Display Dat On Basis Of Combo Box Selected Value

May 31, 2006


I am posting this question again, as I think there was some miscommunication from my side. I sinccerely apologise.

Actually there are three fields on a form.

1. Combo Box : Label is Name
2. Text Box : Label is Code
3. Text Box : Label is Department.

These three fields are stored in the table.

I wants that when the form gets loaded, then in the combo box field all the names from the table should appear. When I select the particular name from the list and the focus is lost from the combo box then the two values from the table should show the corresponding text boxs.

Thanks in Advance

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Display Dat On Basis Of Combo Box Selected Value

May 31, 2006


I am posting this question again, as I think there was some miscommunication from my side. I sinccerely apologise.

Actually there are three fields on a form.

1. Combo Box : Label is Name
2. Text Box : Label is Code
3. Text Box : Label is Department.

These three fields are stored in the table.

I wants that when the form gets loaded, then in the combo box field all the names from the table should appear. When I select the particular name from the list and the focus is lost from the combo box then the two values from the table should show the corresponding text boxs.

Thanks in Advance

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Queries :: Group And Display Data On Weekly Basis Starting On Sunday

Apr 2, 2013

I'm trying to group and display data on a weekly basis starting on Sunday. I'm using the following in a totals query with "Group By" Week Number: DatePart("ww",[Date])

My problem is that the results are returning some unexpected things.. March seems to have 6 weeks and the query is returning two months containing week number 14.. (as shown below).

2013 March 9
2013 March 10
2013 March 11
2013 March 12
2013 March 13
2013 March 14
2013 April 14

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Forms :: Populate Combo Boxes With Values Depending On Selected Value In Previous Combo Box

Aug 5, 2013

I have several comboboxes (6) on my form.How to populate these comboboxes with values depending on selected value in previous combobox.

Example.Lets say that you select value "Audi" in combobox 1, then available values in combobox 2 should be "A4","A6","TT" etc. and if you selected "BMW" in combobox 1, then available values in combobox 2 should be "3-series", "5-series" etc...

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Possible To Display Only Selected Row In A New Form?

Sep 25, 2013

I have created a from which consists of search boxes in the above and the table in the below.If we search for any in those search boxes then the results will be displayed at the bottom (The results will be displayed in the table which is located at the bottom of the page).I had done with the above part.

My Requirement : If I click on any of the row in the results table then is it possible to display only the selected row in a new form? If I search for a keyword MS in a search box and if it returns 40 results and if I click on any one of the result then the selected result should be opened in a new form.

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Display Column By User Selected Name?

Apr 18, 2007

Here is my problem. I have a table with a lot of columns. I want the user to be able to select which column he wants to display in a query/report, how do I do that? Is there some kind of way to do a command

SELECT [table].[like [user input]]

either in SQL or Query Design, so that a form would pop up and ask user for input, and then display column whose name corresponds to that input.

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Constraining Combo Box Values Based On The Value Selected In Another Combo Box

Sep 7, 2006

Thanks in advance for your help.

I would like to set up rules/constraints such that the value selected in combo box A determines the available values in combo box B. For example, "Combo box A" is bound to the [PartnerType] field and "Combo box B" is bound to the [PartnerRole] field. Let's say that the two choices in Combo Box A are "LLC", "LP", and "Corporation". There are 5 possible choices in Combo Box B: "X", "Y", "Z", "Q", and "U". If a user selects "LP" in Combo Box A, I would like Combo Box B to only show choices "X" and "Y". And if a user selects "LLC", only choices "Y", "Z", "Q", and "U".

Similarly, I would like to set this up so that Combo Box B is not initially visible--it becomes visible when a user selects "LLC" or "LP". If a user selected "Corporation", Combo Box B would remain hidden.

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Changing Display Based On Record Selected

Jan 26, 2006

I'm this is a simple issue. I have a combo box which can have the following status's: Not Started, In Progress, Complete. Depending on the value of the combo box i want a different image to show. So if not started is selected i want the user to see a red box. If Complete is chosen, a green box will show. i can do this easily enough but my problem comes in when i go to the next record. The boxes just stay visible regardless of what option is displayed. What event is triggered when you go to the next form?? Form Open / Load doesnt seem to work.

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Add Selected Numbers From Across Fields And Display Real Time

Aug 15, 2006

I am trying to display a total based on 3 separate combo boxes in a form. there is a name with an associated number value using 2 fields. the values come from a linked value spreadsheet. the name field is "text" and the number is "number". the user selects their name and number using a combo box drop down window. this occurs 3 times in my form and i want to sum them in a 4th combo box. this is about how it should look, where "Total" happens automatically depending on the name selected.

Lewis 3 Smith 2 Parks 2 Total= 7

thanks for helping.


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Tables :: Display Names At ONLY Location Previously Selected

Jul 7, 2014

I am making a database, but lets say I have 12 locations and have say between 2-100 named people at each location.

I want to be able to link 2 databases together.

I can use lookup wizard to select either a location, but I also want access to display the names at ONLY the location previously selected (IE: Paul and Bert are in Brazil, Steve and Carl are in Cuba, I want once Brazil is selected only Paul and Bert to appear as options). I'm sure it's fairly basic but a having a little trouble with it, and not knowing the technical terms is making it hard to look up.

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Forms :: Display Only Selected Options In Multi-value Control

Mar 2, 2015

I have a form with about 30 controls. I organized it carefully so that all the controls show on a single page. It actually looks really good. However, several of the controls allow multiple values. These appear as a check box showing up beside each item in the list from which these controls take their information. When I run a Filter by Form process, the form flawlessly pulls the data from the table that I'm seeking, and the check boxes are visible, both the ones with checks and without. In a few cases, in order to fit everything onto one page, I have most of the related list hidden, and use scroll bars. This works really well for data entry and for editing individual records.

Where it DOESN'T work like I want it to is in situations where the checked item(s) in the multi-value control don't show up in the box on the form without scrolling. In the table where these multi-value fields actually live, what shows up is just the code for each option, a simple numeral, with commas separating any multiple values. Is there a way to make my form show only the selected codes like in the table? My suspicion is that I'm going to be told no, that the best way to do this is to use a report and query.

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General :: Results Table - Possible To Display Only Selected Row In New Form?

Sep 24, 2013

I have created a from which consists of search boxes in the above and the table in the below.

If we search for any in those search boxes then the results will be displayed at the bottom (The results will be displayed in the table which is located at the bottom of the page)

I had done with the above part.

My Requirement :

If I click on any of the row in the results table then is it possible to display only the selected row in a new form????

If I search for a keyword MS in a search box and if it returns 40 results and if I click on any one of the result then the selected result should be opened in a new form.

Attached is my file...

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Forms :: Subform Datasheet Record Selected Display

Dec 2, 2014

In Access 2010, if you have a form with a subform in datasheet view, and you move the focus away from the subform, how can you tell which record(s) on the subform are selected?

When the subform has the focus, the selected row is shown with a blue/grey tint. But as soon as the subform loses the focus, this disappears and all rows look identical.

Its an issue as I have 2 datasheet subforms on my main form, with the 2nd showing records related to the record selected in the 1st. But as soon as the 2nd subform receives the focus, it is impossible to see which record in subform 1 was selected.

I have tried conditional formatting, but that does not work.

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Forms :: Display Button On Selected Record In Continuous Form

Oct 30, 2014

I have continuous form in Access 2010. I highlight selected record. Now I would like when user will select record, that record will display button to give ability user delete it. For not selected records button not visible and disable. How to display button only in selected record in continuous form?

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General :: Display Selected Form Using Drop Down On Opening Database

Jun 23, 2015

I have created a Db in MS Access 2010 and under Options > Current Database I have done the following:

- Used drop down to select a form I want to display on opening
- Unchecked display navigation pane
- Unchecked allow full menus

This works how I want it to, perfectly. I then send it to a client who also has MS Access 2010 and when they open the file the form I have told it to open doesn't open, the navigation bar is displayed (with the form I want to open highlighted) and the full menus show but are locked.

What's going on? Is it some security setting the client has that isn't letting the opening procedure execute properly?

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Forms :: Display Donation Details In Datasheet View Of Fund And Amount For Selected Date / Donor

Oct 31, 2013

I have two related tables

1 Donor and
2 Donations with fields date, donor, fund and amount

I want a form to display donation details in datasheet view of fund and amount for a selected date and donor...

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Tab Control Selected Via Combo Box Value

Oct 10, 2006

I have a form that has a combo box with a list of selections. I also have a tab control with a tab that corresponds to each option in the combo box, so that I can show the details specific to the selected item.

Is there a way to have the value of the combo box select the appropriate tab in the tab control automatically? And I don't want it to select the tab only after I've entered or selected something from the combo box. I'd like it to select based on the already stored value of the combo box. So if the combo box shows Cars, then the Cars tab would automatically select.

Any ideas?

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Combo Box Won't Go To Selected Records

Nov 5, 2004

I am having trouble getting a combo box to go to a selected record on a form. It basically ignores the selection. I have successfully used the combo box to do searches on other forms. The only difference I'm noticing is that form I'm using has multiple records for the search criteria.

Any ideas?

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Enqiry Regarding Selected Data In Combo Box

Feb 14, 2006

hello everyone

i created 4 tables

Departments (DepartmentName as prime key),
Employees (EmployeeCode as prime key, as prime key field can't have duplicates as it occuring in case of EmployeeName),
ErrorReference (ErrorCode as prime key) and ErrorCategory

I built onemore table "Performance", in which 'workOrderRef, Date, Cost and WorkOrderPic' are local fields and rest of fields (departmentName, EmployeeCode, EmployeeName, ErrorCode, ErrorRef) are linked to different database to prop up data while data entry.

Also did relations between these tables in order to facilitate cascading effect of modification in respective database bases.

Now the question is - in input database file i.e. "Performance",
- when i prop up "CAD" department, i should get employees in CAD department and in turn employee code.


- when i prop up any Error rerefernce, it should automatically prop up corresponding ErrorCode

can anyone tell me how to se filter command?

Thank you

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How Can I Ensure Data Is Selected From A Combo Box?

Dec 8, 2006

Can someone please help me?

I have a combo box on a form that the user can select a player name.
Under the combo box I have a label called "Show me information about selected Player: that once clicked takes the user to another form which has all information about the player that was previously selected in the combo box.

Everything works fine UNLESS the user forgets to select a playername from the combo box and clicks on the label anyway. Obviously no player name was selected so a blank form opens which is a problem!

How can I ensure that a player name is selected and prevent the user from clicking on the label below without having previously selecting from the combo box?

If anyone can please help I would appreciate it so much.


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Combo Box Updating By Selected Record

Feb 24, 2006

Hi all,

I have created a form to enter downtime information using the fields from downtime table (as follows)


fldDowntimeID (PK)
ShiftID (FK)
LineMachineID (FK)
DTCategoryID (FK)
DTReasonID (FK)

However on the form, LineMachine is taken from the tblLineMachine where LineID and MachineID are FKs. This has a large list of machines as one line can have many machines and a machine may appear on more than one line

So on the form, i would like to select the LineMachineID by inserting fldLineID (which would be a combo box) where the user could select which line e.g. Line1 and then the combo box for the LineMachineID would only display the relevant machines for the entered line instead of all the machines for every line.

I managed to achieve this,but I am experiencing a problem where if, in the Line combo box, i choose a different Line e.g. Line2, the LineMachineID does not then display the machines on Line2, but keeps showing the machines for the line I originally selected (Line 1).

How do I get the LineMachineID combo box to update every time a different line is chosen in the LineID combo box?

Any assistance much appreciated!!

thanx all,


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Setting Combo Box Default Selected Value

Aug 21, 2006

i have a combo box on my form that uses UNION query to put "<select>" as part of the list items.right now "<select>" appears on top of the list but what i mtrying to do is when the form loads i want the combo box to have "<select>" selected and not just show blank unless someone click on the down arrow. i m sure there is a way/propoerty to do it but i cant figure it out. Also how can i make my combo box so user cant type in a combo box but select from the list.

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How Do I Update A Field With A Value Selected From A Combo Box?

Nov 13, 2004

Hi Everyone.. or anyone!

I have a date field called 'CDDueDate' on a form called Diary, based on a Diary Query, based on the Diary Table. I have a combo box that lists dates generated by SQL to select from. It has no control source, i can see dates from today till the end of 2005 in the Row Source and the type is set to Value List.

Once I have selected a date, how do i get it to store it in my CDCueDate field. It doesn't save to the underlying query or table?

I tried setting the Control Source to CDDueDate thought the combo is called cboDateSelect, but it comes up with Msg "Write Conflict, da dee da, with Save Record, Copy to Clip Board or Drop changes".

If i click Save Record, a msg comes up;

"The macro or function set to the BeforeUpdate or ValidationRule property for this field is preventing Microsoft Access from saving the data in the field.

If this is a macro, open the macro in the Macro window and remove the action the forces a save (for example GoToControl).

If the macro includes a SetValue action, set the macro to the AfterUpdate property of the control instead.

If this is a function, redefine the function in the Module Window."

If i follow the instructions in this message, the combo box stays blank no matter how much i select a value.

If i click ok again, it comes up with "Update or CancelUpdate without AddNew or Edit". And if i click ok again, it comes up with, Microsoft has encountered and Error.. da dee da, prompts to create backup and send error report.

Does anyone have any ideas?

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Modules & VBA :: Requery Once A Combo Box Selected

Jul 15, 2013

I have a form which contains two sub forms. In the first subform I have 4 fields of Cut#, Size, Quantity and Style. Once the cut# is selected, a vba code runs and fill in the rest of fields. In second sub form I have a field of Fabric# (Combo Box) which should be restricted to the Style value on the first sub form. I have a query which contains the Fabric# and Corresponding style and I try to write a vba code to requery once Style value changes.

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Combo Not Accepting Selected Dropdown Item

Jun 5, 2005


I have a frmServiceOrder form that has a "datasheet type" sfrmSOItem subform with a combo box that allows a user to select service order items...

When I select a service order item in the dropdown, it doesnt place the item in the record...I have to select it a 2nd time in order to make it appear in the record. However, if I select the item by typing (i.e., via autofill) and hit the enter key, the item will populate in the record the 1st time.

I suspect it has something to do with my query joins. I hav played with various combinations and cant find a solution...

Any clues?

Thank you.

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Setting A Combo To The Record Selected In A Form

Feb 8, 2005


I suspect this is probably rather easy, but I've not been able to figure it out:

I am using a combo to select a record in a form. This works.

The problem is: When I navigate through the records in the form, the combo box does not "update". I need to be able to change the record displayed in the combo box as the record in the form changes.

Any ideas?

Many thanks in advance for assistance.

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