? Suggestions have included using a label with "The {LastName} Family" etc. but many times there is more than one last name per residence. Other suggestions are to print individual labels for each individual and overlap the labels to show all the names but just one address. These does save postage of $.42/mailing, but seems wasteful of labels and looks a little crude besides.

What I think I need is a clever query or queries that will be the data source for the labels. I have room for up to 3 names/label. I have been thinking about printing 2 labels -- one with one name and address and another with the rest of the names but this brings up problems of getting everything on the right envelope.

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Modules & VBA :: Label ID - Set If Condition In Query

Oct 24, 2013

Is it possible to set any label id as query parameter in sql code or access?

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Queries :: Average Calculated Field From A Previous Query - Crosstab Data Type Mismatch

Jun 3, 2014

I am trying to construct a crosstab that averages a calculated field from a previous query. It is returning a "Data Type Mismatch" message.

The field I am trying to average is a subtraction of dates to find total days. I assume my field is not a number so I have tried to wrap it in CDbl() to change the type.

The formula is

CASE_DAYS: CDbl(IIf([Actual Close Date]-[Creation Date]>=0,[Actual Close Date]-[Creation Date],""))

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Crosstab Query - Custom Header Label

Jun 15, 2005

Is it possible to create a custom label for a column header in a crosstab query?

My crosstab query displays sales totals for a particular sales rep number (rep # 102 in this case), by month. For example:


I would like the column to be labeled "Sales" instead of "102" - is that possible?

Thanks for any help you can provide!!! :o

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Queries :: How To Print A Label For Each Record Returned By Query

Dec 27, 2013

I have a query that returns several records, typically 1 to 5. I need to print a label for each record returned by the query. Printing a label is no problem, but how do I print sequentally for each record in the query?

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