Dlookup In Qry Based On 2 Numeric Fields

Nov 12, 2006

i have tblDates that has two number long integer fields named FiscalYear and FiscalMonth. then there is my field PerSeq is number long integer.

in my Query1, i have 2 fields that use a question in the field part of the qry like:
Desired FiscalYear: [Enter Fiscal Year] EG 2007
Desired FiscalMonth: [Enter Fiscal Month] EG 2

And now the Qry question. The field in the qry "Desired BaseSeq". i want this dlookup to get PerSeq out of tblDates based on my response to the Desired FiscalYear and Desired FiscalMonth.

I start it out here but it is wrong i know.

Desired BaseSeq: DLookUp("PerSeq","tblDates","[Desired FiscalYear] And [Desired FiscalMonth]=" & [tblDates].[FiscalYear] And [tblDates].[FiscalMonth])

Thanks you.

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Queries :: DLookup Returning Numeric Value As Text

Apr 19, 2013

I have a Dlookup which returns the correct value but returns the text of the instead of a numeric value. I have triple checked that the fields are all numeric. I suspect there is something wrong with my Dlookup syntax as it is my biggest weakness. In the following syntax what could be wrong?

DLookUp("SSER","TABSSS",[grosspay] & " Between [TABSSS].[Minrange] And [TABSSS].[Maxrange]")

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General :: DLookup With 3 Multiple Numeric Criteria

May 10, 2015

I have this payroll system:JJAEPAYROLL.accdb

In the "qryEmployeeWTax" i need to Lookup the [InitialTax] from the "qryreftbl_WTAX" based from the [ETPES] and [SalaryAfterStatutoryDeductions], so i am using this function:

InitialTax: DLookUp("[InitialTax]","qryreftbl_WTAX","[ETPES]=" & [ETPES] & "AND [ValueRangeStart]<=" & [SalaryAfterStatutoryDeductions] & "AND [ValueRangeEnd]<" & [SalaryAfterStatutoryDeductions])

But it doesn't work

I am able to use DLookup successfully using 2 criteria s in my "qryEmployeesStatutoryInfo"

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup Multiple Criteria Not Working - Column Is A Numeric Field

Feb 25, 2015

I have a small problem with dlookup multiple criteria. Vba code looks like this:


Label34.Caption = DLookup("[Spent_Hours]", "249_1_CHours", "[Date_Added]= " & Me.Text27 & " And [Shift] = '" & Me.Text29 & "'")

This gives following error:

Syntax error in number in query expression '[Date_Added]=4.02.2015 And [Shift] = '2'.

[Shift] column is a numeric field.

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Numeric Fields

Apr 9, 2007

We still use Visual dBase 5.6 for most all of our database operations. We were considering the change to Access 2007.
I was wondering about numeric fields. There are like four different options of numeric fields. Which would I choose for just a plain number field? Also how do I set a fixed field width?

Thanks for any help. I hope this is in the correct spot.


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Numeric Fields Alignment In A List Box

Feb 2, 2005

While using list boxes i noticed that numeric fields were getting left aligned in the columns. Is there any way to get them right aligned ?

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Queries :: How To Convert Text Fields To Numeric

Aug 16, 2014

I have an ms access Database(2013 version). There are about 10000 records. There are some columns with field property of "short text" but contains the values like that 0.4,7, 9.0 etc I would like to convert the "short text" into "double" without loosing information.

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Queries :: Concatenate - Difference Between Numeric And Text Fields

Aug 6, 2015

I have a Query contains field that is :

Code : AllNv: Concatenate("SELECT NAll FROM NormalsQ WHERE SerName='" & [SerName] & "'" & " ORDER BY NormID")

but [SerName] is a text type field that is not Primary Key.

I have in the FamilyTbl , [ServiceID] is numeric type field, and a primary key. I try :

Code ; AllNv: Concatenate("SELECT NAll FROM NormalsQ WHERE ServiceID='" & [ServiceID] & "'" & " ORDER BY NormID")

but this returns all [NAll] records. I use concatenate :


Function Concatenate(pstrSQL As String, _
Optional pstrDelim As String = ", ", _
Optional pstrLastDelim As String = "") _
As Variant

[Code] .....

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Queries :: Records Not Showing With Blank Numeric Fields

Jan 27, 2014

I have a query which selects a material ID and material name from one table and the associated manufacturer, supplier, and packaging type from three other tables. Some of the manufacturer, supplier, and packaging data were imported from an Excel spreadsheet and did not have data for those fields, so those fields are blank. When I run the query, I only get the records which have all fields filled out. How can I get the records where the material ID and material name are filled in, but the manufacturer, supplier, or packaging type are blank? Here is the query I'm using currently:

SELECT tblMaterialSpecifications.ID, tblMaterialSpecifications.Critical, tblMaterialSpecifications.MaterialSupply, tblManufacturer.Manufacturer, tblSupplier.Supplier, tblPackaging.PackageType
FROM tblPackaging INNER JOIN (tblSupplier INNER JOIN (tblManufacturer INNER JOIN tblMaterialSpecifications ON tblManufacturer.ID = tblMaterialSpecifications.ManufacturerID) ON tblSupplier.ID = tblMaterialSpecifications.SupplierID) ON tblPackaging.ID = tblMaterialSpecifications.PackagingID
WHERE (((tblMaterialSpecifications.ActiveInactive)=-1))
ORDER BY tblMaterialSpecifications.Critical, tblMaterialSpecifications.MaterialSupply;

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Modules & VBA :: Preventing Duplicates On Multiple Fields (Numeric And Text)

Oct 15, 2013

How to prevent duplicates on the combination of two fields - text & numeric?

I'm currently using the code below that warns users when the combination of two fields have already been used. (Combination of the TWO fields has to always be unique so if used again will warn the user)

Works well when both fields are numeric but fails when the JobDetails field is changed to text in the main table (tblPPMPLanner)

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Function IsDuplicateRecord() As Boolean
On Error Resume Next
Dim PreviousRecordID As Long
IsDuplicateRecord = False

[Code] ....

The field that should be a text field is called "JobDetails"

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Queries :: Create Numeric Query Fields In MAKE Table

May 25, 2014

Have a Make table query that needs to create (add) several new fields where each field must be numeric design.

Have tried:

Score1: Not Null - does not seem to work (results in a Binary field)
Score1: 0 - which does give me the numeric field designation but every field in table contains a 0.

Would like to show Blank field (makes data input easier at a later time) but still have the Numeric designation.

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Forms :: Text Prompt In Fields When Bound To A Numeric Field

Sep 12, 2014

I have several combo box fields in a bound form where they are selecting values from a list (values stored in a separate table) and then loading a number into the bound table field when selected.

How can I put a text prompt in these fields when loading the form which gets removed when focused and of course is not permitted to attempt a save into the bound numeric fields? I've done quite a bit of searching but can only find materials about doing this on bound text fields. I've also seen solutions using Nz which don't seem to work.

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Forms :: Sum Numeric Field On Form If Day And Hour Fields Are Null

Jan 8, 2014

What is wrong with this query?


What I want is to sum the field (Import minus Export which are numeric) on the form if the OffPeakDay AND OffPeakHour fields are null.

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How To Handle Null Fields Requiring Numeric And Text Function Simultaaneously

Jan 8, 2007

Hi friends,

I am new to this forum, and I am facing a problem while learning MS-Access.

I am preparing a database that stores the marks obtained by students in a particular paper in addition to their particulars in tables.
A query is then generated to canculate the aggregate marks and result (Pass/Fail) for the student. It is then presented in a report fomatted as a marksheet, as well as one tabulation chart.

The database is very crude in format, but I am happy with it since I do not know programming at all, and still I could make it.
I have used in built menu of "ms-access" and mouse clicks only for generating query. It was a learn by doing method.

The problem is that my marksheets require absent students to be marked as "ABSENT" or something of that kind. If I convert my Null values to :

Expr2: IIf(IsNull([E_1]),"ABSENT",[E_1])

It shows ABSENT for null value, but refuses to make column total for E_1; On the other hand if I do not enter such expression, it makes column total in tabulation report, but fails to mark "ABSENT" to those who did not appear. So I have to lose one thing to gain another, while I need both.

Can anybody help me at this?


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Forms :: Sort Numeric In Alpha-numeric Text

Mar 11, 2014

I have a text field having data i-e HO-1, HO,2, ACW-25 and so on. The field name is nBadge_num and is Unique. The data in this field is sorted automatically like 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 2, 3, 4, 5...because this is the text field.

The number on the form is automatically generated, when the user type HO- for example on field exit event. The last number will generate like HO-5.

Code for automatic number generation is:

Dim dbs As Database, rst As Recordset, Response
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("SELECT Max(Right([nBadge_Num],Len([nBadge_Num])-" & Len(Me.NBadge_Num) & ")) AS MaxNo " _


My problem is when the number is generated it give HO-5 instead of HO-14, How can I sort the numeric part of the field ?

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Dlookup Using 2 Fields

Jan 8, 2006

Hi everyone,

I have a form that I use to enter information onto a table.
Lately I have noticed that there are few duplicate names been entered into the db.
The form has 2 txtboxes for the persons name. The table also has the 2 fields.

How can I make a Dlookup check both fields before allowing the new entry?

Thanks for your help.

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Reports :: DLookup Criteria - Autofill Product Name Based On ID

Apr 2, 2013

Im trying to make an invoice,

Im trying to autofill the products name using a dlookup

The ProductID1(2,3,4 OR 5) is selected from a list in a form and is sourced from "Products!ProductID"

=DLookUp ("Products!PName","Products", where "ProductID1" = "Products!ProductID")

How do i make this work,

Without the "critera" the lookup returns only the 1st record of "Products!PName" for every transaction even though the ProductID1 differs

How to i get it to show the correct corresponding name to ProductID1??

Ive attached a screenshot....

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Modules & VBA :: DLookup - Check Value Of Yes / No Checkbox Based On Username

Dec 22, 2014

I'm trying to find a code that will allow me to check a value of a yes/no checkbox based on a username.

What I want to happpen is:

1. The code looks to see if the username that is entered in "txtUsername" field on the form matches the "empUsername" value on the table "tblUsers."
2. If there is a match, I want it to look at the value for the field "Admin" on "tblUsers" to see if the value is checked as true.
3. If the value is true, I want it to open a specific form "frmAdmin." If it is false, I want it to open a form "frmMain."

VBA codes not recognizing the Admin field and instead taking all users into the frmMain.

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Autofill Field Based On Value From Table Using DLookup Not Working

Jan 8, 2013

I am new to Access (using Access 2012) and All I am trying to achieve is to autofill the field [Frequency] from Table FullList based on the value of [Frequency] from Table Courses using a DLookup code used to update the FullList form. The code is not updating anything! It is frustrating! Frequency is a number (integer) and while Course is a text. The figures of my Access database are below.

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DLookup All Fields With Same Criteria

Aug 5, 2007


I have an inquiry about using dlookup to retrive all fields from a table that are using the same criteria. Here's the table structure

ID (Autonumber)

I have the following data:
Number Code Grade
4 15 68
4 52 78
4 17 69
5 85 83
5 28 17

I am using this to retrive values for number 4 but I only get the first row
DLookup("Code", "Table1", "[Number] = 4")
DLookup("Grade", "Table1", "[Number] = 4")

I get only as a result 15 and 68, how can I retrive all the rows that have Number 4?

Thanks in advance for your help

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Dlookup Two Fields With Dates

Apr 3, 2015

I am trying to Dlookup two fields with dates in them. If the Dlookup returns that today is in the range (e.g. 06-03-2015 in the first field and 10-03-2015 in the second) then i want the system to display a messagebox when im opening up a form. If today is not in the range then the messagebox should not pop up.

If DLookup("HollidayFrom", "tblBuildingManager", "[HollidayFrom] >= Date()") And DLookup("HollidayTill", "tblBuildingManager", "[HollidayTill] <= Date()") Then
msgBox "A building manager is on holliday"
end if

The table looks like this :


George Bush

Bill Clinton

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Reports :: DLookup - Populate Textbox Based On Value That Is In Another Field On Report

Oct 20, 2014

I have a textbox on a report that I wish to populate based on the value that is in another textbox/field on the report, and I thought DLookup was the way to go - however, I cannot seem to get it to work.

I have a table (ComplaintsResponses) that has two fields, both text


The text from [ShortDescription] is saved in a field on another table that contains all the other relevant information that is used in the report, and whilst this short description is mostly fine, I have one report where I need the data from the larger [ResponseText] field.

I have tried the following code:

=DLookUp("[ResponseText]","[ComplaintsResponses]","[ShortDescription='" & [Reports]![PublicComplaintsArea]![txtSAPCRMResponse] & "'")


=DLookUp("[ResponseText]","[ComplaintsResponses]","[ShortDescription='" & [SAPCRMResponse] & "'")

Both of which return a #Error in the text box.

The field that contains the text that is used for the lookup is SAPCRMResponse, and the textbox on the report itself is called txtSAPCRMResponse.

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Forms :: DLookup - Unbound Field To Auto Determine Pricing Based On 3 Criteria Chosen

May 28, 2014

I have a table that consist of pricing for different types of products:

Table name: Costs

ID TYPE EastNew EastRenew WestNew WestRenew
1 500 4100 1000 4400 900
2 501 4100 1000 4400 900
3 600 3400 900 4600 1200
4 700 3700 1300 4900 3300

I have a form that consist of many fields that the user needs to manually input data. 3 fields on that form are the criteria i need to determine which pricing to use back on the table. The first field, which name is LTYPE, is a combobox that the user needs to choose as its type (i.e 500,501,600,700). The second field, which name is EastCoast, is a checkbox (Yes/No) that tells me if it's East Coast (East = yes and West = No). The third field, which name is NewRenewal, is a combobox that the user chooses NEW or Renewal).

Example 1, if the user chooses type 501, checkbox is YES for East, Product is NEW. Then the pricing is $4,100

Example 2, if the user chooses type 700, checkbox is unchecked for NO (which is West), Product is Renewal. Then pricing is $3,300

I would like the unbound field to auto determine the pricing based on the 3 criterias chosen. I read around the forums that Dlookup would be the function for this, however, i tried many times but it did not work.

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Beginners Question - Auto Update Fields Based On Fields In Another Table

Nov 26, 2007

I don't have any database experience whatsoever so please go easy.
I'm guessing this kind of this is extremely simple for all of you.

I'm constructing a database of network resources and devices and I'd like to automatically update the values in one field based on the values of a field in another table.

The first table is called "IP" and the fields are called "Address", "IP Type" and "Device".
The second table is called "Devices" and contains the fields "Name", "Description", "Asset Number" and "IP".

Here's an example of the tables: (ignore the "code" tag. i've only used it to align my columns properly)

XserveFile Server107203.30.144.75

AddressIP TypeDevice

What I want is for the Device field in the IP table to automatically update it's values based on the values found in the Devices table. In this case, the values that should appear in the Device field in the IP table are "Xserve" and "ProliantX".

I've searched through but haven't found a complete solution, just little pieces which I'm too inexperienced to put together myself.

thank you

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Auto Rearrange Fields Or Hide Fields In DataSheet Based On Criteria

May 17, 2007

I have main form and that has one sub-form , this Main form governs/determines the data in the sub form.

This Sub form ( DataSheet Mode) has approximately 130 columns and based on the Main form criteria only ~ 20 columns has to be filled.

What I want to do is based on the main forms criteria I want to show only the columns that are applicable to main form criteria.

If I use Columnar or Tabular single form for the Sub Form I am able to hide the fields that are not required BUT IT LEAVES A SPACE/GAP on form ( for the hidden fields that are not required)

Private Sub Form_Load()
If Forms!frmShowPIforActiveAndCanAddNewPI!FrmSubFrmFi lterProductInformationPerFMT!CASETIF = True Then

Me.CASETIF.Visible = True
Me.CASETIF.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

And If I use DataSheet and hide ( visible = no) a particular filed it still shows up in Sub Form

Is there a way to Auto-Re Arrange all the fields in the sub form so that the hidden ( visible = no) fields no not leave gap

Or is there a way by VBA program to select fields ( Columns) from a table to be displayed on a sub form based on a criteria


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Forms :: Total Query - Count Of Fields Based On Data In Other Fields

Jun 28, 2015

I have a query that creates counts of fields based on the data in other fields, basically it tells me that in a table there are two entries with value ABC????? and three of DEF????? , the query works perfectly.

When I create a form to display this data and base the form on the Query I keep getting a message box asking for the ID (key field) from the base table.

If I type * in the box (to denote all values) and press enter I get the results expected.

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