Double Calendar Display Problem?

Oct 15, 2005

Hi guys. I have moved my brothers Database from his old PC to his new one. They both run the same version of Access (2002). On his new machine the Double Calendar form opens but the date values are missing (see attached images). I have attached a screen dump of the Calendar plus the current references I have enabled. Also the calendar is using class MSCAL.Calendar.7

Form has the following events:

Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.atxCalControl1.Value = Now()
Me.atxCalControl2.Value = Now()
End Sub

Private Sub atxCalControl1_Click()
Me.txtClick1.Value = Me.atxCalControl1.Value
End Sub

Private Sub atxCalControl2_Click()
Me.txtClick2.Value = Me.atxCalControl2.Value
End Sub

Can anybody advise?

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Display Double Digit Number

Mar 19, 2008

hey guys i have the following line in my query for removing seconds from a time/date stamp and all works great except one thing if the time is 10:02 it is showing as 10:2 anyway of getting it showing correctly?


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General :: Display Listbox Record When Double Click On Item

Sep 26, 2012

I currently have a listbox. (list32) that is populated with results of a query. I would like to doubleclick on an item and have it open a form that displays the listbox record i clicked on and a "notes" field. Its my understanding that the table fields are limited to 255 chars so i was curious if I could make the notes field reside somewhere else. I will need the notes able to be edited, specific to record entry, and then saved on exit. Is this doable?

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How To Display Popup Text On Double Click Or Mouseover Of A Field

Nov 20, 2013

I know how to do an action on doubleclick or mouseover but I want some simple text to come up, possibly with a white background behind it that has some details about the specific production number that the user is clicking on. Is there something like this? I tried a dialog but it brings up an ugly form, I just want the text or something simple. Can this be done?

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Have A Calendar Display Entries

Jul 1, 2005

I would like to create a calendar that shows when booking entries have been made on the calendar.

Can this be done, if so how, has anyone got any examples?? Many Thanks

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Double Access

May 15, 2005

I have a realy serious problem that when I open msaccess (I have access 2003) and I'm trying to reach the database from my application, the application fails to get to the database. Aparently this happens because access is opened but isn't it supposed to allow multiple access to the database?

Anyone knows why?

Thanks in advance.

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Help With Double Booking

Mar 7, 2008

Please could someone give me help on this topic, I need to slove it for coursework in Access but im having the following problem.

Im creating a database for a hotel which rents out its room obviously. The problem i have is if a guest books a room for say march 3rd until march 6th, theres currently no way in which to stop another guest booking the room for any of these dates.

I think i know how to stop double booking for the start day, but not the days inbetween if you understand.
The database has 3 tables:
Guest Info
Room info

If anyone can help it would be greatly appreciated.

P.S the method i hope to use, is the hotel will enter the start date of a guests stay and then enter the number of nights the guest is staying for e.g. 3rd-6th of march would be input as: Begin date: 03/03/08 for:'3' nights.

Thanks for any help

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Double Bookings

Apr 16, 2005

hi guys nice site you got here.

I need a bit of help its been over 2 years since I used access in college so have forgot most things.

I want to stop people from making double bookings at the same time on the same date.

I have the following

Booking ID
Teacher ID
Class Room ID
Date Booked
Booked Date
Start Time
End Time

so the booked date, start time and end time is what I need to look but not sure, should I index (no duplicates) for them three?

thanks for the help

I realise there are posts about bookings but more help would be great :)

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Calculate Double OT

Aug 25, 2005

stuck in the middle of a project of employee payroll the following problems are for some suggestions:

if an employee is not taken off in a week and work on sundays, he's paid double OT; if he is not taken off he's not paid; i.e. he can take 4 days off in a month

how can i keep track of this in the db; can i use a table putting 7 days as fields and make it all yes/no so that user can check or uncheck the status against each employee(!); but for whole month how can i calculate

work period start from every month on 25th and ends on 24th in next month.

got tables for attendance and leave

help appreciated

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Double Booking HELP

Oct 17, 2004

I am wanting to prevent a double booking. I have a form called:

frm_Booking which records an ArrivalDate and DepartureDate

and another form

frm_Building_Booking which records a BuildingID number

I want to ensure that a customer cannot book a BuildingID for an ArrivalDate and DepartureDate it it has already been booked by another cusotmer or book any on the days between.

However a customer should be able to book a BuildingID on the DepartureDate.

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Add Record On Double Click??

Apr 6, 2006

Morning, all...

Hoping someone can help me with this. I have a form (one-side) with a bound continuous subform (many-side). I have a second unbound subform, also continuous, which is used as a reference only (no data entry) to select the record to be added to the bound subform. Is it possible to set it up so that, when the user double clicks on the pk from the unbound subform it adds that pk as a new record on the bound subform?

Thanx in advance for your help with this ;<)


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Double Entry Accounting

Sep 5, 2005

I have been searching the web for some examples of a double entry accounting systems made with MS Access. I havent found any that I can open... examine the tables, queries, relationships and everything else. Not that I am planning on spending a year or two building one :) But I want to know how to. So if anyone knows of any good examples please post the links for me. Thanks

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Double Entry Accounting DB...

Sep 7, 2005

I'm looking for someone who knows a bit about this one... maybe done one before. I've started a DB for an accounting system, I've worked with MANY of these over the years, but from a user standpoint. Now I'm trying a shot at putting one together, just for a learning experience if nothing else. But I would like someone to take a look at the beginning structure of the DB and let me know if I am on the right track. Any input and suggestions would be helpful and appreciated. Keep in mind there is ALOT not here yet... and some loose tables for future expansion. I didn't want to get too deep into it and find out I need to make a major change. I'll post the DB.

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Double Click To Paste

Nov 2, 2007

I want to lookup a list of employees (in a form) and by double clicking a name listed, have that name pasted into another form or Sub form to add details to it.

I want to select a number of employees and add info such as attending a training session, plus the topics covered, instructors name etc. I want to add this info once but relate it to a number of employees who attend the training???

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How To Eliminate A Double Quote

Nov 13, 2007

I have a string with one or more double quotes in it. How can I remove the double quotes? (I was able to remove single quotes.)

Example: Purchase "other items". (This the data in a column.)

I want to change it to Purchase other items

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Pls Help, Double Booking Problem.

Jan 14, 2008

could someone please help me, i am having a problem trying to get rid of double bookings in the attached database.

This database is for an assignment for my students, and unfortunately i had got the point now that i have got incredbily stupid and cannot see a solution.

I want to make sure that a client cannot double book an instructor and a car on a specific time or date...

Obviously i would also want to make sure that if one client has booked a specific car or instructor no other client would be able to book it, in the same time and date slot.. All lessons are 1 hour long

for some reason i have to make sure that a client can book a specific car...
This unit is being taught alongside another unit by another teacher, who does not see the complexities of the problem, and insists that this complexity is in the database, however they do not know the solution either.

I have tried creating different types of primary key combinations, but that does not work..

Any ideas or suggestions would be greatly appreciated

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Confused With A Double Inner Join!

Oct 21, 2005


I'm trying to do something really simple here but I'm getting confused with the correct syntax.

I am trying to retrieve a list of data from 1 table (tblUsers) and 2 queries (spPFApprovedThreads, spPFApprovedEntries)

From spPFApprovedThreads I would like to retrieve 'Thread' and 'CreationDate', from spPFApprovedEntries I would like to retrieve the a Count of 'EntryID' for every 'ThreadID' and from tblUsers I would like to retrieve 'Username'.
Where tblUsers.UserID = spPFApprovedThreads.CreatorID and spPFApprovedEntries.ThreadID = spPFApprovedThreads.ThreadID

I have managed to do the following:

SELECT t.ThreadID, t.Thread,t.CreationDate, count(e.EntryID)
FROM spPFApprovedThreads AS t INNER JOIN spPFApprovedEntries AS e ON e.ThreadID=t.ThreadID
ORDER BY t.ThreadID;

but how do I add the Username from the tblUsers?

Many thanks for any time.


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Format Double Question

May 26, 2006


I have been asked to run a query on an existing db and output certain fields as type Double.

The fields in question are currently type Currency.

How do I change the format from Currency to Double or do I need to?

Thanks in advance


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Problem With Double Join

Dec 14, 2006

I've done double and even triple joins before, but this isn't working for me, probably because I'm using a SELECT statement instead of a table. Here's the basic (working) query:

SELECT Employee.*, NewPositionID AS [Position], NewStoreID AS [Store]
FROM Employee
[Position Change] INNER JOIN [Store Change]
ON [Position Change].EmployeeID=[Store Change].EmployeeID
) ON Employee.EID=[Position Change].EmployeeID;

Now that works perfectly fine, but the problem is I only want the employee to join with the most recent position and store change. So I tried something like this:

SELECT Employee.*, NewPositionID AS [Position], NewStoreID AS [Store]
FROM Employee
(SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [Position Change] ORDER BY EffectiveDate Desc)
INNER JOIN (SELECT TOP 1 * FROM [Store Change] ORDER BY EffectiveDate Desc)
ON [Position Change].EmployeeID=[Store Change].EmployeeID
) ON Employee.EID=[Position Change].EmployeeID;

It tells me "Syntax error in JOIN operation" and it highlights the first occurence of "[Position Change]" (the part in bold). Using the 1st query I don't see how I can filter out the correct records.

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Double Entry On Forms?

Dec 7, 2005

Hello All again,I am working on a form for my database this time and I have noticed something odd that I cant figure out. I have managed to make the following form ( from a Staff Table, Activities Table and a Total Expense Query, all in the one form. My problem is that I only have two entrys in the activities ( but I am recieving 4 entrys in the form. 2 of witch the totals do not add. (see other 2 entrys here: Does anyone know why this would be happening?

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Double-click Name To Add To Adj. Listbox

Nov 1, 2004

I have a list of companies in a table which Is being accessed through a list box. I wanted the user to be able to double-click on the name of a company from that long list and then for that selection to show up on an adjacent shorter list box which in turn will be used for a search. How can I do this? Another option would be to drag and drop the name from on list to another.

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Double Click Event

Jan 17, 2005


I have a form which has a tab control on it. The form itself is based on 1 table (tblCustomers). The tab control has 2 pages.

Page 1 shows 6 fields from tblCustomers.

Page 2 of the tab control shows 2 embdedded forms. Those forms are based on queries created from tblCustomers. one shows records with a date entered into one of the fields, the other shows records that have no dates.

What I want to be able to do is when I see a company name in one of the ebedded forms (Page 2), I want to be able to double click that record and it switches me back to Page 1 and shows the the related details of whichever company I double clicked.

I have changed the double click event in the emdedded form and using the builder to create something. I also added a setfocus command as I read about that somewhere (but i have no idea what it does). Through this I managed to get it to switch from Page 2 to Page 1 when I double click, but it only ever takes me to record 1 regardless of which company i double clicked.

i may have this deisgned totally wrong so please feel free to point me in the right direction.

any ideas?

thanks in advance

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Cant Get Double Hyphen (--) To Work!

Mar 18, 2006

I cant get the comment feature to work in SQL. If I type the following...

Code:SELECT * FROM tblMembers WHERE OrderNo='xxxx' -- Finds the member

An error message is returned saying 'Syntax Error (Missing Operator)'. What am I doing wrong?

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Button For Double Field

Nov 12, 2011

i make form and insert into some fields. how make button, that you add double fields under create fields??i have these fields:

field1 field2 field3 field4 // pres button for double fields

field1 field2 field3 field4
field1 field2 field3 field4

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Sum Of Double Values With Unique ID?

Mar 6, 2014

I have an file with 500.000 + lines.Each line has an ID with an amount.

For example:

ID Amount
1 2

Often the ID appears with a different amount.

I want to have a cleaned up acces file where each ID only appears once but where the amounts are add up.

For example:

ID Amount
1 2
1 4

Should be in the new file

ID Amount
1 6

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Double Sided Page Break

Apr 25, 2005

Hey, I tried searching for this one, but I'm not really sure what to search for.

I am running a report that is double sided. However, I do not want the start of the next group, on the same physical page. I also do not want a starting blank page (as I thought about inserting a blank page after the section).

Any way to do this?

Maybe I have to write a function or something? Depending on if the page is an even or odd number? I honestly have no idea.

Thanks for the help!

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