Displaying Queries Thru MsgBox

Aug 14, 2007


Need help on how to display queries by using MsgBox. Reason being is would like to view my selection criteria to check why is it not displaying records though they exist in table.

Many thanks.

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Queries :: Remove MsgBox Created From A Query

Sep 26, 2013

Here is the SQL from my Query

SELECT PreStatus.Operator, PreStatus.Mode, Sum(PreStatus.CountOfMode) AS SumOfCountOfMode, IIf([SumOfCountOfMode]>=3,"YES","NO") AS [Current], PreStatus.Rate, PreStatus.Last, PreStatus.First, PreStatus.DET
FROM PreStatus
GROUP BY PreStatus.Operator, PreStatus.Mode, IIf([SumOfCountOfMode]>=3,"YES","NO"), PreStatus.Rate, PreStatus.Last, PreStatus.First, PreStatus.DET
HAVING (((PreStatus.Rate) Like "*" & [Forms]![Status]![Rate] & "*") AND ((PreStatus.Last) Like "*" & [Forms]![Status]![Last] & "*") AND ((PreStatus.First) Like "*" & [Forms]![Status]![First] & "*") AND ((PreStatus.DET) Like "*" & [Forms]![Status]![DET] & "*"))
ORDER BY PreStatus.Operator;

When I run Query a dialog box request for SumOfCountOfMode appears. Is there anyway I can turn this MsgBox off?This Database is used for the user to find out if their personel are current in said data. The user will be running this query through a Form and will get their results via a report if they put anything in this MsgBox it could possibly skew the data they are looking for.

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Queries :: Joining 3 Queries And Displaying Results In Separate Columns

Jul 31, 2013

I have 3 queries named Mech Final Equipment 3 Mth, Mech Final Equipment 6 Mth, and Mech Historical Final Equipment.They all have two fields-Final equipment and Sum of Sum of Down (calculating the number of minutes each piece of equipment was down in the time period selected).

My ultimate goal is to join the three queries to display a pivot chart that uses the Final Equipment as the category field and 3 Mth, 6Mth, and Historical as seperate data fields.What I have is a join query (Which I have named Mech Final Equipment H63 Joined)

Using this SQL:


SELECT DISTINCTROW [Mech Final Equipment 3 Mth].[Final Equipment], Sum([Mech Final Equipment 3 Mth].[Sum Of Down]) AS Duration
FROM [Mech Final Equipment 3 Mth]
GROUP BY [Mech Final Equipment 3 Mth].[Final Equipment]


Which returns a table that looks like this:

Final Equipment, Duration

Ancillary Equipment, 225
Ancillary Equipment, 401
Ancillary Equipment, 1787
Brush Unit , 1252
Brush Unit , 2519
Brush Unit , 8004

And so on.What I need the table to look like is this

Final Equipment, 3 Mth, 6 Mth, Historical

Ancillary Equipment, 225, 401, 1787
Brush Unit, 1252, 2519, 8004

And so on, like a cross tab.I tried to do a crosstab query but I don't have enough fields.

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Queries :: SQL Code For Displaying Max Date

Apr 13, 2015

I need displaying the max date sql code below;

PHP Code:

SELECT TblDietPlan.DietPlanID, TblDietPlan.ClientID, TblDietPlan.MealDate, TblDietPlan.MorningSnack, 
TblDietPlan.AfternoonSnack, TblDietPlan.EveningSnack
FROM TblDietPlan
WHERE (((TblDietPlan.ClientID) Is Not Null) AND ((TblDietPlan.MealDate)=Max()))
ORDER BY TblDietPlan.MealDate DESC; 

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Queries :: Displaying Records Horizontally

Nov 29, 2013

If you have a one - many relationship between data, normally in the table it is captured, you would find multiple rows for every 'thing', each row detailing different 'functions' performed on it.

Is there a way that one can display these functions horizontally, instead of vertically, i.e, have one row per 'thing', instead of multiple rows.

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Queries :: Displaying All Dates Within A Month

Oct 14, 2014

I have created a query to limit the list in a combo box to display the months and years of the date field in a table. Below is the code that I am using. This works fine except this displays the years within the months - for example:

January 2012
January 2013
January 2014
February 2012
March 2012
March 2014
April 2012
May 2012
May 2014

I would much prefer it to sort by month and year:

January 2012
February 2012
March 2012
April 2012
May 2012
January 2013
January 2014
March 2014
May 2014

SELECT DISTINCT Month([QTDate]) AS MoNum, Format([QTDate],"mmmm yyyy") AS MoName
ORDER BY Month([QTDate]);

How to change this code to make it sort on Month and Year, not just month?

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Queries :: Displaying Column 1 Instead Of 0 In Query

Nov 14, 2013

I have a combo box which queries a table and then stores said tables primary key field in a field for my main table. The table queried has two fields; one for the primary key and the other for the string, such as "chris".

My problem is when I run new query from the main table it shows the bound column, which is the primary key, instead of the string column which would display my name. I can't figure out if there is code that I should deposit in the criteria field that would tell the query to display the name field (ala "Chris") instead of the bound column field (ala primary key).

Do I need to add something to the criteria field or run an expression that says display column 1 instead of column 0 in your quey?

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Queries :: Only Displaying Unchecked Records?

Jan 17, 2015

I want to run a query to show all my outstanding orders between two dates. I've done all this correctly and it works fine. However I only want the query to show me the records where the checkbox on 'tblOrders' is unchecked. For obvious reasons, I don't need to see these records, just that records that have been checked, therefore are outstanding.

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Queries :: Displaying All Records But Filtering Certain Fields

Nov 21, 2013

I have a query that carries all the properties in our database, and data for when our company 'worked on' properties. Each property falls within a certain province and municipality (this is slightly irrelevant info) , we worked on properties in a period from 2009 - 2013/06/30 this period is called '2009', and we have again worked on properties during a period 2013/07/01 onward - this period is called '2013'.

Now I require this query to display all the properties, but only the entries in certain fields, that relate to '2013'.

I have about 7 fields where this date (either 2009 or 2013) can be displayed, I tried to filter them all simultaneously by using the criteria: Is Null Or "2013", in every one of these fields, but this criteria results in me losing entire records that contained 2009 data, instead of the data simply not being displayed. Even in cases where some of the 'date' fields contained 2013.

How I can keep all records but simply display info relating to work we did in the 2013 period?

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Queries :: Displaying Only 1 Result In A Query Column?

Jun 2, 2013

1 I have a delivery method column and I want to only show 1 type for each method. How would I do that? Is it in expression builder?

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Queries :: Displaying Entire Contents Of Search Results?

Dec 8, 2013

I'm trying to make a search form that makes use of queries that search a table based on what fields I have. How would I go about having the query display all the fields for the record(s) that match the search criteria? This is for Access 2010.

As far as the query is set up, I have several fields with a search criteria, and the others are for displaying the relevant information about the results (since they're not search criteria, I used "Like '*'"). When I ran the query, it doesn't come up with anything - even if the record actually exists in the table with specified criteria.

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Queries :: Displaying Query Result In Textbox On Form

May 19, 2013

Have a query which looks up an address using the text input into a textbox by the user.

What I'm now struggling with is getting the query result into the textbox.

Am still new to access and am hoping this is something fairly simple.

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Queries :: Displaying Query Results On Datasheet Form

Jun 24, 2014

I have a simple database with a query that "SUM"s an amount.

I created a form with a sub form that is linked by Account number. I want to be able to open the form in datasheet format and it to display the SUM value from the query.

When I open the form it responds with #Type until I click the + symbol to open the linked query then it updates the #type field with the data from the query.

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Queries :: Pivot Charts - Displaying Values As Percentage

Apr 8, 2014

I work at a program where we have individuals try out for a field (coming from various backgrounds). The program has been in place since 2012, and I wanted to start looking at the data for analysis and comparing trends, etc; I imported our master file (excel) into Access. It's in one big table, column headings include roster number, name, gender, type, FY (fiscal year), and finalcode (Select, Non-Select - but put it in as 1 or 2 in the field)).

I created a query, and was able to get data I was looking for.I then set it to Pivot Chart (bar graph).

Bottom (Believe its X) Axis: I have Type, Year.
Right Side of Chart (TypeCodeNumber)
Top of Chart: Count of CodeNumber

It gives me the totals (whether select or non-select) just fine, but I have been racking my brains, watched tons of YouTube videos and read a lot on how to make it give me a percent. I found a way to go Percent on the left side of the bar chart, but the Values go up to say 3300%. I know the problem is with the Count up top.

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Queries :: IIF Condition - Displaying All The Records Including Null

Aug 26, 2013

I want to list all the records which contains data as per my filter form field company.

I have tried this

Like IIf(IsNull([Forms]![Filter]![COMPANY]),"*","*" & [Forms]![Filter]![COMPANY] & "*")

problem is this i want to display all the records including null, but this code only show all records except null

Like IIf(IsNull([Forms]![Filter]![COMPANY]),"*" here we have to add codes for null values also but i don't know how ,"*" & [Forms]![Filter]![COMPANY] & "*")

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Queries :: Filter A Word - Not Displaying Blanks In Query With Not Like Criteria

Dec 17, 2014

I was trying to filter a word using Not Like "word" in my query cirteria, some data is blank also, From this record i want to retrieve the result. But when i use Not Like Criteria, filter is working but blanks columns are also filtered.

I want to display all records (including blanks) except what i shown in the criteria.

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Counting Results Of Multiple Queries And Displaying The The Reults On A Single Form

Apr 17, 2007

Im making a database about past bid results. In one table i have a list of bidders and which place they came in (along with some other information). I have 20 positions (1st place, second place and so on...), so i made 20 queries that search through the table for my company's name so we can see how many times we came in first, second, third and so on. Now i would like to bring the number of records in each query to a single form. I tried making another query to using the count feature on the other 20 queries but it keeps returning 0 as the number of results per query. But when i open each query up there are obvisouly more that 0 results in each. Is there a way i can bring up the number of results per query all on one form?

Thank you


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Queries :: Inventory Database - Displaying Results Of Query In Form Text Boxes

Aug 7, 2015

I have a Inventory DB and i want to integrate scanning. So far i have a table called StockInfo, this table holds information about bar codes (device type, make, model). I have a form called Scan_Barcode, on this form I want to be able to scan a bar code into a text box (text0) and use a afterupdate and requery function to display the results onto a form called EnterInventory.

Not only just the results but I want certain columns from the query to display in certain text boxes on this form. I have a query called FindProduct. that filters the criteria by whats entered on the Scan_Barcode text box (text0). So when i scan a certain bar code i can get the query to display certain product information for the bar code. I just cant get the results onto the HarwareStock form.

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Help Please On MsgBox

Apr 1, 2007

Could anyone please tell me what is wrong with this event procedure? I get an compile error always. What I want is, if the condition is not met, the message box would pop up otherwise close the form. Please help.

Private Sub (Field Name)_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
If (Me.MyFieldName = condition) Then
MsgBox "My Message"
End If
End Sub

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MsgBox - Help

Feb 21, 2005

Im want to create a msgbox that pops up when a parameter is entered wrong.

Ive created a query to search for customers - When run a box pops up saying 'Please enter surname' - If correct then a record appears.

If the surname is incorrect i get a blank table. I want a msgbox to pop up saying something like 'No Records Found. Please Try Again'.

Ive also created a button on a form which runs the query, this works fine:

Private Sub Command0_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command0_Click

Dim stDocName As String

stDocName = "Customer Search"
DoCmd.OpenQuery stDocName, acNormal, acEdit

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command0_Click

End Sub

How can i change this so a msgbox appears if nothing is found?

Any suggestions welcome. Thanks in advance... :)

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Nov 14, 2005

In MS Access,

MsgBox "Are you sure", vbOKCancel

and there is OK , and Cancel buttons.

I want to do that if click "OK", then run the action, if click "Cancel", then cancel the action.

MsgBox "Are you sure", vbYesNo
If (vbYesNo = 1) Then
// run the action
End If

So, how do I edit it?


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Dec 22, 2004

hi all

i have an event procedure with a msgbox using vbOKCancel.
if the user clicks cancel, basically i want to cancel the event. If the user clicks OK, I want to resume the event and complete the bunch of commands. What statements do I need to do this. I assumed that cancel meant cancel.... but...

I appreciate any help


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May 2, 2008

I am trying to popup a messge box that has multiple lines.

I have three textboxes on my form

When I click the button I want a messagebox to pop up and say

"Are you sure you want to update:"
Textbox value 1 [The actual value]
Textbox value 2 [The actual value]
Textbox value 3 [The actual value]

I am starting with this but am a bit confused...Any help woudl be appreciated...

Code:If MsgBox("Are you sure you want to update this?" + "THIS:", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, _ "Save Record") = vbNo Then MsgBox "DOING NOTHING" Else MsgBox "DOING SOMETHING" End If

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MsgBox Help

Nov 7, 2006

I've included the following code for when my report has no data.

Private Sub Report_NoData(Cancel As Integer)
MsgBox "No data for report"
Cancel = True
End Sub

but when you click OK on the MsgBox, the code falls over within the form, which originally opened the report on the calling line with an error message "The OpenReport action was cancelled".

This is the line of code in the form....
DoCmd.OpenReport "My report", acViewPreview, acEdit

Any ideas how I stop this happening. Thanks.

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MsgBox Not Working!

Jun 29, 2005

Can anyone tell me whats wrong with this code, its not working for me!!

If ((txtpassword = "") Or (combusername = "")) Then

MsgBox "Please Enter A Valid Access", vbOKOnly, "Error"

End If

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Msgbox Question

Jun 16, 2006

Is it possible to use a msgbox to fill in a control on a form?

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