Dynamic Link To Source Data

Nov 22, 2005


I have a log which is updated by users in a spreadsheet. I have a front end which allows others members of the team to view the information being entered. What i want to know is if there is a way to link the spreadsheet to the database frontend which can automatically update the informationd daily.

I know you can do a SQL link but you have to pay for licences is there any way of doing this? We can not use a schudules job either??

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Tables :: Link Dynamic Data From Web Page

Aug 28, 2013

I want to be able to connect dynamic web data such as live gold price, exchange rates from the relevant web pages to a table in Access 2010. I have searched the forum without finding any related answers.

I understood that this can be done in Excel by using "Get External Data from Web" where the connected cells will be updated along with live data changes in the linked web page. I could set up a link table from Excel in Access but this would be tedious since the Excel file has to be opened to get the data refreshed everytime I open the Access file.

How to load dynamic data directly from web site to an Access table?

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How To Link Additional Data Source To A Form

Mar 22, 2006

Hi All,

I have a db with three linked (related) tables. I have a form that has, at present, only one of these tables as a data source. Now I want to bring a couple of fields from another table into that form.

I know how to link a table to two data sources when first creating a table. But how do I do it when the table already exists?

I tried Table Design View | View Properties | Data source,
but that allows only one data source. If I link to another, the first disappears.



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How To Link Additional Data Source To A Form

Mar 22, 2006

How to link additional data source to a form

Hi All,

I have a db with three linked (related) tables. I have a form that has, at present, only one of these tables as a data source. Now I want to bring a couple of fields from another table into that form.

I know how to link a table to two data sources when first creating a table. But how do I do it when the table already exists?

I tried Table Design View | View Properties | Data source,
but that allows only one data source. If I link to another, the first disappears.



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Dynamic Query And Record Source In A Form

Feb 23, 2005

I have Form A that has a combo box and a "Submit" button. When the user clicks on the Submit button it needs to open Form B. Recordsource of this Form B is "Query B"

Item selected on the combo box becomes the criteria for "Query B and Form B needs to be opened based on that criteria.

What is the easiest and fastest way (no dlookups please!) to do this?

If an illustration is possible through an example that will be wonderful.

Thanks in Advance.

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Forms :: Continuous Form Or Subform With Dynamic Record Source

Aug 16, 2013

I would like to know how i can have a continuous form or subform with dynamic record source.

Before I was using a list box with dynamic row source and i had not problem.

Now about the continuous form i have problem when i define record source of form on the fly how we have to add fields to the form.

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Tables :: Link A Spreadsheet Into A Web Information Source

Jun 4, 2015

In excel we have this option were we can link a spreadsheet into a web information source , is there any similar and easy method in access ?

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Forms :: Dynamic Row Source For Listbox From Multi-select Listbox

Jun 10, 2015

I am using the selections made of the form to generate a query for the user.

I have a CITIES listbox that is populated with values from a stored query.

I would like to make it multi-select and populate a LOCATIONS list box and a NAMES list box based upon the CITIES that are selected.

I have the locations currently populated from a stored query that reads the City selection from the Form. It looks like this


FROM t_location INNER JOIN t_asset_master ON t_location.LOCATION_PHY_ID = t_asset_master.LOCATION
WHERE (((t_location.CITY)=[Forms]![MasterQueryGenerator]![CityList]));

I also want multi-select so that is you can un-select all and get the results for all cities.

Here is my half thought approach.


Private Sub CityList_AfterUpdate()
'Dim LocQryStr As String
'Dim r As Integer
'Dim ctl9 As Control
'LocQryStr = "SELECT DISTINCT (t_location.LOCATION) " & _

[Code] ...

I intended to have the variable LocQryStr as the row source but I abandoned the idea of having multi-select when I saw that .Selected(I) never returned true. Its like the values aren't read in this subroutine.

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Group Data In A Dynamic Report

Jan 6, 2005

Hi guys,

I’m creating a report on which I want to group data base on a field that has two different data one is KEY and OTHER. Now I need to be able to show on the detail section all records base on KEY, and group the rest of the records by OTHER.

Can anyone help me please?

Million of thanks

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Making A Dynamic Report From My Dynamic Form

Jun 30, 2006

I have a form that shows a list of all of my records in my database. I want to be able to click a button called "Report" and have that print a report that has all the records I have filtered on my form. I have a report in the format that i want it in, however, currently it prints every record and not just what is shown on my form. (The form is dynamic and I want the Report to be dynamically based on the form) HELP PLEASE!

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Changing Data In Query Results Changes Data In Source Table

Dec 17, 2012

I have a table and a simple query that pulls results from the table. Nothing too crazy. But, if I were to go in and change some of the data/values in the query results it will change the respective data in the table. I know that this cannot be right. What do I have to do to either prevent the ability to change query results and/or prevent any changes in the query from altering the original data in the table.

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General :: Dynamic Search To Input Data

Jul 2, 2014

I'm new to Access. I started building a database for work (I work at a nursery) and I used John's Dynamic Search code for an Inventory Input Database but I was wondering is it possible to use this code to input data into a table.

So basically I'm creating a database where I can input Item ID, Description(Plant name), Date, Location, Yard, and notes. For the Item ID and Description that is where I used the dynamic search code (as a combo box) so I can easily enter the Item ID and it will search for the Description. I got all this to work except that when I choose my selection it does not save on to the records. The other fields does save just not the dynamic search.

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Forms :: Dynamic Data Validation For Fields On A Form?

Jun 7, 2013

I'm a BA so i'm converting my excel issues list into a database with a front end where i can create new issue records this uses a form that sits on top of the issues_table.

Howver, i have created a table called Projects and a table called Test_Plans

Each issue is logged against a project and a test plan. Lets say ProjectA has TestPlan1 and ProjectB has Testplan2.

On my issues form, i can select ProjectA in the project field.

In the Testplan field i can select EITHER TestPlan1 or Testplan2

Testplan1 is the only valid entry.

How do i

a) Once I have selected ProjectA in the Project field only display Testplan1 in the Testplan field?


b) If the user tries to enter testplan2 for it to error?

I've tried creating a query and linking the controlsource field to it but it doesn't like that!

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Modules & VBA :: Updating Dynamic Combobox - Pull Data From Table

Oct 31, 2013

Right now I have a subform with a combobox that pulls it's data from a table. I want the user to either select an existing item or type in a new item and have a macro create the new table row. What I have right now works in the sense that it prompts the user if they want to creat a new item and the new item is created (and I can see it in the combobox list), but I'm still getting an error saying that the item does not exist in the table forcing the user to manually select the newly created list item they just typed in.

Private Sub MaterialCostCode_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
'Update value list with user input.
On Error GoTo ErrHandler
Dim bytUpdate As Byte

[Code] ....

It appears that the new item doesn't always show up automatically and requires the form to be refreshed, so now I need to figure out how to get it to consistently appear right away without a refresh.

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Getting Data From More Then One Source

Jul 14, 2005

In my contacts datababse I have a main table where all the is stored for my contacts.

I have a form that I use to enter and display the information from, Because I have more the one contact at a given company I have created a seperate table that contains all of the contact details for each office.

What I would like to be able to do is when I select a office on my form Access will populate the the rest of the fields in this section with the relevant information.

How do you do this?

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Creating Dynamic Hyperlinks - Open Data Entry Form And Navigate To Specific Record

Nov 28, 2011

I have a form that lists records in a table. I would like to have a hyperlink beside each record that will open the data entry form and navigate to that specific record. Right now, the use can only open the form for all records and has to use the record navigation buttons to find the desired record.

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Data Source Change

Nov 21, 2005

If the data source changes for an Access database, do I need to recreate all the tables, queries, and reports? I am having quite a time with this issue. Thanks for any assistance you can provide.

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Confirm Data Source

Jun 14, 2007

I am automating a mail merge with Access to Word. Does anyone know how to stop the Confirm Data Source dialog window from coming up and just except the default (orginal) data source? I have users that do not know they should just click the OK button, some are clicking NO and then I lose the connection because they dont know where the table link is. I dont know what else to do but tell them to always click the Yes button when confirming but not everone listens and then i have to do it all over again.:mad:

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MDB....underlying Changing Data Source

Dec 1, 2006


I have an MDB file that points to a postgres database. What I'm trying to do is to redirect it to another datasource. The database is exactly the same, but I just need to point it to a different location. I tried doing this with linked table manager by refreshing the table and enabling the "always prompt for new location". I was able to point to my new location but what happened was my MDB became readonly, I am unable to edit anything after I changed the datasource.

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Complicated Form Data Source

Mar 18, 2005

Well I find it complicated.

I have a table of people, each with an ID, and I have a table of events, each with an ID.

I want to design a form in such a way that when you look at each person it gives a row of event fields, one for each event, into which you can put a Number for the number of tickets that each person wants (each person will only want to go to a few events).

If you enter a number, I want the form to generate new record in a separate table (tickets) with three fields - the Person's Id, the Event ID and the number of tickets.

I only want one ticket record per person per event (so if the numer of tickets changes I want the form to amend the number, not create a new record.

So, I want the Form to show "page" for each person, with "fields" for each event, the info being stored in a separate table, which the form is able to cycle through, despite the fact that there will not be records for every person.

I am a bit flummoxed as to how to design it.

Can anyone give me any guidance, please.

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Data Source Field Is Read Only

Jun 13, 2006

Hi, I know this has to be simple, but when I test a Data Access Page on my local machine I get an error that says "data source field is read only". I've made these pages before and never had a problem with writing to the database using a DAP. The database is not read only. Any ideas?


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Reports :: Finding Source Of Certain Data

Oct 30, 2013

I have a report that is pretty complicated in the page numbering, since it's grouped by Aisle Number (it's a report of hazardous products in a store), and the Aisle Number and the "Page x of x" is in the header.Someone here actually created all of the logic for me last year.how a particular table is being populated with the information.Here's the Event Procedure for the "On Open" event of the report:


Private Sub Report_Open(Cancel As Integer)
'when the report opens the temporary table needs to be cleared
CurrentDb.Execute ("Delete * From ztblAislePages") 'delete records from table
' the recordset object needs to be opened so it can be used and accessible in the group footer and header sections
Set GrpPages = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("ztblAislePages", DB_OPEN_TABLE) 'open the ztblAislePages recordset
GrpPages.Index = "Aisle" 'set the index so procedure knows what field to search


ztblAislePages is a permanent table that holds temporary information...it's populated with information only for this report, and as you can see from the code above, it's cleared at the beginning of the process.where this information is coming from to populate the table, however.

Set GrpPages = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("ztblAislePages",DB_OPEN_TABLE)

The table itself has no source data that I can find, unless I'm not looking in the right place.I've done a search for dependencies and can't find anything.
All I know is that when I choose a store, the table IS being cleared, and it IS being populated with new information.

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Changing ODBC Data Source?

Jul 23, 2014

I am having difficulty with my Access database, when I run a particular query. The query is linked to a table in SQL Server, but I keep getting a "ODBC -Call Failed" error message. After some research I understand I might need to change the ODBC Data Source, but this is something I have never done and am unsure of how to do it so my query will work!

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Change Source Of ODBC Data

Jul 15, 2013

I have an Access 2013 database that includes among its tables 4 externally linked ODBC tables in a SQLServer DB. They are linked tables, not imported. There are also relationships between these tables for some of the queries and reports in the Access DB. I need to make a copy of the database and change the source of the ODBC links to a different SQLServer DB. I have not been able to figure out how to do that without rebuilding the links with a new source definition created from scratch.

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External Data Source Password Help Required

Jun 9, 2005

I have a database sitting on my server for which individual users login to over the network with their own User name and password.
Within my database there are links to data from external sources (SQL based).

My query is, if the database remains open at all times, once the link to the data has been established after keying the SQL database password, how do I stop it from asking each user that logs in to enter the password again each time they dip into the database? (If Possible).

(Access 97 by the way)

Thanks :confused:

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Changing Data Source (table) For A Query

Jul 18, 2006


I have two Tables TA and TB. I have a set of queries based on TA. I want to substitute TB for TA (i.e. TB will stand in place of TA). I want the old TA queries remain unchanged but now be based on TB.

If I delete TA and then rename TB into TA, I will lose the queries. Therefore I want to 'point' the queries (in the most efficient way) to TB instead of to TA.

Then I can delete TA. Then I can rename TB into TA and the queries will follow along, I expect.

I have been trying in vain to find a way of pointing the queries to TA instead of TB? How do I do it?

I have done it with Forms (Design Views, Properties), where I can select a datasource. But where is the corresponding thing enabling me to select a datasource for Queries?



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