Dynamic Form With Ms Access Db

Nov 21, 2007

I am a totaly newbe in programming... I have read manuals on as programmig, tutorials etc, but I got to a point where I have too many questions... please help

I have created an html form (it is a asp file in oder to do the form dynamic), a dabatase in ms access and a link i asp in order to store the data i the db.

A part of the form is "radio button" choice section. Now I need to look in the database if a specific choice has been made already and disable correspondign radio button i the form.

Is it possible and what would be the script?

And a little one - I want to get email notifications when a form is submitted with the form results.

Thanks a million!

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Making A Dynamic Report From My Dynamic Form

Jun 30, 2006

I have a form that shows a list of all of my records in my database. I want to be able to click a button called "Report" and have that print a report that has all the records I have filtered on my form. I have a report in the format that i want it in, however, currently it prints every record and not just what is shown on my form. (The form is dynamic and I want the Report to be dynamically based on the form) HELP PLEASE!

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Dynamic Creation Of A Word Document Using Access Form

Oct 17, 2006


I have created an Access Form wherein i have given lots of text box and text areas...

Now i want to create a word document dynamically using the information that has been given by the user via the Access form...

I want to create a Table dynamically in the Word Document using the VB code behind an access form... Also through that code i want to manage the font of Word Document and most if its controls..

Can u plz help me in this or provide me with a document wherein i can get some info in regard to it i.e. to manage the Word using Code...

Thanking you,

with regards,
Kapil Sharma

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Forms :: Access 2003 / Dynamic Search Form Very Slow?

Nov 8, 2013

I am using John Big Bootys Dynamic Search Form (built in Access 2003) as it totally met my search requirements, however when typing anything into the search box it is realy slow, taking several seconds for each letter to show in the box.

This has always been a problem now and again, however some of us have upgraded to Office 2010, (although still using the 2003 built Db as we won't move to a 2010 version Db untill March next year) and now the problem is even worse that ever. Everything else seems to work really well except for this search function, however it is the search function that is used more that anything else.

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Creating Dynamic Web Pages With Microsoft Access?

Feb 17, 2008

i am making a database project for manufacturing purpose. I have made tables in MS Access and connected them with MySQL (ODBC). I have created data access pages for employee to access data to database. I have copied these page to my locale appache server and it works as a web page.
I could(employee) insert data from a web page to MySQL tables, but now I want to make some reports and templates(made in Access!) be accesible from web page for managers. Graphs made in access too.

I will look like this: User will log in on a web site, when he log in as a manager there will be available reports and graphs(data from MySQL) that I made in Access.
Data Access pages made in MS access <2007 work perfectly, can I make the same thing with reports, graphs, templates? I mean save them as a dynamic web page with links to databace?

Thanks for help.
Paul Zegadło, Poland.

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Creating A Dynamic Search Box In Access 2010?

Nov 24, 2011

I am using access 2010 and am trying to create a dynamic search like the one google uses, it will feature a drop down that will populate with results but when its not in use the drop down is not shown.

I'm looking to add a menu system to the form its self so that the users will be able to do certain functions. third image is what I'm looking to create with the menu bar at the top of the screen.


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Dynamic Form Reference

Feb 17, 2006

I'm stumped and spinning my wheels like so many Milwaukee drivers after yesterday's snowfall. I have a series of forms named Survey1, Survey2, Survey3, etc. I also have a form for recording notes. When I close the notes form it is meant to post the notes into a hidden memo field on the survey form I am working with. I would like to keep the number of notes forms to one. I would like to refer to the survey form dynamically. Currently I am trying something like:

Dim SurveyForm As Form

Set SurveyForm = "frmSurvey" & Forms!frmMainScreen!SurveyDID

Forms!SurveyForm!MEMO1 = Forms!frmFreeText!Text0

I keep receiving an 'object required' error. Has anyone done anything like this? Can it be done? How?

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Form Using Dynamic Query Results

Apr 29, 2006

Hi, hope this is a reasonable thing for semi-beginner to intermediate person to do.

Our MS Access 2000 db shared on a server stores projects, categories of projects, clients, contractors doing the projects. Contractors are offered projects within their chosen categories based on their order on the list (last company who was offered a contract goes to bottom of list, like that).

Currently we print out a phone list of the contractors (in desc. date order of the most recent offer accepted or refused), then we phone down the list until someone accepts. Later we enter all those offers in order on frmOffers to store the date & time stamp of that offer.

Problem is, several contracts can be on offer on a given day, so when a company accepts/declines Project A, that company is still showing as high on the (paper) list for Project B. So when we have 3 people phoning they don't know they've offered multiple contracts to the same company this morning.

Is it possible for a form "Offers" to be based on a query that keeps updating like that? For example, you open frmProject to display details of a certain Project, cmd button to open frmOffers (continuous form, showing all offers so far with company, phone #, "accept"/"decline" & date/time stamp). Then, when you tab to the next record, can you have it show which company is next in line (even as the person beside you has updated their frmOffers in the meantime)?

Would you need to have a separate table storing only the most recent offer for each company? If so, how would you get that updated all the time?

Anything you could offer to point me in the right direction would be very much appreciated!!


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Reports :: Dynamic Information In Form Or Sub

May 9, 2013

I have a form with payment information and need a list, what date the payments are due. These can be only 2 or 3 payments up to maybe 24 payments. The result I want is something like this:

Date Amount Total paid
1.7. 500.00 500.00
1.8. 500.00 1,000.00

The list itself is not a problem, but I need a list who only shows the number of payments as agreed, 2 lines (with paydates) if 2, 12 if 12 payments. I have the information of the total amount, the number of installments and the first payment date.

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Dynamic Form And Memory Limit?

Oct 6, 2011

I've built a function that open a form in Design mode, read records from a table about appointments and create a grid with textboxes representing one appointment each. On the left there are labels with hours and as column headers there are doctors names. Practically each column shows each doctor's daily appointments (it is a medical clinique).

Every time i change the date all controls are deleted and rebuilt.

But after three or four day I pass I get a message of memory limit.

The question is general : Why the memory finish if I close every variable I use during the creation with the instruction:

set frm = nothing
set newTxt = nothing
set rst = nothing

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Dynamic Query And Record Source In A Form

Feb 23, 2005

I have Form A that has a combo box and a "Submit" button. When the user clicks on the Submit button it needs to open Form B. Recordsource of this Form B is "Query B"

Item selected on the combo box becomes the criteria for "Query B and Form B needs to be opened based on that criteria.

What is the easiest and fastest way (no dlookups please!) to do this?

If an illustration is possible through an example that will be wonderful.

Thanks in Advance.

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Forms :: Dynamic Data Validation For Fields On A Form?

Jun 7, 2013

I'm a BA so i'm converting my excel issues list into a database with a front end where i can create new issue records this uses a form that sits on top of the issues_table.

Howver, i have created a table called Projects and a table called Test_Plans

Each issue is logged against a project and a test plan. Lets say ProjectA has TestPlan1 and ProjectB has Testplan2.

On my issues form, i can select ProjectA in the project field.

In the Testplan field i can select EITHER TestPlan1 or Testplan2

Testplan1 is the only valid entry.

How do i

a) Once I have selected ProjectA in the Project field only display Testplan1 in the Testplan field?


b) If the user tries to enter testplan2 for it to error?

I've tried creating a query and linking the controlsource field to it but it doesn't like that!

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Queries :: Dynamic Query Based On A Form (ComboBox)

Jan 22, 2014

We have a ComboBox on a form with the months: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, etc.

We have fields in a budget table named: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, etc.

We want to create a query that pulls the correct field based on the value in the combo box.

This is what I have that doesn't work:

MyField: [Query1].[SumOf] & Forms![Main Menu]![test]

How to do this?

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Forms :: Continuous Form Or Subform With Dynamic Record Source

Aug 16, 2013

I would like to know how i can have a continuous form or subform with dynamic record source.

Before I was using a list box with dynamic row source and i had not problem.

Now about the continuous form i have problem when i define record source of form on the fly how we have to add fields to the form.

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General :: Dynamic Unbound Form Content Based On Database Entries

Jul 26, 2012

What I am wanting is to be able to build dynamic form content/elements based on entries on a table. This is for a gym membership system. What this form is going to be used for is to allow the front desk to scan a membership card which then performs a search on the database. Part of this search is going to be on a table that contains various add-on classes, tanning sessions, etc that a member can add beyond their base membership.

On the left side of the form, I will display a picture of the member and their name. What I am wanting to do on the right side of the form is to build a dynamic list of the add-on perks they are enrolled in.

I know I could hard program elements on the form to be visible or invisible, but that would be static and leave gaps when I have to turn things off b/c that member isn't enrolled in that class, etc.

Is this even possible with Access and VBA? I know I could do this sort of thing with a webpage using PHP, PERL or whatever. I don't know the limits of Access Forms and VBA.

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Creating Dynamic Hyperlinks - Open Data Entry Form And Navigate To Specific Record

Nov 28, 2011

I have a form that lists records in a table. I would like to have a hyperlink beside each record that will open the data entry form and navigate to that specific record. Right now, the use can only open the form for all records and has to use the record navigation buttons to find the desired record.

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How To Get Dynamic Sum

Aug 25, 2006

I made a table Products: order number (key), name, supplier, price,...
I copied it into a query, and made a form of it, so I can look up products by order number with a combo-box. Now I'm into my next step (and it gives me a headache):
In the form I added a new text box, where I should put the incoming amount of a product in, and another text box to put in the products that are empty.
Now the question: how can I make a query that counts the amounts of incoming and empty products, as well as the difference between those two, in a way I can do multiple additions?
I hope you know what I mean by dynamic sum: start stock=0 first delivery: +3==> stock 3 +next delivery: +6 ==> stock 9,...

If anyone has some idea...
Thanx in advance


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VBA Dynamic Forms

Oct 8, 2006

Hi guys, I am trying to create a form or subform that should be created after a button is pressed and some complex filetering is occured and records are saved in a multiple arrays so I need to generate a form and controls according to those array values. Please help.

Actually I can not get data directly out of the query its just too complex bla bla bla. Finally I have three arrays each array has same number of values and I want to generate a form on the basis of the values of the array. Please Help me. I have tried creating form but Could someone please show me the right path.

many thanks

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'Dynamic' Selection

Oct 12, 2006

Now, I don't know if this topic should be in forms, queries or reports, so I decided to post it here in general until someone gives me a big bollocking and send this topic elswhere :D

I have a table with loads (50+) of columns which hold information about people in our company.
What I want is a form? that allows me to tick the information I want and then displays the result in a report.
So, today I want a list with Name, address, town and phonenumber, but tomorrow I might need a list with Name, phonenumber, passport number and expire date.
In short, I need to make a 'dynamic'? report that displays the options I ticked out of the 50+ options (does this make sense?).
I searched for it but no luck so far.
Ta in advance

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Dynamic Arrays

Jan 24, 2008


How can I determine the length (size) of a dynamic array so I can iterate over it?


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Dynamic Listboxes

Jul 17, 2005


I have two tables: Categories and Subcategories.

Categories contains one field: CategoryName
Subcategories contains two fields: ParentCategoryName and SubcategoryName.

In a third talbe I want to select a category from a listbox, then have the subcategory listbox update automatically with the possiblities. Is this possible?


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Dynamic Numbers

Jul 14, 2007

Not sure that this fits under table but I believe that is the root of the solution, so we'll try it here.

I'm building a database to simplify the process of creating a PC build sheet for my company. I would like it to track pricing and everything as well so here is where the problem comes in:

Say right now a floppy drive costs our customer 10 dollars. In a few months, we could still be using the exact same floppy drive, but the price has dropped to 9 dollars. If I run a report to display all computers sold in the past year (including pricing), I want the floppy to have the price that the customer paid at the time; not the latest 9 dollar price only.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but here is my thinking:
I could run a macro to rename the $10 floppy drives and update it in all old records (though I have a feeling I'd have to pull a trick out to mess with UIDs) then update the price on it for the list of options when building out a computer, but it seems like I should be able to automate this better.

Possibly some sort of linkage table?

I'm just trying to keep this as clean as possible so I'm not digging back through this a year down the road.

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Dynamic Queries

Mar 3, 2006

i have a database that imports files with dynamic amounts of fields, runs querys on the data and outputs it to a speadsheet. The The problem is instead of making it run querys on each column, i have it running on them all collectively. Now i want to change it so a query is run on each column then output to its own spreadsheet. Does anyone know how to do this?

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Dynamic Query Help

Feb 7, 2007

I have a form where a user chooses different criteria from listboxes and then I run out and format the SQL statement.

This is the query that I am trying to replicate using VBA code. Note: the Location_ID, Ship_Day, and Final_Dest come from the values in the listboxes.

I am getting a syntax error and I cannot find it anywhere. Also, is there an easier way to do this?

SELECT [(Table) Denton Routing].LOCATION_ID
, [(Table) Location].NAME
, [(Table) Location].CITY
, [(Table) Location].STATE
, [(Table) Location].REGION
, [(Table) Denton Routing].UNIQUE_LANE_ID
, [(Table) Denton Routing].CARRIER_ID
, [(Table) Denton Routing].[SHIP DAY]
, [(Table) Denton Routing].[DELIVERY DAY]
, [(Table) Denton Routing].[TIME AT LOCATION]
, [(Table) Denton Routing].STOP_NUM
, [(Table) Denton Routing].NO_OFF_STOPS
FROM [(Table) Location] INNER JOIN [(Table) Denton Routing] ON [(Table) Location].[LOCATION ID] = [(Table) Denton Routing].LOCATION_ID
FROM [(Table) Denton Routing]
Where [(Table) Denton Routing].Location_ID = "13176AA"))
AND (([(Table) Denton Routing].[SHIP DAY])="MONDAY"
AND [(Table) Denton Routing].Final_Dest = "DENTON"));

Here's the code:

Private Sub cmdRunQuery_Click()

Dim Db As DAO.Database
Dim QD As QueryDef
Dim where As Variant

Set Db = CurrentDb()

' Delete the existing dynamic query; trap the error if the query does
' not exist.
'On Error Resume Next
'Db.QueryDefs.Delete ("Dynamic_Query")
'On Error GoTo 0

where = Null
where = "WHERE ((([(Table) Denton Routing].UNIQUE_LANE_ID) In (SELECT UNIQUE_LANE_ID FROM [(Table) Denton Routing] where"
where = where & " [(Table) Denton Routing].[Location_ID]= '" + Me![Text35] + "'"
where = where & " AND [(Table) Denton Routing].[Final_Dest]= '" + Me![List29] + "'"
where = where & " AND [(Table) Denton Routing].[Ship Day]= '" + Me![Combo46] + "'))"

MsgBox (where)

Set QD = Db.CreateQueryDef("Dynamic_Query", _
"Select SELECT [(Table) Denton Routing].LOCATION_ID, [(Table) Location].NAME, [(Table) Location].CITY, [(Table) Location].STATE, " & _
" [(Table) Location].REGION, [(Table) Denton Routing].UNIQUE_LANE_ID, [(Table) Denton Routing].CARRIER_ID, [(Table) Denton Routing].[SHIP DAY], " & _
" [(Table) Denton Routing].[DELIVERY DAY], [(Table) Denton Routing].[TIME AT LOCATION], [(Table) Denton Routing].STOP_NUM, " & _
" [(Table) Denton Routing].NO_OFF_STOPS FROM [(Table) Location] INNER JOIN [(Table) Denton Routing] ON [(Table) Location].[LOCATION ID] = " & _
" [(Table) Denton Routing].LOCATION_ID " & (" where " + Mid(where, 6) & ";"))

DoCmd.OpenQuery "Dynamic_Query"

End Sub

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Dynamic Sorting...

Oct 19, 2007

Say I have 3 fields in my table: FstName, MidName, LstName.

I want to be able to dynamically change the sort order of a query to different sort orders using the same fields via a form.

I may want to see the records sorted by LstName, MidName, Fstname; and another time see the list sorted by Fstname, Lstname, MidName; and other times by any combinations possible using the 3 fields.

I see 3 options: filter by form; programatically change the SQL Order By clause; or concatenating the table fields together in the desired order via a custom function and sorting by the function result.

Is there any difference in query/form performance between the 3 options?

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Dynamic Look Up Problem

Feb 25, 2005


Sorry for the double post.

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