Dynamically Update Combo Box

Jan 26, 2006

Hi, I am new to asp development and have been searching all through the web and books to help me but I am a little stuck and would appreciate some help please with updating a second combo box.

I am developing an online fault logging system for a school where the teachers/pupils can report a fault with any computer equipment to the technicians so they then can fix it.
I have two combo boxes called ResourceType and Resource ID which are created and populated from two different tables in an Access database (I dont want to annoy you with the code but if you like I can show you)

When ResourceType combo is selected it should automatically update the ResourceID combo from a table in the database. eg. ResourceType=Laptop then ResourceID should be populated with all the entries in the DB which correspond to Laptops, i.e. Laptop001, Laptop002 etc.

ResourceType combo is populated from table tblResourceType in the Db and ResourceID is populated from table tblResourceID. This works fine when the page is first loaded but I have problems with the onChange="handleChange(this)" function for the ResourceType combo. It is :

Code:function handleChange(nSelection){var IDSelect,iCountIDSelect = document.form.ResourceID //Reset the ResourceID combo contentsfor(i=IDSelect.length; i>0;i--){ IDSelect.options[i-1] = null} //Open Database<%set db=server.createobject("adodb.connection")db.Open"DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)}; DBQ=" & Server.MapPath("MCB Fault Log.mdb")dim dbaseset dbase=server.createobject("adodb.recordset")%> <%Dim iCount 'counter variablesSQl = "SELECT ResourceID from tblResource"dBase.Open sSQl , db%> //Reset Counter iCount = 0<%do while not dBase.EOF%> IDSelect.options[iCount] = new Option(<%=dBase("ResourceID")%>);//********This does not work****** //IDSelect.options[iCount] = new Option(iCount);//***HERE**This works (places the count of each record in the combobox iCount = iCount + 1; <%dBase.MoveNextloop%>}
Dont worry about the SQL statement for now, I am happy just for any table to fill into the combo. Look at the //********This does not work****** line - I think I have the syntax wrong, I have looked at lots of examples on the net and I cannot find one similar to this. The line ***HERE** places the number of the count into the combo box so at least i know the the database is being accessed.

Does anyone know what is going wrong here.

Thanks in advance for any help you may give


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Update Textfield Dynamically

May 8, 2006

I have a database that has a field [country] that stores the numerical id of the country from a table of countries. The student table also has a field called [mother tongue] and it seems to me that this is duplication.

I created a simple query based on a link table that tells me the country and its associated mother tongue.

SELECT [-LOOKUP-ALL-Country-LinkToMotherTongue].Country, [-LOOKUP-ALL-Country-LinkToMotherTongue].MotherTongueLinkNo, [-----LMotherTongue].Language
FROM [-----LMotherTongue] RIGHT JOIN [-LOOKUP-ALL-Country-LinkToMotherTongue] ON [-----LMotherTongue].[Reference no] = [-LOOKUP-ALL-Country-LinkToMotherTongue].MotherTongueLinkNo;

It seems to me to be an overhead to store in the student table the mother tongue id.

How can I create a text lable that dynamically shows the mothertongue as i move over records?

that way the user can see the students mother tongue but I only store the country table and link table to mother tongue. as opposed to a mother tongue entry against all students.

regards in advance

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Forms :: Dynamically Selecting A Lookup Table To Update

Apr 7, 2014

I have several lookup tables in an Access database. These tables are used to populate fields in the main table and act as filters for viewing record subsets.I want to create a form that does the following:

1.) List the lookup table via a combobox.I was able to accomplish this with the following code:

SELECT MSysObjects.Name AS [Table Name]
FROM MSysObjects
WHERE (((MSysObjects.Name) Like "tblJob*") AND ((MSysObjects.Type)=1) AND ((MSysObjects.Flags)=0))
ORDER BY MSysObjects.Name;

2.) When a table is selected from the combobox, display the table in a subform for updating.

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Change Color Of A Combo Box...dynamically

Sep 28, 2006

What I want is in the combo box, I have a couple of options, say 1,2 and 3.
And I want the combo box to come up with different color when different option is selected.

I thought I have found out a way, with the following code to onClick:

If me.field.text = "1" Then me.field.backcolor = 255

The problem is, it's being shown on a continuous form.
And it changes the color on all the records. not just the one I am on.

Any thoughts?

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General :: Ability To Dynamically Update Multiple Docs / Files

May 31, 2013

Lets say we have 100 documents. 30 of these documents contain the same exact set of instructions that i want to update/change. what options would i have that would allow for this 'mass update' so that i can change that specific instruciton and every document with that line would be updated to reflect it?

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General :: Dynamically Search Multiple Fields From Combo Box On Form

Mar 21, 2013

[URL] ....I am trying to dynamically search multiple fields from a combo box on a form that includes a subform. I am using code from the above referenced link within this forum.

It works without the "setFocus" for the Listbox except it jumps to a record after the very first character is entered instead of narrowing down as characters are typed. If I leave in the "setFocus" I get run-time error 2110.

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Dynamically Update Field Of A Current Record Based On Previous Record

Apr 30, 2007

I need a way to dynamically store a particular value in "field_2" of the CURRENT record depending on whether or not the value of "field_1" of the CURRENT record is identical to the value of "field_1" of the PREVIOUS record within the same table. The table is sorted on "field_1".

So, if the value of "field_1" in the CURRENT record is "ABC" and the value of "field_1" in the PREVIOUS record is also "ABC", then store a value of "PPP" in "field_2" of the current record. IF on the other hand, the value of "field_1" in the CURRENT record is "ABC" and the value of "field_1" in the PREVIOUS record is "XYZ", then store a value of "WWW" in "field_2" of the current record.

I have a report that will use these results to count only the number of records that have a "WWW" in "field_2".

Is this doable, maybe in a query somehow?

I should add that whatever the solution, it needs to be compatible with Access 2000.

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Combo Box Performs Query, Update Combo Box With Only Result?

Aug 4, 2006

Here's the deal:

I'm an extreme newbie, I do not know access very well, nor do I know VBA, I do know PHP.

I have a for in access that has 2 user input fields, one for prodid one for shipid. I have a combo box that upon entering data into the previous 2 fields, it does a query against an MsSQL database looking for a record that has both. In any case there will only be 2 outcomes, either 1 record, or null. I would like to have that same combo box automatically use the result as it's value so that users don't have to check the box, because they won't, and so that the rest of my VBA will be able to function properly.

Can anyone assist?


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Combo Box Update

Jun 20, 2005

Hi All,

I have a combo box on my form that is retrieving its list of values from a table. After I choose a value I want to write it to another table's field. I can get this to work where it is writing to the other table's field, but when I open the form to see the field of where the information is supposed to be writen to it is not refreshing. What property on the combo box should I used to ensure that the field of the other table is instaneously updated when the combo box's value is chosen.


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Combo Box - Before/After Update

Jul 12, 2005

Hey All

I have a following problem - the user selects value from a combo box (cmbPrio), if there was already a value in there, new value get added, and no further action is made.
If there was no value, value is added, AND in txtDueDate date gets added (if user selected High - todays date + 5 days, if low - todays date + 10 days)

I was thinking of doing it the following way, but it doesn't work --
Value XX is not saving the data. Should it be maybe done for a different event ? And I also don't get the correct date...

Before Update
If isNull(cmbPrio) then XX = 2

After Update
If XX = 2
If cmbPriory.text = "High" then txtDueDate = Now + 5
If cmbPriory.text = "Low" then txtDueDate = Now + 10
End If

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Combo Box Update

Dec 9, 2006

I have a form that displays a list of users and there programs in a sub form, I would like a combo box instead of the user ID number so that I can press on it and all the user ID's will appear, then I can select it and there details will apear. Can this be done?

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Update Unbound Combo Box

Apr 21, 2006

I said I was a dummy, but here goes.

I am designing a customer information form, the form has an unbound combo box showing customer names and when clicked opens the customer record.

My problem is when I enter a new record, I have a button that saves current and opens new, but when I am in the new record, the customer I just added previously is not showing up on the unbound control, only when I close the form completely and re-open it.

Is there a code to update the unbound combo box when you click to go to new record.

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Recordset Update From Combo

Jul 17, 2006

I want to update a field (field1) in each record of a recordset (qryUpdate)

I got the following code (in green) working fine - so far so good. I actually need to update the field from a selection from an unbound combo box. This looks up a table with two fields Period ID (autonumber PK) and a text field called Quarter. I've tried various combinations including the code in red and code such as
"rst![field1] = Me.cboPeriod"
"rst![field1] = Me.cboPeriod.Column(0).value" etc

but can't get it to work. It has to be something simple but I can't see it.

Private Sub cboPeriod_AfterUpdate()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset

Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryUpdate")
Do Until rst.EOF

If IsNull(rst![field1]) Then
rst![field1] = 5
End If

End Sub

Private Sub cboPeriod_AfterUpdate()
Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Set rst = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("qryUpdate")

Do Until rst.EOF

If IsNull(rst![field1]) Then
[rst![field1] = Me.cboPeriod.Column(0)
End If



End Sub

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Update Query & A Combo Box

May 2, 2007

Hello again all... Today's problem is as follows.... I have an "after update" combo box that is coded as "CurrentDb.Execute "Uno", dbFailOnError". I have an update query which I am trying to have a combo box from a form input information, update a table with what the combo box was inputted with. (if you follow). In my query, I have one field as showing the "Update To:" filed as "Forms![Loc-1L]!Combo8". When I try to run the query, it works in the query if I manually type in a location, however when running it in the form, it gives me the error: "Too few parameters. Expected 1". Any ideas where I'm going wrong?

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Update 2 Fields With 1 Combo Box

Sep 2, 2005

Hope someone can help. What I’m trying to do is have a combo box look up values from one table and add them to another. I have used the combo box wizard to look up a value from table1 and add it to table2 but is there a way that it can lookup 2 values and add them to the second table. For instance if I had to tables like :-

First Name
Last Name

First Name
Last Name

Can a combo box lookup and update both fields for example if I have a combo looking up the first name can it also lookup the last name and add them to the corresponding fields in the second table but with the user only selecting the first name in the combo box.

I’m sorry if I don’t make much sense I’m new to access and fairly new to forums

Thanks for your help

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Before Update With Combo Boxes

Jul 27, 2006

i have a form that i want to stamp with a date when it was last updated. if a change to the form is made it will be stamped with today's date. i used the BeforeUpdate event so that you could choose to save the edits or not so if you didn't mean to edit a record then the date would not change. the code is:
Dim myVar As Byte
myVar = MsgBox("Changes to this issue have been made. Would you like to save the changes?", vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "Save Changes?")
If myVar = vbYes Then
[LastUpdate].Value = Date
End If

my problem is that when i change the combo box values it will run this event and ask to save. i think the reason this is happening is because the comboboxes save when you change them. how do i accomplish the same task as above but allow the combo boxes to act like txt boxes?

also is there a way that when i ask if the user wants to save or not, to have a cancel button that will take no action, leaving the record open the way it was (new typing and everything) before the user tried to close the form without saving that info?

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Update Combo List

Sep 26, 2006

ok i have three tables..




each booking will only ever involve one company at a time

company 'A' will have several staff

person 'A' from company 'A' may book a job for themselves

person 'A' from company 'A' may also book a job for person 'B' from company 'A'

i have created a booking form

i have added a combo list displaying all the company names..(control="comp_combo")

i have also added a combo list displaying all staff names from all companies (control="staff_combo")

when the user selects company 'A' from the first combo.. i would like the staff combo to update and only display staff members for that company

how do i do this.

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Update Subform With Combo Box...arg

Oct 18, 2006

This is so simple but I can't seem to make it work. I've poured through about 30 posts and tried all kinds of AfterUpdate event strings to no avail. Help!

Here is the simple setup. I have one table that lists employees and their corresponding teamleader. A grouped query provides the record source for a combo box. The idea here is that you select a teamleader from the combo box and a subform updates to show all the corresponding employees. This subform is based on a simple query of all fields on the table.

combo box = cboteamleader
mainform = frmTechMaintenance
subform = frmEmployees

I've finally settled on this...

Private Sub cboteamleader_AfterUpdate()


End Sub

...as having the greatest chance of success based on other posts. Not sure why it doesn't work. It just doesn't update.

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Disable Combo Box After Update?

Jan 5, 2007


I have been playing around to see if it is possible to operate a combo box as a one shot operation.

I.e you make a selection from the combo box then the combo box is disabled.

Only prob is that I can't figure out how to do it.

Possibly by using a message box to see if selection is correct, if Ok clicked
then data entered and comboboc.enabled = false?

Or can this not be done.


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Automatic Update Using Combo Box

Dec 6, 2004

i have several fields i would like automatically updating with data from a combo box.
at the moment i can only update one. the combo box relates to a query on one table,
the fields i want updating are on a second table. is this possible?

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Update Subform Using A Combo-box

Jan 19, 2005

I am trying to update a subform by selecting a record in a combo-box that corresponds to a particular test when i select the said test i want an adjacent subform to change to the form displaying the test data in the subform window i have tried to use VBA to achieve this but so far have been unsucessful does anybody know how this can be done?

Gavin Cleary

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Combo Update Problem

Apr 4, 2005

Good day all,

I have a problem when updating a combo box on a form. I open the form from a command button on another form (No problem) when I update the combo box on the new opened form Access acts like the record set is still opened. I tried closing the original form and even the table but I still get the same problem. If I open the form without going through the button the update works. Does anyone know hoe to correct this problem?

Thanks in advance.

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Update Text Box From A Combo Box Using VBA

Apr 8, 2005

Hi All,

Thanks so much for your help in advance. I’m working on a Form1 that has a combo box with Row Source coming from a query Just like:


Smith 10011

Smith 10012

Scott 10022

Clark 10015

Clark 10016

Now, I want to be able to update the Item_ID value to text boxes txt_SN1 and txt_SN2 once I click on the combo box and select the name “Smith” then show 10011 in txt_SN1 and 10012 in txt_SN2. I’m not sure if this can be done with record set or just with column values from the query.

Can someone help me with this problem? Your help will be highly appreciated.


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Combo Box Update Subform

Mar 23, 2006

I want to limit the values in a subform using a combo box. Basically I've got a Main Form that has name field etc. Selecting a different record shows me a different entry on the subform relating to a different name but now I want to use a combo box to limit what I see in the sub form another level. Any help would be wonderful.

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Update A Query In A Combo Box

Apr 3, 2007


I have a form with two drop downs (combo box) School and Players. The first drop down I select a school. After I select the school, I go to the next drop down (combo box) and select the players I want. When I go to the second combo box (players) its has a query that runs for me. It takes what ever school I select and only gives me the players from that school.
However, lets say I made a mistake and I selected the wrong school, I go back and select the right school, but when I go to players box, its shows me the players from the previous school.
My questions is, how do you run the query in the form again after you have select a school? When I go to a new record to put in the information, the same thing happens to, I get the players from the school I selected the first time

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Combo Box Doesn't Update Fields

Feb 27, 2008

I have a Combobox so the enduser can search and select items for the form below it rather than clicking the arrows for Next/Previous.However I have an issue with DLookup queries.My Combobox is called 'F_ComboBox' (I use F_ in my forms to indicate it's a form textfield and not from a table).My first field in the form, called 'F_ProdID', I want it to select the rows ID from the Combobox option selected. So it's simply:=[F_ComboBox]Which works fine, it shows the ID for what I selected... but when I do this to show my ProductName...=DLookup([ProductName], 'Products', [ProdID] = [F_ComboBox])Or the same but using the first textfield:=DLookup([ProductName], 'Products', [ProdID] = [F_ProdID])It loads once but if I select another item out of the Combobox it doesn't change, it just stays on the last result. So the query works, just doesn't refresh when a new item is picked from the ComboBox.Am I doing something wrong?Thanks,Nick.

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