Edit My Detail By Using Combo Box...

Sep 3, 2006

Hi Everyone,

I have a problem here... i need help... could someone know that how to using a combo box to edit the details?

Now i am using the Employee Name as my primary key and i set it as a combo box to let user to select the name and list all the detail like IC, Job Position, Date of Employment and etc. But when i try to edit the detail of the employee, the access program do not allow!! And i know is because i am going to create a duplicate record by the employee name.

So, do someone know how to use the combo box to list out all the details and after i doing editing by pressing a 'Save' button then the detail just change without creating a deplicate record? Maybe someone just give me a little bit idea then is enough... Thank you!!!!

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Reports :: Show Detail - Using Section Header As Hyperlink To Show / Hide Detail

Aug 13, 2013

I'm trying to create a report where I can use a section header as a hyperlink to show/hide detail, but only for that section. For example, my customer names are:

123 Co.

If I click on ZYX Co., I want it to show the contracts for ONLY that customer:

Contract 1
Contract 2
123 Co.

Right now, my code looks like this for On_Click:

If Me.Detail.Visible = False Then
Me.Detail.Visible = True
Me.Detail.Visible = False
End If

But it shows and hides detail for ALL customers when I do this. Is there a way to only show/hide for the customer on which I click?

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Combo Box - Edit

Jan 26, 2006

A few years ago a consultant created a database for my company and trained one person on how to use it. Unfortunately, this person shortly left and the system was never used! I would like to get the system up and running, however I am a complete novice with Access and although I have figured out the basics I am having trouble with the one form that we use to enter data. Two of the drop-down or combo boxes must be completed by the person entering data in order for the record to be saved. How do we turn off this mandatory setting for each combo box? Or how do we add an option to the combo box that at least says N/A if the data enterer does not have the information on hand?

this is driving me crazy!!!

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Unbound Combo Boxes And A Form With Allow Edit Set To 'NO'

Oct 29, 2005

Hi folks,

I have a form with a record source property set to a query which pulls the data by joining two tables. The form also has four navigation buttons (first, previous, next, last) and a ADD record, SAVE record, EDIT record, DELETE record buttons.

I also have a unbound combo box (control source iset to 'empty') in the form's header section and its record source property set to an SQL (SELECT DISTINCTROW tblProjts1.chrProjectName, tblProjts1.intProjectID FROM tblProjts1 ORDER BY tblProjts1.chrProjectName;). It's columns count is 2, bound column is set to 2 and column width is set to 3.1146";0".

In the edit button, I have the code "Me.AllowEdits = True" so that the user can edit the data.

Also, I have the following code on form's "on current" and "after update" events so that it will flip back to allow edit to 'NO'
Me.AllowEdits = False

Also, I have the following code on the combo box's 'after update' event.
Dim strSearch As String

strSearch = "[intProjectID] = " & Me![cboProjectID]

'Find the record that matches the control
Me.RecordsetClone.FindFirst strSearch
Me.Bookmark = Me.RecordsetClone.Bookmark.

My Problem:

When I run the form and select a record from a combo box it populates the fields (all memo data type) in the form with correct linked record, ONLY when my allow edit property is set to 'YES'.

With allow edit set to 'NO', then when a tried to make a selection from a combo box it doesn't allow me to select any record. The combo box seems to be locked up and I can't select any record.

Does anyone come across such a problem with cbo box and 'allow edits' property in the forms.

Your help is much appreciated.


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Forms :: Unable To Edit Records Using Combo Box

Mar 29, 2013

I have setup a ComboBox on a form, Listed the PK of the table as the control source. Inserted the PK and many other field as the row source. When I go to select a record I get the error "control can not be edited, it's bound to a auto number field, "Asset_ID"

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Forms :: Cascading Combo Box To Select Record To Edit

Sep 19, 2013

I am attempting to create an attendance database that needs to be able to be updated if someone calls in sick.

I have created a cascading combo box where you can select a date up to 15 days into the past with the following code in the rowsource for cboDate

SELECT DISTINCT tblAttendance.dataDate FROM tblAttendance WHERE (((tblAttendance.dataDate)>Date()-15)) ORDER BY tblAttendance.dataDate DESC;

an after update event has been coded to show only employees who have been scheduled for the day

Private Sub cboDate_AfterUpdate()
On Error Resume Next
Me.cboAgentName.RowSource = "Select tblAttendance.agentName, tblAttendance.attendance,


So basically what i need to do is be able to use the cascading combo boxes to select the date and employee to go to that specific record so i can update the other fields. Currently when i attempt to do this with my current form, it automatically goes to a new record when i select a date and name and doesn't update the existing record.

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Forms :: Combo Box Lookup - Edit Customer Information

Apr 24, 2013

I have a sales form that contains a combo box lookup to tblCUSTOMERS. It allows me to select a previous customer if that person is already entered into the system. If the person is NOT in the system, a form pops up to add the customer into the table.

What I need to know is, if the person IS already in the table BUT their address etc. has changed, what is the best way to get to that record to edit it? I'm THINKING a button with a command to go to that customer's profile.

What is the code to open a form to the customer selected in the drop down.

the customer name field is CUSTID

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Using Multiple Combo Boxes To Retrieve (not Edit) Records From A Table

Mar 24, 2005

I'm creating a form that has combo boxes pertaining to each of the following fields from table "Documents": DocumentID (primary key), DocumentTitle, DocumentAuthor, and DocumentYear. No combo box is used with any priority over the others. The working form will allow a user to retrieve the full document record (data for all fields) by using any combo box they want, as well as any combination of combo boxes. This means that if a selection is made in one field's combo box, the drop-down lists in the other boxes need to update based on that preliminary selection. The filtered results for each field, based on any and all combo box selections, are always shown in a single datasheet on the form.

The kicker is that when a user starts filtering records by making selections from the drop down list in a combo box, but then decides to TYPE in another field's combo box, I want the combo box they typed in to do two things: 1) filter the records for that field based on what they typed, if any records meet that criteria (e.g. they typed "B" so only records beginning with B are shown), and 2) if no records match the typed criteria, the search starts all over (at the top of the cascade), filtering all library records based only on what they typed in the most recent combo box.

Does that make sense? Any tips welcomed.

I don't know how to cascade combo boxes in this way.

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Forms :: Combo Box Allowing User To Edit List Values

Nov 2, 2013

I have a subform in a form that has a Combo Box that is linked (not sure is that is the correct term) to a field called PartID in a table containing a list of Parts. The list show the Name of the Part (PartName) and other fields.

This all works great except that it allows the user to change the text in the Name of the Part (PartName) field directly from the Combo Box!!!! I really don't want this to be able to happen.I have the "Limit to List = Yes" but it still allows the user to change the value...The "Allow Value List Edits = No"...

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Forms :: Add / Edit And Delete Records From A Table Based On Combo

Dec 12, 2013

I have a form to add, edit, and delete Records from a table. I am using the following VBA

Private Sub cmdEdit_Click()
If Not (Me.frmlEmpDetailsSub.Form.Recordset.EOF And Me.frmlEmpDetailsSub.Form.Recordset.BOF) Then
With Me.frmlEmpDetailsSub.Form.Recordset
Me.txtAddEditname = .Fields("Name")
Me.cboRoster = .Fields("Roster")
Me.cboPermFctn = .Fields("PermFctn")
End With
End If
End Sub

Instead of referring to the Subform to load the data i would like to refer to a combobox:


Its not an issue but This Combobox contains 5 columns...

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Forms :: Refresh A Combo Box On Close Event Of Edit Form

Apr 21, 2015

I have a Main form with a combo box that pulls names from a table. Alongside the combo box is a command button that opens a form which allows the user to edit the names in the table.

The problem: When a user edits a name and closes the edit form, the edit is not immediately displayed in the combo box. However, when the Main form is closed and reopened, the edit is properly displayed. Can I somehow refresh the combo box in the On Close event of the edit form?

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Forms :: Edit / Entry Form That Uses Combo Box Lists To Select Different Segments Of 32 Digit Account Numbers

Aug 7, 2015

I have a database I am using to record financial transactions. I have a transaction edit/entry form that uses combo box lists to select the different segments of my 32 digit account numbers. The issue I am running into is that when I enter a value value in the first box/field the form jumps to the very first record.I then can use the navigation buttons to get back to the last record, and all the subsequent boxes/fields work fine without jumping to a different record.

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Hide Parent Detail.

Dec 5, 2005

I have a sub Report in the detail section of its parent. I need to hide the detail part of the parent if the subReport corresponding to the record has no data.
Here is what iam trying to do but failing, any ideas...
Private Sub Report_NoData(Cancel As Integer)
Me.Parent.Section(0).Visible = False
End Sub

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Details And Detail Groups

Nov 16, 2006


I have a problem figuring out a solution for following problem.

I have a database of details and their properties.
All the details have been described in one table.
As there is a need to describe groups of details I have found myself in a hard situation that needs to be resolved.
The structure of described detail groups is as follows:


Detail Group1

Detail groupx etc.


Detail groupx etc.
Detail groupx etc.


Detail Group2


Detail groupx etc.

Detail groupx etc.

Is there a way of decribing my products in access so that there are no limits of how many groups does a product have and how many levels of groups the product have.

Thank you

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Concatenate Detail Value In One Column

Jun 11, 2007

i'm using Master and Detail table. Master table i have TaskId, ResId where ResId is mapped to Detail table which contains resource working on the task. i want to generate a query where for each task i want to display resource id in single column like below.

Task Id Resource Id
1 222,233,244,255

Do i need to use recursive query or any other method to get results like above.

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Header & Detail Keys

Apr 22, 2008

Straghtforward problem I hope!

Header table keyed on ProjectID
Detail file keyed on ProjectID and then IssueID

IssueID shoud start at 1 for each project, then 2,3,4 etc.

Autonumber seems to just increment by 1 regardless of ProjectId, rather than within it.

I'm new to Access, so what options do I have for autonumbering, or what other technique can I use?

Thanks in advance

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Detail Area Blank

Jul 11, 2005

I am a novice to Access so bear with me please. I've just created a form to populate some tables.

When I switch from design view to form view, the detail area in the form view is blank. :mad:

The header is fine but fields, which are present in design view are not present in form view.

Any suggestions, I've tried font/background colors and searching for a switch setting.

Thanks in advance,


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Hide The Detail Section

Jun 2, 2006

I currently use

Me!frmPatientLookupResults.Form.Visible = False

to hide a subform on my form that is in the detail section of my form.

Is there a way to collapse or Hide the Detail section of the main Form??

I notice that their is a property under the Detail section called Visible
with an option for Yes or No.. How would I manipulate that option through
VBA? I am assuming that is the option that I am looking for

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Help Unlocking Detail View Please

Oct 11, 2006

I haven't used Access in a couple of years. I created a DB some years ago where I did not want the users to be able to view/change the forms, queries, etc.

I only wanted them to be able to view the "finished" product and do the data input.

I remember there was an "alt+key" combination I hit when I opened the db file in order to view/change queries, forms, etc.

Now, I've forgotten the key combination at open which allows me to see the details of the db.

I have some formulaes in that old db that I now need.

Could someone please advise on the key combination at open which will allow me to view/modify the details of the db?

Thank you in advance for your assistance.



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Printing Form Detail

Jun 4, 2007

I am looking for a way to only print the detail section (no header, no footer) using a print button on a form. it also needs to fit to 1 page. do i need code for this or is there a property that can be adjusted?

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Length Of Detail In A Report

Oct 22, 2007

Hello and Good Morning,

I am trying to create a 5 page report filled with colorful tables, charts, and graphs. This report will need to be reproduced 115 times. I am almost finished with page 2 of 5. When I try to start page 3, it appears that the height of the report is capped.

I have reset my computer to clear my RAM, but I still have the same problem. I try extending the length of the report, but the window will not scroll down beyond 22". Is there a way to extend the height of the report?

Thank you in advance, and I will try to answer your question in return.

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Report Detail Grouped By Possible?

Nov 29, 2007


I'm trying to create a report that separates info depending on Prodno. For now it lists all the right information like this

Code:Product Aisle Rack Shelf0218 7 6 20775 5 6 20775 4 4 40775 0 1 30963 1 1 71000 7 4 61000 2 3 71006 8 8 8

which is fine and dandy. What I would prefer is it do like this

Code:Product Aisle Rack Shelf0218 7 6 20775 5 6 2 4 4 4 0 1 30963 1 1 71000 7 4 6 2 3 71006 8 8 8

I am assuming it is some kind of group by in the details section? Any help would be great,


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Tabular Forms And Detail Sections

Jul 20, 2005

I'm curious if anyone know's a way to access a specific data section on a tabular form. I'm attempting to have each section update a specific data item based on its position on the form, but am having problems since I do not know how to differentiate between one details section and another on the form. Any help would be appreciated.


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Sum Calculated Boxes From Detail Section

Sep 18, 2006

Got a form with a Detail section that can have any number of textboxes in it depending on the data a query brings back:


QueryID Calculatedtextbox
QueryID Calculatedtextbox
QueryID Calculatedtextbox
QueryID Calculatedtextbox

The Calculatedtextbox has a DSum function, which uses the QueryID (another textbox).

I then have a footer at the bottom and need to sum all of the textboxes. Is this possible? Access doesn't seem to like it...

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How To Make A Verical Line In Detail?,Please Help Me :(

Sep 22, 2004

Dear Moderator and All This forum Member,

i have problem to how to make such a invoice report which in sub report detail have a vertical line per column for each page, and every sub sum in detail can continue for next page,
any one can tell me how? i really appreciate if any one can give me some exampel.
i had looking in microsoft forum for example but i it just for calculating per page which does'nt have sub report and explaining about vertical line in detail.

First of All i want say Thank you for All your Kindness.

Best Regards,

Hendra Susanto

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Specific Control In Form Detail Row

Feb 1, 2005

Hi All,

It's my first post to the forum, but I've browsed it a lot the past week! Lots of info here. Unfortunately I couldn't find an answer to my question, so here it is: A simple Form attached to a Table. In the detail section of the Form the Table rows are displayed (all simple textboxes) and there is a hidden button on the row. When I put the focus on a textbox in a row, I want to set visible=TRUE for the little button in that specific row. Obviously I want the button remain hidden for all other rows!

Is there a way to accomplish this, changing the properties of a control in a specific row? When I set visible=TRUE, all rows suddenly display the button.

Thanks for any input!

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