Drastic Increase In Response Time

May 15, 2006

I have an 18.8MB Access application consisting of the following:
140 tables
410 Queries
67 Forms
5 Macros
26 Modules

It's not a lot of data storage, but is very computationally and mathematically intensive. As we continue to develop and expand the application, I noticed last week that we suddenly experienced a massive falloff in performance. Access is taking an incredibly long amount of time to traverse the querydefs collection, find objects, etc. It seems that the object collections themselves are not indexed, meaning that it takes a much longer amount of time to run a compiled and saved query than it does to simply build the SQL string and execute from within code. I continue to hunt for coding bottlenecks and any other efficiency problems I can find. Has anyone else experienced this? Is there a "critical mass" for the object containers?

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Increase The Time By 1 Second

Apr 28, 2006


I have a question.

I want to make a action on every 2 hours on the form.

On form time interval, I set 1000

Private Sub Form_Open()
a = "00:00:00"
End Sub

Private Sub Form_Timer()
On Error GoTo Err_mess
timelabel = CDate(a) + cdate("00:00:01")


End Sub

I want to start 00:00:00, and then add 1 second on every time interval=1000.


How can I make it? Thanks.

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How To Increase Value In ODBC Connection Time Out Property

Oct 28, 2014

I am using MS Acsess 2010 and some time I am getting ODBC Connection Error. How to increase the ODBC & Query Time Out property in MS Access?.I am using 32 bit version of Access 2010 on a 64 bit operating system.

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General :: Archiving Data - Improve Response Time Of Database?

Apr 30, 2015

Will archiving older data improve response time of a database?

What is the best way to archive data knowing that older records will still be accessed twice a year?

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Tables :: Add ID Number That Always Increase By 1each Time Add New Record To Table

Jan 23, 2013

How can I add an ID-number that always increases (by 1) each time I add a new record to a table (using a form)? I want to always use some info from the record that was added last to fill in a different form. The reason for my question is that I heard that the autonumber does not necessarily increase each time a new record is added...

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Pop Up Yes/no Response Box

Nov 1, 2005

I have a database which tracks onsite and offsite files. I need to create a pop up message box using the toggle button function, with a "yes" or "no" response, so when a file is onsite and you click the offsite box, a pop up message box will display the following message, "Are you sure you want this file offsite?" and if yes is clicked, it will switch to the offsite field. If no is clicked, it stay as is, (onsite would be the default). The same thing applies for when a file is offsite and you want to return it onsite, when you click in the onsite box, the pop up message box would display "Are you sure you want this file onsite" if yes is clicked, it will switch to yes, and if no is clicked, it stay as is. Can this be done?


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Searching With Immediate Response

Aug 8, 2005

In my database I have many names in alphabetical order. What I want to do is create something where, for example, if I type a 'B' in a text-like box the list of names from the database automatically scrolls/moves to the beginning of the Bs either in table view or preferrably in another text-like box that mirrors the table contents. Then if I enter an 'E' after the 'B' the cursor moves to the beginning of the names with 'BE' in them, and so forth for each additional letter. Each move would happen immediately after each key is pressed, without using the <enter> key, probably like a 'keypress' event.
I would appreciate some direction or if someone knows where there might be some existing code or examples.

Thanks ahead of time for your effort!!!

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Slow Access Response

Oct 10, 2006


I have developed a DB for work and it has grown, it is about 60Meg, all of a sudden when I am opening Design View in Reports, or queries it started running really slow.

I always Compact on Close
I have Split the DB.

Still no Joy, I have a brand new Dell PC so nothing wrong there.

What is happening? it is a nightmare to get anything done.

Please advise.


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Database Response Slow

Nov 19, 2007

The database response is significantly slow when our application requests data over a network. Are there any settings to adjust network response? The network is connected via a T1 line.

According to information I've found online, our application is the front end to the database and the database sits open on the server.

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Supressing NotInList Response...

Jun 29, 2005

Looking for a way to supress this message box...
The text you entered isn't an item in the list.

Select an item from the list or enter text that matches one of the listed items.
... when the NotInList event fires.

Trying to just open an unbound modal form, pass a couple values to it, and set focus on a particular combobox for additional information to be added to my lookup table:

Private Sub cboPostalCode_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)

On Error GoTo Err_ErrorHandler

Const Message1 = "The postal code you have entered is not currently on record."
Const Message2 = "Would you like to add it?"
Const Title = "Unknown Postal Code"
Const NL = vbCrLf & vbCrLf

If MsgBox(Message1 & NL & Message2, vbQuestion + vbYesNo, Title) = vbYes Then
DoCmd.OpenForm "frmPostalCode"
Forms!frmPostalCode!cboCountryID = Me.cboCountryID
Forms!frmPostalCode!txtPostalCode = NewData
End If

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description, vbExclamation, "Error #" & Err.Number
Resume Exit_ErrorHandler

End Sub

Any thoughts?


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Calculating % Of A Specific Crosstab Response

Feb 8, 2007

Here's my crosstab report

Answer Name1 Name2 Name3

Yes 90 95 85

No 10 10 35

Total 100 105 120

I need to devide the number of Yes responses for Name1 by the total number of responses. I tried doing it like this =(([Name1]=Yes)/sum([Name1])), but that isn't working.

Thanks in advance,


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Tables :: Adding More Than One Response To A Field

Dec 20, 2012

I have a table of issues (tblIssues). Each issue has legislation that it must be dealt under. Some issues relate to more than one piece of legislation. Some legislation deals with more than issue. Ideally, therefore, I'd like to have a separate table of legislation (tblLegislation).

Where any issue refers to two (or three) pieces of legislation, can I store that in a single field? Or do I simply need to create a record in tblLegislation for the combined legislation?

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Increase Amount Of Columns

Nov 8, 2007


Is there any way i can increase the amount of columns in a table before importing data? I am importing data from a notepad doc that needs abt 300 columns but i can only get abt 100 columns.

Thanks for any help

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How To Increase Memo Length

Sep 24, 2013

I have created a table in which there is one column of type memo. When I copy the content in this column it is allowing me to enter only 255 characters. How to increase the length of this column type memo?

I have a query with GroupBy. Is it causing me the damage? How to overcome this situation.

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Add New Day Number Record And Increase Value By One

Apr 19, 2014

I have a table, tblEvents, which I use to store information about a meeting, training session or field trip, including the [StartDate]. I also have a table, tblEventDays, which I use to store the [DayNumber] 1, 2, 3... At the moment I have to enter the day numbers in the subform frmEventDays manually, but I would like to add button controls to increase/decrease the number of days for each event (i.e. add a new record where [DayNumber] is incremented by 1, and delete the last record if I have added too many day records).

I have added button controls to my EventDays subform and managed to use the macro builder to select and duplicate the last [DayNumber] record, but cannot figure out how to increase each successive [DayNumber] by 1.

1. Add a day...

Option Compare Database
Private Sub AddDay_Click()
End Sub

2. Remove a day...

Option Compare Database
Private Sub RemoveLastDay_Click()
End Sub

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VB To Increase Record Update By 1

Jun 13, 2012

I have a form with multiple fields on it. We will call them SLO

They are text boxes and there are 6 of them named SLO1, SLO2.....SLO6

What I want to do, is use VB to update each as a string to a table individually. But Id like to only type the code once, and use a DO WHILE and increase the value by one. Example.

Current Code looks like this:

Private Sub UpdateButton_Click()
Set rstNewInventoryDataRecord = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * FROM MetricData")
Set CurrentForm = Screen.ActiveForm
Dim Counter As Integer
Counter = 1
rstNewInventoryDataRecord.SLO = CurrentForm.SLOT1.Caption
MsgBox "Update Complete"
End Sub

What I want to do is use the counter to increase by one after each loop and stop after 6. So...Do while Counter < 7

And increase the CurrentForm.SLOT1.Caption by one each time.

I've tried

rstNewInventoryDataRecord.SLO = CurrentForm.SLOT & Counter.Caption
rstNewInventoryDataRecord.SLO = CurrentForm."SLOT" & Counter.Caption

As well as a few other ideas all to no avail. Is this possible?

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Table Design For Survey Response Database

Oct 14, 2005

Hi, All--

I am designing a database to capture the data of returned surveys. I want to design the database to facilitate data analysis through crosstabs or other aggregation queries.

If I design a table where each record is the complete survey responses to all survey items in a returned survey, this is not friendly for such query analysis. (In this, each field would be a survey item). Call this the horizontal method.

The other way would be to have a reference table containing the survey items , and have responses entered in a seperate table linked by item id and response id (from a third table containing a record for each submitted survey). Call this the vertical method. This would take more time to set up but would probably be easier to query.

The item response table would become quite long contaiging every item response for every survey turned although each record is short.

Does anyone have any opinion on this, or perhaps a completely different approach that I haven't thought of that would be easy to set up but also easy to query?



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Counting The Amount Of Records With The Same Value And A Message Box Response

Sep 15, 2004

Hey. Basically I have several tables. One table (vistiors) has a combo box in one field called Hostee. Each hostee is listed in another table with all their information. When a hostee is selected in the hostee field of the visitors table I simply need it to count how many people including the currently selected person are being hosted by the person and check if it is greater or less than the amount of people set in the host table which has a field called Limit that has a number which is the maximum amount of people one person is willing to host.

If its greater than the amount in the host table a warning message should come up informing the person (but still allow the assignment to occur.)

As a note I have the combo box set to show the first name of the individual but select both the first name and ID

the code is below for the row source:

SELECT [Hosts].[First Name], [Hosts].[id] FROM Hosts;

If someone could tell me how I could get it to show multiple things within the combo box that'd be great.

IE Right now it shows just a first name liek Alex, Rachel, Bill. I'd like it to show the first name as well as the last name and a third additional field. IE Alex Lastname T1 or Rachel Lastname F4 etc.

Can anyone show me the general code to do this? I do know some VB but I'm used to using SQL with PHP primarily. I am new to access and only know it vaguely. Thanks in advance!

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Modules & VBA :: Count Number Of Fields Have X As A Response

Nov 20, 2013

I have a form that records followup activities for protocols. The form allows the user to enter up to six f/u actions from a dropdown menu in six separate fields (called fu1_action, fu2_action, etc).

I am trying to write a query that retrieves only protocols that only have one f/u action selected as "telephone correspondence" and am having trouble. It seems I could write a function in VBA that would somehow loop through the 6 f/u action fields and give a value of 1 to those that have 'telephone correspondence' as a response, and then add them up to give a total of calls for that specific protocol, and then in a separate query only retrieve those that have a total number of calls = 1, but how to get started in writing this.

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Modules & VBA :: Email Response - Reply To From A Button

Feb 24, 2014

I have a DB that holds multiple possible email responses, originally set up for just straight up create email based on this information. the Button to created the email works great. Now what I would like to be able to do is Click a 2nd button that instead of creating a new email, it would open a reply to the current opened email. I would still want to push the information to it like it does in the current new email button.

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Increase Field Text Limit (255)

Sep 15, 2006

Please help if somebody knows the way to increase the character limit of field from 255 to max. possible.


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Tables :: Increase Field Size From 10 To 50

Dec 25, 2012

How to increase field size in a certain table from 10 to 50 from Database (programaticaly).

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Possible To Increase Number Of Columns In Access 10?

Nov 13, 2013

Is it possible to increase the number of columns in Access 10?I upgraded MS Office because I knew Excel no longer restricted you to 256 columns. I often pull data from a data base that uses as many as 800 columns.When I try to open these files I get a "too many cross tabs" error prompt.

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OLE Object (thumbnails Of 4kb) Increase .mdb-size Extreme?

Jul 12, 2005


Do you guys think the database will get small in size if i have like 200 records and each one of them have a 4 kb thumbnail as OLE object?

I know that putting big images in OLE objects gets very big but a small thumbnail is ok and doesn't increase the size of the .mdb so much? (130x98 pixels)

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Can Remark / Comment Lines Increase Db Size?

Jul 22, 2006


Can someone tell me that more remark / comment lines in VBA might be one of the reason of increasing the db size?

Because now a days I am removing the queries from my db and started to use VBA code lines behind each forms and keeping some remark / comment lines to know what a particular set of code line means and what they are doing. So I put everywhere some remarks / comments line. Now my forms are faster than before but the over all size of db become heavy.

Are comment lines one of the reason in increasing db size?

With kind regards,

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Sub Form Increase In Size Depending On Data

Sep 29, 2006

I have a main form with a few imbedded sub forms.
Sometimes these is a great deal of data in one of the sub forms & non in the others.
Is there a way that the sub forms can grow depending on the amount of data there is in each particular sub form. (The sub form grows for a lot of data & shrinks for little data)
The way I have it now is that each sub form is always the same size and a scroll bar appears when these is extra data. This is OK but I need to see all data in sub forms at once if possible.
Can anyone help with ideas please?

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