Displaying An Access Form In Printed Material Or Powerpoint

Oct 10, 2005

Maybe a strange question but what is the best way to display access forms in a PowerPoint presentation or in printed material. If i do a print screen and then tidy it up the resolution is not great.
Any ideas

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Opening Powerpoint Presentation From Access Form

Mar 12, 2006

Is there an easy way to open a powerpoint presentation from an Access form? Have seen the coding solution on msdn but was hoping there was a simpler way.


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Modules & VBA :: View Powerpoint Presentation Slides In Access Form 2010

Aug 26, 2013

I would like to know if there is any code to view existing Powerpoint presentations in an Access 2010 form . I am creating a library and would like to set this up. I would need step by step info as I am a beginner. I have seen code for 2007 and tried it but it didn't work for me. I'm working with Access & Powerpoint 2010. I've seen VBA, Automation, etc. I do not want to build ppt presentations in access.

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Modules & VBA :: Open Specific Powerpoint File That Matches A Selection On Access Form

May 27, 2015

We have an access database which has a form that has a list box that details particular records. See attach "list box".

What I would like to do is double click on the record and this would look in a powerpoint folder (see attach "path") and open the presentation if there is a match to the value in Listbox Column 5 i.e. Tool Number.

I can get it to open the presentation if I include the tool number in the path but I cannot seem to be able to get it to compare the values and only open if there is a match.

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Access And Powerpoint

Apr 15, 2008

Hello, we have just installed a PC screen in our employee break area and this displays things that are going on in our plant using PowerPoint. Things are working well but we have a slide that needs updated daily and would like it to update automatically. What the slide shows is how many safe work days have gone by since our last accident. I have no clue on how to do this :confused: I know a little about access so if I can use access to run the PowerPoint sides then how would I do it? We also display birthdays and anniversary dates on other slides so I would like to display these things as well but on separate slides. Thanks!

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Problems Automating Access With Powerpoint

Aug 3, 2006

Ive been following the code on the Microsoft support site for automatically creating a PowerPoint presentation using data from Access.

The sample code takes one field from the sample table and displays this on the PowerPoint slide - it then assumes the user can apply this knowledge and add more fields to the slides themselves. I have tried to do this but am getting nowhere.

Please can somebody advise how I add additional fields to the slides via the code. I am afraid Im not very confident with VBA so am stumbling a bit blindly here. Here is a sample of the code that I think I need to add to:

With ppPres
While Not rs.EOF
With .Slides.Add(rs.AbsolutePosition + 1, ppLayoutTitle)
.Shapes(1).TextFrame.TextRange.Text = "Hi! Page " & rs.AbsolutePosition + 1
.SlideShowTransition.EntryEffect = ppEffectFade
With .Shapes(2).TextFrame.TextRange
.Text = CStr(rs.Fields("LastName").Value)
.Characters.Font.Color.RGB = RGB(255, 0, 255)
.Characters.Font.Shadow = True

I tried to replicate the last bit here by adding Shapes(3) and the new field name, but I must be doing something wrong because Access throws up an error message.

If anybody can give me some pointers I would be grateful. Also, if anyone can advise how I can determine the position of the fields on the slide I would be grateful (they seem to be centering at the moment).

The link for the full code is here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/dno2k3ta/html/officeaccess2powerpoint.asp

Many thanks,

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Access Pivot Charts In Powerpoint

Apr 1, 2004

I have created a pivot chart using the Autoform and now i want to export this charts to powerpoint, i cannot copy that chart which i have created in in autoform, i can export the pivot table to excel sheet and draw again the chats but i cant copy or export the pivot charts directly, Is there any option for that. can anybody help me in this case?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Add Pictures Into PowerPoint Using Access

Aug 17, 2013

I am using access 2013 to make a PowerPoint presentation based on the data in a query. I know how to do that much using VBA but I am also trying to make a slide with a picture on it from a saved location.

Dim db As Database, rs As Recordset
Dim ppObj As PowerPoint.Application
Dim ppPres As PowerPoint.Presentation
On Error GoTo err_cmdOLEPowerPoint


At the moment I am not worrying about adding the data as I know how to do this and had it working before - its just adding the picture to the slide.

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Insert PowerPoint Presentation Into Access?

Dec 4, 2012

I have a database that multiple users open and enter data in on a weekly basis.

I have a powerpoint presentation that shows instructions on how to use the database for the users.

I would like to insert the powerpoint users guide into the main form so the user can click on it and read the instructions.

I am working in access 2010...

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Modules & VBA :: Close All PowerPoint Files From Access Application

Apr 29, 2015

i want that if any powerpoint application is open after closing my access app all of these powerpoint files will be closed. i found this code for excel file and i changed it for powerpoint application. but i have an error message in this pink line?

error 438: object doesn't support this property or method


Public Function test()
Dim oApp As Object
Dim workbook1 As Object


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How To Place A Form Into PowerPoint Using VBA

Sep 3, 2012

I have made a powerpoint presentation from inside Access. I have a form that populates the fields based on user input. I would like to put a copy of this form into a powerpoint slide after the data has updated. Is there a way to do this?? I have tried numerous code variations and can't seem to get anything to work.

I am using Office 2003. My supervisors are comfortable with the display of the form the way it is. So I really need to use a picture of the form and not just the info contained in the form (otherwise i would just fill the slide with the data from the query)...

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Modules & VBA :: Using Access 2013 To Create Action Button In PowerPoint?

Nov 22, 2013

I am using VBA in Access 2013 to make a PowerPoint presentation using data from the access database. know if it is possible to use Access VBA to create a button in the presentation that runs a procedure itself?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Know If PDF Is Printed From Access

May 7, 2015

I have a hyperlink for a pdf document in my access form.

The user will enter his id and then he access to this form

I want to know when he opens the hyperlink if he will print the pdf file or not

I want to save the name of the pdf file in a table if the user prints the hyperlink document from the form.

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All The Records Are Being Printed From The Form...Not Only The One

Jul 26, 2006

:confused: Hi,
I have a form that loads from a menu option. The form has two subforms. All the specs are divided in groups within the forms and subforms. The forms depend on 3 queries that have all the tables correctly gathered. So, every title has a little print button next to it if the user wants to only print that group; if he or she wants to print the entire form, there is a button for that at the end of the form. I am currently having problems with the groups printing. Given that they mostly depend on a separate table and not the general one, every time I click any of the little buttons, I end up printing all the records in that table. I would like to be able to print only the info seen at the moment on the form.:(

Here is the code of one of the groups:

Private Sub Print_OperatingMechanism_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Print_OperatingMechanism_Click

Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "OperatingMechanism"
DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acViewPreview

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Print_OperatingMechanism_Click

End Sub

Thanks in advance...

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Update MS Access Field When Mail Merge Letter Is Printed

Apr 6, 2015

I am using an MS Access 2010 table as a data source for a mail merge. I would like to update a field in the table with the date that the letter is printed. Is there a way to do this?

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Close A Form After All Report Have Printed

Jan 12, 2006

Hello all,

I have a form that takes info from another form and then adds some from it's own data and then it proceeds to print a bunch of reports based on what tests were done etc. When I just print them (With preview) I have a function in the first report that prints (in its Close event) to close the form. No problem. I have a new slick little pdf thing that automatically names the files and puts them in the right spot etc. With this, after the first report is printed it closes thereby closing the form which needs to be open for the rest of the reports to open. Just put the close event on the last report that prints you say? I don't always know which report will be that last, it depends on the tests.

How can I check to see when all the reports have been printed and then close the form. Is there some way to have the form close itself after a certain time? Am I going to have to make the users close the form themselves?
Let me know if this is confusing. Upon reading over this it does sound a bit confusing. Thank you for your help and patience.


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BIll Of Material Weight

Nov 25, 2005

What is the usual way to store the weight in a Bill of material database? Do you store the weight for each assembly and each component or only the weight of the smallest components (where the weight of each assembly is calculated by adding the weight of each component)?
The way my table is set up just now only the weight of the cast component and screws are recorded and no values are recorded for the assemblies, I just want to make sure that this set up is apropriate as I wouldn't like to redesign my table once the system is up and running.

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Finished Product Is Also A Raw Material

Feb 23, 2007

I'm new to Access (2002) and have been trying to learn by reading books, posts, forums and practicing with models. I've set up a database for inventory, primarily to track the cost of goods sold as raw material costs change from month to month. So far I have tables for raw materials, container sizes, suppliers, and finished products. But I have a problem - in some cases a finished product is also a raw material, so cannot appear in both tables. (Let's say we make cookies and we make ice cream, and we also make ice cream with cookies on top as a third/separate finished product!) Should cookies have two records ('CookieFinished' and 'CookieRM') and can they be linked together so cost is determined before it's part of another? Is there a better way? Thanks in advance!

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Assign A Barcode To A Material

Sep 21, 2006

Hi Guys,

I've tried searching the forum to no avail,
I have a table (tblBarcodes) that has two fields, Barcode & Material
The Barcode field is already populated with specific numbers, but what I need to do is when I enter a new material on my form it will assign it a barcode from the tblBarcode and then append the Material code to the that table against the relevant record.

Is this possible?
Thanks again

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Reports :: Sum Amount Of Material Used By Date

Feb 4, 2014

I'm trying to create a report for my organization that sums the amount of material used by date. For example, I have five separate locations in my organization that all consume the same material. It gets reported separately by location. I need to know the total material consumed each day. Then I need to sort that daily total from largest to smallest quantity used. I've tried to do it in a query, and also by summing/grouping in a report. I thought this would be fairly straight forward, but no success as yet.

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Queries :: Material Checked Out And Returned Products

Apr 8, 2013

Finally got my DB straight so I am not using calculated fields however can't figure out the best way to handle the Combo Box so I do not show closed records ( Item checked out and item returned).

Please see the attached table of materials checked out and materials returned. How to setup a query so that if an item has been returned and matches the item checked out, Both the original check-in and the matching return records are filtered and not displayed in the Combo Box.

Also, I am a little worried about partial returns as when an employee only returns half the amount.

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General :: Count Number Of Line Items For Material

Apr 27, 2014

I have a form that could have duplicate material descriptions , is it possible to have on that form a field that counts the number of line items for that material and when the material changes the new number will appear .

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Incoming / Outgoing Raw Material - How To Get Balance Stock Item Wise

Dec 31, 2013

I have created queries from Incoming Raw Material and Out Going Raw material Tables..Now how to get balance Stock of Item wise,

My Query Look as under
item wt In Coils Out Coils Wt Bala Stock
part A 100 kg 10 3 30 Kg 7
part A 100 kg 10 5 30 Kg 5

I want that Balance Stock shall be 2 Coils of Part A , How shall I get the same result.

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Hperlink To Powerpoint

Aug 1, 2005

i am trying to set up a resource database to hold information for my team, links to files are working ok as a hyperlink apart from a link to a powerpoint presentation.

yes it does link by it trys to run the slide show, which i do not wont, my team only need to open the slide show and then they can view the file and if they want it they then can save it.

how do i stop it trying to run the slideshow?

any help would be good

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Exporting Into PowerPoint

Mar 11, 2007

I am not sure where to post this, so I am trying the general forum. What I have right now is a very simple access database for teachers at our school to use - it has a field for who the announcement is from, who the announcement is for, the announcement, and the date the announcement is for.What I want to do is export each record from Access and put each record on a separate PowerPoint slide, where the title of the slide is who the announcement is from, and the body of the slide contains the announcement. Is there any way to do this easily? I have tried the MSDN thing where you create a form that brings up an instance of PowerPoint, but I would really like to do an export of records from Access then import them into PowerPoint. Any suggestions on how to do that?(here is the link from MSDN http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa159920(office.11).aspx, this isn't what I want to do - I want a separate ppt file)

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Fields Printed

Dec 2, 2004

Hello all

Can I print out a list of the fields in a table??



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