I have a button in a form that needs to change the text in a field named idStatus from "Assigned" to "Returned"
I have tried using an expression like this "[Form]![Field]=12" in the OnClick spot but it returned an error. There is no "custom made" wizard for this and my VB skills are lacking.
Once again, thanks! (I know I post alot but this forum is amazing!)
I have a onclick tied to a label (for decoration purposes) that when clicked it launches VBA that essentially updates a form. All that part works except it will not recognize any changed value of the field I was last in?
Just to try to explain best as I can what happens.
- Form gets opened - I change field (quantity field) - I click the Label - It reverts to pre-existing value.
if I click off of the text field first then do the onclick - it recognizes just fine.
I have a table that holds the SQL texts for ca. 1000 Select queries (mostly minor variants that are used to programmatically swap out RowSource strings for combo boxes). I'd like to have a quick and easy way to open/review/modify these queries.
One strategy would be to display the SQL strings in a field on a Datasheet form, then use an onClick event on a text box linked to the SQL-holding field (or perhaps an onClick event tied to an unbound text box on the form) to open the associated query. That would allow me to view the SQL of the query that I want to open, allow me to quickly scroll through the list of stored SQL texts, and give me options for sorting or limiting the SQL-texts displayed in the datasheet form.
But, I can't seem to get the onClick event to work. The problem seems to be that I can't figure out how to pass the SQL string contained in the field to a function that will use that string to open the query .
I'm using VBA to prompt users for two required fields. One I can do, but with more than one I get into issues like only 1 message box appearing at a time. If both fields are blank I want both messages to appear. Here's my code, it's in an On click function:
If IsNull(req_file_num) = True Then MsgBox "Required field: File #. The appropriate file number must be entered before this PO's status can be changed to Filed." GoTo Err_Command_158_Click2 End If
If Not [req_filed_date] Then [req_process_status_rec_id] = 8
MsgBox "Your changes have been processed. This purchase order now has a status of Filed." DoCmd.Close acForm, "frm_req_file" GoTo Err_Command_158_Click2 Else: MsgBox "Required field: File Date. The appropriate date must be entered before this PO's status can be changed to Filed." GoTo Err_Command_158_Click2
End If
Err_Command_158_Click2: End Sub
I realize that it only shows one message box because I have the GoTo Err_Command_158_Click2 command, but I couldn't figure out how else to keep it from continuing through the code. If both "req_file_num" and "req_filed_date" are null, then I don't want the "req_process_status_rec_id" to change to 8 and have the form close.
I would like to make clickable labels on my form, so if the user has any questions about the field, clicking on the label would bring up a message box that would give them more information. I know how to write onclick events one by one for every label, but there are a lot of them, and I feel like there has to be a better way.
I put the label names, and the text I'd like for the message box in a table, and I'd like to have a module that will allow me to click on a label, and have the right text come up.
I've researched ways to do this and have come up with nothing. The farthest I've gotten is an array tied to the form open event that just displays all the message boxes from first to last, one after the other. I believe that's on the right track, but is not a workable solution as is. I need to be able to tie the message box to the actual label the user clicks.
I have several fields that I fill in on a form and they all need to add up in the last field. The first way that I tried this worked good for the initial data entry on the form. However if I need to edit one of the fields in the form then it resets the TotalCost field and I have to enter all of the numbers again. Is there some way that I can make this work? Or is this an Access quirk I will have to live with?
I tried to do this two different ways.
Here is the code for the first method:
Option Compare Database Dim C1 As Long 'For Total Cost Dim C2 As Long 'For Total Cost Dim C3 As Long 'For Total Cost Dim C4 As Long 'For Total Cost
[Code] .....
This way works great the first time that I tried it, I had to re-enter info in all the fields if I wanted to change one.
Here is my second method:
Which didn't work, i received an error message:
"The expression After Update you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Invalid outside procedure."
And then nothing changes.
Code: Option Compare Database Dim C1 As Long 'For Total Cost Dim C2 As Long 'For Total Cost Dim C3 As Long 'For Total Cost Dim C4 As Long 'For Total Cost
Is there any way to edit the hyperlink field in my table, I'm thinking along the lines of an update query?
The database has thousands of records and the user has not typed any text into the 'Display Text' part of the hyperlink. This means that the stored hyperlink is double size because if no text is entered into the display text part then access uses the hyperlink string. This is a problem for me later on in the design.
I have tried a simple update query and this updates the display text as required but also loses the hyperlink itself, which I want to remain unchanged.
I have come across a problem with my database that I would appreciate some help with.
I have added to an existing table by creating a query with calculated fields (calculated from fields in the original table). However, a few values in the calculated fields result in "error" or are null, this is due to the values in the original fields.
I have been given default values to substitute in for these error values, but I have found that I am unable to "edit" cells in a calculated field. (i.e. just trying to type a value in, replacing the "error").
Does any body know how I could go about putting these values in?
Or is it just a case that as they are known (not calculated), then they have to be included in the original table? If so, how would I go about getting the calculated and non-calculated values in the same field?
I hope I can explain this: I have a database with a table "Itinerary" it has two fields "Date of Visit" and "Agency Number" I have a second table that is linked from a different database "Agent Info"
I created a form based on the "Itinerary" Table then I put in a sub form to show the "Agent Name" and "Market Rep" from the "Agent Info" table.
The relationship is on Agent number in both tables. The user then adds the agent number on the form and the Agent name and Market rep automatically come in.
The problem is the user wants to be able to occasionally modify the info in the Agent Name and Market Rep fields. But does not want the new info to be changed on the original "Agent Info" table.
Access 2013 stops working when I open any table in design mode, and select any field with the type "Number". I can edit Text, Date or Yes/No fields, but not Number ones.
I set my form in Design view to Allow Edits but not Additions, and when I switch it to (or open it in) Form view, all the combo and text boxes and buttons disappear (the background color and header are all that's left).
All I want to do is edit existing records through the combo boxes. How can I correct this?
Hi all At the moment I have a form which links to a table, one of the columns in the table is called "Description" so the user can input a sentence or two. Basically I when I open this form (in Edit Mode as Im using a Switch Board)it will not allow me to edit a current record.
I can edit a record in the tabel but not in the form.... :eek: .. help
I have a very simple form that is populating fields with records from a number of tables (not queries).
I have found that I cannot edit any of the records from the form. Almost all of these fields are NOT key fields. When I click in the field, it simply selects the text in the field, but does not allow me to alter it (typing does nothing...the cursor just blinks). The same thing happens for blank fields.
I know this is a simple question, but I can't find the answer in help or searching this forum. I know it must be a simple setting (I think) somewhere but I've tried a number of settings in properties/forms.
From the mainform "Home" the "Order Details" Form is launched and changed to Design view. Here I cannot edit the "Order Details" form Property Sheet unless the "Home" form is closed.
I have a form to edit records. When I open the form I am not able to change any of the fields until I edit a date field that has a calendar popup on the "on click" event. After that all of the fields are available for editing. Any ideas?? Thanks, Pat
I created form based on a query of around 7 tables, all the fields are set to enabled and edits are allowed; however, access wont allow me to edit any of the fields in that form! I know that the query is correct because i can flick through the records and the fileds change.. please help:eek:
Just a general query about the best approach to take for an editing form.
I want to have two separate forms, one for adding a new record (have completed this) and one for choosing and then editing a selected record.
I have seen that people use combo boxes to display a list of records with fields. This seems quite difficult to use. Maybe that's the best way though?
How do you apply an edit button to a selected record in this type of situation? I suppose really I need a box that has a list of records with a little edit button next to each one, or can I do something that launches the edit form as soon as you click on a specific record?
I have a Form that is used for creating entries to fill a table. On the same Form there is also a list that shows everything in the table and a double click on the list will populate the Form with that data. The problem is that "Save Record" command button will not update the table because it thinks it is creating a new record.
The code to populate the form from the list is
Private Sub EmployeeEntryList_DblClick(Cancel As Integer) Me![Number] = EmployeeEntryList.Column(0) Me![EmployeeNumber] = EmployeeEntryList.Column(1) Me![FirstName] = EmployeeEntryList.Column(2) Me![MiddleInitial] = EmployeeEntryList.Column(3) Me![LastName] = EmployeeEntryList.Column(4) Me![Supervisor] = EmployeeEntryList.Column(5) Me![Group] = EmployeeEntryList.Column(6) Me![Shift] = EmployeeEntryList.Column(7) End Sub
how I can make it populate the form if an entry is double clicked and then be able to save a modified version of that record over top the original.
I am a relative newby to Access, Can someone please offer a solution to my problem.
I have a DB which lists current order references, I also have a linked spreadsheet from a customer which references their Ref number to our S/order no & Item no. I have set up the relationships for the common data between both tables.
if I create a Query from either table individually the data can be edited but when a query is created from both sources the data cannot be edited. this also happens if the spreadsheet is imported to its own DB.
I would really like to create a form which displays both sets of data for editing, marking progress etc.
I have many forms in my database, three of which completely freeze the database if I edit the slightest thing on them. These forms are all the same, and are unique to any other type of form in my database.
An example of one of the forms is the following:
The form is an "Edit Record" form which allows the user to edit a record directly from a form without going into the table. It is only possible to bring up the edit form by going to the main navigation form that consists of various buttons which a user would press, in this case the user would press the "Edit Record" button. This brings up a unique search form that allows a user to search for a record to edit. The user types their search parameter into the form and once the "search" button is pressed it will bring up the record with all the details in a different form.
Note - The search form is linked to the table where the edit record form is linked to a query.
My problem is this:
I have three buttons on the form; Exit, Cancel & Finish Editing.
All I wanted to do was to ammend the code of the buttons so that "Finish Editing" wouldn't close the form onced pressed and that "Cancel" would simply undo the actions of the user instead of undo and then close the form.
I know exactly how to do the ammendments. But, once completed if you return to the main navigation and click on the "edit" button the search form appears and allows you to type in the search parameters, but once the "Search" button is clicked the search form closes and you are returned to the main navigation where you are unable to click anything in access or even close the programme.
I have produced a table, the records from which have to be selected by individuals for auditing purposes.
I created a second table with individuals initials and passwords. This is linked by the initials to the main table. Records on the main table are returned when the query is run.
At first I could not edit fields in the query but changed the recordset type to Dynaset (inconsistent). I am now able to edit the query fields. However, having created a form based on the query, I am unable to edit the fields in the form. This is the basis that the auditors will use to score so is vital. Have I missed any other switches or techniques?