Duplicated Database??

Jan 20, 2005

Ok, folks. I'm confused.
I have a database I've created called 'EngLog'. This database is located on the server and everyone in my department accesses it to add their latest entries.

However, every now and then, for some unknown reason, a second database appears, titled 'EngLog1'. I don't know what creates this second database.

Any ideas?

This is not a FE,BE database, and also, i'm utilizing a .dll file called MouseHook.dll which I have previously heard about in this forum.

Thanks to all in advance. This problem poses a bit of a threat in that some folks here might accidentally be updating the wrong database.

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Duplicated Values Problem

May 16, 2005

Hello! I'm in the process of creating a report, but am running into a problem. I have a number of clients that include fields such as ID, last name, first name, address, etc. and then their account numbers. Each client has a number of different accounts. The problem is that each client's last name, etc is listed again for each different account they have, so the query results looks like this:

ID Last Name Account #
1 Smith 123-56
1 Smith 4458-66
2 Jones 523-63
2 Jones 4525
2 Jones 5236
3 Roberts 5225-56
4 Johnson 523-55

I want the names and client contact info to appear only once in the report and all of the account #s to show also. Any suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated!

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Duplicated Records In Query

Mar 13, 2006

My table doesn't show duplicate records but when I run a query off theat table every single record has a duplicate record. What did I do wrong or how can I fix this?

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How To Find Duplicated Records?

Oct 5, 2006

Hi, I have a table contains 5 fields are shown as below, how I can write a query to find out the duplicate of the records? I have created a couple of queries by using Find Duplicates Query Wizard to do it. But the results are not accurate enough.

Field 1: ID
Field 2: Trading Name
Field 3: Location No
Field 4: Location Street
Field 5: Location Suburb

IDTrading Name Location NoLocation StreetLocation Suburb
41350Arabica Café Grey St
263Arabica Cafe` 1GREY STREET
41294Arashi Japanese Resturant41Courtenay PL
150Arashi Kushi Yaki Bar41COURTENARY PLACE

From the data sample, I could like to find out the duplicated records. One of the queries is shown as below. But they cannot pick up these records. Any better way to find the duplicated records? Please help.

SELECT DISTINCTROW [C&B-will].[trading name], [C&B-will].[location street], [C&B-will].Field1, [C&B-will].[location no]
FROM [C&B-will]
WHERE ((([C&B-will].[trading name]) In (SELECT [trading name] FROM [C&B-will] As Tmp GROUP BY [trading name],[location street] HAVING Count(*)>1 And [location street] = [C&B-will].[location street])))
ORDER BY [C&B-will].[trading name], [C&B-will].[location street];

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Query To Select The Duplicated Records.

Jun 23, 2006


I want to make a query that retrieves me all the duplicated records from a table. It´s possible?


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How To Delete Duplicated Rows From Table

Oct 19, 2006

I have to make a query which deletes duplicate rows from my table. How I should start to make it? Can I do it whit one query or does this operation needs more queries? I know that DISTINCT works but how I can set it to DELETE operation?
I have try to use command DELETE DUPLICATES FROM Table; but this command deletes all rows from table why?

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Queries :: Blank Values When Duplicated?

Mar 21, 2013

I'm trying to execute a query that will delete values in a certain column, but I'm getting no positive result.


--- Table1 ---

col1 col2
text1 Stext1


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Query Returns Duplicated Values For Some Cells

Oct 29, 2007

I'm trying to execute a query which is looking at data from 2 different tables and most of the data fields in the tables are the same. For instance table 1 has Dept, Res, Period_date, & Available Hrs and table 2 has Dept, Res, Period_date, Project & Forecast Hrs. The results I'm looking for are as follows:

Dept Res Period_date Project Forecast Hrs Available Hrs
11 A 11-02-07 123 XXXXX
11 A 11-02-07 456 XXXXX
11 A 11-02-07 789 XXXXX
11 A 11-02-07 012 XXXXX
11 A 11-02-07 XXXXX

But the "Available Hours" are duplicated in the preceeding 4 rows.
Thanks for any advice on this.

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Queries :: Remove Duplicated ID But Add Up Represented Values

Aug 7, 2014

In access I queried my results and now I have to do this last step. I basically have an ID column and a tax fee column. I am trying to remove the duplicated ID numbers but if they are duplicated I need it to add up the tax fee column so I can have one ID with all the tax fees added up together instead of several different ones.

I tried doing the equivalent to a pivot table (works perfectly in excel) but when I tried doing it in access, it did not work.

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Queries :: Delete Duplicated Records Without Having To Make A New Table?

Apr 17, 2013

How do I delete duplicated records without having to make a new table? I would like the records deleted from the original table.

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How To Combine Two Tables In One Table Such That Values Are Neither Duplicated Nor Missed

Oct 28, 2011

How to combine two tables in one table such that values are neither duplicated nor missed?i wanted to join Table5 and table6 such that the values of Field1 are all populated in the resulted table but neither duplicated nor overlapped!

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Combine Fields In Different Tables And Amount Is Duplicated / Stacked

Jul 20, 2015

I have a few input tables and I am trying to combine the fields from 2 tables into one query. How do I go about doing it without having the project amount (highlighted in red) being duplicated?

Table 1

Table 2


Project Amount

Budget Amount

Project Amount
Budget Amount


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Finding Values That Are Duplicated / Can Create NO DUPLICATES Index

Jun 13, 2013

I am using Access 2010 32-bit on a Windows 7 64-bit platform.I have a database that I have imported existing data into. For the most part, I have eliminated duplicate entries in my Item Number field.

Obviously I have missed at least one (or possibly more) duplicates. When I try to create a NO DUPLICATES index, I am informed that there are duplicate entries.I am looking for a quick way to generate a list of values that are duplicated so I can address those and correct them.Item number field is a number field of type DOUBLE with 2 decimal places.

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Forms :: Main Form Duplicated When Data Entered In Subform?

Aug 6, 2014

I have a main form titled "projects" with a subform titled "inventory". They are linked by two fields "project" and "fiscal year" with a one to many relationship. These fields are also the primary keys in the main form. I also have the referential integrity option activated.

Whenever data is entered in the subform inventory, it duplicates the main form and all the other subforms linked to the main form. (I have about 11 other subforms linked to the main form). So if I enter 2 records in the inventory tab, there will be 2 records for the same project and fiscal year in the subform and all the other linked subforms with the same data, so it is almost like it is seeing the inventory subform as the main form. I have tried deleting the duplicate record from the main form, then it deletes the 2nd entry of the subform. I have attached a pdf with a print screen of the 2 duplicate records with the same fiscal year and project name.

I have another form called Notes that has a similar relationship, but doesn't have this problem. I think it might have something to do with the conversion. I originally created the database with Access 97 and we are now using Access 2007. Am I missing something that needs to be done in Access 2007 to link the 2 forms, so I can enter records in the subform without duplications?

Also, the database is split so there is a back end and front end. I have all the tables and relationships set in the back end.

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Tables :: Autonumber Field - Can't Create Record Because Data Will Be Duplicated

Feb 12, 2014

When I tried paste some data using front end to my database, Access showed error (can't create record because data would be duplicated). I thought it's impossible because it is autonumber field. So I checked it (manually). I did copy of my database and then for testing, I created record. I was shocked. Next record should has a value of "160" but Access gave "130" then showed an error "Can't create record because data will be duplicated". Of course after compact and repair everything is fine.

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Count Of Non-duplicated Clients On Monthly / Quarterly / Yearly Search

Mar 19, 2014

I'm new to Access. It is obviously a very powerful database program I've developed a data base of my agency's service purchases for a variety of clients. I have to generate a report totaling the monthly purchases and counting the number of unduplicated clients. We make multiple purchases for clients monthly. There must be a feature on this program that will sort through the client ID Numbers and count them (rejecting duplicates) in that one month or quarter or year. I've been exporting to excel, sorting by client ID and then counting each new ID number.

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Database Size Limited To 2GB / Query Multiple Database Without Linking Tables?

Sep 7, 2011

I'm trying to set up a simple query that links four tables. However, the tables are extremely large, all in excess of 1.5GB each so I had to split the tables up into four separate DBs. I've tried the following with no success:

1) Link the 4 tables in the DB which contains my primary key. This quickly inflates increases the file size above 2GB and won't let me go any further.

2) Build a remote query to connect the four tables. This looked promising until I tried to run the query and it became evident that it only knows to point to the last database source that you specified.

I'm running everything locally on my C drive. The data source are simple text files (1.6 million rows) from the FDA website.

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Forms Count Of Other Database Without Opening That Database Physically

Oct 7, 2005

Hello All...

Well, I am facing one problem..in my application; I need to show all forms / reports name of other database( .mdb ) file without opening the other database physically. I tried a lot but didnt succeded. I tried with below code..

Set AcApl = New Access.Application
Call AcApl.OpenCurrentDatabase(strfolder, True)
Set AcProj = AcApl.CurrentProject

Set frm1 = AcProj.AllForms

intCount = frm1.Count

But here wen the second line AcApl.opencurrentdatabase get executed at that time the database get open physically, and i dont want that..So is there any other way around..If so..please please help me..

Thanks in advance..!!

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Modules & VBA :: Open Database / Run A Query / Close Database

Aug 22, 2014

i have a database that runs updates from within itself.what i need is, this database to then open a another database run a update query, then close it.

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General :: Updating From Local Database To Central Database

Sep 12, 2012

Database: Access 2007

I have designed a touchscreen input system using Visual Basic.net and this writes to an Access Database. Each Touchscreen has its database locally so it can still work even if there are Network problems.

Now what I would like to do is have all these local databases write to a central database say every minute but only write new records to the central database. The Central Database can either be Access or SQL.

What is the best way to do this?

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General :: Database For Metal Market Prices To Be Used In Another Database

Jun 24, 2015

I have been working on a database for over a month now, and my boss just threw a monkey wrench in my work. I believed that the Metal Market Prices would be entered once a week in the current DB. My boss informs me today that he wants an employee to go in every morning and enter that days Price for Each Metal with respect to many different markets.

There is a total of 12 metals, and 5 markets. I need the data to be stored first by date, then by either market or metal, and lastly by which ever isn't used second (Either: date-market-metal, or date-metal-market). I think the Latter of the two methods makes the most sense. Is it possible for my current DB to lookup values from the Metals Database based on date-metal-market?

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Jet Database Engine Error On Non-shared Database

Jul 7, 2005

I have a problem that seems to be happening on several users' databases and is causing a big problem. None of the databases is a shared database...they are all single-user databases on stand-alone computers. I have tried looking for help within previous posts, but all seem to be related to shared databases.

I am getting an error message: "The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time." The database cannot be opened, imported, repaired...nothing seems to work.

Again...these are NOT shared databases. I appreciate any help I can get. I created the database for all of the secretaries in our school district to keep up with absence data. It involves many tables, queries, forms and reports, and has generally worked well. However I am now seeing several that are getting similar errors as mentioned.


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Best Way To Import SQL Database To Local Access Database?

Dec 25, 2005

I'm new to Access and VBA, for the record. What I need to do is copy a SQL database (table structures and records) and save it as a local Access database, so that the user can query and make any changes on the local file without editting the SQL database.

Looking around, it seems like the best option would be to use the TransferDatabase method with the acImport option. Does this sound reasonable, or can someone with more experience suggest a better way to go about it? Thanks.

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Tables :: Create A New Database Y And Link To Database X

Aug 28, 2013

I am testing the security of my DB X on Acccess 2007. I could create a new database Y and linked to the database X. Unfortunately i could change the records on the tables. I don't want other DB that make connections to my DB to change my tables!

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Accessing A Table In Database A From Database B

Aug 29, 2005

Is it possible to access a table in one Database (Database A) from a separate Database (Database B) and if so how. I should clarify that this is an Access Database.

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Create EXE From Database And Have Several Project Using Same Database

Oct 24, 2013

I created a database with forms, querys, etc. Now I was thinking of creating a exe so everyone can use this database without having access to all the design functions.

the only problem I see about doing this is if we need to use the same database for different project, we need to always create a new exe for each project.

Is there a way to make a empty database exe with just the layout, querys etc but with no data on the tables and have a save, open and save as option. So we can have several projects using the same database?

I was thinking to create a VB code for the database to delete all data on the tables when the database is open.
and before closing the database exporting all the data to a txt file or something.

Then the next time someone opens the database goes to the main form which has a open bottom which imports the txt file into the tables.

This way we can have several txt file for several project and use always the same exe database.

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