Displaying Records Dependant On Combo Box

Jun 8, 2006


Any ideas on how to autofill the rest of a form when i select from a combo box?

ie when i choose a name from the list i want the rest of the form to populate with the rest of the data relevant to the selection.


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Updating Combo Box Contents Dependant On Other Combo Box

Nov 15, 2004

I have created a database that is used to track various programs that our organisation runs, and keeps a record of which Division the program is in.

at the moment I have a main form which has a combo box that lists Divisions, then I have a subform that has a combo box on it that lists the purchasers.

what I would like to do, is to have the Purchasers list update when a Division is selected in that main form, as depending on which Division is chosen the contents of the Purchasers list changes drastically.

Is anyone able to offer some assistance?

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Combo Box Dependant On Text Box

Feb 7, 2006


I would like to know how can i reference a combo box to the value of a text box on the form it is for a purchasing system.

if i select product one i only want the the order quantity for that item to show and the same with the price field as all the reorder levels and cost information is stored in a table. i have created queries only selecting the product code and reorder quantity and the product code and the cost price.

hope someone will be able to help


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Combo Box Value Dependant On Value In Control

Apr 22, 2014

I have a control called Pnummer (its personell number).After a user enters this number i want my combobox called Kenteken (Licenseplate number) to fill with only the licence plate numbers of the employee from the table Parkeerbeheer (Parking management).Should be simple enough, its like cascading comboboxes but then with only one combobox.So i put this code in the afterupdate event of the Pnummer control :

On Error Resume Next
kzlKenteken.RowSource = "Select parkeerbeheer.kenteken " & _
"FROM parkeerbeheer " & _
"WHERE parkeerbeheer.pnummer = '" & fldPnummer.Value & "' " & _
"ORDER BY parkeerbeheer.kenteken;"
I have left the rowsource blanc as above code handles that.

The only thing that comes to mind why it doesn't work is that the table bound to this form is NOT the source where i pull the licenceplate numbers from.

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Make A Field Visable Dependant On Combo Box

Sep 18, 2006

I am very new to Access and all that it entails but I have really learned a lot viewing everyones posts. I cannot seem to get my current problem solved.
I am trying to have a combo box appear depending on a preivous combo box selection.

1st combo box is "ApplianceCombo"
2nd combo box is "SpeedCombo" Set to Visible = No

1st Combo Box has
Washing Machine etc

If they choose Washing Machine I would like my 2nd combo box to appear which they can then choose

Hope I have explained this well enough.
Thank you in advance for any help

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Forms :: Displaying Combo Box Value

Jun 7, 2013

I have a DVD movie table and a lookup table for the movie genre. One selects the movie genre by opening a combo box which has the values. (Movie typeID which is a number and MovieType which is a text.The records are being displayed in a Access 2010 split form with the datasheet on the left. Any editing can be done on the right or the single record side.I would like to only display the genre for that movie as opposed to the combo box which can be edited and next to it have a command button to open a form in order to change or select the genre for the existing or new DVD.So, I guess what I'm asking is how do I display the genre fo that particular movie?

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Stop Drop Down From Displaying On A Combo

May 4, 2006

Hi all,

I was wondering if it is possible to prevent the drop down list from displaying on a combo box, and even better, to hide the drop down button. I know this just sounds like using change to and changing the combo to a text. However, as the text box doesn't have the same properties, it won't display the correct information and explaining how the combo box get its information is a little complicated. If there isn't a way, I'll try to explain in a reply. :)



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Displaying Columns In Combo Box Question

Nov 28, 2004

Hi, I have a combo with the following columns listed:

Project Number
Project Name

The width of the bound column (column 1) is 0, and Project Number and Project Name list properly in the combo box. However, on selection, only Project Number (Column 2) jumps into the box. Is there any way of getting the third column (Project Name) to also display after the selection has been made?

Many thanks

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Forms :: Displaying 2nd Column In A Combo Box

Mar 26, 2013

I've created a form with a combo box to allow users to set the Manager of an employee. I've set the control source for the combo box to the Managers table that contains a primary key and the manager's name.

I've set the bound column to 1, the column count to 2, the column widths to 1;2 (I want to show both columns in the drop down because users can identify managers by either their name or Manager ID).After updating the combo box, the Manager ID shows rather than the Manager Name. Is there a way to have the Manager name show instead of the Manager ID without setting the column widths to 0;2?

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Forms :: Combo Box With 3 Items Not Displaying

May 7, 2013

I have two synchronised combo boxes that are working brilliantly except for 1 thing.

The two boxes are Site and Building. I find a site from the Site box dropdown and only the buildings for that site are shown in the Buildings box dropdown. Perfect!

However, I have got 3 fields showing in my Buildings dropdown.

Private Sub cboSite_AfterUpdate()
Me.cboBuilding.RowSource = "SELECT BuildingName, BuildingCode, Status FROM " & _
"BuildingT WHERE SiteID = " & _
Me.cboSite & _
" ORDER BY BuildingName"
Me.cboBuilding = Me.cboBuilding.ItemData(0)
End Sub

that is BuildingName, BuildingCode and Status.

All three show in the dropdown
only BuildingName shows in the actual Building Box and I would like all 3 to be visible once I have decided on the building name I need!!

Can this be done by changing

Me.cboBuilding = Me.cboBuilding.ItemData(0) (as above)
Me.cboBuilding = Me.cboBuilding.ItemData(0), Me.cboBuilding.ItemData(1), Me.cboBuilding.ItemData(2)
or something similar??

Or do I need to create 2 new boxes to return the other values?? I am so close to achieving what I want with this form!!

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Forms :: Displaying X Combo Boxes And Positioning Them

Mar 30, 2014

I'm making a database of (electronics) chips in Access 2010. These have varying amounts of pins - 6, 8, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 28, 32 or 40.

On a datasheet, they are drawn as per the following image:


As you can see, the pin numbers run down the left hand side, then up the right hand side.

I have a table, tblPinouts. This has a text field called PinoutName and 40 number fields - Pin01 etc. It also has another number field - PinCount.

On a form - frmPinouts - the pin fields will be entered via combo boxes, which get their data from a table - tlkpSignals. However, I want the form to be visual, as per the picture. I've managed to draw a chip using boxes (as this seems preferable to using pictures), like this:

However, I want to adjust the 'drawing' accordingly for each chip. This means doing several things:
Extending the main rectangle downwards
Ensuring there are x small rectangles around the main rectangle at set points
Ensuring there are x labels inside the main rectangle at set points
Ensuring there are x combo boxes around the 'drawing' at set points

How can I ensure that only the first x combo boxes and small rectangles (x=PinCount) are present when a record is loaded, and that they are arranged correctly?

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Forms :: Cascading Combo Box Not Displaying Properly

Nov 18, 2013

I have a cascading combo box on a work order form that pulls the contacts from the customer selected in the main box.

It's working fine, values are printing fine on the reports, etc. however on the form itself - when you change from one record to another....the value is not displayed even though it's there if you click the report.

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Displaying Records

Feb 21, 2005

I have 500 Records in my Software Table, and I would like to display only those records that match my criteria that I place in my text box on my form called Software Name. So Once I have entered the software type in my text box, then I would like to display those records at the bottom of the screen as the selected records.... Any ideas??My table is called, Software, which contains Software Type, Software Name, Serial Id, Comments, Inventory Number, Version , Key and Company... I have a text box that is called txtSoftware, Which searches the databse and display the information in a list box called, lstResult, I would like to however, have the option, display in the list box but also display those records on the bottom of my form as it will look like in design view of my table. I have no idea how to ever start the idea ....

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Displaying Records

Nov 2, 2006

This is probably a very basic question, but I'm going to ask it anyway.

I have two tables linked together, in a one to many relationship (a supervisor table, and an employee table). Each supervisor can have many employees that report to them. I then set up a forum to enter new employees as they come into the corporation, and need to referance which supervisor they report to, I have a drop down box that I want to display SupervisorLastName, SupervisorFirstName (for example, Williams, George) but is only displaying the SupervisorID (for example 60).

How can I make the forum display Williams, George instead of 60?

Thanks in advance for your help.

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Displaying Text Field Data For The Corresponding Combo Box Selction.

Nov 29, 2005

I am designing a database for my Bank.
But I have a problem, please give solution If you can help me.

I have a Table name "BranchName",purpose for entering Branches of Bank.
Fields are as below.
SrNo. (Auto Number)
BrName (Text)
BrCode (Number)
Region (Text)

Now I had made a Form "Branch".
On this there is one Combo box in which all "BrName" are shown.I made that.
Now I made another Text Field where I want to show the corresponding "Region" automatically appears for the selected "BrName" .

Now how I make this.Any Query or Code Builder Event ??????

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Forms :: Multiple Column Combo Box - Displaying Values?

Mar 4, 2015

I have a multiple column combo box on my form, that is correctly populating. When I make a selection, it displays the result from the first column. Bound column seems correct, as my table is being populated correctly.

1 - Can I display the values from both columns after the selection has been made?

2 - If not, can I choose to display the second column (not the first) after the user has made a selection?

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Displaying Records That Have A Null Value

May 14, 2006

I'm trying to get a query to display only the records that have a null value in a certain field.

I know this has something to do with the Nz function, but I can't figure it out.

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Query Not Displaying All Records

Sep 5, 2006

Hi All

I have 28 records in my table - when I run the query (made by using the wizard) it only picks up 6 records.

I have no criteria in the query - just a straight query fulling all fields from the table.

Any suggestions?

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Records Not Displaying In Query

Nov 7, 2007

I am attempting to run a query with fields from 6 tables. These tables have been related, but just a simple ID to ID throughout all of the tables. When I select the fields I would like to be in query using the disign wizard it will allow me to create the query, however it will not display and data.

Originally, the query wizard would not allow me to insert all of the different tables fields in the query because "they were not related", so I went back and did the ID to ID relationships. Like I said this now allows me to create the query, but unfortunately no data appears.

Anyone have any suggestions please??

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Problems With Displaying All Records

Jan 14, 2008

Hi all, this is my first post here and im hoping one of you can help me! :).

Basically I have a report which pulls up a number of fields from different tables that basically show a work number and what the value of the materials used in the job cost. It works fine. Now when I go to add the labour table into the query, it instantly cuts out alot of the records. Now im 'assuming' this is due to the fact that not every job could have labour spent on it, that it is simply not showing records that do not have any labour hours associated with it. Therefore I want to be able to call up all the information as I did previously, but be able to show the hours spent on a job (if any). This is not my database and Ive spent a good day or so staring at it and trying multiple things but I cant seem to pull up the information correctly. There is a relationship between the tables, but I am puzzled why the information it pulls up when I add the labour table is so different.

Thanks for any help.

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Displaying Records And The Count

Jul 17, 2012

I have a continuous form (frmEmployeeVis) that displays the records in the form's Record Source (SELECT (whatever) FROM dbo_EmployeeData). One of these fields, NotActive, can be edited for each record and affects how that record displays elsewhere in my DB.

I have a query (qCurrentHC) that counts all of the records in dbo_Employee data where NotActive equals False (SELECT Count(*) FROM dbo_Employee Data WHERE (dbo_EmployeeData.NotActive="False")

Right now, I have a List Box that displays the result of the qCurrentHC query, where the row source simply selects the only value

It all works fine. The records display, the query runs, and the list box displays the number. However, if I change any of the NotActive values and hit update (Me.Requery on the frmEmployeeVis), the qCurrentHC query obviously doesn't update since it isn't the form's record source. If I open any of my other forms with qCurrentHC displayed in this manner, or reopen this form it will update since it'll rerun the query then.

How do I get the query to rerun when I update this field on that form?

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Displaying Data From Combo And Text Boxes In A Single List

Feb 6, 2005

I have several combo boxes and textboxes showing quanity,productname,
size, and price. How can I pass all of this info in a single row that also calculates
the quanity and price. Also, multiple selections can be added, so several items can
can added in other rows. THe ability to cancel each row would be required as well.

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Forms :: Displaying Initials In Combo Box When Option Selected From Drop Down

Oct 2, 2013

I have a Combo Box bound which gets its values from a table (T_Users).

The Combo Box displays the Users 'Initials' [Column 1], but the Bound Column [Column 2] is that of the Users 'ID' (which is used when a record is edited or a new record added).

What I want to be able to do is when the user clicks the Combo Box, and the drop down list 'drops down' the options, I want them to not only see the 'Initials' but also selected other columns - BUT - when the option is selected I just want the 'Initials' to be displayed in the Combo Box.

So, Normal > | ABC |

Dropped Down > | ABC |
| ABC (Annabel Carcus, Big Company Ltd.) |
| JB (Joe Bloggs, Medium Company Ltd.) |
| FS (Fred Smith, Little Company Ltd.) |

Select JB, and > | JB |

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General :: Access 2010 / Combo Box Not Displaying The Correct Item?

Apr 28, 2013

Using ms access 2010, I created a table called all items contains the ID, item name, item code, item price.

Second table I created called orders, contains item1,Q1=quantity,Tot1=calculated field.

Then a form to fill the orders table with a combo box for Q1 (gets the value from a table called numbers), second combo box for item1 (gets the value item code and item price from the table all items), and a text box to calculate the total of the Q1-item1(item price) All working perfect except the combo box for item1 ends up displaying a different item code that's only if the items were at the same price, for example, I choose latte from the combo box gives me correct item price but the code is cappuccino, only happening with items with the same price.

If I set the property of the combo box Bound Column to 1, I get correct item code but calculation error, Bound Column to 2, I get correct calculations but wrong item code. how to get the combo box to display the correct item code?

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Subform: Displaying Toptext When There Are No Records

Dec 20, 2007


This is not a very big issue, but a very annoying one. I'm making a weekly display of tasks preformed (One subform for each day). The functionality is almost like a timesheet. You register the hours worked on spesific tasks/projects.

The problem I got now is that the textbox containing the date (In the subform) is not displayed when there is no records in the subform. The date is set by the motherform - Me.Form!frmday1.Form.VarDate = Me.day1

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Displaying Records With Minimum Values Only

Mar 23, 2006

I'm trying to get my query to display only the minimum value within my query results. I have the following fields, CustomerID, OrderID, ProductID, WarehouseID, Freight Cost.

My current query will return results that show me the locations and freight cost of each product to my customers. My intention is for the query to only return records that has the lowest freight cost as there may be several warehouses with identical products but with varying freight costs due to location to customer.

I've tried to apply the MIN function on Freight Cost but it will only sort the records in ascending order instead of only displaying the record with lowest frieght cost.

Thanks in advance for your help.

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