Duplicate Autonumbers Being Generated

Mar 11, 2006

I have an orders database using Ac2K. Main tables are:
tblOrders: Has OrderID which is autonumber, key index (no duplicates)

tblOrderDetail: Has OrderDetailID --long integer

Tables are related in one to many relationships on OrderID-OrderDetailID with both cascades set.

Database is split with tables and front end on server. I can't put front end on desktops because users can access from any of over 600 computers in the school district even tho there are not all that many simultaneous users.

Data is input on main form bound to tblOrders. When user puts in required information (Date,Vendor other etc.), I save record and autonumber generates a new OrderID. The subform window then opens and user then inputs the details of the order to the tblOrderDetail. There can be multiple entries here.

Form and subform are linked by their ID fields as master-child.

PROBLEM: System which runs on network with 2-3 simultaneous users is unstable. It works for a while (maybe 10-20 orders) and then crashes. The subform window is blank (never opens).

When I examine the tables directly I found these problems:

1) Two of the OrderID's (autonumbers) are the SAME! They are usually right above and below each other and usually tied to the same user altho other order info may be different. I don't see any data "collision" if it's the same user. I thought this was IMPOSSIBLE.

2) There is an entry or two in the tblOrderDetail with ######### in one or more fields. The OrderDetailID field is blank. I once found the ######### in the tblOrders as well.

3) The key index is removed from the OrderID.

4) When I go to the relationships window either the link is missing or the cascade and integrity are no longer active. If I try to re-establish, I get a message about missing key index or unmatched data. If I then go and DELETE the records with the ##########, I can re-establish the relationship. And it works for awhile again.

5. Compact and repair doesn't fix anything.

6. One user "thinks" she saw a quick message about "time-out". Is there some setting in Access that I need to change (Tools-Options-Advanced?)

ANY ideas would be much appreciated. There is nothing worse than trying to work with a system that works most, but not all, of the time.

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Dec 9, 2005

Hi. This is probably a stupid question but it is becoming annoying trying to figure it out.

I have created two linked tables and then created forms to enter information into them. While i was working i tested several pieces of information by entering information into the tables and forms. Now i am ready to start importing the intial data and the autonumber is at 13 for one table and around 6 or 7 for the other one.

Is there any possible 'easy' way, without creating the whole tables or forms again, that i can reset the autonumbers to start at 1 again?

Thanks, any information appreciated.

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Help With Autonumbers And Such

Feb 15, 2005

I started work for a wireless company a while back, and they keep track of all the mac address's for customers. The problem was that they choose to use the serial number as the primary key.

Nothing wrong with that, but what is wrong is that the serials arnt totaly in order. They werent sure on there serial number scheme so they just kind of made it up at first, then settled into something more concrete later.

The first serial numbers go up to 999, and this is fine, its after this that things get complicated. They totaly skip the 2 thousands and start again at 3000.

What they have assigned me to do, since i am the one with the only access classes from college is fix it.

What they want to do is type the serial number in a box on a form and it bring up that record. I have already built the form and just tried adding a "find record" button but they didnt like it. They want to just type it in the form, not in a nother window.

Any suggestions? I have suggested we could add all the missing serial numbers to the list, but then we have huge sections of blank data. not a real big deal, but i cant remeber for the life of me how to just type in a few recuring numbers and have access finish it off. I can remeber in excel but its not the same.

Thanks in advanced.

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Aug 20, 2004


I am hoping someone can help me here I have created a database with number of forms and queries.
My problem is that my autonumbers dont start from one but start from 40,41,42...etc this started happening
when I was putting some data in the tables for testing and for some reason went all strange have no idea/how
it happened.
How do I get it back to normal with the autonumbers in the tables to start from 1,2,3,4.....etc again?

I hope this is clear to understand.


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Multiple Autonumbers

May 24, 2005

1st question and situation with 2 databases Customer and Plan

I have created two databases. In one of them I want to be able to assign each customer a Customer ID (CID). For the other I have a Plan Database where I want to include a (PID) Plan ID, this database will also contain the CID's relating to the first database.

Anyhoo, how can I add an autonumber to the database for my CID's? It says I cannot due so to an existing database? But I just want to assign the existing ones a number and in the future as I add more records to the database, I want the Autonumber function to come into play.

How can I do this for my Customer Table with the CID?

2nd question

How can I add two auto functions in my Plan Database that can give me (DATE EDITED, and DATE CREATED for each record I may add in the future)?

Also for this database, how can I tie the autofunction from my plan database together? I want to be able to have the autofunction also kick in for this database as more customers in the customer table are added, thus creating more plan ID's in my second database?

Any help would be GREATLY appreciated. Thanks!

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Negative Autonumbers

Jan 3, 2005

I trying to create a table where the primary key is a customerID, using the autonumber function. I would like to leave the new value setting on Random, since two people may be using database. However, I'm getting a lot of negative numbers as CustomerID's. If there a way I can limit the pool of random numbers to positive only.

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Two Autonumbers Needed, But How??

Mar 23, 2006

I have a Client Table which has the following Primary Key: "Control ID".

The Control ID is an autonumber (ID increases by 1 with each new client).

Now, I also need to create another field called "Client ID". The Client ID is unique for each client, but needs to be a random number, in the range of between 100,000 and 1,000,000.

I've been using the Control ID for the last few months, but now need to add the Client ID. The Controld ID is mainly for internal purposes, and the Client ID will be given to the client.

I can't seem to add this new Client ID field, as tables don't allow for two autonumbers. Is there any way around this? It needs to be an autonumber field as is needs to be random, and entered automatically.

Any help appreciated, thanks!

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Custom Autonumbers.

Jun 17, 2006

I would like to create a custom autonumber to use as my primary key in one of my tables in my database.

I would like my records to be displayed as such C000001 , C000002 and so forth. Does anyone know how todo this?

Thanks in advance.

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How To Look Up Formatted AutoNumbers?

Mar 22, 2007

Good evening,

I am a little confused. I have one table with the Autonumber field and another table with a field that looks it up.

Tha problem is that I am using a Format for my Autonumber, e.g.
"O0045". And the field with the foreign key refuses to accept it! It needs a number to be entered, i.e. 45, and then it can format it. So on the whole, the LookUp Feature does not work, because it suggests FormattedAutonumbers, which do not fit in (obviously the foreign key accepts numbers only).

Is there a solution? Thank you in advance.

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Autonumbers In Labels

Feb 4, 2005

Uh, hi. I'm new to using access, and I'm wondering if its possible to display an autonumber at the top of a form in a label box. For example, if I had a field set to autonumber and was ading a new record to the database, could I display the autonumber field on the actual form?

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Autonumbers Relating To Another Field

Jan 12, 2005

Hi I have tried searching for an answer with no luck.
I am writing a table to do a filing cabinet archive.

I have a table with 3 fields in one is box no, second is item no and third is a description.

I have the first 2 linked as a primary key. The description is just text.
I want to be able to enter a box no and to have the second (item) to enter a number automatically following a sequential no which is relevant to that box. ie
box no Item No
1...........4 this one takes the next no available for box no 1
2...........3 and this one does the same for box no 2

if you go back to a box and start reinputting it picks up the next number.
should i sack trying to do it with the autonumber?

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Can You Define 2 AutoNumbers In Access?

Dec 5, 2007


I am trying to create a db for software change requests. I have defined 3 tables:

PCR - Change request table. This table contains all info on the software bug.
Release - Software release table. This table contains info about the release date, platform i.e. SAP
Sponsor - The person funding for the change to take place. This table contains info on the sponsor such as Name.

I have identified that I need a one-to-many relationship between the tables. For example, A release will have many PCR's. A sponsor will have many PCR's they are funding.

My Primary keys are: PCR Table - PCR_ID, Release Table - Release_ID, Sponsors Table - BPM_ID.

In order to get a one to many (the many being on the PCR table) I have put two foreign keys in the PCR Table (Release_ID and BPM_ID). Both of these keys in thier own tables are autonumbers. From my undertstanding to get MS Access to relate the data I need to set the foreign keys in the PCR Table to autonumbers. Or do I? I do not want to change the primary keys in the Release and Sponsors table to datatype number as this would mean user manual input which I am trying to avoid.

Thanks in advance for the help.


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Question On Ranking And Autonumbers (I Think)

Jan 12, 2007

Hello All

Firstly I have been reading this forum for a while picking up hints and tips and am very grateful so big grats and thanks to all you guys for the help

The problem I am stuck on at the moment will hopfully be quite simple, but I should point out I have absolutely no skill or knowlede in Modules and VB language I most of my "stuff" via statements within the Design view.

Ok so here we go. I have a query which brings back the top 50 performing sales items, which is done by sorting them in descending order and using that filter thing at the top of the design view, which is set to 50. What I would like to do is insert a field in the query which gives the rank, so the best seller is given number 1, the second best 2 and so on and so forth.

Sorry if there is a topic already, I have tried to search, but couldnt find what I was looking for.

Ta in advance for any help


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Table Has Had Autonumbers Removed And Need To Reinstate

Apr 8, 2008

Hi All

This is my first post so hope I get everything right :-)

Right i have three tables which are laid out as such

ID Number PK
Capacity_Band Number
Product Number
Price Number

previously the ID was a autonumber but this has been removed recently. When I try to change the ID back to Autonumber Access throws up an error. Some of the ID's occasionally get deleted which results in non consectutive numbers, normally I would strip the Id field and start again , but unfortunatly the id's are all interlinked , so this is not an option , unless i reset them all !!!!:mad:

My only thought is to set up a complicated series of lookups (probably vlookups in excel to reset the numbers) . Im hoping there is an easier way to reinstate the Autonumber on the ID field ? :confused:

Many Thanks for help in advance


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Modules & VBA :: Generating More Complicated Autonumbers?

May 22, 2015

I need to generate quotation numbers for the quotes that I will be populating from my database. The process now is simply the format of date-n. The date is in standard format being "05222015" and the n is simply the number quote generated on that given date, For example the first quote generated today would be 05222015-1. Best way to generate these numbers automatically.

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Linking Outlook And Access...but Adding Autonumbers

Feb 19, 2007

Hello Everyone

I have a question which hopefully someone can help me with.

I have a database that links into an Outlook email account. I get the information across via File => Get External Data => Link Tables.

However the issue I have is assigning some kind of autonumber to this table. I am not bothered what the number is, just so that I can differentiate between the records.

Is there an easy way of doing this?

Thanks in adavance

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Tables :: Autonumbers Reset In Split Database

May 6, 2014

I have split the database I have created via the splitter-wizard and found that all tables with auto-numbers have re-set back to 1.

How do I get around this problem - I have tried running an append query but it flags up an error message. For certain functions to work in the database I need to set autonumbers at different amounts .

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Custom Generated Number

May 10, 2005

Quote by Pat Hartman
>>>BTW, one somewhat undesirable thing happens when you go with replication. Access changes ALL your autonumbers to random instead of sequential. That means that from that time on, all new autonumbers will be assigned randomly to minimize the problem of conflicts between the design master and replica sets. A random autonumber can range from a very small negative number to a very large positive number. These autonumbers can no longer be used as your customer numbers or order numbers if these numbers are ever printed or given to the customer to be used for reference. A customer probably will be confused by an order number = -2. If this is going to cause you a problem, you'll need to switch to custom generated numbers. Post back for details if you need them.<<<<

I'd be interested in getting some details. Data will be entering that table through a data entry form and through appending from a second copy of the DB. I want to make the PK a random autonumber but then when the second DB is added to the Master DB have the table in the Master DB assign each record a "prettier" more usable id number. I know this is stupid but I'm not sure how to relate code to a table (there's no before update event for a table as far as I'm aware).

Thanks for any help you can give.


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Fields Generated From A Seperate Table?

Feb 24, 2005


I'm making a table with a Yes/No choice many fields which represent subscriptions.

The problem is that the subscriptions available will need to be changed fairly often - will this mean the table and the form associated with it need to be redesigned?

If so, I don't know how to make fields that change depending on a different table.

If this can't be done, I'd be interested to find out how else I could go about this.

Thanks for any help you guys can offer.

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How To Retrive Automatically Generated Results

Oct 18, 2007

Hey guys.This is a real basic question but I am a newbie at this.:confused:I have created a form in Access that is actually an INVOICE for my company and therefore I have fields like [qty1],[rate1] & [amount1] In the form in [amount1] I have used the following expression to get automatically generated values.=[qty1]*[rate1]This gives me the Amount. But problem is that the result that is automatically generated by this mathematical operation is not stored in my database under the field amount1 and the field is therefore blank. I wish to use this resulted value in a report and also want to use it in other forms e.g. my sales register.kindly help me out with this.:)

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Info Generated On A Form Then Being Sent To A Table

May 9, 2006

Hi I have a field on my form called cost of order
I also have a field called deposit on the form that is generated by dividing the cost by 2.
is there a simple way (most probably) to the send this data to my payment table, I already have a deposit filed set up in the payment table I just want to post the data in from the form?

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Email Report Generated On Time

Dec 19, 2006

Is there a way to have access remember a certain time like 2:00 pm and generate a report and send it to a specific person. I know how to make an attachment for sending someone a report but how do I get access to do it on a certain time lets say 2:00 PM?

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Reports Generated Based On Criteria

Apr 30, 2007

This is in regards to my same database file posted in my last thread. Basicly it's a work order database. Each task has an employee and the quality of work they did. 1=Bad, 5=Great...so it's from 1-5. I need to create a report of all the tasks which had a quality score of 3 or below for the previous month. I'm good with SQL, but I can't figure out how these Access reports work.

I want my client to be able to double click on the report and have it generate. It would be nice to have it save to a PDF or Word doc, but that would be a plus. Right now I just need to know how to generate reports based on a criteria. I searched the web for 2 hours and could not find anything about this.


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Modules & VBA :: Generated Random Number Always The Same

Jun 2, 2015

I have a log in screen that my users must use before they can use my db. if they enter the wrong username/password they get the usual message boxes. I also thought it would be a nice personal touch if once they've logged in they get a little greeting, so i made a message box that says "Hello " followed by their first name

This did the trick for a while, however theyre sick of seeing "Hello" and want other greetings, i figured this wouldnt be too complicated and took me only about 10 minutes or so to implement.

Basically i created a table (tblGreetings), has two fields, an autonumber field (ID) and a short text field

I've added the following code into the login sequence:

Dim greetings As Integer
Dim greet As String
Dim randomNum
greetings = DCount("ID", "tblGreetings")
randomNum= Int((greetings - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)
greet = DLookup("Greeting", "tblGreetings", "[ID]=" & randomNum)

which in theory should generate a random number between 1 and "greetings" (which is an integer representing the number of greetings ive stored in my table), currently greetings=9

then it should pick a greeting from tblGreetings using the random number as an ID

This more or less works, except whenever the DB is opened and a user logs in, the "random" number is the same every time, it always seems to be 7 (which corresponds to the greeting "G'day").

Why this random number is always the same? it changes if i run the code a few times in the same session, but once the database is closed and reopened it still gives off the number 7, every time

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How To Avoid Auto-generated Messages Pop Up

Oct 14, 2011

I have the following code (below) that I use to allow the user to select a particular value to determine which records to delete. However, I was wondering if there was a way to avoid having the Microsoft Access auto-generated messages pop up.

For this particular case, after the user selects the value and hits the command button, then a msg box comes up verifying if the user wants to delete the records with selected value. Clicking 'Yes' will then generate the Access message that asks the user again if they want to delete the records and that these actions can not be undone. Clicking Yes here will delete the records.

However, clicking 'No' or x'ing off this Access generated message will then cause a Run-time error 2501. I want to handle this error if it all possible.

Private Sub CmdRemove_Click()
Dim strQuery As String
If vbYes = MsgBox("Are you sure you want to delete? Clicking 'Yes' will completely remove all prospects with the selected Class from the database", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Delete prospects?") Then
strQuery = "DELETE * FROM [Prospects] " & "WHERE Prospects.Class = '" & Forms("Classpopup").cmbRemove & "';"
DoCmd.RunSQL strQuery
End If
End Sub

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Uniqueness Of Auto Generated Primary Keys

Jul 13, 2006

I am developing a DB that is composed of approximately 50 tables. The primary key in every table is automatically generated byAccess. I understand that the primary key for each record in the table has to be unique. My question is: Is the primary key uniqueness applicable across the entire DB?

For example, table A has a auto gen key #25 in it. Therefore, no key in table A can be #25. Now I make an entry in table B (A:B, is 1:many). Can the primary key in table B be #25? OR, once #25 is used and continues to exist, it cannot be used in *any* table?

I have made several small examples and the keys across all the tables are unique. I don't know if this is guranteed across all the db tables, or just in my particular case?

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