I have got an unbound access form, and in this form I gather 2 dates (i.e. through txt fields). Once I have these fields, I want to open a form that has one list box on it. This list box should populate based on the dates that I gather on the previous form. How do I specify this through the DoCmd.OpenForm arguments? Currently I have the following code, but it is not working:
Form 1:
Dim whereClause As String
whereClause = "SELECT * FROM qryInvoice WHERE tblInv.InvDate Between #" & txtStartDate & "# And #" & txtEndDate & "#" & ";"
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmInvoiceFax", acNormal, , , , , whereClause
Form 2:
public Sub Form_Load(args As String)
MsgBox args
lstInvoice.Rowsource = whereClause
End Sub
I know I am not doing it the right way (because it is not working), but I can't actually find how to do it. Help!
I have a form(frmGetRecord) with a subform(frmSubGetRecord). frmGetRecord has a combobox cmbCNO to choose the patient. The subform displays the admit date and discharge date(if there is one). There can be multiple admit/Discharge dates for a patient. Based on the values from fields on the form and subform, I would like to open a data entry form(frmEvents) for the particular record. I have a command button to run the code to open frmEvents. I am having trouble with the criteria in the where condition.
When I click on the command button I get a type mismatch error. If I test the StLinkCriteria separately, the DoCmd.OpenForm will work for just the CNO field or just the AdmitDate field. If I test those two strings together, I get the type mismatch. Also, DischDate could be blank and I'm not sure how to add an IIf statement to the string to test for that in the where statement. I'm also not sure how to make sure it picks the correct record if there is more than one admit date. I would like to select the desired date record, then have the command button open the appropriate record.
I have an Access 2000 application which, on startup, always launches a 'switchboard' form and sometimes gets information from the user during the startup. Both forms are opened with VBA using DoCmd.OpenForm; the switchboard opens as acNormal and the input form (when used) as acDialog.
Under normal circumstances this works fine.
If, however, the Access window ceases to be the active window in Windows (e.g. the user selects another application's window in the taskbar) the forms do not open (all other VBA code runs correctly).
I want to be able to pass arguments to an access file on start up. I want to be able to grab this value and then perform an action based on this.
Background: The program will send an email with details for a change request, the recipient will then need to click on a link to accept or reject this change. So I want them to be able to click the link which will trigger the program to save accept or reject.
Hi. I'm putting together a database of property clients and i have almost finnished but as always i seem to get so very close to the end of a project and i hit a wall.
background:- I have about 5 different tables which mostly have relationships but there is one main table (clientDetails) which holds the main record this has a very predictable clientID primary Key. the other tables have equally predictable keys for the tables ie: LettingID for a letting client insuranceID for insurance clients etc.. the deal is really that EVERYONE is a client so they get the main details filled out and another record in another table using the primary key of the main table in all other tables. one client can have many other records relating to them useing the primary key.
The Problem:- I have made lots of nice forms that all link up together so you can edit and brose all of the records in the database, and this works very well.. however my problem comes when i want to add a new record in one table that relates to the same record in another using the forms not the table view. eg. on form 1 (clientDetails) i add a new client to the database all fine even using the autonum for the PK. now i bring up the record of that client and i have a button (addProperty) this brings up another form (propertyDetails) using the PK from the previous. this works fine if there is already an entry in the DB but if not then the PK is autonumbered..
What i need:- I need to be able to open up a form using PK then (addProperty) button to the next form which finds that record using the pk (clientID) and FK (propertyID) and if there is no FK relating to the PK then to autonumber and use that... so i basically transfer the PK from form 1 to form 2 regarless of any other data relating to it, and auto numbering to the next number in that table for the FK.
form1 form 2 ------- > --------- PK=100 PK=100 FK=5
this is probibly really basic.. but i hope someone can help ..
I'm trying to QUERY an ACCESS database called ARQUIVO and i would like to have from the column EMPRESAS all the DISTINCT records that have the same 'aviacao' in the INDUSTRIA column.
and it goes like this: Code:<%Set rse = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")sSQL = "SELECT DISTINCT empresa FROM arquivo WHERE industria='Aviacao'" rse.open sSQL,con, adOpenStatic, adLockPessimistic, adCmdText%>
But all I get in a 500 error.
The fact is that if I use "*" instead of "empresa" the query runs but i list all the records with 'aviacao' in INDUSTRIA
I have this SQL query made in ACCESS - that does what I want - but it doesn't rune in mine ASP page.
SELECT DISTINCT arquivo.EMPRESA, arquivo.INDUSTRIA FROM arquivo WHERE (((arquivo.INDUSTRIA)="Câmaras Municipais"));
Can you help me? I get the error wrong type of arguments in my function as follows Private Sub Command0_Click() Call ANewDBWithPass("c:BELest", "secret") End Sub
Function ANewDBWithPass(ByVal tName As String) '// adds the current date to the name of the database Dim wsp As Workspace Dim db2 As Database Set wsp = DBEngine.Workspaces(0) If Right(tName, 4) = ".mdb" Then ' Remove .mdb from the name tName = Left(tName, Len(tName) - 4) End If ' Add date and extension tName = tName & Format(Date, "dd-mm-yyyy") & ".mdb" ' Create database ',Set db2 = wsp.CreateDatabase(tName, dbLangGeneral) Set db2 = wsp.CreateDatabase(tName, dbLangGeneral & ";pwd=" & strPassword) db2.Close End Function
I have a python script "runAll" that takes two arguments: processID (the primary key of one table as a string) and a filename (a full file name path as a string).
Is it possible to run a python method with arguments from inside a VBA script (activated by a button press)?
My python script is called XMLGenerator.py, and the method I want to run is called runAll(processID,filename).
The procedure call "Call RearrangeCoordinates(RearrangeCoords(), ReturnCoords())" return a message "Type mismatched: Array or user-defined type expected"Are there any views as to why the message is being displayed?
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Dim ReturnCoords As Variant Dim ........................................... ArrayLength = UBound(ReturnCoords)
Is there a command line argument to open AND close a db? I am running a schedule task to open a db which has an autoexec macro but I don't want the db to stay open after running the macro. Or is there a close db function in a macro? I see close form but not db.
I have a after update event that will match the written record with any exist record in a table in the field "OrgName". If it doesn't find exact match, will call a function with a "soundex" algorithm to see if there is only a misspelling or another name altogether.
In the afterupdate event, I have a string called strOrg (wich is the name I want to compare).
I have the soundex function in a module, so I can use it for several form generally.
What I want is to pass the strOrg to the soundex function, however I don't know how to declare the variables. however I keep having this error:
"compile error: Argument not optional"
and goes to the line tagged as 1 in the private sub afterupdate
The afterupdate sub is the following:
Private Sub tOrgName_AfterUpdate() Dim strOrg As String strOrg = Me.tOrgName.value If IsNull(DLookup("orgID", "torg", "OrgName = '" & strOrg & "'")) Then resMsg = MsgBox("This organization name is not in the list. If you want to look for similar names press YES, if you want to register a new organization press NO.", vbYesNoCancel, "Organization not found")
[Code] ....
and the soundex function is declared as
Code: Public Function Soundex(strOrg As String) As String Dim Result As String, c As String * 1 Dim Location As Integer
Any ideas?? trying everything to get this form to link and everything is failing even the wizard which works if you just enter the record... but if you go back to it later and use the button it brings up a blank record
Im very new with access, and require a little help
what im trying to do is the following
I require a open form button, i can do this with no problems...
When the form opens, i need it to lookup a REP_ID value in a table to see if any records exist for the REP, if there is, i need it to display the form, with details.
If there are no details for REP_ID in the table, i require the form to open just blank, so input can be added!
I am getting something wrong but I don't know what - date related.
Take this code for example:
Code: Dim varDate varDate = Date If DCount("RunningNumber", "AllocatedVehicles", "ServiceDate=" & varDate) > 0 Then MsgBox "Go Away", vbOKOnly Else Go on and do the real work End If End Sub
The DCount line is being completely ignored, no error message, it just cracks on as though there were no records found (but they are definitely there!) I have tried:
Code: Dim varDate varDate = Date If DCount("RunningNumber", "AllocatedVehicles", "ServiceDate='" & varDate & "'") > 0 Then MsgBox "Go Away", vbOKOnly
But that throws up a Type Mismatch (which is what I would expect). Then I tried
Code: Dim varDate varDate = Date If DCount("RunningNumber", "AllocatedVehicles", "ServiceDate=#" & varDate & "#") > 0 Then MsgBox "Go Away", vbOKOnly
And it gets ignored again.
I am having similar trouble trying to open another form using the same field as the open argument, and getting similar results, so it is clearly me that is wrong.
I am trying to check for when a user trys to enter a duplicate number.
The control that I am checking is in a subform on the main form:
Main: frmCandidateInfo Sub: frmTestInfo
Control on the subform is: RankOrder
I am trying to check the control entry against the table entry:
Table: tblTestEvents Field: RankOrder
Here is what I have:
Code: Private Sub RankOrder_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) Dim lngRankDup As Long lngRankDup = Nz(DLookup("[RankOrder]", "tblTestEvents", "[RankOrder]=" & Forms!frmCandidateInfo!sfTestInfo!Form!RankOrder, 0)) If lngRankDup <> 0 Then MsgBox TestEventID & " already exists in the database" End If End Sub
I know that the error is due to the argument not being correct, but I am not sure how to fix it.
I open a form with a criteria set but when the form opens it has every record, rather than restricting the records to those matching the criteria. I wonder if anyone has had this problem before? I use a query in the called to get the underlying recordset.
I have a problem and I can't figure out what I am doing wrong, I have a code:
Private Sub Button4_Click() Dim compl As String compl = name1 DoCmd.OpenForm "form1", , , "Field1=" & name1 DoCmd.Close acForm, "form2" End Sub
Now everytime I click on this button and I enter a value in textbox(name1) it askes for a parameter! This is the only field in the form (form1) where I have this problem by the way. With the other fields it doesn't ask for a parameter. Does anyone know what might be the problem?
Access 2003 I'm sure this is incredibly simple, but I can't make it work, and can't find an answer in the forums.
:confused: I want to use OPENFORM to open a form showing only the records where a CHECKBOX is checked. I've tried using a query, using WHERE, using the OpenArgs, etc., but I'm clearly not formatting it right.
so... elements are: btnActiveJobs (command button) frmJob (form with job records) chkActive (check box on frmJob that shows whether job is active)
The underlying Jobs table sets the Active field to yes/no
I'd like to do all this in the event code for the button, but I do also have a query (Query1) that produces the right jobs. Including this as the FilterName criterion has no effect.
Before attempting to create a VBA User Defined Function that will accept arguments for creating UPDATE/INSERT INTO SQL statements, I thought I would check to see if some already exist. It seems like a very tough task to tackle. I'd like it to determine the data type of the the values being placed into the specified fields and subsequently provide the appropriate syntax. (i.e. '" & mString & "', #" & mDate & "#, etc.) Do any exist?
Before attempting to create a VBA User Defined Function that will accept arguments for creating UPDATE/INSERT INTO SQL statements, I thought I would check to see if some already exist. It seems like a very tough task to tackle. I'd like it to determine the data type of the the values being placed into the specified fields and subsequently provide the appropriate syntax. (i.e. '" & mString & "', #" & mDate & "#, etc.) Do any exist?
I am trying to open a form with a specified record using double clicked event (list box) but access is throwin "The OpenForm action was cancelled". My code is:
Private Sub lstSchool_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) Dim test As String Dim thisForm As String
I am not a specialist, but am trying to create an application with Access 2000to manage our company’s orders. I have a table called ‘Service’ containing descriptive data on the type of service requested. This table is linked to several other tables, with ‘ServiceNo’ as the primary key linking most of them. The service number is not an autonumber, but a counter incremented through code, for specific reasons that I won’t develop here.
I have created two forms: one to consult all the service records (F_Service_Consult), with a button to open another form that allows the user to add a new service record (F_Service_Add).
When the new service form opens, the service number counter is incremented and this number is assigned as the new 'ServiceNo' in a new record added to the ‘Service’ table (using the SQL ‘Insert’ command). I would like this form (F_Service_Add) to open on this record only. In the code that creates ‘ServiceNo’, the correct value is contained in a variable called ‘lngServiceCount’. I have tried using this code to open my form:
Dim stDocName As String Dim stLinkCriteria As String stDocName = "F_Service_Add" stLinkCriteria = "Forms![F_Service_Add]![ServiceNo]='" & lngServiceCount & "'" DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
When I run the code step-by-step, the correct value is shown for ‘lngServiceCount’ when the mouse hovers over the variable (for ex. ‘155’). When the form opens, I have 1 record (Filtered), but nothing shows in the ‘ServiceNo’ text box.
I have deactivated the code that is in the ‘OnCurrent’ event procedure of this form to avoid any interference.
There are many sub-forms on the main form, which also contain the ‘ServiceNo’ in text boxes.
When I use this command to open the form:
DoCmd.GoToRecord , , acLast
the form opens correctly, with the correct ‘ServiceNo’, but ALL the records are opened.
The variable type for ‘lngServiceCount’ is a long integer. (I hope that is the correct term in English, because I am using a French version of Access).
I would be very grateful if anyone could tell me what I’m doing wrong. I’ve tried to be clear, but if more information is required, I would of course provide what’s missing. Thanks in advance.
The scenario is... also apologies if this seems a lot. Simple really.
An edit button on a subform is to open a separate form for editing, and I obviously want to apply a where condition to display the relevant record. So I have
The Record Source for editReviewPEST uses an INNER JOIN...
SELECT Reviews.Year, Reviews.ReviewID, Reviews.LesseeID, Lessee.DateOfOrigSanction, Reviews.Exposure, Reviews.ExpoCurrency, Reviews.SentToCredit, Reviews.Approved, Reviews.Completed, Reviews.Comments, Reviews.LevelOfLastSanction, Reviews.CreditManager, Reviews.TypeOfReview, Reviews.DateOfLastCreditReview, Reviews.DateOfNextCreditReview FROM Lessee INNER JOIN Reviews ON Lessee.LesseeID = Reviews.LesseeID WHERE (((Reviews.LesseeID)=[Forms]![Reviews]![SelectLessee])) ORDER BY Reviews.ReviewID DESC;
So I get the form to open with all the records relvant to the lessee, but to filter it further to exact ReviewID, I thought I could include ReviewID=Me.ReviewID (an Autonumber PK) as the Where Condition to the DoCmd.OpenForm. Instead I get a form which looks like Add Record Form.