Division By Zero Problem With Random Records :(

Apr 19, 2008

Hi all

I've been using the following code to show Random records from an Access Database, the only problem with it is that every now and again it throws a "division by 0 error" any ideas how i can fix?

Code:strsql_videos = "select top 5 * from items ORDER BY RND(id)*(id*1000) MOD datePart('s', NOW()), id;"set rs_videos = server.createobject("ADODB.recordset")rs_videos.open strsql_videos, conn_videos, 3, 1, adCmdText

Iam hoping its possible with a few lines of code rather than some elaborate fix :P

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How To Select X Random Records

Jun 20, 2005

I need to select 200 random customers from my table, how can I do that?

Table: tblCustomers
PK: CustID

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Random Duplicate Records

Feb 20, 2006

Hi Guys,

I hope someone can help with this. I have a table, "Blasthole Submission" which is populated by input in a form, using the code below:

Const MyTable As String = "Blasthole Submission"
Const MyField As String = "Sample Name"
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim intCounter As Double
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(MyTable)
For intCounter = Me.txtStartValue To Me.txtEndValue
rs.Fields(MyField) = "TP" & intCounter
rs.Fields("Submission #") = Me.SubNum
rs.Fields("Sample Type") = "Blasthole"
rs.Fields("XRF") = "True"
rs.Fields("LOI") = "True"
Next intCounter
Set rs = Nothing
Set db = Nothing

What I am hoping to do is to place a random duplicate in the table, called, for example TP111152 DUP, approximately every 50th record. Is there any easy way of doing this?

Thanks in advance for your help!

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Update All Records With Random Value ?

Jul 25, 2006

This is my first post. Please help me.

Here's my DB :

Status : Number (Long Integer)
Random : Number (Double)

If Random value is around 0-0.9, the status value is 1
If Random value is around 0.9-1, the status value is 0

Here's my Query :

UPDATE DB Set Random = RND()

Rnd() give random value, but each records have the same value,
let's say 0.71212154

How can I update all records with random value,
with a single query ?

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Extracting Random Records

Nov 3, 2006

If i have a table with several records let's say 1000 records, and each record has a field called cboCategory. Now from these 1000 records, lets say i have 200 records which has a value of CategoryA in the cboCategory field. Now is it possible that i extract "randomly" a number of records from that particular category chosen.


Table -> 1000 records

records which belong to categoryA -> 200

extract 20 random records from the table which have a value of categoryA inthe cboCategory field.

Thanks for any suggestion.

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Query To Select 20 Random Records

Aug 9, 2007

As part of my job, each month I have to select 20 problem report resolutions and grade them on quality. Typically we have about 100 problem report resolutions per month. Is there a way I can use a query to return a random selection of 20?


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Select 20 Random Records In Query

Mar 12, 2008

I have to review 20 reports each month for quality check. I have a query that lists the reports completed within the past 30 days. Is there a way to filter this query to show only 20 random records?

If there is no way to do this, can you suggest some way of doing this so that it's impartial? For example I don't want to select the first 20 of the month because everyone will catch on and wait late in the month to post their report. Normally about 70 reports are completed in a month.


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Selecting 4 Records At Random From A Table

Apr 2, 2006

Hi All,

Any ideas on how I do the following.

I have a table with 1500 records in it.

I want to select at random 4 of these records and append them into another table along with some other data that the query will not pick up, in this case Pilot and Month.

I guess I am having to go the VBA route but dont have a clue on how to do it.

Cheers in anticipation.


INSERT INTO Assignments ( flightcode, aircraft, depart, destin, pilotcode, [Month] )
SELECT Schedule.Flightcode, Schedule.Aircraft, Schedule.Departure, Schedule.Destination, [pilot] AS Expr1, [MONTH] AS Expr2
FROM Schedule
WHERE (((Schedule.Departure) Like "man*"));

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Queries :: Select Random Records From Unrelated Tables

Aug 9, 2014

I am fairly new to Access 2013 but am trying to create a query that will select random records from three totally unrelated tables and display the results together as if one table -- think video slot machine wheels. Each table has two fields - ID which is the primary key and NAME. The data in the tables are names of states, names of colors, and types of animals. Each table has a different number of records. My end result is a table that selects X number of random records from each table and displays them side by side like this:

Desired Result:
Animal Color State
cat red Ohio
dog blue Texas
fox green Iowa

I have been able to create three individual queries that will pull X number of random records by using:

SELECT TOP 10 Animals.[ID], Animals.[Name] FROM Animals ORDER BY Rnd(-(100000*[ID])*Time());
SELECT TOP 10 Colors.[ID], Colors.[Name] FROM Colors ORDER BY Rnd(-(100000*[ID])*Time());
SELECT TOP 10 States.[ID], States.[LongName] FROM States ORDER BY Rnd(-(100000*[ID])*Time());

Using the three queries above I get three separate lists. how to make one query that will randomly pull from all three tables and make the display above?

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Queries :: Adding New Records To Table - Random Number No Duplicates

Jul 31, 2013

I have a form which allows the user to add new records to a table. After the user had entered all the information into the form, they click a command button to add the record. In addition to adding the new record, my command button runs an query which is supposed to generate a random number between 1 & 1,000,000,000 and update the record ID field with that number.

Here is the formula I have been using in the "update To" now of my query: Int((1000000000-1+1)*Rnd()+1)

My problem is that I keep getting duplicates. You would think that the chances of getting a duplicate number would be pretty small with this large of a range, but I get a duplicate almost every time.

I have tried indexing (No duplicates) the field in the table, but that did not work. When my query generated a duplicate number, the record was just not added to the table.

I also tried a two step approach:
1-Make a table of all in use record ID numbers from my table (tblIdNo)
2-Update new record with a random number that is not in tblIdNo

This was a no-go too

How to build an update query that will update each new record added to the table with a random number between 1 & 1,000,000,000 without any duplicates? This seems like it should be so simple, and I am starting to get really frustrated.

I would prefer to accomplish this through a query/queries (if possible) rather than with 100 lines of code. This database is not for me, it's for another group, and the individuals in this group are totally freaked out by code.

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Queries :: Query For Inserting Random Records Into Temporary Table

Jul 16, 2015

I'm trying to insert 10% of a dataset from dbo_billing into another table Random_Temp. Another form is open when this query is to be ran that passess in the billyear and billmonth... I'm sure it's a syntax issue as I can isolate the random number part and it displays the appropriate data, I just can't re-write it to insert into the other table:

INSERT INTO Random_Temp ( indx, peopleId, audited )
SELECT TOP 10 PERCENT b.indx, b.peopleId, b.audited
FROM dbo_Billing AS b
WHERE (((b.billYear)=[Forms]![billing]![billyear]) AND ((b.billMonth)=[Forms]![billing]![billmonth]) AND ((b.recertifying)=-1))
ORDER BY Rnd(-(1000*b.indx)*Time());

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Modules & VBA :: Random Test Generator Which Pulls Records Based On Category From Table

Oct 3, 2013

I'm having trouble with my VBA module.I have a random test generator which pulls records based on a category from my table into a temp table using a make table query. I use the following code:

Private Sub Command2_Click()
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "1", acViewNormal, acEdit
DoCmd.OpenReport "WrittenExam", acViewPreview, "", "", acNormal
Reports!WrittenExam.lblTitle.Caption = "Exam Name"
DoCmd.OpenReport "WrittenExamAnswerSheet", acViewPreview, "", "", acNormal
Reports!WrittenExamAnswerSheets.lblTitle.Caption = "Exam Name - Answer Sheet"
End Sub

My querry makes the table, and then generates two reports (my exam, and the answer sheet). I'm getting an error 3211, saying the temp table is already in use by another process when trying to generate both reports. I used a Macro before, but I have a need for custom report headings, so I'm using VBA.

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Division By Zero?

Aug 23, 2005

I'm trying to trouble-shoot an undocumented datbase built by someone else and running into a recurring problem. She has it set up where a macro runs several queries. When these macros are run, the queries cause "Division by Zero" errors which stops the macro in its tracks. The following is a query that causes this error, but by looking at this query, I see no place where a division takes place. I'm assumming that another porblem is occuring and Access just states that it's division by zero error when it's actually something else.

1) Has anyone seen a "Division by Zero" error when running a query when it's actually something else causing the problem?
2) Can anyone see from the query what could possibly cause this and give me a hint as to a good way to trouble-shoot these queries to possibly handle whatever problem is occurring.


The query is as follows:
SELECT [Buyer Category Fiscal Period for Report].FiscalMonth, [Buyer Category Fiscal Period for Report].FiscalYear, BuyerCategory.Buyer, BuyerCategory.Description, BuyerCategory.CategoryID, [008c GMROI by Category].[Category GMROI], [016c MTD GM by Category].[MTD GM], [017c YTD GM by Category].[YTD GM], [010c Turns by Category].[Category Turns], [005c MTD Cogs by Category qry].SumOfNetCogs, [004c YTD Cogs by Category qry].SumOfNetCogs, [006c MonthEnd Inv by Category qry].MonthEndInv, [014c GMROI Buyer Category].BuyerCategoryGMROI, [018c MTD GPM by Category].[Buyer Cat MTD GM], [019c YTD GPM by Category].[Buyer Cat YTD GM], [015c Turns Buyer Category].[BuyerCategory Turns], [005c MTD Cogs by Category qry].SumOfNetSales AS [MTD NDS], [004c YTD Cogs by Category qry].SumOfNetSales AS [YTD NSD], [Buyer Category Fiscal Period for Report].EndDate
FROM ((((((((((((BuyerCategory LEFT JOIN dbo_Category ON BuyerCategory.CategoryID = dbo_Category.CategoryID) LEFT JOIN [008c GMROI by Category] ON BuyerCategory.CategoryID = [008c GMROI by Category].CategoryID) LEFT JOIN [016c MTD GM by Category] ON BuyerCategory.CategoryID = [016c MTD GM by Category].CategoryID) LEFT JOIN [017c YTD GM by Category] ON BuyerCategory.CategoryID = [017c YTD GM by Category].CategoryID) LEFT JOIN [010c Turns by Category] ON BuyerCategory.CategoryID = [010c Turns by Category].CategoryID) LEFT JOIN [005c MTD Cogs by Category qry] ON BuyerCategory.CategoryID = [005c MTD Cogs by Category qry].CategoryID) LEFT JOIN [004c YTD Cogs by Category qry] ON BuyerCategory.CategoryID = [004c YTD Cogs by Category qry].CategoryID) LEFT JOIN [006c MonthEnd Inv by Category qry] ON BuyerCategory.CategoryID = [006c MonthEnd Inv by Category qry].CategoryID) LEFT JOIN [018c MTD GPM by Category] ON BuyerCategory.CategoryID = [018c MTD GPM by Category].CategoryID) LEFT JOIN [019c YTD GPM by Category] ON BuyerCategory.CategoryID = [019c YTD GPM by Category].CategoryID) LEFT JOIN [015c Turns Buyer Category] ON BuyerCategory.Buyer = [015c Turns Buyer Category].Buyer) LEFT JOIN [014c GMROI Buyer Category] ON BuyerCategory.Buyer = [014c GMROI Buyer Category].Buyer) LEFT JOIN [Buyer Category Fiscal Period for Report] ON (BuyerCategory.Buyer = [Buyer Category Fiscal Period for Report].Buyer) AND (BuyerCategory.CategoryID = [Buyer Category Fiscal Period for Report].CategoryID)
GROUP BY [Buyer Category Fiscal Period for Report].FiscalMonth, [Buyer Category Fiscal Period for Report].FiscalYear, BuyerCategory.Buyer, BuyerCategory.Description, BuyerCategory.CategoryID, [008c GMROI by Category].[Category GMROI], [016c MTD GM by Category].[MTD GM], [017c YTD GM by Category].[YTD GM], [010c Turns by Category].[Category Turns], [005c MTD Cogs by Category qry].SumOfNetCogs, [004c YTD Cogs by Category qry].SumOfNetCogs, [006c MonthEnd Inv by Category qry].MonthEndInv, [014c GMROI Buyer Category].BuyerCategoryGMROI, [018c MTD GPM by Category].[Buyer Cat MTD GM], [019c YTD GPM by Category].[Buyer Cat YTD GM], [015c Turns Buyer Category].[BuyerCategory Turns], [005c MTD Cogs by Category qry].SumOfNetSales, [004c YTD Cogs by Category qry].SumOfNetSales, [Buyer Category Fiscal Period for Report].EndDate
ORDER BY BuyerCategory.Buyer;

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Division By Zero

Jun 28, 2007

I have a field in the a query with the following:
% OVER NB: 1-([Monthly MTA Table]!NB/[main inventory table]!PRICE)
I then format the column in properties to percent
When I try to put anything in the criteria I get an error "Division by zero"

I want to only the records that are greater then 80%

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Division By 0

Apr 9, 2008

I have a query with the following calc. but it has an error of 'division by o' when I run it. Some of the figures may be null or 0 within the fields and I still want it to return a % figure result

I know its probably the iif function but am not sure how to use it in this instance.

Process %: Sum([Process volume]*[se]/[minutes worked])


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Division Of A Field

Nov 2, 2007

I have a table named "Patients" with a field named "Code" and another field named "Patient" which contains the full name (LastName space FirstName) "Chaviatsos Nick" for example.
I want to make an other table from the table "Patients" with three fields:
1. A field named "Code"
2. A field named "LastName" which will contain the Last Name of the field "Patient" of the table 'Patients" and
3. A field named "FrstName" which will contain the Frst Name of the field "Patient" of the table 'Patients"
How Can I manage this?

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Round Integer Division .5 To 1

Nov 8, 2007

Please help me with the round function. I want .5 to round to 1.
Here is an example of my data: (18+18+18+20)/4 = 18.5 rounds to 18. I want it to round to 19.

I used the following expression:
RoundACT Composite Score: Round((([Column1]+[Column2]+[Column3]+[Column4])/4),0)

Thank you.

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Division By Zero In When Order By Column Number

Jul 30, 2013

So, I have some complicated calculations I am aliasing in my SQL query. My end goal would be to sort by my final calculation from all the other calculations I have performed but I am running in to some issues. I know I can't sort by referencing the alias itself without saying order by (column number). My calculations are usually pretty small (around .001 and up). Whenever I order by the column number I would like to use (select... from... where...order by 73) I get a "Division by zero" error in access. I figured this was an issue with how small the calculations were, so I multiplied by 1000000, then ordered by that column number. Still division by zero...I went ahead and changed all 0 values to 1, still division by zero. There are no zero values in the column itself, it's either 1 or something in the thousands. I can order by other columns, just not the one I want to use. I don't want to have to re-do my entire calculations in my order by clause.

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Division By Zero Error But It Works When I Dont Have Any Criteria

Jun 22, 2007

I have made a query with to take the percent difference of two mileages and then if they are greater than 2.5% to put a 1 or if not a 0. I try and put a 1 in criteria in order to only see the ones that are changed by greater than 2.5% and I get the divide by zero error. Any ideas how to fix this problem.

Here is my IFF statement

diff: IIf((Abs(([Mile1]-[Mile2]))/[Mile1]>=0.025),1,0)

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Queries :: Divide Profit Over Turnover To Show Margin - Division By Zero Error

Apr 10, 2013

I am running a very simple query that divides profit over turnover to show the margin. I have many queries throughout my database that do this, here is my little formula;

Margin: Round(([profit]/[Turnover])*100,2)

Now, this runs just fine but if I put in a criteria of <10 I get the division by zero error. The reason I am confused is that there are no zeros or error values or even negative values in either of the profit or turnover columns?

Also I have an almost identical query in another database that has a <5 criteria in it and it works a peach.

I have searched but all I am getting is the usual definition of the division by zero error.

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Rnd Not Very Random

Aug 10, 2005

I have a small unbound form which has a txt box with code something like =Rnd((20-1+1)*Rnd()+1)) to generate random numbers. When the db and form are first opened the field always contains the same number. Using F9 to refresh will generate another number but it is always the same too.

If the form is closed then reopened (db is not closed) the field will happily generate a random number each time the form is opened or if F9 is used.

I have tried Recalc in numerous events but each time it failed to work. It's late at night here so I'm hoping the morning will bring a clearer outlook???

Has anyone got any suggestions? :confused:

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Is Random Really Random?

Jan 5, 2005

Was playing around, and when using the
Code:Me.txtNum1.Value = Int((51 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)
format, I noticed that, with 6 differnet text boxes, that after opening the database, the "random" numbers repeat in the same order. That is, with 6 randomly generated numbers, the first set is always the same and the second the same and so on.

Why is it not really random?

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Random Numbers

Aug 30, 2005


Can you please help me out--give me some guidance-if you have knowledge about random numbers. Say, for instance, I have 2,000 records and I want to randomly create a final list with 800 of these records, how do I go about it? Thanks.

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Random Deletions

Oct 4, 2005

Hi, I have a DB that is basically a big electronic form. Each table is a section of the form and the main central table stores the ID's from the other tables. Most of the relationships are one to one but without referential integrity because sometimes sections need to be skipped.

It's been growing fairly rapidly lately as bit's keep getting added but now a weird deletion problem has started appearing. Every once in a while when a user goes to complete the form (right at the end) it suddenly dissapears. The records in the related "section" tables are still there but the main table storing all the ID's loses the record.

There are NO cascade update/delete's on any of the relationships, also no-error message appears it just goes. I think there is a problem in actually saving the record because I moved a DoCmd.RunCommand acSaveRec command from the complete button to a slightly earlier process and the point at which the record dissapeared also moved.

Does anyone know what may be causing it? It only happens to about 1 in 30 forms and there is no obvious link between the problem and
a) the machine it happens on
b) the person using it
c) the data entered into the form

If it happens the same user can input exactly the same data in exactly the same way and it saves it fine.

It really is random!

People are starting to get really frustrated. I was tring to "sell" the idea to a new department as well and had 15 people sitting in front of a projector when it happened to me. I was mortified :eek:

Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.



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Random Error

Feb 11, 2008


everything was going fine until a random error appeared and now wont go away.

here is my code


Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = " Payment Numbers" ' name of form t open
ANumber = [LastOfVerificationID].Value ' set value of latest Verify number

stLinkCriteria = "[ContractorID]=" & me.ContractorID ' filter to contractorID
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
Docmd.GoToRecord, , acNewRec

Forms![Payment Numbers]![VerificationID].Value = ANumber

end sub

this was working fine but now i get the following error message:

Run-time error '40036'
Method 'Item' of object 'Forms' failed

when i debug, it highlights the line
Forms![Payment Numbers]![VerificationID].Value = ANumber

the purpose is to get the LastOfVerificationID value from form 1 and then open Payment Numbers, create a new payment number, set verificationID to the new value. this was working fine and without even woring on the forms code, this error has arisen.

how can i fix it?


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Random Autonumber

Jul 27, 2007

With Access 2003 I have a tbl_Orders with the field OrderID set as Autonumber>Long Integer>Random. This produces long strings of numbers both positive and minus. Is it possible to set a certain format such as #### and no less than 0 but no more than 9,999?

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