Displaying Aggregate Info About Query In Text Box

Feb 5, 2013

I working with Access 2010 and a form with criteria controls, a requery button and a subform that displays the query. I wanted to add a text box that would display some aggregate information about the query results. Like how many results were returned or what the average is in a column of numbers stuff like that.

If at all possible I was hoping to have the text box display aggregate information of the whole query but when a specific entry in the table is clicked I was hoping to have it show aggregate detailed information about that entry opposed to the whole table. So I am not sure if that changes the solution but I wanted to put it out there.In my searches it looks like Dlookup is the way to go but I have seen a lot of people use Dlookup in very different ways so I might be wrong.

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General :: Form With Text Boxes That Are For Displaying Info To Users

Jan 10, 2014

I have done this before and can't remember how I did it and I can't fogure out how to do it. I have a form with textboxes that are for displaying info to the users. I want to lock them so that users can not click on them or high light the fields. So basically the user can only click on fields I want them to.

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Forms :: Displaying Conditional Info On A Form

Oct 15, 2013

I am trying to create a form where I store the literacy and numeracy results of a group of students. So far I have designed a form which gives me a tick box as to whether the test they took was literacy or numeracy, then a box where I enter the score. Literacy tests are scored out of 72 and numeracy out of 50.

what I would like to do is write something that shows the literacy numeracy levels of each student after each test. So for literacy, the score ranges are as follows:

0 - 13 Below Entry 1
14 - 32 Entry 1
33 - 52 Entry 2
53 - 65 Entry 3
66 - 7 Level 1

What I would like to be able to do is tick whether or not they sat a literacy or numeracy test, enter the score and the db to come up with their level and display it on the form.

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Reports :: Displaying All Info From Two Tables On Report Not Working?

Mar 11, 2014

I have 3 tables.

One is a list of fishermen with all their info. I used a Code as the primary key.

The 2nd is a fish ticket sheet with fish tickets entered and the code in there as a foreign key in the relationship between the two.

I create a report listing the fish tickets and prices perfectly for the 4 fishermen I have entered fish tickets for. (I have 140 fishermen in the main table)

I added a 3rd table for payments made to the fishermen. There are two payments for 2 of the fishermen.

then, I go into report design view and drag in two of the cells from that 3rd table into my report.

The problem is the report then prints JUST the fish tickets and payments for the two fishermen that have payments...not the info for all 4 fishermen. I need to print out settlements for all the fishermen whether they have payments or not?

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Search Forms - Finding A Contact And Displaying All Related Info

Nov 22, 2005


I am pulling my hair out with what I am sure is a simple task, creating a search form that, when criteria are entered, finds a record and displays related data/results from 3 tables. I have tried every forum and web post I can find but I think there must be something fundamental I'm neglecting to grasp.

Quick background:
My database has 4 tables, Firm, Contacts, Mailout and FileNote
The database is contact-centric (ie, everything is linked to a contact record, multiple contacts are held against firms, mutiple file notes are held against a contact, contacts can be attached to multiple mailouts)
I need to search for a contact record based on multiple criteria (keeping it simple, lets say a combination of first_name & last_name OR first-name & firm_name OR their specific contact ID)
I need a 'results form' (not just a datasheet view) that displays all information related to that contact (i.e. all files notes + ability to create new ones, firm contact information, and mailout history)

I've created a Main form with Firm, Mailout, Contact & Filenote subforms embedded that enables me to scroll through every contact and view all related detail (as above) and add file notes & modify data very nicely. My problem is I can't search, I can only move through each record sequentially. Very handy when we have 4000 contacts!

I realise I'm probably a complete wally but could someone please explain to me the vital steps I'm missing? I've tried unbound fields, I've built SQL queries & command buttons (but results are dumped into a datasheet)....I'm lost.

Many many thanks.

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Text Sum Aggregate

Nov 21, 2005


I have a tricky question. I have a table like this one:

ID ID2 Value
1 1 Apple
2 1 Pear
3 2 Apple
4 2 Banana
5 2 Pear
6 3 Apple

And I would like to get a query result like this one:

ID2 AggregateValue
1 Apple-Pear
2 Apple-Banana-Pear
3 Apple

In MySQL I would use the Concat() function with a group by (not tested tough). But in MSAccess?

Thanks in advance,


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Queries :: Inventory Database - Displaying Results Of Query In Form Text Boxes

Aug 7, 2015

I have a Inventory DB and i want to integrate scanning. So far i have a table called StockInfo, this table holds information about bar codes (device type, make, model). I have a form called Scan_Barcode, on this form I want to be able to scan a bar code into a text box (text0) and use a afterupdate and requery function to display the results onto a form called EnterInventory.

Not only just the results but I want certain columns from the query to display in certain text boxes on this form. I have a query called FindProduct. that filters the criteria by whats entered on the Scan_Barcode text box (text0). So when i scan a certain bar code i can get the query to display certain product information for the bar code. I just cant get the results onto the HarwareStock form.

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Get Text Info From Webpage Into Text Field

Aug 8, 2013

I am trying to get information from webpage. [URL] ....

I am using the code:
Set ie = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
ie.Visible = True
ie.Navigate "http://benwerd.com/lab/geo.php"
While ie.Busy

Me.txtlat = ie.Document.getElementById("xxxxxxx")....

Here is the info I can't get from the page. Can't find the id or element that hold the information, latitude, longitude ... that is listed in the website.

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General :: Text Box To Displaying Some Text When Subform Value Is Null

Sep 5, 2013

I have a form that is displaying a subform (of which source is a query). I have got the data from one of the columns in the subform going into a text box (entered in the control source) however when the field is empty it comes with a #Error in the textbox.I want the textbox is display some text is the subform value is null.

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Help With Aggregate Query

Jul 17, 2007


I have a table as such:


The table can have the same people in it multipe times, such as:


Bob 4 80% 4%
Bob 5 90% 5%
Bob 8 60% 3%

What I would like to do is return only the row in which Bob's Level is the Highest (MAX).

I wrote an aggregate query as such:


The problem is, as you'd expect, this query returns all rows, since I am grouping by WIN_PERCENT and DRAW_PERCENT as well.

Any ideas on what query to use to just return the row with the highest (MAX) LEVEL? i.e.


Bob 8 60% 3%



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Query With Aggregate Function

May 18, 2006

Hey guys, can anybody help
here is what I have:




JobTask as you can see the relationship between Job and Task is M-M

PositionTask as you can see the relationship between Position and Task is M-M

ActivityTask as you can see the relationship between Activity and Task is M-M


TaskCompetency as you can see the relationship between Task and Competency is M-M


I have a query like this:

The user will input the JobId, PositionId, ActivityId.
I want to return all the TaskName ,CompetencyId, CompetencyName
Where the following:
The highest priority within the same keyword
Basically group by keyword then pick the highest priority I have done this:

SELECT Max(Competency.Priority), Competency. Keyword
FROM Competency INNER JOIN ((ActivityTask RIGHT JOIN (positionTask RIGHT JOIN (JobTask RIGHT JOIN task ON JobTask.TaskID = task.TaskID) ON positionTask.TaskID = task.TaskID) ON ActivityTask.TaskID = task.TaskID) INNER JOIN TaskCompetency ON task.TaskID = TaskCompetency.TaskID) ON Competency.CompetencyID = TaskCompetency.CompetencyID
WHERE (((JobTask.JobID)=[job])) OR (((positionTask.PositionID)=[position])) OR (((ActivityTask.GroupID)=[Activity]))
GROUP BY Competency.CompetencyKeyword;

It works fine, it returns the all the keyword, and its highest priority.
But I can’t return the Competency.CompetencyId, Competency. CompetencyName with the aggregate function Max

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Aggregate Query Problems

Jun 16, 2005

Hello! .... I think I posted this in the wrong section of the forum, so here it is again and hope someone's kind enough to help. Basically, I've been asked to show (in a form as well as a report) results on a Monthly, Quarterly and Year-to-Date basis. The table structure I currently have is as follows (additional fields and/or tables can be added if it would help get the results desired):

ID Date Volume/Value
A1 Jun-05 10,000
A2 May-05 15,000
A3 Apr-05 12,000
A4 ------ ------
An May-04 11,000
B1 Jun-05 10,000
B2 May-05 15,000
B3 Apr-05 12,000
B4 ------ ------
Bn May-04 11,000

Part of the trick with this is to be able to show these aggregate values (quarterly, YTD, and on a 13-month rolling basis) as users enter new data for whatever the current month is. Any assistance in helping me get this accomplished would be enourmeously appreciated.

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Query Help - Aggregate Function

Dec 15, 2004

Hi all,

I need some help in sorting out this query.

My Table looks like this..

Manifest Weight StopNo State
------- ------- ------- ------
71545 1000 10 VA
71545 1000 20 TN
71545 500 30 AL

Some Manifests are repeating
There are multiple stops within each manifest (eg.: 10, 20, 30) and each stops has itsown weight info and State.
What I am trying to figure out is the number of manifests, total weight within manifest, and the last stop and state of the manifest

SELECT ManifestNo, Count(ManifestNo), Sum(Weight), Last(Stop No), Last(State)
WHERE ShipmentType="ROAD"
GROUP BY ManifestNo;

My Problem: Everything works fine, but the state of the last stop is not displaying properly..

My result is - 71545 3 2500 30 TN
Correct output should be - 71545 3 2500 30 AL

I tried to remove the "last" from State but its gives me the aggregate function error. Any suggession ?
Thanks in advance..

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Count Property In Aggregate Query

Jul 19, 2005

I have an aggregate query that creates a report of "A" by "B". Each "A" can have many "B"s under it. The report works fine. I need to count and display on the report the number of "B"s for each "A". I can't seem to manipulate the "count" property of the query to generate the correct number. Little help??? Thanks....

Mike T

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Aggregate Query (Export To Excel)

Jan 19, 2007

Hi Everyone,

I am working on a Sales Analysis db, which pulls from:

tSales - Sales Figures (40k records)
tBuildUnit - Bom Build Units (8k records - one per product)
tBom - Bills of Material - All Components (71k records)
tUom - Units of Measure for Products (80k records - 10 per product)

It is quite basic in theory, it looks at a product sold, goes to tBom to get the cost of the raw materials.

I have a query that sums the components by their group, distinguishing between material and labour cost by the component group (cGrp) which is 'WORK' for labour and <>"WORK for materials. I can then sum the cost of the materials for a given product.

Anyway to cut to the issue in hand.

I export from our system (LM4 on btrieve on novell 3.2) into CSVs then manipulate those

And basically i want to have:

Cust______Sale04__Sale05__Sale06__Mat04__Mat05__Ma t06
Genesis 400 350 420 230 190 250
Exodus 0 100 0 0 60 0
Revelation 200 300 140 200

we have 220 customers in this recordset. so i would like just 220 rows.

My data that i export shows every transaction (so i have 40k records)

So i used a aggregate query, grouping by customer account and summing the value, material, and labour fields, however this gives me each customer three times, one per year e.g.:

Cust______Sale04__Sale05__Sale06__Mat04__Mat05__Ma t06
Genesis 400 0 0 230 0 0
Genesis 0 350 0 0 190 0
Genesis 0 0 420 0 0 250

How do i get one what i describe above?

After the query runs i want to export to excel with:

DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputQuery, "qGrouping", acFormatXLS, "d:Output.xls", True


(Carpenter by trade, now in construction acoustics and really shouldn't be doing anything with access!)

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Queries :: Using Max Function In Aggregate Query

Mar 25, 2015

I have a list of product sales for various regions.How do I write a query to only retrieve the record with the highest value in a region, but include the region and product code in the results?For example, If I run an aggregate query using the max function I still get the record for region:

SELECT Stats.ProdCode, Max(Stats.Sales) AS MaxOfSales, Stats.Region
FROM Stats
GROUP BY Stats.ProdCode, Stats.Region;

I realise that this returns the record for each region because the 'Group By' is applied to that field, but if I remove it then that field is not going to be available in the results(???)

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Viewing Info Text With The Mouse

Dec 8, 2006

How can I get a message box apper when you position the mouse on a text box or a field to display further information?

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Large Query Aggregate Function Error

Sep 15, 2006

Hi guys,

I am completely at a lose here. I have a LARGE sql query that was written before my time and how have the task of customizing it a little. It will run perfectly in Advisor Office (the program it was written for which uses access as the back end db). But if i try and create a query in access directly i get the following error:

You tried to execute a query that does not include the specified expression 'IIF (CommnPremiums.Type IN (1, 2), IIF (CommnEntries.Type IN (1, 4), 'Non Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type IN (2, 6), 'Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 3, 'Renewal', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 5, 'Trail', ' ')))),
IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 3, 'Initial', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type =' as part of an aggregate function

the full IIF statement that is causing it to fail is:

IIF (CommnPremiums.Type IN (1, 2), IIF (CommnEntries.Type IN (1, 4), 'Non Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type IN (2, 6), 'Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 3, 'Renewal', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 5, 'Trail', ' ')))),
IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 3, 'Initial', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 4, 'Renewal', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 5, 'Trail', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 6, 'Protected Rights', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 7, 'Transfer', ' ')))))) AS CommissionType

The WHOLE SQL query spans over 4 pages of A4 so i will only put it at the bottom (hoping its not needed to see the error. There are a few unions so i will put the first one in here to show what it is doing.

SELECT IIF (Policies.Owner = 0, clients.partnersurname + ", " + clients.partnerforenames, clients.surname + ", " + clients.forenames) AS Name,
Managers.FullName AS Manager,
IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 1, 'Initial Premium', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 2, 'Increment', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 3, 'Single Premium', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 4, 'Annual Renewal', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 5, 'Value Based', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 6, 'Protected Rights', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 7, 'Transfer', ' '))))))) +
IIF (CommnPremiums.Type IN (1, 2), IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 1, ' - Non Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 2, ' - Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 3, ' - Renewal', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 4, ' - Level', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 5, ' - Fund Based Trail', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 6, ' - Level Indemnity', ' ')))))), ' ') AS PremiumType,
SUM (Matches.Amount) AS TotalMatched,
CommissionCredits.CreditPC AS Credit,
Consultants.FullName AS Consultant,
ROUND ((CommissionCredits.CreditPC * SUM (Matches.Amount) / 100), 2) AS CommissionMatched,
Cheques.Amount AS ChequeAmount,
IIF (CommnPremiums.Type IN (1, 2), IIF (CommnEntries.Type IN (1, 4), 'Non Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type IN (2, 6), 'Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 3, 'Renewal', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 5, 'Trail', ' ')))),
IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 3, 'Initial', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 4, 'Renewal', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 5, 'Trail', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 6, 'Protected Rights', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 7, 'Transfer', ' ')))))) AS CommissionType
FROM ((((((((Clients LEFT JOIN Policies ON Clients.ClientRef = Policies.ClientRef)
LEFT JOIN Schemes ON Policies.SchemeRef = Schemes.SchemeRef)
LEFT JOIN CommnPremiums ON Policies.PolicyRef = CommnPremiums.PolicyRef)
LEFT JOIN CommnEntries ON CommnPremiums.CommnPremRef = CommnEntries.CommnPremRef)
LEFT JOIN Matches ON CommnEntries.CommnEntryRef = Matches.FKeyRef)
LEFT JOIN Cheques ON Matches.ChequeRef = Cheques.ChequeRef)
LEFT JOIN Managers ON Cheques.FKeyRef = Managers.ManagerRef)
LEFT JOIN CommissionCredits ON CommnEntries.CommnEntryRef = CommissionCredits.FKeyRef)
LEFT JOIN Consultants ON CommissionCredits.ConsultantRef = Consultants.ConsultantRef
WHERE Matches.FKeyType = 1
AND Cheques.FKeyType = 1
AND Cheques.ChequeDate BETWEEN #01-Jan-2004# AND #31-Dec-2004#
AND CommissionCredits.FKeyType = 1
AND CommissionCredits.Type = 1
GROUP BY IIF (Policies.Owner = 0, clients.partnersurname + ", " + clients.partnerforenames, clients.surname + ", " + clients.forenames),
IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 1, 'Initial Premium', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 2, 'Increment', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 3, 'Single Premium', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 4, 'Annual Renewal', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 5, 'Value Based', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 6, 'Protected Rights', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 7, 'Transfer', ' '))))))) +
IIF (CommnPremiums.Type IN (1, 2), IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 1, ' - Non Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 2, ' - Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 3, ' - Renewal', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 4, ' - Level', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 5, ' - Fund Based Trail', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 6, ' - Level Indemnity', ' ')))))), ' '),
IIF (CommnPremiums.Type IN (1, 2), IIF (CommnEntries.Type IN (1, 4), 'Non Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type IN (2, 6), 'Indemnity', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 3, 'Renewal', IIF (CommnEntries.Type = 5, 'Trail', ' ')))),
IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 3, 'Initial', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 4, 'Renewal', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 5, 'Trail', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 6, 'Protected Rights', IIF (CommnPremiums.Type = 7, ‘Transfer’, ' ')))))), Consultants.FullName, CommissionCredits.CreditPC

If I changed the IIF statement to:

'X' as commisiontype

it all works great but i need this information and its driving me mad. I can not see why it doesnt work within Access.

Any and All help would be great.



I have attached the FULL sql query if you want to look at it all.. it hurts my head to read it all ;)

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Domain Aggregate Functions In Query Expressions

Apr 3, 2007

Alright, I've got all the pieces to this puzzle, I just can't fit them together properly. I have two tables, tblTickets and tblTicketNotes. They are in a one-to-many relationship, there can be multiple Notes attached to a single ticket. I am trying to set up a query that will pull the first (earliest by date) note for each individual Ticket. Here are the fields from each table that would be of concern here:

TicketID - Autonumber - Primary Key
Issue - Text - I will be using this later as a criteria to limit with, but not neccessary

NoteID - Autonumber - Primary Key
TicketID - Long Integer - This is the foreign key of the relationship
DateStamp - Date/Time - This is the Note Date, I only want the first (earliest date) one
Content - Memo -This is the note information I want

So all I want is the Content of the first/earliest Note for each individual Ticket. I know this should be fairly easy, but I am at a loss.

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Aggregate Function Max In Update Query In Access

Dec 31, 2007


I have 2 tables, trying to update one table filed by using max(onefiled) from other table.

my qyery is as follows:

my tables are tblSubFlowForecast and tblPickCalendar

I have to update one field in tblSubFlowForecast by taking max(onefiled) from tblPickCalendar.

UPDATE tblSubFlowForecast INNER JOIN tblPickCalendar ON tblSubFlowForecast.Delivery=tblPickCalendar.Delive ry SET tblSubFlowForecast.[Latest Replen Date] = ( SELECT max(Pick) FROM tblPickCalendar WHERE Type="Replen");

I am getting error saying that "Operation must be an updateable query" :(

I have also tried in other way:

UPDATE tblSubFlowForecast SET [Latest Replen Date] = (SELECT max(Pick) FROM tblPickCalendar WHERE tblSubFlowForecast.Delivery=tblPickCalendar.Delive ry AND tblPickCalendar.Type="Replen" ) FROM

This is giving me syntax error (missing operator) :(

Can any body tell me why it is giving error?
Thanks in advance

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Query Aggregate Value Won't Subtract From Form Total

Nov 7, 2006

Here's a sticky one? (maybe...) I have a number of aggregate totals from several queries all linked to the Input Query and all Nz'd as 0's

From the image enclosed the totaling text box (top right left) is calculating the value in the properties box. The value should be 3.52 + 5 - 8 = 0.52 the value showing is -4.475 (which is 3.52 - 8) so I see it's ignoring the 5 value but I can't see why.

The ACDays and ALDays values are both generated by the same module, but with different Leave types. and as I mentioned previously all Nz 0'd

Any thoughts appreciated, I'm baffled:confused:

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Calendar And Text Boxes To Show Info

Apr 20, 2005

Ok, nobody chew me out... I know there's over 500 posts regarding calendars on here because I've read just about every single one and haven't found any answers yet. All of the posts that vaguely resembled what I'm looking for had no replies.

Here's what I'm trying to do:

First I've got 4 tables, each has different data including a start date, start time, end date, end time and description. Each table pertains to a completely different subject. The tables are already populated (imported from excel).

I've got a form with a calendar control (Ms Cal 7) in it... and that's about has far as I have gotten.

I would like to be able to open the form and have the calendar show all events for the current date (i found how to make the calendar show the current date, it's just populating the text boxes that I'm having a problem with).

So, here's how I would like it to work...

When the form is opened, you can click on a specific date (or don't click anything and it shows the current date). Then the textboxes show the info for that date.


Calendar = 4/20/2005 (Calendar control here)

Textbox1 = select from table A where subject="codereds" and start date = calendar control date

Textbox2 = select from table B where subject ="codeblues" and start date = calendar control date

Textbox3 = select from table C where subject="codegreens" and start date = calendar control date

Ok, anybody got a clue on how I can do this because I've had no luck finding it anywhere.

Thanks ;)

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Pull Info From One Text Box Forward To New Record

Aug 10, 2005

Looking for an automation solution
currently I have a database for client progress and prescriptions. when the file is opened it is set for data entry so that a clean note form is opened. I have a button that pulls up past notes for their review.
it has been requested that there be a way to pull the last narative field forward to the new record for editing as a number of the features of the narative remain the same.
Currently the only way is for them to open the last seen note hightlight the field and past into the new note. to high level for some of them.
Need to make this an automated feature where they would just click on a button and the process would all occur behind the scean and the note would apper in the new note narative box.
I know that I could tell the form to not be for data entry but then they write over the last note. this needs to be a new record.
Any suggestions greatly appreciated

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Imputing Data Displays Info In Another Text Box?

Oct 4, 2005

Haya all, I’m new to access and I’m trying to create a database for my boss, but am a bit stuck, it’s a Bundy clock system in access, I have the tables set up (I think), and what I’m stuck on is building a form where, when I put in the employs ID and press enter there name appears underneath, can anyone point me in the right direction of a tute that would show me how to do this?

Thanks so much

The way I have the table set up is 3 fields, staff ID, first name, last name. All within one table

I think I’m in over my head… but you have to learn somehow :confused:

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Modules & VBA :: Info From Linked Text File

Aug 11, 2014

I have a linked *.txt file and a qwery that returns the top 1 record from it. (The ideea is to check a value from one column of the file).Both the linked file/table and the query run corectly,I have a vba code on the on open of a form that is checking the query above mentioned (the form is on the Startup option of the database) and when I need to use the Dcount of the Query "


DCnt = DCount("Den_Fis", "Data_R_Mod_U$G9707014")

I get the "Runtime error 3625: the text file specification..." doesn't exist etc.I pres debug and test the query, I get the "Unknown Jet Error".I press Stop in the VBA and open the Qry - it shows what is was ment to show.I know the workaround is to make a maketable with the needed info and the Dcount on the local table, but it would add one query and one table to the database.

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Filter A Database Based On Text Box Info

Nov 20, 2014

I want to filter a database based on the info typed into the text box, after this, clicking on the button search and filter the database..I have an issue in my code, because I know just how to filter it based on a field but not for all..The fields I have are: Batchnumber, ModelnumberID, OperadorID, Datet, TestResults, Units and Status

My code is:

Me.Filter = ""
Me.FilterOn = False


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