Dsum (Not Appear Correct Calculation)
Aug 16, 2006
first of all sorry to my poor English
I have subform of inventry Transaction there are field productId, UnitsSale, SalePrice
I am using combo box on productId and want to calculate When i change productId (Stock in hand to show on msgbox) for the productId which i choosen from combo box
if any one know about it please help
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Sep 6, 2012
I have an Inventory DB Table called [EngData] that has a subform table called [Inventory]. I have in the subform a calculated text box that Sums three columns, StockQtyMade, StockQtySold and StockQtyShrink. This works perfectly.
On the Main form I have a calculated text box that references the subform calculated field. This also displays correct info.
On another Form I wanted other users to see the total stock on hand by using a calculated field called PullTotalQty. This is set by using DSum(...). The only problem is that the DSum(...) keeps giving totals that are not accurate. Sometimes the quantity is a few pieces less then the correct amount and in other cases the qty is many times what it should be.
Whatever the amount in error it is consistent each time a particular record is displayed. I have tried many things to get this to work but nothing has fixed the issue. I have also tried changing the query and nothing works. Changing the query and using the [Inventory] table in the DSum domain gives a different wrong quantity.
Here is the code: I reduced the code down to one column to be summed (StockQtyMade) just to see if I could get that working first. I will add the other two columns later. for testing purposes I am only looking at the StockQtyMade amounts.
Me.PullTotalQty.Value = DSum("[tblInventory subform].[Form].[StockQtyMade]", "[SumStockQuery]", "[tblInventory subform].[Form].[PartID]= " & Me.[ID])
Here is the SumStockQuery SQL:
SELECT Inventory.TransactionID, Inventory.PartID, Inventory.PrintNo, Inventory.StockRev, Inventory.StockQtySold, Inventory.StockQtyMade, Inventory.StockQtyShrink, Inventory.StockQtyXIncomplete, Inventory.StockLoc, Inventory.TransactionDescription
FROM Inventory
WHERE (((Inventory.TransactionDescription)<>"xNextOP"))
ORDER BY Inventory.TransactionID DESC;
Why the totals are incorrect??
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Mar 2, 2012
The code I have is.
Private Sub Command26_Click()
If Forms![test site]![prp test].Form.[A Right Answer] = -1 Then
Forms![test site]![number correct] = Forms![test site]![number correct] + 1
End If
End Sub
Then when clicked it checks a yes/no box to see if "A right Answer" is the correct yes. Then it should pop to the main form and take the number correct cell and add one to it. I am trying to get the record to go to the next record inside the sub-form but docmd.findnext seems to be wrong too.
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Jul 30, 2007
I want to add to values based on if yes or no is selected in an option group.
My thinking is to use DSUM. When 'yes' is selected I want to grab a value from one field and add it to a value in another field giving a running total. I am currently using the following code but it throws back an error. Is DSUM the way to go?
Case 1
txtTotal.Value = DSum("[s1]", "[s2]")
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Mar 29, 2008
Hi there guys, ill keep it short and snappy,
Im trying to use the Dsum() function to add together the "Quantities" of specific products bought in transactions i.e. the total quantity for a product called "red t-shirt" and the total quantity for another product called "blue t-shirt". the following was the code i tried to use but it just adds together all quantities of all products:
DSum("[Quantity]","Query2","[Product Name] =[Product Name]")
Does anyone have any ideas at all please?
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May 17, 2005
Ok, I have a commercial database over which I have no control. It is ticket sales and I want to view them over time...
This is my table of transactions:
tix_header_no_seats - The number of seats sold
tix_header_first_transaction_date - The date of the transaction
The unique ID of the performance is made up of tix_header_year and tix_header_performance_code:
In tix_header_year of 2004 there is a tix_header_performance_code of JSVH01 and in 2005 there is also JSVH01 - but there is never the same tix_header_performance_code more than once in the same tix_header_year...
Now I can get the number of tickets sold on each day using Sum() for a specific performance using:
SELECT SUM(tix_header_no_seats) AS TotalSeats, tix_header_first_transaction_date
FROM master_tix_header WHERE
tix_header_year = "2005"
AND tix_header_performance_code - "JSVH01"
GROUP BY tix_header_first_transaction_date;
This gives me:
TotalSeats tix_header_first_transaction_date
2 14/03/05
9 18/03/05
1 22/03/05
But what I want is:
TotalSeats tix_header_first_transaction_date
2 14/03/05
11 18/03/05
12 22/03/05
Can anyone give me any pointers?
I tried http://support.microsoft.com/kb/138911/ but it returned ambiguous results (seemed to reset the running total at the begining of each year...) or would say the query was too complex to run - I;ve probably missed something simple as I a newbie to the world of access/sql
PS: Access 97 if that makes any difference!
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Jul 5, 2005
I am trying to add up the total amnt under a certain location # under a certain representative #. What im having the query do it pull information from several different tables including the rep # and that rep #'s loc #. I want to find the sum of the sales under the location # for that rrep #. So it will look it up based on the loc # after it finds the rep #'s loc #. What would be the best way to do that.
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Oct 2, 2006
Can someone tell me why the following querie doesn't work?
txtcharges = DSum("[Charges]", "tblcharges", "[DateCharges] >= '" & startdate & "' AND [dateCharges] <= '" & enddate & "'") '
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Apr 23, 2007
I have a table that contains Product, Manufacturer, Date and Cost and want to have a field that sums up totals based on criteria, for example, total cost for each manufacturer over a set period.
I think I need to use a dsum, but although I've tried to structure this query, I'm getting nowhere fast!
Any help is appreciated!!
P.s. I have no sql expereince, so please can any response not include a brilliant, but greek-to-me sql! :o
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Jul 17, 2007
What do I do if wanting to sum my data in a table if it is text in the field that groups them together. In the examples, the grouping is by productID, but my grouping is by a text field.
DSum("[Amount Aus]","Costs","[Costs.Area]=" & [Costs.Area] And "[Costs.Project Code]=" & [Costs.Project Code]")
The Costs.Project Code is the text field. The Costs.Area part works fine, but not Costs.Project Code
Any help would be great
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Jan 7, 2008
Hi Guys,
Look, I have a table to record supplier invoices for vehicle maintenance services.
The fields at this table are:
1. [Vehicle_License_Plate] - text - this is to input the vehicle ID, or registration
2. [Supplier_ID] - text - this is to input the supplier ID, or supplier code
3. [Invoice] - text - this is to input the supplier invoice number
4. [Invoice_Date] - date/time - this is to input the invoice date
5. [Service] - text - this is to input the type of service, from a pre-determined list
6. [Amount] - number - this is to input the invoice amount
7. [Accepted] - yes/no - this is to input whether the invoice has been accepted by our services or not
8. [Accounting] - date/time - this is to input the date when invoice has been booked in the accounting system
Furthermore, at my main vehicle table (the one where all the information respective to a vehicle is recorded), I have some fields where I need to have the total amount spent per service type (one field for each type of service).
In my intention to have an update query calculating the values for these fields, based on the supplier invoices table, I'm having a problem...
At the update query, I'm saying that I want to update i. e. field [Cost_Transportation], on my main vehicle table to the result of the following formula:
Problem is that, instead of having the total "Transportation" amount for the each vehicle well calculated and updated at the main vehicle database field, I'm getting the overall total transportation amount from the supplier invoices table, and this total amount is then updated on all [Cost_Transportation] fields at my main vehicle table.
Istead, what I would need was a formula that could calculate, from the "DB_Supplier_Invoices" table, the total [Amount] per service AND per vehicle, and then update the fields at the main vehicle table accordingly.
Any help will be highly appreciated!!
Should you require further clarification, please advise.
Many thanks and best regards.
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Apr 24, 2006
i have a access database (250mb)
when access run this line,
i get:
run time error : 6
totaldga = DSum("nombre_dga", "tbExcel", " jour >= " + "#" & Me.txtDateDebut & "#" + " and jour <= " + "#" & Me.txtDateFin & "#" + " and heure_debut >= " + "#" & Me.txtHeureDebut & "#" + " and heure_fin <= " + "#" & Me.txtHeureFin & "#" + " and transit in (" & Left(strIN, Len(strIN) - 1) & ")")
if i do:
totaldga = DSum("nombre_dga", "tbExcel", " jour >= " + "#" & Me.txtDateDebut & "#" + " and heure_debut >= " + "#" & Me.txtHeureDebut & "#" + " and heure_fin <= " + "#" & Me.txtHeureFin & "#" + " and transit in (" & Left(strIN, Len(strIN) - 1) & ")")
that work fine........ access don't seem to like: jour >=....... and jour <= ........
any idea?
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Mar 2, 2006
I am trying to use DSUM to calculate a running total for an outstanding balance for each period over a number of years. The problem I have is it is not totalling when the year changes, it starts a new running sum for the next year. For each year, there are 12 periods. Is there anyway I can get it to total for all years? My DSUM calculation is
RunningSum: Val(DSum("([CHG_AMT]-[CASH_AMT])","RUNNING","[FCYEAR_ID] = '" & [FCYEAR_ID] & "' and [PERIOD_NO] <= " & [AMonth]))
Thanks in advance for any help
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Mar 16, 2006
Is there a way to add to the below code (a Field in a saved Query) that if the RemitDate is the same as the RemitDate and SOInvoiceNumber is the same the SOInvoiceNumber, that the DSum function will work. And also still work as the code reads.
PrevPaidCalc:Format(Nz(DSum("RemitAmount","tblCustomerRemitsDetail","SOInvoiceNumber=" & [SOInvoiceNumber] & " And RemitDate<#" & Format([RemitDate],"mm/dd/yyyy") & "#"),0),"$#,##0.00")
I have attached a view of what I’m trying to accomplish, I apologize for the crudeness of the Form it’s still under construction.
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Dec 29, 2005
The following statement returns NULL
Dim str As String
Dim n As Variant
str = "RemitDate >= #" & Forms![Report Menu].FromDate & "# AND RemitDate <= #" & Forms![Report Menu].ToDate & "#"
n = DSum("GSTPaid", "queryJobRemittance", str)
yet however when I run the query ie
SELECT sum(GSTPaid) FROM queryjobremittance
WHERE remitdate>=[Forms]![report menu].[fromDate] And remitdate<=[forms]![report menu].[todate];
it works fine.
The remitdate is short date,the format is dd/mm/yy, and the dsum works fine when no criteria.
Any advice will be much appreciated. Thanks.
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Aug 14, 2006
Is there a way to join tables when using DSum in an expression on a control box?
I need to do the equivaent of:
FROM Table1
INNER JOIN Table2 on Table1.AreaID = Table2.AreaID
AND Table2.AreaDescription = 'UK'
...but in an expression. I can't use the query above because the form has already used a different query as it's source. So, something like:
=DSum("[ColumnA]","Table1","[Table2.][AreaID]=") ???
Or is there another way round this?
I guess I could add the Table2.Description to all of the tables, but that kind of defeats the point of a relationa database doesn't it ?
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Feb 21, 2008
Just a quick one,
I have a TextBox in my form, that currently has this DSum in it:
(ProdID is another TextBox in the form, QtyAdd is from the Orders table, and QtySub is from the Output table)
I'm also wanting to query it with more WHERE statements but finding I can only do this once with a DSum.
I'm wanting to effectively do this:
=DSum("QtyAdd","Orders","ProdID AND StockItem = Yes AND Arrival = Yes")-DSum("QtySub","Output","ProdID AND Dispatch = Yes")
So, WHERE the field StockItem and Arrival = Yes in the Orders table and WHERE Dispatch = Yes in the Output table.
Does anyone know how I can achieve this?
I was thinking an SQL query but don't know how to display a Query into a TextBox.
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Oct 13, 2005
Could someone help with showing me how to sync a DSUM to a record as i am currently summing all the records instead of the ones i need?
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Mar 27, 2006
I have been reading through the boards and managed to get this far but I have been stuck on the same problem for hours, so I am now asking for help.
I need to create a YTD running total:
Period, Units
01/01/2006, 10
01/02/2006, 20
UnitsYTD: DSum("[Units]","tblAdjControlLog_YTD","[Period] <=#" & [Period] & "#")
I have managed to get to this point and now seem to be stumped after several hours of trying different approaches.
The query keeps returning the following results:
Period, Units, UnitsYTD
01/01/2006, 10, 60
01/02/2006, 20, 60
01/03/2006, 30, 60
Instead of:
Period, Units, UnitsYTD
01/01/2006, 10, 10
01/02/2006, 20, 30
01/03/2006, 30, 60
Thanks in advance
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May 22, 2006
I understand that it is not good practice to store calculated values in a table, but I am having a difficult time doing otherwise. I have a form with the field "volume". I have a table that stores monthly volumes for each product type. In my AfterUpdate of my "effectivemonth" field I have a DSum query go to the Volumes table and sum the volumes for the particular product based on the effective month. Each month all of the volumes change and I have to go into every record via my form one at a time and trigger the AfterUpdate event in order to get the field updated with the new volumes.
These volumes 1) have to be visible on my form at all times and 2) are used as the basis for most of my queries, pulling from the "volume" field in my table.
I am looking for a way to update the entire database volumes with one command button. Is this possible? I've thrown in my current AfterUpdate code to give you an idea of what I am doing now.
If Not IsNull(Me.fcstloc) Then
Me.prodvolume = DSum("[volume]", "qryMonthlyEngineVolumes", "[product] = '" & Forms!Projects!product & "'" & " And [year]= '" & Forms!Projects!cutinyear & "'" & " And [MonthID] Between " & Forms!Projects.MonthID.Column(0) & " And 12")
Me.prodvolume = DLookup("[volume]", "tblProjectDetails", "[projectid] = " & Forms!Projects!projectid & "")
If Me!otherloc = "Supplies forecast" Then
Me.prodvolume = DSum("[volume]", "qryMonthlySupplies", "[product] = '" & Forms!Projects!currentpn & "'" & " And [year]= '" & Forms!Projects!cutinyear & "'" & " And [MonthID] Between " & Forms!Projects.MonthID.Column(0) & " And 12")
End If
End If
Any ideas would be helpful.
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Jun 11, 2006
I have a Qry field:
TotalUsage: Val((Round(Nz([UomUsage])/DSum("Nz([UomUsage])","[tblDetail]",),4)*100))
the problem is that the DSUM needs to sum up all the like records using the same SubID. I need some extra code in the divisor part. EG
subID uomUsage TotalUsage
33 10 100
33 40 100
33 50 100
34 43 100
34 57 100
the dsum needs to use SubID in order to sum correcly EG on SubID 33 as 100 uomUsage.
SubID is a Number field, Long integer.
I am presently getting wrong info. the formula above Dsum is summing as 200 since i eroneously don't have Subid in the Qry calc.
How can i fix? Thanks
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Sep 5, 2006
I have been trying to get this all night. This was my last attempt. I know it is all wrong and messed up but after 10 hrs I go for help. There is no date field to work with.
Expr2: DSum("[Amount]","[List]","[Item]=" & [Item] & "and [FinItem]>0")+0
But it ended up like this.
Item ------Location-------Amount--Expr2----Expr3
210090------030005 -------267470--error ----859103.74417
220170------ GYM -------409000--error ----859103.74417
220170------ 060010-------83297 ---error ----859103.74417
220170------ 050010-------17762 --error ----859103.74417
3429B -------060010-------0.74417--error ----859103.74417
3429B -------060010-------3 ----error ----859103.74417
7342900-----060010--------5369 ---error ----859103.74417
7342900-----060050--------76202 --error ----859103.74417
I need it to look like this.Where it will do a running sum based on the "Item" Groups.
210090------ 030005-------267470---267470---859103.74417
220170------ GYM --------409000---409000---859103.74417
3429B-------060010------- 0.74417---0.74417---859103.74417
3429B-------060010------- 3-------3.74417---859103.74417
Please Help.
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Dec 8, 2006
I can't figure out what I have wrong in my code. I've searched all over the forums and the help files in Access. I'm sure it's something simple. Could someone please take a look?
=DSum([DefectQty],"d_sub1_DefectReport","CodeID= "" & [tblDefectCodes].[CodeID] & "" AND ""[InspectDate] >= #" & [Forms]![frmDefectDetailReport]![txtStartDate] & "#" And "[InspectDate] <= #" & [Forms]![frmDefectDetailReport]![txtEndDate] & "#")
I'm trying to get a sum of all defect quantities between a date range from a user form. Rather than summing all the defect quantities for a defect code, it's summing up the total quantites for each quantity. I'm sure that doesn't make sense so here's an example:
InspectDate CodeID DefectQty DSum Should Be
6/1/06 100 1 3 5
6/2/06 100 2 4 5
6/3/06 105 1 3 1
6/4/06 103 1 3 1
6/5/06 100 2 4 5
The domain is a query because the dates come from a different table than the defect quantities, so the query is pulling all the relevant data to be summed.
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Mar 19, 2007
i have a query summing sales data by month.
what i need to do is be able to list in this query the sales summed for same period last year.
I have some other criteria but this is the just of it.
trying to use a dsum function in the query itself and using product id and date range derived from fields that calc starting date last year and ending date last year for time period.
example , sum this years jan and feb 2007 sales and also have the dsum function sum jan and feb sales of 2006 in a field right next to the 07 values.
I can not get the dsum function to work???
i enen tried creating a temp table with the 07 sales data summed and values for each period in seperate fields ie date1 = 01/01/06 and date2 = 1/31/2006 and the same for feb. The dsum did not work that way either.
If i hard code the dates into the dsum it works by i would like it to be more dynamic based on the date1 and date2 values.
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Feb 17, 2008
Hi All,
I have a table namely, leave_details wherein there is a column called DAYS and TDAYS,
DAYS columns represent number of leaves an employee has taken in a single leave application and
TDAYS represents Total number of leaves an employee has availled till date.
To calculate the TDAYS i need to SUM the DAYS column for every employee.
When an employee again log in the application he should be aware of the total number of leaves which he has already availed.
Please help me for the same as I am unable to do so.
Kindly revert back for any queries or any further information.
With Warm Regards,
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Feb 22, 2008
Dear all, imagine a table named "Database" with fields
Par1, Par2, ... ParN, Amount,
where most of the parameters in Par1,...ParN are in text format.
The structure of another table, "Criteria", is exactly like "Database" less "Amount" field.
Suppose we want to summarise "Amounts" from "Database" according to the sets of "Criteria", for each of its records. A set does not always include all of the fields, e.g. an empty field (or sort of wildcard) may mean that any value fits.
It seems like classical application of DSum function, but I've already spent a lot of time in desperate attempts to solve this problem and will highly appreciate your suggestions.
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