EASY ACCESS Problems...PLz HELP ASAP! Don't Want To Fail My Class..*fingers Crossed*

May 4, 2005

I am doing a cert. III in business admin that finishes on MOnday 9 May 2005. I have 3 days to do a mammoth business trip assignment, AND pass a test on Access. The school is a little dodgy and didn't make me do that practical assignment - they gave me multiple choice q's and written q's to take home.

PLEASE HELP!!! I need to pass this course - and we never use Access at work.

Q1. What is wrong with this formula?
I'm sure there's more wrong with it than the 'Iff' - that's meant to be 'IIf' isn't it? I've only ever used formulas in Excel..

Q2. What result will the 'Is Null' expression return?

Q3. What is the difference between a Combo Box and a List Box?

Q4. Why is the purpose of the Paste Append function?

Q5. Which formula is correct?
a. =[Qty]*[Price]+[Freight]
b. =[(Qty)*(Price)+(Freight)]
c. =([Qty]*[Price])+[Freight]
d. =[(Qty)*(Price)]+(Freight)


Q6. A chart can be placed on:
a. Table view only
b. A form or Report view
c. A Query or Table view only
d. A Report view only

Please answer any of these questions you can - the last one I can trial by error later tonight.

Thanks in advance.

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Access Help .... Design .... 1st Class... Should B Easy

Feb 9, 2006

I have a project in which i have to make a database. Its nothing real complex it has to have 3 tables.

heres my idea

An address book database.... "I know how orignal lol"

anyways here is what i have.... Looking to get my primary keys and forign keys established

AddressID "Pri Key"
Postal Code


College "Yes or No"
If Yes Where

So I need to get 3 FK keys and 2 more primary keys... This isnt jumping out at me as to what i should use.

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Automated Access Launch Causing Access Window To Fail To Hide

Jul 10, 2006

I have been using "fSetAccessWindow (SW_HIDDEN)" in the open event of my
main switchboard to hide the grey Access screen from being visible behind
forms, reports, etc in this db. But when I started using a .vbs script file
to launch the db, the Access window stopped being hidden. (The reason I use
the script for launching is that it temporarily sets the db's security level
to 1 which stops the macro security warning from coming up.) Apparently MS
knows about this happening and released a technique to rectify the situation,
but I don't understand their instructions. It looks like they expect one to
have more understanding than I have. Could someone help me get this
impliemented? Here is the article:

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Access DateDiff Query Using ASP - Need Help ASAP

Jun 5, 2007

Im trying to query a date which identifiy date in the database and carculate it to the date that are only above 30 days.

im using the below query

SELECT * FROM Truck_Company where Updated = DateDiff("d",date(),rs("Updated")> 30)

but its seem the query doesnt work need some help..

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Modules & VBA :: Subtotal Data Access To Excel - Range Class Failed

Jun 6, 2014

I'm trying to subtotal data in an excel file but I am getting a subtotal method of Range class failed in the red text below. I have been trying to get this to work with no success.


Public Function SUMMARY()
Dim xlApp As Object
Set xlApp = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
With xlApp
Dim wb As Object

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Access 2003 VBA / Unable To Tick Labels Property Of Axis Class

Dec 3, 2013

I have the following code:

Dim FrmGraphObj As Object
Set FrmGraphObj = Forms![frmE Weekly Efficiency]![gph_WeeklyEfficiency].Object.Application.Chart
FrmGraphObj.Axes(xlValue).TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0%"

I continually receive a runtime error 1004 " unable to get tick labels property of the axis class"

if I remove this code, then I error on the following code:

Dim FrmGraphObj As Object
Set FrmGraphObj = Forms![frmE Weekly Efficiency]![gph_WeeklyEfficiency].Object.Application.Chart
If FrmGraphObj.SeriesCollection(2).HasDataLabels Then

also a runtime 1004: "unable to get the seriescollection property of the chart class" on the last line above

searched this forum and found:

If your chart is in a form (or report), you have to:

1) refer to the form (or report) name (Form_Charts)

2) refer to the name of the object frame holding your chart (.Graph1)

3) refer to the object within the frame (.Object)

4) refer to the application that created the object (.Application)

5) refer to the actual chart itself (.Chart)

6) refer to the axes collection and select the axis you want to reference - in this case the category, or X-axis (.Axes(xlCategory))

I made the assumption, that I would just replace xlCategory with xlValue for the Y-axis. So I'm back to:

Set FrmGraphObj = Forms![frmE Weekly Efficiency]![gph_WeeklyEfficiency].Object.Application.Graph
With FrmGraphObj.Axes(xlValue)
.TickLabels.NumberFormat = "0%"
End With

Same error....

Looked in the Microsoft Graph Visual Basic Reference and it indicated:

"Tick-mark label text for the value axis is calculated based on the MajorUnit, MinimumScale, and MaximumScale properties of the value axis. To change the tick-mark label text for the value axis, you must change the values of these properties."

I reset my code to call these 2 functions prior to changing the number format.....

Public Sub txtMaxPercent_AfterUpdate()
Dim FrmGraphObj As Object
Set FrmGraphObj = Forms![frmE Weekly Efficiency]![gph_WeeklyEfficiency].Object.Application.Chart
FrmGraphObj.Axes(xlValue).MaximumScale = txtMaxPercent
End Sub
Public Sub txtMinPercent_AfterUpdate()
Dim FrmGraphObj As Object
Set FrmGraphObj = Forms![frmE Weekly Efficiency]![gph_WeeklyEfficiency].Object.Application.Chart
FrmGraphObj.Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale = txtMinPercent
End Sub

now I am receiving error 1004 again, this time it states "Unable to set the minimumscale property of the axis class" erroring on this line....

FrmGraphObj.Axes(xlValue).MinimumScale = txtMinPercent
debug.Print me.txtMinPercent

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Something Easy ....... Sql In Ms Access

Nov 6, 2004

ms access
I have a empty table called ...'Table2' with 3 fields 'firstname', 'lastname', 'value'
i have another table called ...'Table1' with 2 fields 'firstname', 'lastname'
i have form with a textbox callled Text0

this is the query that i am having trouble with:

INSERT INTO Table2 SELECT Table1.firstname, Table1.lastname, Forms!Form1!Text0.text FROM Table1;

the query doesnot run, gives an error. The SELECT query works stand alone but not when in above.

P.S someone will ask me if the form was open and had a value and that it was open before the query was run...and the answer is yes

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New To Access Help With Easy Query

Aug 10, 2005

I have used Excel for many years and used the if formula. I have just started using access and need a little help. I have a table the has 20 fields. I am only concerned with about 8 of these fields for a report. I have a field named completed in this field I put a "x" if the job is complete. I would like to create a report that shows me all active jobs. Everything that does not have an "x" in complete field. Can somebody either direct my to the forums I should be in or possible give me the correct coding. Thanks for your help in advance.

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ACCESS - Easy QUERY (Help)

Dec 28, 2006


I have the next 3 tables,

Table USER: id_user (primary key)

Rec: id_user, name
rec: 1, A
rec: 2, B
rec: 3, C

Table AP : id_ap (primary key)
nr_ap (primary key)

Rec: id_ap, nr_ap, id_user, id_sort
rec: 1, 2, 1, 1
rec: 2, 5, 2, 1
rec: 3, 1, 3, 1
rec: 4, 3, 1, 2
rec: 5, 4, 2, 2
rec: 6, 3, 3, 2

SELECT sum(nr_ap) AS Total FROM AP

with id_sort = 1 -> SUM(nr_ap) = 2+5+1 = 8
with id_sort = 2 -> SUM(nr_ap) = 3+4+3 = 10
Table SORT: id_sort (primary key)

Rec: id_sort, value
rec: 1, 80
rec: 2, 200

I need do create a QUERY that for all records in SORT table, it will
show only for user 'A', the rescords as in the result shown below.

NOTE: xxxx = (valueSUM(nr_ap))*nr_ap

id_sort, name, ap, value, xxxx

1 A 2 80 20 (808)*2 = 20
2 A 3 200 60 (20010)*3 = 60


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Easy Access Question

Sep 28, 2004

Hello, this is probably an easy question to most of you but I've only ever designed a couple of simple databases so I've never came accross this problem.

In my database I have several forms viewable using tabs, The main form is tab 1 (client details), tab 2 is marketing information and tab 3 is booking information. Data on tabs 1 and 2 are linked to Client details using the client name. I tested with a sample record and everything was working fine. I have now started inputing all the client details into the client details form (currently entered 200 records) however when I closed the database and re-opened later only one record was showing in the client details form. I though all of the data had been lost but when I looked at the client details table all the data was still there. Why are all of the records not appearing in the form.

I hope you can help and thanks in advance.

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Easy Question About Access 2007

Jan 24, 2008

If you build a DB in Access 2007, can it be operated in earlier versions?

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Easy Access Table Question

Dec 10, 2004

I have a table in Access that has many columns in it. Two columns are in question, one is social security numbers and another is a image file name column that needs image file names in it. The pictures are named with a social security number of the person Ex. 123456789.jpg. I have about 1000 rows of SSN's and need to place the image file names SSN.jpg in the image column. If I copy and paste the SSN column to the image column it is missing the .jpg, is there a way to do this other than manually? And also set it up so in the future the image column is automatically updated when a SSN is typed in.


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Content Source Help (probably Easy But Im Just Starting Access)

Aug 8, 2006

Im just starting to use access for a small business. Im fluent in visual basic but i cannot seem to get this to work. so im using the wizard for the "Order Entry" and it works great. However, on the Preview Invoice where you can also print it, i would like it to include the credit card number, payment method, experiation date, ect. which all can be found on the payment form for the order. I have a text box but i cannot seem to get the write content source. what would be the content source so it can access the payment details from the other form and print it along with the invoice.

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Need Help Asap

Aug 2, 2005

This seems like a mediocre problem but I can't think of any way of making it work. I have a table with a bunch of fields in it and one of the fields is called 'user'. Now all the other values in the fields remain pretty much the same except the User name. I want so when I try entering a new record using a form, all the fields are already filled except the 'User' field, thus allowing me to just keep filling the table up with different user names while not having to fill up the other fields.
Any help would be awesome.
Thank you

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Need Help ASAP Please!

Apr 24, 2005


I'm facing this problem whenever I try to click on any button on my access system. I get the following error message:

"" The expression on Click you entered as the event
property setting producedthe following error:

A problem occurred while Microsoft Office Access was
communicating with the OLE server or ActiveX Control.

* The expression may not result in the name of a macro, the name of a user
defined function, or [Event Procedure].

* There may have been an error evaluating the function, event or macro. ""

Note that the system works fine on another machine, but not on my computer!

any help will be very much appreciated!

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Need Help Asap

Aug 3, 2005

Hey guys,
So my boss needs me to do something with the form. I'll give you an example: Say the form/table has two fields Computer Name and User. Now one computer name can have multiple users and it can be any number of users (no set amount) she wants to be able to add one user at a time and not in the same field. She also does not want to have two different records with the same computer name but different users. The way I thought of doing this was to make a button in the form so when she needs to add more users to the form she can just click the button and another field would appear saying "user 2", "user 3"..etc. Is that possible or does anyone have a better idea?
Thanks in advance for the help guys


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Access Admin/Contractor Needed, Easy Project.

Jun 27, 2005

Hey i need some one that knows Access to help with a work Database, and just make sure everything is working and set properly.

This is for a Construction Managment Company.

Email me at *email removed* for more info, and i can send out the DB to be looked at.


Kevin Maguire

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Queries Randomly Fail On New PC

Nov 8, 2011

I have a database that I previously ran successfully on a Windows XP system. I recently received a new PC with Windows 7 Enterprise (32 bit) that is having issues with running queries from the same database. I am still running the same version of Access (2003) on the new laptop but the queries seem to stall out and Access becomes non-responsive. Can switching from one operating system to another cause this issue? I am really just starting to use Access, so I am a novice at troubleshooting and thought that I would ask this question before digging deeper.

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Insert Statement Fail

Apr 26, 2014

If I use this INSERT it works fine :

strSQL = "Insert into tblParkeerbeheer_log select * from parkeerbeheer where [ID] = " & Forms![parkeerbeheer]![fldID].Value & ""
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

But if I want to do the same with multiple records with Pnummer (personell number) as criteria in the WHERE clause :

strSQL = "Insert into tblParkeerbeheer_log select * from parkeerbeheer where [Pnummer] = " & Forms![parkeerbeheer]![Pnummer].Value & ""
DoCmd.RunSQL strSQL

It asks me to prompt the personell numer, while that number is present within the prompt box

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Help Needed Asap

Aug 10, 2005

Hey I have a form/table that has the field name 'Type'..I want so that when a user types in 'Staff', he is able to type in a phone number, but when he typs in 'ISP' he is able to type in the name of the ISP. I have no idea how to go about this so any help would be appreciated.

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Need Help With This Database ASAP

Nov 9, 2004

If there is someone out there that could help make the lane score sheet easier. or give an example you could send an attachment to joeschidek@hotmail.com

You are going to create a program that tracks the scores for a season in a bowling league. This program needs to be very easy to use. In fact, Access, SQL Server, or VB on top of Access is one good way to attack this program. Using a web interface to a CGI database is also acceptable. VB accessing text files will work as well. VC on top of Access/SQL Server is OK as well (wicked hard). VC has wizards that connect to databases just like VB. Check the Win 32 App Wizards.

The league meets every other week. The players bowl anywhere from 1 to 3 games (typically 3). Each week, the teams play each other and give handicaps based on total team average. The teams will win if their team total is higher than the other team’s total, including a handicap. With three games the league tracks wins/losses per game plus overall pins. This gives 4 games per week. The overall pins goes to the team with the most pins over the 3 games. As a note: the team names are the names of their captains.

The league bowls on lanes 17 through 20. This means that there are 4 teams with 5 players each.

Program flow
v The program should perform like the following:

Ø User inputs the week’s data

Ø Program validates the week’s data

Ø User then tells program to update the season data

Program output requirements
v Player data sheet

Ø Player average (sort by this)

§ Total pins divided by number of games

Ø Player high game

Ø Player low game

Ø Player high series

§ Highest total pins for a week

Ø Player total pins (subsort by this)

Ø Player number of games (subsort by this)

v Team Standing

Ø Sort by Wins, then losses
v Lane score sheet

Ø Two teams per player

Ø An entry for each player

Ø Three lines for scores for each player

Ø What alley the team is on

§ All teams must play on all lanes the same number of times in a season

§ You must determine a fair strategy to move the teams around

Ø The handicap

§ Difference in total team average

§ Whichever team has the lower average total will get the handicap

Ø Need a simple way to print different sheets for each week, based on the schedule

§ The code to automatically change the schedule based on the week is probably too much

§ A manual changing of team and lane assignments is OK

Program input requirements
v Weekly data

Ø User should be able to input player scores who bowled

Ø Program should allow you to skip players that did not bowl this week

Ø Program should account for players that bowl less than 3 games

§ Example: a player with 12 games bowled going into this week, can only bowl one game

§ Once the stats are entered, the program will reflect 13 games, and calculate the average based on 13 games, not 15

Ø Program should allow inputting of which team won or lost

§ Be advised that this code can get tricky

§ I will accept, without penalty, manual entering of wins and losses

§ There can be a maximum of 4 wins per team per week

v Interface

Ø The user should be presented with command buttons, in order, to do their task

Ø They should not have to type in 50 commands nor have to open certain queries in certain order

Ø Ie: you are coding for a non Access geek, you may assume an intelligent person, not Brenda

Program calculations
v Player average

v Hi game

v Low game

v Total pins per week

v Total pins overall

v Which team wins or loses

Ø You may force the user to enter this manually

Ø The amount of code to calculate wins/losses automatically is more than the amount of time to have the user calculate it manually.

v Wins/Loss percentage

Ø Number of wins divided by games played

v Total team

v Team Handicap

v More calculations may be necessary

Brenda Checks
All scores are between 0 and 300

Wins cannot be larger than 4

Two teams cannot be on the same lane

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General :: Outlook Emails Fail To Be Sent

Sep 17, 2013

I have an Access database update process that is run from the Win7 scheduler. I have attempted to instantiate or reference Outlook and send an email indicating the status of the process.

Outlook fails for some reason, but it works fine interactively regardless of whether Outlook is running or not.

I am now thinking of trying SendObject instead.

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Huge Problem(s) Please Help!!!!! Asap

Nov 28, 2004

i've just delivered my program to my client and there are 2 MAJOR bugs.

bug 1: the first time program is opened, everything works fine. it goes to the switchboard, etc., everything's cool. however, if he closes the program (i think he closed it using the red X) and tries to get back in, only one item on the switchboard shows up from that point on. the thing is, this problem DOESN'T HAPPEN ON MY COMPUTER so i have no way of even attempting to figure this out. the way i have my program set up is i have an interface and a BE and an .mdw file all in the same folder. i've created a shortcut that uses a workgroup switcher so that he can open the program and use it w/the .mdw file.

i have no idea what could possibly be causing this to happen. i would think that the switchboard would open correctly every time.

bug 2: this one does happen on my computer.

setup: i have frmCustomers (outer form) with sfrmJobs (subform) with a subform inside of that named sfrmFinances. Everything in frmCustomers works fine, and everything in sfrmJobs works fine. The primary key (JobID) in sfrmJobs is entered manually. After the JobID is entered, sfrmFinances is accessible. sfrmFinances' control source is qryFinances, which has a few fields from tblJobs (control source for sfrmJobs). frmCustomers is linked to sfrmJobs by CustomerID and sfrmJobs is linked to sfrmFinances by JobID.

problem: a new customer is entered in frmCustomers. a job number is entered for the new job in sfrmJobs (JobID). the user then attempts to update a field (any field, but for example, ContractPrice) and a window pops up and says, "Field cannot be updated". you click ok and it pops up again, at least 10x in a row. then it finally lets you enter data, but when you try to save the record, it pops up with another window that says,

"The changes you requested to the table were not successful because they would create duplicate values in the index, primary key, or relationship. Change the data in the field or fields that contain duplicate data, remove the index, or redefine the index to permit duplicate entries and try again."

excuse me?? how could there possibly be duplicate data??? the funny thing is tho, when the user closes the form, and then opens it back up and tries to enter financial data w/the same customer, it allows it.


The first bug is more important than the second one, but any advice or ideas on either are EXTREMELY appreciated. thank you very much in advance.


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Pls Help I Need To Make This DB Work Asap

Aug 17, 2007

this DB should transfer records from table to another table and vice versa, somehow i cannot make the other command button works. it took me a week to figure it out what is wrong with the code.

pls help me with my DB.

Somebody out there!

ill attached the DB if someone replies my request.


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General :: Why Does OpenRecordSet Fail On Linked Table

Jan 16, 2013

I split my database into a FE and BE to simplify the upgrading of the clients copy. I had a chance to implement that change today and except for this error all seems to be well.

The error is "Invalid Operation 3219 " and flags this line of code "Set rsTable = dbsCurent.OpenRecordSet("Import650tbl, dbOpenTable, dbAppendOnly) " when the error is triggered. The table Import650tbl is a temporary holding table to which I enter imported records. I then add some supporting information and then the records are added to live data table for further processing. After the data is added to the live table the information in the Import650tbl is deleted by a query to be ready for tomorrows processing.

This error prevents the process from working. I got around the problem by deleting the link to the BE for this table and creating the table in the FE. After that all was well.

Question: Why does the above OpenRecordSet fail on the linked table?

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Return List Of Records That Fail To Append?

Sep 17, 2015

In short, I want to know which records fail to append based on violating the primary key. (Win 7, Access 2010 32bit) Similar to how Access creates import table errors, but for append violations...

The DB takes a daily data dump. Failures to append (in this DB) indicate a status of "complete" that needs to be re-examined. (A true complete will not be present in the daily file). The daily file also contains all new daily work, thus it isn't just a list of "completed" tasks to re-examine.

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