Displaying Data From Another Table

Jul 28, 2005

I have a table of customers' data and another with the ISO country codes. They are joined. The country codes appear in the customers' table. The main table looks like this:


On the form I would like to display the country's name instead of the ISO code.

How is it possible?

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Displaying Data From A Related Table

Sep 5, 2006


I have a form based on 1 table and I am trying to find out if I can display data from another table if I have a relationship between the 2 tables?


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Displaying Record Data From Another Table To Another Table

Dec 31, 2005

Hello Fellow Access programmers

I am wondering whether there is someone out there that can help me with a question, I have created two tables one is called categories and the other is called Vehicle List, what I would like to do is to display a specific record from one of the fields in the categories table and display it in a specific field in the vehicles list table but I dont know how I can do this, is there anyone out there that can help, basically, when the user starts to enter data into the vehicles list table and they get to the field that only needs to display a specific record from the categories table, I dont want the user to enter any data in this field, it will only display a specific record from a different table. I may or may not be right with regards to an expression that needs to be entered and if so does it have to go into the default value box and can someone please give me some idea as to what the expression should say, can someone please give me the formula that I need to type in.

Your cooperation is greatly appreciated and I look forward to hearing from you, best regards Mark

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Tables :: Want To Export Data As A Table But Displaying Text Value Rather Than Key Value

Oct 26, 2013

I have inherited 1000 records which need to fit into new criteria selected from combo boxes and to do this individually by the forms will take forever so i want to copy and paste the data in the table, but when I do it doesn't fill in the form.

This may be a problem with the cascading script in the form as the fields fill in when I press f9 but disappear every time I open the form.Finally I eventually want to export the data as a table but displaying the text value rather than the key value.

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Displaying Data

Sep 3, 2006

Can't figure this one out. I am trying to get my query to show me which company's have not sent a supplier any money during a certain period.

However if I have the following data

abc company
1/10/02 £5
1/12/02 £10

an i search for any company who has not sent any money between 2/10/2 and 1/11/02 abc company does not show up because there is no data between these dates. If I had a record 2/11/02 £0 it shows up. So what criteria or query can I use to show this up?

many thanks

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Data Not Displaying

Nov 7, 2006

Hello All,

I recently added a couple cascading combo boxes to one of my forms and now the data from the underlying table that has already been entered does not show up unless I go in and reselect the options.

Anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?


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Displaying A Lack Of Data.

May 1, 2008

Not sure the title is the best way to describe my problem. lolWell i have only been working on Access for a few months. The database i am working on keeps track when employee have been trained in a certain SOP document. I have a table for employees names and info, a table for SOP names and info, and a look up table that includes both employee and SOP with the date that they have been trained. Is it possible to create a report that would display what they did not train yet? Forgive me if its a stupid question and any help would be great. Thanks for your time.Aloha

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Displaying Data In A Subform.

May 8, 2006

I have a form that displays a specific set of data depending what you select in a group of list boxes before. See image below:


You select a PIPELINE, a YEAR and then a HAZARD, and this brings up a series of risk assessments depending on what you've selected. The RISK ASSESSMENT is actually a subform thats been set up to look like a list box. (Side Note: The reason I have done this rather than just use a normal list box for the risk assessment is I wanted to have a combo box attached to each record in the list box. Access does not allow you to do that so I had to fudge it). The RISK ASSESSMENT subform is populated by a query. At the bottom of the form is a normal list box displaying the same information thats in the RISK ASSESSMENT - I have done this as a test to ensure that my fudged subform is doing it's job.

From the fist screen capture you can see that the combination of PIPELINE, YEAR and HAZARD produces 3 risk assessments - this is also confirmed in my test list box. Everything is ok so far.

The problem I have is that I can only get my subform to display the data when the PIPELINE selected in the first screen capture is selected. Any other pipeline selection does not display the data in RISK ASSESSMENT. However, I know the data is there as my test list box displays the data. See image below:


Therefore, my question is, why would data be displayed in the subform for some selections but not others, even though the data is there?

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Best Regards,


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Displaying Relevent Data Only!!!

Jul 7, 2006

I have a datasheet with some combo boxes that search for data under specific dates and times, at the moment when you select the date and time for the combo box, it will just go to the first record matching the criteria, however I would like it set up so that ONLY those results are displayed.

Any ideas??

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Form Not Displaying Data

Feb 10, 2005

I recently have made some changes to a bound form that someone else created. Since I made the changes, simply adding a couple more linked textboxes, the form will not populate any of the fields until I lose focus from this main form to another form and come back. I have tried adding me.requery, me.refresh to the onActive event, but it does not work.

Also this only occurs on 2 machines. If I try it on mine or a couple of other computers in the company the program works fine.

I am at a complete loss as to what to do and could really use some help on this one.

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Displaying Data - Whle Testing -

Oct 18, 2006

I know this is really silly.
How do I display data that I am working with in a report? I want to do the equivalent of alert or response.write. I am using msgbox, but it's getting old. What is the syntax for just displaying it ? Can I do that on a form? I tried using document.write, but it didnt like it. thanks-

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General :: Graph Not Displaying Any Data?

Jul 23, 2012

I Have this graph that needs to be run from a combo box selection. it doesnt seem to want to display any information at all. i have attached my database.

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General :: Displaying Data In Many To Many Relationships

Aug 26, 2014

My problem is displaying data in many-to-many relationships.

There are three main tables: tblShops, tblOwners and tblMarketingEvents.

These are linked through two junction tables creating two many-to-many relationships:

1) Each Shop may have more than one Owner and each Owner may have more than one Shop.
2) Each Marketing Event may reach more than one Owner and each Owner may be reached by more than one Event.

Now I want to display for each Marketing Event:

1) the data of that event, (tblMarketingEvents)
2) plus the owners reached in that event, (tblOwners)
3) plus all the shops owned by the owners reached in that event. (tblShops)

Preferably, I want to display more than one record at a time without repeating any information.

Is there a way to display the data like this?

I tried a query: it gives the right data but does not display it as I need. It repeats the data from tblMarketingEvents and tblOwners for each shop.

I tried a form with subform: it can only display one record at a time and is hard to work with (printing etc)

I tried a report with grouping levels based on the query: Again, right information, wrong display. I need to group according to the records of the MarketingEvents table and not just according to a single field.

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2 Querries Displaying Data In An Existing Form

Mar 16, 2007

i have 2 querrys with the same fields but different criteria (one is to search a person throw their id and the other one to search a person by their surname and dob). i can't work out how to display the results of the querries to an existing form i have. Can anyone help me please?

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Help Needed With Displaying Crosstab Data In A Report

Oct 27, 2007

Hi all, help with this would be appreciated.

I have a crosstab query which returns values in a range of categories. I have 5 categories. My problem is that sometimes a category may not return a value in 1 or more of the categories. This means that when I am displaying this data in my report I haven't got the data in the correct columns.

In the underlying queries for this I tried using a LEFT JOIN forcing the category, but when I executed the crosstab I got errors in all fields.

Thanks in advance

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Displaying Data From Two Databases That Have A Common Field

Mar 30, 2005

I'm a complete novice when it comes to dynamic data so forgive my ignorance.
My database contains details of projects in progress. A user can click a link in a list and
display a summary of that project (okay so far - I've done that bit) - in the database though there
are two tables the second one lists project events/comments (title, date, job number and description) - when something interesting
happens during a project we add to the 2nd database a summary of what happened (we made 2nd db because the list
of things happening could be one entry or 50 entries) - the tables are links by the job number.
On the web site I would like that when a user clicks the link to display the info about a project it all also pulls info from
the second db but for the project with the same number.

I've hard coded a similar thing before "select * from tblProducts where category like 'Off Road and Dirt Bikes'" but in
this case instead of hard typing 'Off Road and Dirt Bikes' I'd like it to automatically insert the job number of the project
being looked at from the first database.

I don't think I've explained this as well as I could've - but if anyone could help I will be really grateful.

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Reports :: Form Not Displaying Data Properly

Jul 29, 2015

I am brand new to MS Access 2013 & VBA.There is a form that collects the data and writes it to a SQL database. The form is a certificate order form for a school. There are two tables that data is written to. dbo.CertificateMaster & dbo.CertificationModules. There is a relationship between the two tables. A person will request the certificate and included in the request are the subject(modules) that the person has studied.As part of the request the college/school needs a printed copy of the request.As the report opens I need it populate certain fields with their full names. To do this I use the following script

Private Sub Report_Load()
Dim strSQL1 As String, db As DAO.Database, rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL2 As String, db2 As DAO.Database, rs2 As DAO.Recordset
Dim strSQL3 As String, db3 As DAO.Database, rs3 As DAO.Recordset


Problem 1:

When drawing the data from dbo_tblCourse_Department I need to populate 4 textboxes on the report. I am able to populate PgmTitle &NQFLevel, but I keep getting "Item not found in this collection error for Credits & SAQAID.

Problem 2:

I need to populate the various courses with their name which is extracted from dbo_tblCourses. However only the first course name is visible in the report. I have tried all sorts of different iterations with IF Then or Do While to get the names in the correct line of the report.

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Reports :: Report Not Displaying Data In Order?

May 17, 2013

I have a report that generates the position of certain items. When I produce this report it doesn't put the data in order. All associated data with that position is correct, it is just not in numerical order. The attached screenshot shows the issue I am having. In the position column it should read 1,2,3,4 but in some cases the positions are not in order.

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General :: Displaying Query Data In Pie Chart

Apr 8, 2014

I have some data that I want to display in a chart:

Theme Type Count(Type)
Blah1 1 5
Blah1 2 5
Blah1 3 8
Blah2 1 1
Blah3 2 5
Blah3 3 10
Blah4 1 111
Blah4 2 222
Blah4 3 333

I want to display that query data in a Pie Chart, one chart for each theme with a section of pie for each Type (with the value of the count determining the size). Unfortunately my mind has gone blank. Everything I try does not appear correctly, some queries also require an repeated entry of the parameters but even if I do that it doesn't display correctly. I think I need to write another query to the format:

Theme Type1 Type2 Type3 Type4
Blah1 5 5 8 1
Blah2 1
Blah3 5 10
Blah4 111 222 333

Is that correct and does that make sense? If it isn't correct how else do I do it?

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Forms :: Date And Time Not Displaying If No Data

Jun 9, 2015

I have a series of forms in my shiny new database and I have added the auto time and auto date fields to the form headers. I have added the code to keep the time ticking over and it all works fine.

Unless the is no data. If for any reason there is nothing in the Details part of the Form, the date and time do not display. As soon as any data shows up, so do the date and time.

The VBA code is running in either case so I am a little baffled. Usually Google is my friend but not in this case.

I am using Access 2013 on a win 7 machine.

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Forms :: Subform Not Displaying Data For Certain Records

Jan 22, 2015

I have a main form which displays data regarding stock takes for a number of locations. The form is bound to a query which is based on a table containing a STOCKTAKE_ID field which is an autonumber field. The STOCKTAKE_ID is present on the main form

I then have a subform which is linked to the mainform via STOCKTAKE_ID.

When I open the form for a particular location the subform displays data, no problem. When I do the same for other locations the form is blank. If I check the table that the subform is based on, there is a record with correct STOCKTAKE_ID but for some reason the form won't display it. There are also no duplicates.

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Displaying Text Field Data For The Corresponding Combo Box Selction.

Nov 29, 2005

I am designing a database for my Bank.
But I have a problem, please give solution If you can help me.

I have a Table name "BranchName",purpose for entering Branches of Bank.
Fields are as below.
SrNo. (Auto Number)
BrName (Text)
BrCode (Number)
Region (Text)

Now I had made a Form "Branch".
On this there is one Combo box in which all "BrName" are shown.I made that.
Now I made another Text Field where I want to show the corresponding "Region" automatically appears for the selected "BrName" .

Now how I make this.Any Query or Code Builder Event ??????

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Reports :: Fields Not Showing All Data (Displaying Around 250 Characters)

Jan 21, 2015

I have a report that runs from a query with fields but for some reason its not showing all the text in the field it only shows around 250 characters, I have the field to auto grow in size but still not working?

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Forms :: Displaying Data Based On ComboBox Selection

Jan 20, 2014

I'm building a new db for tracking tests/results, using Access 2007.

On this issue, I'm working with 2 tables, Sample and Equipment.

On a form to enter sample info, I have a combo box to select a piece of equipment.

When the equipment is selected, I need to have a sub-form populate with several fields of data from the equipment table, based on the equipment selected.

I'm not trying to save the equipment data again, I just need to display it, based on the equipment the user selects. This is just a kind of second check to remind the user what the equipment he's selected will do.

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Error 2448 - Displaying Data From One Form On Another Using Textbox

Aug 25, 2015

I'm simply trying to display the data from an open form named frmEventInput fields: [EventName] and [Description] on a new form that includes 2 text boxes with the control sources and names: [txtEventName] and [txtDescription]

It says Error 2448, You can't assign a value to this object!

Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim LResponse As Integer
LResponse = MsgBox("Do you wish to open 'Event Participant Registration Form'?", vbYesNo, "Continue")
If LResponse = vbYes Then
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acNewRec

[Code] ....

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Displaying Data From Combo And Text Boxes In A Single List

Feb 6, 2005

I have several combo boxes and textboxes showing quanity,productname,
size, and price. How can I pass all of this info in a single row that also calculates
the quanity and price. Also, multiple selections can be added, so several items can
can added in other rows. THe ability to cancel each row would be required as well.

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