Editing Table Entry From Form?

Aug 27, 2015

I have a Form that is used for creating entries to fill a table. On the same Form there is also a list that shows everything in the table and a double click on the list will populate the Form with that data. The problem is that "Save Record" command button will not update the table because it thinks it is creating a new record.

The code to populate the form from the list is

Private Sub EmployeeEntryList_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Me![Number] = EmployeeEntryList.Column(0)
Me![EmployeeNumber] = EmployeeEntryList.Column(1)
Me![FirstName] = EmployeeEntryList.Column(2)
Me![MiddleInitial] = EmployeeEntryList.Column(3)
Me![LastName] = EmployeeEntryList.Column(4)
Me![Supervisor] = EmployeeEntryList.Column(5)
Me![Group] = EmployeeEntryList.Column(6)
Me![Shift] = EmployeeEntryList.Column(7)
End Sub

how I can make it populate the form if an entry is double clicked and then be able to save a modified version of that record over top the original.

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Forms :: Switching Form From Data Entry Only To Data Editing

Feb 18, 2015

My aim is to have my forms open to a new record, which I have done, but if my users need to then update or edit data in previous entries, they can click a button that allows this.

My thoughts were to add a button, then put in code so that the necessary properties changed the form from displaying a new record or records entered since opening it, to showing all records in the associated table....

As an example there is a table for purchase orders. When clicking on this from the main menu form, it opens up the purchase order form to create a brand new PO. At times though, we will need to revisit an order to attach a copy of an invoice, or update the cost of whatever was purchased.

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Tables :: Lock Record From Erroneous Data Entry Or Editing?

Apr 12, 2013

Is it possible to have a 2 step confirmation process.

I have a yes/no control box to confirm that the record is OK or correct.

Is it possible to have a second process where by I can lock the record from erroneous data entry or editing? Like a "Post" in accounting.

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Editing Table Data From Within A Form

Jun 8, 2007

Hi Guys

I'm trying to create a database application which logs the number of times which i do a certain task.

Is it possible for me to create a button within a form that will increment the value with a particular field by one?

I have searched the net but can't find anything.


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Editing Table Data From Within A Form Using A Button

Jun 12, 2007

Hi All

I'm trying to set up a form to log my clinical placement, and the number of time i undertake a procedure.

I want to have a list of a few procedure(fields) and then button next to each one in a form which will increment the number by one

How do i go about doing so?

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How Do I Lookup Something From A A Different Table On A Data Entry Form?

Aug 23, 2006

Okay, for simplicity's sake, I have a data entry form.

It is bound to tableData.

Inputs are:

Customer Name

ProductID is a combo box.

There is another table called tableProduct. In this table, is ProductID and ProductName.

For convenience sake, when a user chooses a ProductID from the combo box, I want it to lookup that ID from tableProduct. However, how can I do this when everything is already bound to tableData?

Thanks in advance.

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How Do I Lookup Something From A A Different Table On A Data Entry Form?

Aug 23, 2006

Okay, for simplicity's sake, I have a data entry form.

It is bound to tableData.

Inputs are:

Customer Name

ProductID is a combo box on the form.

There is another table called tableProduct. In this table, is ProductID and ProductName.

For convenience sake, when a user chooses a ProductID from the combo box, I want a separate textbox to lookup that ID from tableProduct and display the ProductName.

How can I accomplish this?

Thanks in advance.

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Multiple Record Entry From A Form In A Table

Nov 9, 2004

Hi All,

I am coding in VBA and use Microsoft Access as the front end.
My question is : I have a table(tblStudent) which has two fields Student Name and Gender.

I want to add multiple records in this table through a form at a button click....(Say I want to add least 5 students at a time)
So, I have 5 textboxes for student name, 5 textboxes for Gender and an Add button.
How do I so this programmatically?

Any help will be appreciated.

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Multiple Table W/ 1 Multidata Entry Form

Mar 29, 2008

The way my tables are organized:

Clients --> OrderInfo --> Ordered Items

I'm trying to do an order form with the following :

select the user < drop down >
upon selection, their information such as cc #, experation date, etc will be visible in the associated data boxes.

if they are not in the drop down list, there will be a button to add a new user

enter the info for location, date, time, etc

enter the purchased items.

submit form either by clicking create new order, or finish which brings the person back to the switchboard.

Thanks in advance.

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Grabbing Values From A Table Based On Form Entry

Jan 5, 2006

In my database I have 4 tables for a small painting and decorating business.

These are:
tblCustomers, tblOrders, tblStock, tblPayments.

I have a form based on tblOrders to add new orders when they come in from customers.

In this form there are 3 important fields: "CustomerID" (Lookup to tblCustomers), "StockID" (Lookup to tblStock) and Quantity (Entered by user).

However, I want a calculated field that will be worked out automatically when the user is entering these details. The calculated field should go to tblStock and grab the "Cost" field.

However the main problem is specifying what price it will grab from the table. I want it to get the "Cost" where "StockID" = (the stock ID selected in the lookup). I then want to multiply the price by the quantity which the user has entered.

The control source should be worded something like:
= ([tblStock]![Cost] where [StockID] = StockID)*Quantity

but that isn't valid.

Could anyone point me to a piece of VBA or some way to get around my problem?
Many thanks for any help,

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Data Entry Form Pulling Info In From Other Table

May 17, 2006


New to access :eek:

Trying to create a simple data entry form to get information and populate fields from another table. i.e. type in info in one field and the other fields are displayed in the form with information from another table.

Any help apprecated :)

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General :: Data Entry Form - DLookup And Storing To Table

May 8, 2015

I have a simple data entry form based on a table. However I have a few fields that I do a lookup in a field on the form from a query, and yes I know I should not have a lookup in the control source however, this is the way that I will be doing it on this occasion.

=DLookUp("[Salary]","[Salary Query]")

How I get the value from this unbound field to enter into the actual field in the table. Do I bring the actual field into the form and hide, and do some sort of after update, as I have tried and it does not work.

I have called the unbound field with lookup "Salary Level Base" and the actual field in the table is "Salary Base".

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Modules & VBA :: Updating 100 Records In A Table Using Single Form Entry

Feb 25, 2014

I Work for an NHS organization. A department here orders prescriptions and sends them out to Gp Surgeries. I have been tasked in designing a database to make this easier for them.

Prescriptions arrive on a Pallet. Each pallet has 100 Boxes of prescriptions on it. Each box Contains 2000 Individual prescriptions. I have a table which contains the following:

Box Number
Serial Start Number
Serial End Number

When the user enters the first box number and the serial start number, i need it to calculate the serial end number and insert another 99 rows into the table and also calculate the serial start and end numbers for these other 99 records.

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General :: Creating A Form For Data Entry Into Main Table

Oct 21, 2014

I am creating a form for data entry into my main table. It shows all the fields including a name, date, id number etc.

I am trying to put a subform on the form containing a query. The query has two filter parameters fed from two unbound boxes on the main form (date and name). Their purpose is to filter records on the query to just show those for one person on one day. It also calculates a duration based on a start and end time. The query results are ok.

I can't get the query to display properly in the subform.

Subform Properties/data/source object is set to the query name. I'm told i have to link the master fields and child fields but when I try I get the error 'can't build a link between unbound forms'. I thought all that was necessary to bind forms was for there to be a common field between the form and query? Both contain fields from the main table including date, name, start time and end time etc.

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Editing A Table

Apr 2, 2008

I am using a form with command buttons to allow an administrator with limited Access knowledge to update certain tables. This is usually done by opening a form that is linked to the table and allow for changes. For one particular table, I would like the Administrator to be able to make the changes directly in the table. I would like for them to access the table with a command button. Here is the code I am using to update the table through the form. How do I need to change it to open the table and not the form. I tried changing the DoCmd to OpenTable and changed the stDocName to "tblStaff" but I received a compile error.

Your help is appreciated.

Private Sub cmdPermission_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdPermission_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "frmStaff"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdPermission_Click

End Sub

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Log Creation For Editing On A Table

Dec 7, 2005


I have created a table containing jobs that need to be done from my team (IT production). Each time someone start or finishes a job, he must fill a box that updates a specific row in the table. I want to log the time of that action.

Any ideas of how I could set this up in Access? I have tried the Now() function in the Default Value of the field End Time, but this is updated everytime I refresh the table

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Editing A Field From A Different Table

Apr 27, 2005

I hope I can explain this:
I have a database with a table "Itinerary" it has two fields "Date of Visit" and "Agency Number"
I have a second table that is linked from a different database "Agent Info"

I created a form based on the "Itinerary" Table then I put in a sub form to show the "Agent Name" and "Market Rep" from the "Agent Info" table.

The relationship is on Agent number in both tables. The user then adds the agent number on the form and the Agent name and Market rep automatically come in.

The problem is the user wants to be able to occasionally modify the info in the Agent Name and Market Rep fields. But does not want the new info to be changed on the original "Agent Info" table.

Can this be done?
I hoep someone can help.

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Forms :: Create A Data Entry Form To Order Table Using 2 Cascading Combo Boxes

Jan 31, 2014

What I am trying to do is create a data entry form to an "order table" using 2 cascading combo boxes. I have created a data entry form based on a query. I can't get the cascading combo boxes to work properly.Here is the code:

Private Sub Combo0_AfterUpdate()
Combo2.RowSource = "SELECT L2_ID,L4_Element_name,L5_Category FROM qry_ord WHERE L3_ID = Combo0.Value;"
Combo2.DefaultValue = [Combo2].[ItemData](0)
End Sub


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Lock A Table For Editing The Records

May 22, 2007

Hello all,

I have a question, I'm building a MS ACCESS database and within it i have a table for putting in my program critical parameters. I don't want anyone to change the content of that table. That means not editing the 1 record in it and not adding a new record. Within the program is't a problem but if you make an other blanc database you can import the table, change it and export it back into the program (i know it is far looking but it happens).

How can i lock a table so it cannot change or it cannot be exported or imported???

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Tables :: Filter Table With No Editing

Jun 10, 2013

I'm creating an application and I want the users to be able to view a table and filter it, however; they won't be able to edit it. Like I said, seems simple enough, but since I'm new to Access I'm not sure how to approach this.

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Access - Locked Table For Editing

Aug 31, 2012

I have a table which is linked to a form which has been working fine for over a year now but yesterday the table "locked" for editing. I can now only copy data from the table. The editing functions delete, cut, new etc are not working, we can still filter the data.If we enter data on the form it creates a new line on the table but we cannot edit directly from the table.

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Form For Editing Only

Mar 24, 2006

I set my form in Design view to Allow Edits but not Additions, and when I switch it to (or open it in) Form view, all the combo and text boxes and buttons disappear (the background color and header are all that's left).

All I want to do is edit existing records through the combo boxes. How can I correct this?

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Editing Records In A Form

Sep 4, 2005

Hi all
At the moment I have a form which links to a table, one of the columns in the table is called "Description" so the user can input a sentence or two. Basically I when I open this form (in Edit Mode as Im using a Switch Board)it will not allow me to edit a current record.

I can edit a record in the tabel but not in the form.... :eek: .. help

Any help would be superb


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Editing Records In A Form

Oct 25, 2005

I have a very simple form that is populating fields with records from a number of tables (not queries).

I have found that I cannot edit any of the records from the form. Almost all of these fields are NOT key fields. When I click in the field, it simply selects the text in the field, but does not allow me to alter it (typing does nothing...the cursor just blinks). The same thing happens for blank fields.

I know this is a simple question, but I can't find the answer in help or searching this forum. I know it must be a simple setting (I think) somewhere but I've tried a number of settings in properties/forms.



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Editing Form While Another Is Open

Jul 26, 2015

From the mainform "Home" the "Order Details" Form is launched and changed to Design view. Here I cannot edit the "Order Details" form Property Sheet unless the "Home" form is closed.

Why this restriction is enforced?

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Having Trouble Editing Data In Form

Jun 20, 2005

I have a form to edit records. When I open the form I am not able to change any of the fields until I edit a date field that has a calendar popup on the "on click" event. After that all of the fields are available for editing. Any ideas??

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