Downloading Linked Pictures From Web Gallerys

Feb 2, 2007

I found this a while ago and have been trying to get it working in access which I have been able to do....

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Linked Pictures In Database

Sep 7, 2005

What is wrong with this linked pictures in my database?
I have made OLE field in a table and I want to insert pictures in that
field with option "linked". But pictures are not exactly linked. First, they take
a lot of space in a database, almost as inserted pictures (If inserted picture takes 30Mb than linked picture takes 20Mb). I thought it is only going to save a link (target location) to a file. Also, when I insert link to a picture ina OLE field and delete this picture in windows - I can still see this picture on a form in my application. So, is it linked or inserted (only difference is that I can't edit linked picture if it's deleted in windows but I can see picture in a form).
How can I insert only link to a picture in my database so I can see pictures in forms and reports and pictures stays only in windows and takes a minimum space in my database (only for a target informations)???

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Need: Inserting Pictures. Need To Understand Or Need Better Way Of Adding Pictures

Jan 31, 2005

I am using Access 2003 in a simple database and want to add digital pictures of each item in my database.

Before trying to enhance the database with pictures; the various fields are filled with either descriptive text or numbers. The size of the mdb database file is 464k.

I recently wanted to add a picture of each database entry. After adding a picture that is only 300k in size the mdb file increase to 18MD. Then after adding another picture also of 300k bytes my database grew to 25MB.

In the drop down menus Under Tools - Database Utilities - I ran the Compact & Repair Database. This did not reduce the size.

In the database Form I am using a Bound Object Frame to hold the picture and yes I am not linking the picture I am including it in the database. But, would only expect it to increase the database size by slightly more than the picture size.

I should also point out that the only way I have found to get the picture to be visible (not just an icon of the type of picture file) is to right click on the Bound Object Frame scroll down and choose Insert Object. Click on Create New and select Adobe Photoshop Image. This open adobe photoshop I make sure the picture properties are creating a picture of 300k.

So my question(s) is again. Why is my database increasing in size so rapidly? Is there a better to insert picture into a database?

Regards, Roy (

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Downloading From AS400

Jun 19, 2007

Hi everyody,
Does anybody knows if there is an add-in to Access to download from AS400?

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Downloading File

Nov 11, 2004

I have a table with a load of hyperlinks to documents on the company Intranet i.e


is there a way using VBa to download the file to a local drive?

I have tried the following to no avail, and searched on MSDN, but can't seem to find any help.

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
fs.CopyFile <Hyperlink>, "c: empfolder est.doc"

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Downloading A Database To Access

Jul 13, 2006

How can I download a database (say, PFAM) to Access to make it available for SQL queries?

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Downloading A Report From Access On A Remote Computer

Jul 15, 2015

I have a database on a remote computer that has several reports that can be generated. Is there anyway to create a PDF of one of those reports and download it to my main computer?

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Modules & VBA :: Get File And Calculate Progress Of Downloading Action

Jun 21, 2015

Now I use wininet.dll library to get file and calculate progress of downloading action it is something like this:


If InternetReadFile(hRequest, VarPtr(Buffer(0)), BUF_SIZE, dwBytesRead) Then
If WriteFile(hFile, VarPtr(Buffer(0)), dwBytesRead, dwBytesWritten, 0) Then
' TODO:// calculate progress
dwStatus = (dwStatus + dwBytesWritten)
dwPercent = (dwStatus / dwFileSize) * 100
Debug.Print dwPercent
'form1.Caption = dwPercent '<-- change this


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General :: Downloading Excel Data From Site And Connect It To Access - Time Format Changed

Dec 18, 2013

I 'm downloading the excel data from the site and connecting it to access.

In excel the particular column (Time Taken) is in the format of "00:12:26".

After connecting it to access and appending it to the table, the format changed to "12:12:26", the first two digits changed to "12" and the remaining are as it is how it looks like in the excel. I need to change it to format what it looks like in the excel.

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Oct 20, 2007

I like to make a small code in access to take pictures with any camera, then store with file name, date and time? please I need help.. if someone can give me an idea I appreciate this. thanks again..

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Pictures In Comboboxes

Apr 19, 2006

OK, I asked this question a day or so ago and got some feed back. What I would really like is a difinative answer. Basically Yes or No. Is it possible to add small picture, (icon size) to a comobox. I realise its not good practice to have pictures embeded in the DB but on this occasion its what I need to do. Ive found software on the web that allows you to do it, which leads me to belive that it can be done, any ideas!

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Animated Pictures

Nov 12, 2006

:confused: Could someone please help me. is it possible to add an animated microsoft GIF to an Access 2003 database splash screen. the picture works but the animation doesnt. If someone could please help i would be very grateful as it is needed for an assignment very soon. Thanks in anticipation.

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Pictures In Access

Jun 18, 2007

I have Access 2003 and have trying for some time to insert pictures. I have followed the instructions step by step as outlined in the BIBLE and nothing. I recently acquired a new computer and the problems still persists. Can anyone help.

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Insert Pictures

Jun 27, 2007

I need to do something in excel but I have never used excel before. I need to make a form with a box. When you click on the box it shhould promt you to add a picture to the box. It should also format the picture so that it is the same size as the box. So far we have the box, but we still need to figure out what code to input so that it prompts you to add an image and then resizes it to fit the box. This is the code we have so far:

With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogFilePicker)
.Title = "Seleccione la imagen"
.Filters.Add "All Files", "*.*"
.Filters.Add "JPEGs", "*.jpg"
.Filters.Add "Bitmaps", "*.bmp"
.FilterIndex = 3
.AllowMultiSelect = False
.InitialFileName = Application.Path
result = .Show
If (result <> 0) Then
fileName = Trim(.SelectedItems.Item(1))
Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(fileName)

End If
End With

I am not sure if this can be done in excel or if I have to use another application to do this. I need to figure this out within the next couple of days, so if you have ANY idea of how to do this please post a response.

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Problem With Pictures

Apr 19, 2005

I have trouble adding pictures to my forms.
On the form when I add a picture, it just shows me the link and when I double click on it, it displays the .gif file. ( I did define it as an OLE object in the table)
I am not sure if there is something specific I need to do in order to display the picture right there on the form.

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Refreshing Pictures

Mar 24, 2006

Hello all,

I have search the forum for two days and can not find anything about this promble so any help would be good.

I am using a linked picture i have then browser setup and works ok but my issue is that i can not get the picture to refresh its self, with out going into design view and then back to my form, i would hope that there is a solution to this.

Any links would be good or general help would be great as i am starting to loss sleep over this now.

Thanks in advance


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Upload Pictures

Sep 27, 2006

Hi There,

Can someone help me please. I have designed a product management database for a friend. He would like to be able to upload pictures of his products onto his database to be viewd later. So on the products form, I'd like two command buttons (I guess), one to define the file path and another to open that file path.

ANy help would be appreciated.


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Combo Box And Pictures

Nov 11, 2005

Any help on how to approach this would be very much appreciated!

I have two tables: one with data about compounds, the second with data about graphs of these compounds. (There may be many graphs for each compound).

I need a form that displays data about each compound, and in this same form, I'd like to show what graphs are associated with this compound and display a picture of each graph as it is selected.

I've tried both subforms and comboboxes and have not been successful.

Thanks so much!

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Pictures In Forms

Jun 21, 2007

I know if you use pictures in forms it makes the database file size very big, if you have a products database and want to show a picture of each product, therefore each picture is different, is there a way of doing this and keeping the database size reasonable?

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Attaching Pictures To Records

Aug 14, 2005

I've built a database to attach pictures of people to their records. In the table it's designed as an "OLE Object". When you goto the form you can click on the box, tell it to insert object, find the file, and the picture can be displayed to the record.

I've since learned that this process inflates the database and with the recent update changes from Microsoft (removing Photo Editor) I'm trying to learn to create databases to insert pictures having the same result but won't inflat the database.

I've learned of a view method to insert pictures that are a little more complicated to create using coding. My problem with this method is you would have to type in the file location manually to get the picture to attach. I'm working in a location that needs this process to be simpler then that. I need to find a way to browse for that picture instead of having to type in the file location manually.


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How To Create Path For Pictures

Apr 3, 2006

Hi all.

I have ADP Project in my computer and MS SQL 2005 Express in second computer.

In ADP Project I need to write Path for Pictures:

Dim Path As String
Path = ????? ' Her I need D:Pictures

Thank You in advance.

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Best Way To Add/display/handle Pictures

Dec 3, 2006

Hi guys,

I've noticed a few posts on the subject of images but there's lots of different scenarios and I'm hoping someone with far more knowledge can give me some basic pointers for my specific case so I can research it more fully.

Basically part of my database is storing properties, then there's a separate table for property photos as each property can have between 0 and infinity photos (theoretically, the max. is likely to be between 5 or 10).

From my understanding so far it will be best to store a path to each picture as a text field in the database as we're looking at 100+ photos easily from the start which I understand would cause a huge database using OLE linking.

I've got a couple of articles on how to take the path and display it as a picture on the form, not tried it yet but had a read through and it all seems fine.

What I need to ask is the best way to do a couple of things...

When viewing a property via a form is it easy-ish/possible to display thumbnails and captions for all the associated images? Could it then be set up so you could click each image to view it full size?

I need a slightly more user friendly way of adding the photos than just typing in file paths. What I imagine the cleanest way would be blank boxes which you'd click, get a Browse... window to pick the image then once you'd picked one it would place a thumbnail in the box, or something similar. However I'm not sure how well that would scale to a non-specific number of images (ie 0 - 10).

I have no fixed specifications for displaying/adding these images so if you have other ideas/ways of doing it then please suggest - the above is just what I imagine would be 'nice' - if it involves way too much coding then it's not worth it at this stage.

Any help / pointers would be most appreciated :) Let me know if you need more info.

Chris :)

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Pictures And Continuous Form

Apr 19, 2007

Thanks for reading another one...

I am building an application for my marketing dept. that will track their mailouts. So far I can handle it; however, they want a thumbnail displayed of each piece of creative. I can do this if they only wanted to see one record at a time, but they want all records w/in a certain date range and the pic that goes with it. I am currently storing the path to the image so not to gorge my db to explosion.

pic campaign_name start end mail_out #_pieces
pic campaign_name start end mail_out #_pieces
pic campaign_name start end mail_out #_pieces
pic campaign_name start end mail_out #_pieces

where pic is the thumbnail. I have built it with a continuous form so I can display all the records but I am up to change if needed.
I have read other posts and they all deal with single forms and the onCurrent event is not really working for me.

Any and all help is greatly appreciated!

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Pictures/PHotos In MS Acces

Jun 25, 2007

I'm not brilliant at using MS Access - can't use the VBA codes or anything like that.

basically, I want to set up a database of photogrpahs where you store thephotograph in Access, and then run a query to search for specific photos, which brings up a form showing the picture.

I seem to be OK at doing all of this so far except I can't get the photo to appear in the form - it just displays a link which you double click on to get to the photo.

I've tried to look up how to sort this on the web but don't understand the way people speak about access :confused:

can anyone help???

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Assigning Pictures To Records

Jul 9, 2007

I notice that this topic has been done to death.....I have a database that is embedding the pictures and the predictable problems has manifested...the database is swelling up....

I'm learning to adapt the database to include the file location in the form and have the picture box refer to the file location, rather then embedding the picture into it....the problem that I have is that although I know how to do it because I get it.....this database will be run by a number of people, many of which don't have much experience and it must be simple to input the file location. Is there a way to simplify putting the file location in the text box aside from typing it in manually (a search window; like the one that appears when trying to open a file or insert an object, perhaps)....

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Help: Displaying Pictures In A Form

Nov 28, 2007

To display images on a form (Access 2003) I used the same code of the Northwind database sample (Form Emplyees).

when changing the Picture's location it returns a bug in the code (Couldn' open ...the file), or the ErrorMessage Label should have the value: "File not Found".

Here is the code:

Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim res As Boolean
Dim fName As String
Path = CurrentProject.Path
On Error Resume Next
ErrorMsg.Visible = False
If Not IsNull(Me![ProductPicture]) Then
res = IsRelative(Me![ProductPicture])
fName = Me![ImagePath]
If (res = True) Then
fName = Path & "" & fName
End If
Debug.Print "fName: " & fName
Me![ImageFrame].Picture = fName
Me.PaintPalette = Me![ImageFrame].ObjectPalette
If (Me![ImageFrame].Picture <> fName) Then
ErrorMsg.Caption = "File not Found"
ErrorMsg.Visible = True
End If
ErrorMsg.Caption = "Click on Add/Edit to add the Product Picture"
ErrorMsg.Visible = True
End If

End Sub

Function IsRelative(fName As String) As Boolean
IsRelative = (InStr(1, fName, ":") = 0) And (InStr(1, fName, "") = 0)
End Function

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