Duplicating Record With Selected Fields Only

Mar 28, 2015

Is it possible to duplicate a record with selected fields, to be copied into a new record. ie if there are 10 fields, i only need 8 of them (no need for timestamp field etc form existing record).

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Forms :: Duplicating Only Certain Fields In A Record?

Dec 1, 2014

I created a button in a form that duplicates the record so our employees can fill in the form more quickly.

I know I am being greedy, but is there someway to change the VBC so I only duplicate certain fields in a record, not all of them?

I have attached a (.jpg) of the Duplicate record code that is automatically created by Access when you use the "Duplicate record" option when making up a button on a form. I have attached a 2nd (.jpg) which shows the (7) fields I want to duplicate, out of the (20) available fields for each record.

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Forms :: Copy Specific Fields From Selected Record To Specific Fields In Subform?

Jul 9, 2015

I am new to access i have a problem which is i have made a form which contains a subform and a read only subreport, what i want is the ability to select a record in read only subreport as in the picture attached and make a button that when i press on it, it should copy the values of the itemsID field, Packing field, ContainerNo field and origin field from the selected record and then paste them in the subform below.

Also i want to add more then one item, so the when i press on another record it should paste the values below the first record.

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Duplicating Several Fields With 1 Click

Jul 6, 2006


I need to be able to copy 5/6 fields from one record to the next then carrying on entering different data, ie copy date, location, time then enter name address etc.

I can copy the whole record but not just a couple of fields

Any ideas?

I am using access 2000.


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Remember The Selected Record - Requery - Then Go Back To Selected Record...

Jun 28, 2005

Hi guys,

Bit of a problem I'm hoping someone can help with. I have a telephone call logging system. The system is a tabbed form with each tab representing a person's Telephone Call Inbox. As new calls are entered into the database, they appear in each person's inbox until they are marked as dealt with.

This all works fine and there are no problems with the basics of it, but the problem I do have is that after I have split the database into a Back end and a Front end and distributed the Front ends to each user, when a new call is entered it doesn't appear in the persons inbox until they do a requery.

At first I sent the form to requery using the ontimer event, but the problem I have is that after every reqery the form goes back to the first record. A user on the office forum suggested I use the following code:

vCurrent = Me.Bookmark
Me.Bookmark = vCurrent

But this gives me invalid bookmark errors, so I was then told to add

On Error Resume Next

But this stops the bookmark function working and instead the first record is loaded every 1 minute (as set by my timer).

Can anyone recommend a better way that actually works without invalid bookmark errors?

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Forms :: Fields Duplicating Across Tabs In Database

Feb 12, 2014

I've created a tabbed form in a database. When I drag fields into one of the tabs, the fields are duplicating across the others. When I then try to edit/delete the fields from one tab, they are also deleted in the others.

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Duplicating A Record? Help!

Feb 10, 2008


I'm hoping this is quite easy as I'm new to Access.

I have a record similar to the below

recordID: 1
animals: cats
breed: persian
number: 3
price: £50 each

What I would like to do is dupicate the above data three times, changing the field in "number" to show as 1 on each occassion...so, theoretically, the data will be exactly the same in each new record except for recordID....

recordID: 2
animals: cats
breed: persian
number: 1
price: £50 each

recordID: 3
animals: cats
breed: persian
number: 1
price: £50 each

recordID: 4
animals: cats
breed: persian
number: 1
price: £50 each

Can anyone tell me how to do this?

Many thanks, Tim

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What's The Best Method Of Duplicating A Record?

Feb 22, 2005


I want to be able to make an exact copy of an existing record in a table and then change the value of a couple of the fields before writing it to the table as a new record.

What is the best way to go about this? I guess it is possible with select, update and append queries but I'd rather do it in code.

It sounds like it should be a simple and commonly performed exercise but I can't find anything on it.

Thanks in advance!


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Duplicating A Record In A Table

Dec 4, 2007

I have a table that contains financial data on projects. Each project has one record consisting of numerous fields.

I want users to be able to archive off copies of these records at certain points in time so I can track the financial data - a bit like storing different versions or issues.

On any one day I want users to be able to access the live record and review the archive.

Question : Is there a simple way of duplicating a record in a table ?

At the moment I am using a form by copying all of the field values from this form, moving to a new record, writing the field values back to the form hence creating a copy. This seems somewhat laborious.

Can't I access the table directly somehow and simply cut and paste ?

Also, is there a simple way to check for a duplicate record before cloning the record i.e. if the data has already been archived once don't do it again.

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Problem When Duplicating A Record

Jan 25, 2005

Ok I haven't worked on access for a while and so my knowledge of my own database is a little poor. But I have a button on one of my forms which duplicates records. The problem is, not only does it duplicate the record but it also creates a blank record. Is there something i can put in the command for the button that will delete records that are completely null?

Many fields of other records are also null so I only want to delete records that have null in all their fields, or better yet just stop creating these blank records.

Hopefully that makes sense to someone,


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Duplicating A Record Problem

Mar 8, 2006

I have a form with a job number textbox. I want to be able to edit the current record on screen by changing the job number and then save (duplicate) the record i.e. create a new record with the new job number without saving the old record I was editing. How do I do this? I tried the duplicate record command button but it saves the old record with the changed job number as well as duplicating it. :confused:

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Problem With Needing Duplicating Record Dates

Jul 31, 2005

I am setting up a database with 'open' and 'close' dates of an event for each record/ID. I want to be able to sort/query my results into the next event (i.e. open or close) as it will be happening so that I can plan for each event, but I am not sure how to go about doing this. I have tried various queries but because the information is linked to one ID it does not want to duplicate the information in the record. I can set up separate queries for the 'open' and 'close' dates but I can't seem to be able to tie it together
=>I have 2 queries, but I really need it to be at least in one report in date order each record appearing twice ...once at the open date, once at the closing date.
:) thank u

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Modules & VBA :: Duplicating Record With Autonumber Field

May 23, 2015

I am wanting to create a new record in a table copying the majority of the data from another record in the table. I am using the following code which creates new records but the data isn't being copied.

This is the section of code:-

' Return Control object variable pointing to list box.
Set ctlList = Me!lbStudents
' Enumerate through selected items.
For Each varItem In ctlList.ItemsSelected
' Get the info to get the enrolment record
intClientID = Me.lbStudents.Column(7, varItem)


what I'm doing wrong?

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Forms :: Duplicating Values From Previous Record Of Patient In New Form

May 17, 2014

In my database scenario, a patient would see a doctor and the doctor would check off fields in a form representing different disease symptoms that the patient has to calculate a final score (for ex. if the patient has 2 symptoms, the final score would be 2).

After a few months, the patient would visit the doctor again, and the doctor will have to fill out the same form, adding any new symptoms the patient might now have. I would like to have the disease symptom fields checked off in the previous visit automatically show up in the new form, so that the doctor only has to add the new symptoms, and then recalculate the score using both the old and new data (for ex., if the patient had 2 symptoms before and 3 more symptoms now, the score would be 5).

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Forms :: Duplicating Tabbed Form And Change Record Source

Aug 7, 2014

I have a navigation form that has a tabbed form on one of its tabs. The tabbed form has a 'current client' query record source and allows one to choose from a list of current clients and when a client is selected - details relating to client are displayed on various tabs on tabbed form.

I want to duplicate tabbed form and change record source to a query selecting 'exited clients' so I can see same information but for exited clients.

I have created a new tab on navigation form for my new exited clients tabbed form and changed record source by creating a new exited client query but when I change record source on exited client tabbed form it automatically changes record source of current client tabbed form to the exited client query and visa versa.

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Forms :: When Duplicating A Record Duplicate Is Created But Form Remains In Edit Mode

Feb 25, 2014

I have a form with a duplicate record button.Sometimes when duplicating a record the duplicate is created but the form remains in edit mode (small pencil in the form margin).I also have a manual record counter on the form which does not refresh to the newest record number following the duplication? Both issues happen together and not independently.

I now have the standard MS Access record counter visible on the form to see whats happening and this always jumps correctly to a new record number when duplication is triggered, so when the problem happens the MS Access counter is showing one more than my own record counter.

If I use the standard MS Access record navigation buttons and go back and then forward by one record, the duplicated record is then corrected. The edit mode pencil is gone and both record counters read the same, which I assume has happened this has forced a save to happen

If Me.Dirty
Then Me.Dirty = False
End If

- in the current event of the form, would solve the problem, but it doesnt make any difference at all, its still no better, or no worse than before?Using CTRL + S removes the pencil, but doesn't correct my bespoke record counter?

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Forms :: Double Click Event - Form Showing 1st Record Instead Of Selected Record

May 8, 2014

I am new to access and I recently encountered a double click issue

My form loads perfectly on double click event but it shows the first record instead of selected record.

My search is based on a PersonID but each PersonID has different WorkID that I wish to display on double click but it always shows the first WorkID instead of my selected record

I have tried changing the filters in the form properties but it still doesn't work for me.

Here's my code:

Private Sub SearchResults_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
DoCmd.OpenForm "WorkForm", , , "[PersonID]=" & Me.[Searchresults], , acNormal
End Sub

[Searchresults] draws information from my Query

Query information:

PersonID... WorkID... Type......Location
1234..........1............Paint .....Address A
1234..........2............Electric...Address B
1234..........3............Floor..... Address C

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Can I Dynamically Choose Which Fields Are Being Selected In A Query?

Jun 6, 2007

Is it possible to have a form designate which FIELDS to include in a selection query? I know that I can determine criteria and such, but i want the user to be able to generate a report based on the query select a, b, c from blah, or if they wish, just select a, b from blah...

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How To Show Extra Fields In A Form If A Value Is Selected

Nov 30, 2011

I'm using Access 2003 (with Windows XP).

I'm intending to make two extra fields open up if a particular value is selected. Just as a simple example:

Field: Type of Item
Possible Values: Alcohol, Beverage, Cutlery

So if either a beverage or alcohol is selected, I would like a new field to open up. For both Alcohol and Beverage, I would like "Content of bottle in mLs" to open up. For Alcohol, I would also like "Percentage Alcohol content" to also open up.

So basically, if a specific value is selected, I would like extra fields to come up. I'm not sure if there's any simple way to do it, or whether it requires VBA coding, but either way if it is possible I would like it to be done.

1) How do you make an input mask enter from right to left? For example, if post codes can either be 4 or 5 digits long, I put 90000 (requiring at LEAST 4 digits) but if you start entering data, it starts from the 9. Would it work if I did 00009?
2) Is there any way to make a form go through a progression of screens rather than all the input fields being on the one page?

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Lookup Associated Fields With CourseNumber Selected From Combobox

Sep 15, 2011

I am new to access. I have the following code to lookup associated fields with a CourseNumber that is selected from a combobox. The information is then stored in a CourseEnrollment table linked to student info.

The CourseNumber and associated fields are located in a LU_CoursesOffered table. The LU_Courses Offered table has been populated by choosing associated data from combo boxes based on other LU tables.

I am getting the primary keys returned for the associated data rather than the text stored with that key.

Private Sub Combo103_AfterUpdate()
CourseName = DLookup("CourseName", "LU_CoursesOffered", "CollegCourseNum = " & Nz([CollegeCourseNum], 0))
LevelSection = DLookup("LevelSection", "LU_CoursesOffered", "CollegeCourseNum = " & Nz([CollegeCourseNum], 0))
AcadGrad = DLookup("AcadGrad", "LU_CoursesOffered", "CollegeCourseNum = " & Nz([CollegeCourseNum], 0))
Instructor = DLookup("Instructor", "LU_CoursesOffered", "CollegeCourseNum = " & Nz([CollegeCourseNum], 0))
End Sub

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Export Filter Data In Selected Fields To Excel

May 20, 2005

First off I apoligise if this is a clear answer. I have looked on the internet for the last two days and can't seem to find this anywhere, either that or I am just entereing the search parameters in wrong :confused:

I have filtered selection in a form which I want to export to excel.

Simple enough ;) : Created a macro with the export to command. This dus everything I want to do.

Well not quite. :rolleyes:

How do I select the fields I want to export.Something like Select Id, name, adres from query soandso

Hopefully there is a simple solution to this. If there any existing posts. Could you post the link for me.

Thank your for your time,
Kind regards,

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Add Selected Numbers From Across Fields And Display Real Time

Aug 15, 2006

I am trying to display a total based on 3 separate combo boxes in a form. there is a name with an associated number value using 2 fields. the values come from a linked value spreadsheet. the name field is "text" and the number is "number". the user selects their name and number using a combo box drop down window. this occurs 3 times in my form and i want to sum them in a 4th combo box. this is about how it should look, where "Total" happens automatically depending on the name selected.

Lewis 3 Smith 2 Parks 2 Total= 7

thanks for helping.


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General :: Making A Report With User Selected Fields

Aug 23, 2013

To start, I am going to generalize to a database of Cows. the fields are:

Name (enforced unique/"Primary Key" in access language?),


The goal is to have a form with check boxes for the fields that the user selects. Scenario is one cow buyer cares about size, while another may care about color and be curious on age. So rather than guessing at what reports the users will want, have a form that allows them to select the fields they want then print a report. An intermediate step would be a query to filter the data.

See the picture below ....

Also, from my perspective, this is the basis of the best code i would write; if someone wanted to add a column for cow gender you wouldnt have to change all your forms/queries/reports:

Global import table.Cows

Form 2 in picture (form with check boxes):
for ( i=0, i<width(Cows), i++)
form.create.checkbox cb.append(i)

Then create the report based on cb0, cb1, cb2, etc. queries

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Forms :: Displaying Selected Fields In The Same Column In Same Form?

Jul 10, 2014

How you could display a few selected fields in different rows within the same table.

SO as an example

Machine_No Board_No Board_Mode Board_Data
1 1 xxx xxxx
1 2 yyy ssss
1 3 ttt wwww
2 1 323 dddd
2 2 eee qqqq
2 3 rrr pppp

Based on which Machine_No i pick, i would like to display it's Board_Mode and Board_Data for all Board_No values (1,2,3)

i will be able to display this on the same form. (say machine_no = 1)

Board_Mode Board_data
1 xxx xxxx
2 yyy ssss
3 ttt wwww

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Printing Selected Record

Jul 15, 2005

I'd like to put a command button on a form that would run a designated report but have the option of only printing selected records. I know I could just use the File/print option using selected records but that only prints the record fields displayed in the form. I want to run a special report that formats and prints more of the records fields. The problem is how have that report print the "currently selected" record or records.


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How To Get Selected Record Value From Subform

Mar 3, 2015

I am trying to put in code in the Exit event of the subform to get the value of the selected row. I have been able to get the selected row using ".Current Record" but am not able to get the row value using it. Say, the subform fields are Id, Name and Address and I want to show the value of Address for the selected row in a msgbox.

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