Dropdown List

Dec 3, 2006


I create a dropdown list, which has 3 columns with column heads.

Can we set Bold format on the column heads?


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Forms :: Using One Dropdown List Box To Display A Selecting In Another Dropdown List Box?

Aug 4, 2014

I have a form where I have two drop down list box.The first list box is called Transaction_Type. It contains three values: Created, Allocated and Sold

The second list box is called Product_Status. It contains 6 items: Allocated, Produced, Reworked, Shipped, To Be Produced, Unallocated.

I have a products form. When a user created more inventory they will selected in the drop down list create, then a quantity. Then I would like the status of the product to update to "Unallocated".

When the user placed an order but doesn't finish it they will choose the status of the inventory to be allocated so I would like the product status to be updated to allocated automatically.

They other status the user will choose them self and do not need to be linked to each other.

In my vba code I have tried with the OnClick and AfterUpdate sub procedures with the following code.

If Me.Transaction_Type.Value = "Created" Then
Me.Product_Status.Value = "Unallocated"
End If
If Me.Transaction_Type.Value = "Allocated" Then
Me.Product_Status.Value = "Allocated"
End If

Yes when i select "created" from the drop down list it does not change product_status to say "unallocated"

(in using access 2007)

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General :: Dropdown List Dependent On Another Dropdown List

Jun 11, 2012

I must create a database for the company that I work for that covers the maintenance history of our stone crusher plant. In this database I have two dropdown lists. The first one is for the equipment and the second one is for the different types of parts that has to be replaced or fixed.

Not all of the equipment uses all of the listed parts, but some parts are used on more than one type of equipment.

I have already created a database that lists all the equipment and another one that lists all the parts.

What I want to do now is create a Yes/No box for each type of equipment so I can mark which parts is used by which equipment.

Then you must be able to select the type of equipment from a dropdown list and then select from a dropdown list that only has the parts that is used by the piece of equipment.

I am using Access 2007

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Dropdown List

Jan 23, 2006

Hi all,

I am very new to Microsoft Access, and hope somebody can help me. Apologies for what I am sure is an easy subject - but I dont know what keywords to search on!

Basically, I need to have a drop list of say 5 different products. Now depending on the product will lead to different field boxes (say each product has 15 fields, 10 which are the same, but 5 which are unique to each product). I basically want the form to change dependent upon the product type. As I say I am very sketchy on this, so feel free to treat my like an idiot! If anyone could give me a hint as to what help topic this relates to, or give me a brief overview of what to do, that would be very much appreciated. The information will be downloaded from an ODBC if that makes any difference.

Many thanks in advance


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Dropdown List

Jun 26, 2007


I want to create the dropdown list on the form, the dropdownlist will have 5 values, I want to give out description of each value when the user move the mouse on the value. Does the dropdownlist control have this option?

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Getting Values Related To Dropdown List?

Feb 7, 2007

I have a tables.
One is called: products => prdouctID,productName, ProductPrice

I created a dropdown list.
To read in the values of productName.

I wanted to have a textbox / label which will update the productPrice.
If i select productName as "Pirates", the textbox/label will show $50.00
If i select productName as "Who let them out?", the textbox/label will show $80.00

I have managed to do the dropdown list but cant seem to figure out the label / textbox.

Please advice?

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Dropdown List To Depend On Other Field

Mar 15, 2008

I'm trying to set up a database of books in a small library - each book has a prefix (Maths, English, Art etc) which I want users to be able to pick from a drop down list - I can do this, but the next field is a sub-category - is there a way of populating the dropdown list for the sub-category field depending on the chosen entry in the prefix field. eg if maths was chosen I would like the user to have the choice of number area, volume etc. but a different choice if the prefix was English.

any help very gratfully received - it seems to be a simple problem but it has me stumped.

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Dropdown List Boxes In Forms

Feb 8, 2005

I am trying to put a DROPDOWN LIST BOX in a access 2003 form, NOT a combo box. I only need this so I can disallow users from manually entering data into the combo box by typing it in. I want them only to be able to choose it from a list. I think that a LISTBOX is the only way to do this, other that using a straight list box, which would use too much room. However I cannot find any way to add this to a form. Any thoughts?


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Using A Dropdown List To Change Criteria

May 5, 2006

Good afternoon,

I need to use a selection from a drop down list to change the criteria in a query as opposed to typing text in a parameter box. This is to allow the user to choose from a list and then click on a command button to move to the next query. There are 20,000 records in the table. The series of queries will take the user to 1 or 2 records in 3 or 4 mouse clicks.


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General :: Combo Box Dropdown List

Nov 15, 2012

With Access 2000, for the On Focus event, typing Me!MyCombobox.Dropdown displays the entries in the drop down list. With 2007 the list appears momentarily and then disappears. Is there a way to keep the list from disappearing

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Select Multiple Items From Dropdown List

Mar 24, 2006


I would like to be able to select multiple items from a dropdown list like we often see on web forms. The kind where you hold down the control key to select up to 5 items. Is this possible on an access form? If so, how would do we implement, and how is such data be stored?


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Forms :: Setting Default Value In Dropdown List

Apr 11, 2015

I have a drop-down list that when a person's first name is selected then it will fill in the person's middle and last name. Is it possible to use a name that is frequently used as the default so that it is always filled in on the form? More specifically, how will it work so that the other fields (middle name and last name) will also be filled in with the default first name? Or is this not possible to do?

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How To Create A Table That Change According To Dropdown List

Oct 11, 2011

Refer to the image below:

I want to make a form with the following criteria:-

Has one dropdown list. (like in the picture) Has one table. (like in the picture) When I select an item (for example: Syarikat A Sdn. Bhd.), the table below it (yellow circled), will automatically change data according to the corresponding selected list so that user can edit/add/delete the data in the table.

The issue: I already made the dropdown list and table, but how can I make the number 3 condition.

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Data Access Page Dropdown List Blank?

Sep 27, 2006

I have a DAP that many users have access to.When opened the Dropdown is blank on some peoples and populated on others. Is there some setting that can cause this. I have checked to make sure that they have the allow ActiveX Controls to run files on this computer checked. Any other setting that may cause this? Thanks.

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Display Specific Records In A Subform Using A Dropdown List

Apr 12, 2005

Hi to all,
I developed a database where I keep all the problems that I face and their solutions along with its category.

Now I want to have a form that when I choose each category, I should have all its records.

I heard that I should implement this by using a subform but I couldn't manage. With a search at the topics I've seen that I should use a macro but I don't know how to implement it.

Possibly after the lookup field I should have an After Update function but how can I connect it with the subform?

ex. at category "hardware: floppy" i have 2 records and i want to see only these, and when i choose category "hardware: hard disk" to have other 5 records of that category

Help plz?

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Forms :: Combobox Defaults To 1st Item On Dropdown List

Sep 16, 2013

My combobox is not working correctly. When I select one of the dropdown items in the combobox it always defaults to the 1st item on the list. I want to be able to select any of the dropdown items on the list.

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Forms :: Limit Dropdown List To Specific Record

Mar 24, 2015

I have a list of customers. [ID] on (Form1)

I click_on their name [ID] that opens a dialogue (Form2 )specific to them.

I have a table of several dates with the relevant [ID]

I want a dropdown box on Form2 that only shows the dates for that specific customer[ID]

Ive tried [Form2].[ID] in the criteria of the ID field in the query for the dropdown data source.

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Forms :: How To Reorder Displayed Columns In Combo Box Dropdown List

Jan 10, 2015

I'm a newbie with Access, how to reorder the displaying of the columns in a Combo Box dropdown list of have in my Access 2007 application.

The columns that are being displayed are (in the current order):

Part Name
Unit Price

I want the order to be the following:

Part Name
Unit Price

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Reports :: Combo Box Won't Show Dropdown List In Header Area

Mar 28, 2013

I have a combo box in the header area. The record source, Bound Column are set correctly ( I know because I tested it on a form ). In this instance, the user would select from the dropdown list, the name of a member of staff, based on the click-event, and passing the Staff_ID to a variable, this would be used to filter a recordset/recordsource for the report. However, there is no dropdown ( or arrow on combo - so no name can be selected ) ?

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Reports :: DropDown List For Reports Supplied By Table

Apr 22, 2015

I have a dropdown list of reports that is supplied by table. I also have listbox that are populate by another table. I want to be able to run the reports from the dropdown and from the listbox ....whatever the selection is to pull that info from the report and display.

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Forms :: Click Button To Open Dropdown To Open Record The Filters By Dropdown

Jul 28, 2014

I currently have a button that opens a report. the report pulls from a query that has parameters set to "fromdate" and "todate". instead of using dates and parameters that pop up as blank text boxes, I would like to click the button, have a form pop up with a combo box to select all of the options available (currently 23 options) and then click a button to make a report that only displays the record (1-23) selected. I do not need any time constraints because as the databases get updated with more records, there would be more than 23 options to choose from.

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Limiting A Dropdown List In A Subform From Within The Subform

Jun 25, 2007

I have a subform within a main from which switches by entry. The subform is a datasheet. I have two dropdowns in the datasheet and I want to limit one off of the other. I keep getting a prompt. The prompt is Forms!CLTS Subform!Environment. To my understanding it looks like it can't find Environment. Does anyone know the proper format.

This is my code for the second drop down in the subform.
Also special note Environment is what I am referencing to and it also is in the subform.

SELECT PackageName.PackageNameID, PackageName.PackageName, PackageName.EnvironmentID
FROM PackageName
WHERE (((PackageName.EnvironmentID)=[Forms]![CLTS Subform]![Environment]))
ORDER BY PackageName.PackageName;

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Dropdown Box Depends On Another Dropdown Box Value

Dec 8, 2004

I am currently developing an app with MS-access. I need two drop boxs on the same form. First is states and second is cities. When user selects one state from the first dropdown box, the second dropdown box will only display the cities that in the selected state. Is that possible by using ms-access??


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Listbox Dropdown

Apr 22, 2006

I'm pulling my hair out. I'm making a seemingly simple tex book database.

I have 2 tables. AuctionItems and AuctionBidders. I have three forms. One to enter AuctionItems, one to enter AuctionBidders, and one to enter Transactions. The AuctionItem Table has a column for the winning bidders ID WinningBidderID.

On the Transaction form I list the acution item data and also want to put a listbox that allows the user to choosed the AuctionBidder that won this auction.

I cant figure out how to make this listbox. IIn the listbox dropdown, I want it to show the Bidders last name, first name, etc in the listbox, but then store only that persons BidderID in the AuctionItems table field WinningBidderID. I also want to display the bidders information on this form once selected. I cant figure this these things! Its driving me crazy.

Can someone give me some help or link me to an example database?

Thanks!:eek: :eek:

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.dropdown Question

Apr 18, 2007

I am having a small issue with using the .dropdown command. I am using a combobox as a search tool with the code Me.combo107.dropdown in the On Change Event. I am using the Not In list property set to yes to trigger a custom message box stating that the number is not a valid project. If the project is on the list and you hit the enter key, code in the after update event sets the focus to another field on a seperate tabbed page.This works fine if you hit enter to select the project. The problem I am having is when a project that is on the list is selected using the mouse click instead of hitting enter, the focus is set properly to the next page, but I get the following error: Run time error '2185' . You can't reference a property or method for acontrol unless the control has the focus.

I was able to get it wo work better by putting the me.combo107.dropdown code on the Keypress event. The problem I have with this method is that if the code is not on the list, the dropdown box covers the custome error message that is triggered in the not in list event. I tired doing some setfocus code before the message box triggers, but it doesn't seem to want to move. Any help would be much appreciated.

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Dropdown Box In Form

Feb 22, 2005

Hey all,

Here is my contact Form and Table:

Form "contacts":

Contact Name ___________
Phone _______________
Address _______________
Town/City ______________
State _____________
Post Code ____________

From the form the data is entered into Table "contacts":

id contact phone address town state pcode
__________________________________________________ _____
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |
| | | | | | | |

And here is the Invoice Form:

Okay this is the bit where i get lost:

Form "invoice data"

Contact Name ___________
Phone _______________
Address _______________
Town/City ______________
State _____________
Post Code ____________
Job Date _______________
Due Date ____________
Description ____________
Amount _______________
GST _______________
Total Inc GST ___________
Invoice Number ________________

Notice that the first 6 fields (contact name, phone, address, town, etc) are the same as the fields in the previous table.

What i want is to be able to make the field "contact name" a drop down box, which when a contact is selected it changes all the other fields (phone, address, town, etc) to correspond with that contact.

I know that all that may have sounded a bit comlicated, but that is the easiest way for me to put it. Im sure this is really easy for you pro's.

Thanks heaps :)
ps. if unsure of anything i wrote plzzz ask :)

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