I have a query for clients who come to our office looking for services.
I only need to report 1 visit per client during the month, in other words if the client comes several times during the month, we only count 1.
When I run the query, it gives all the times the client came to the office, but I only need to show once.
Clients are being sorted by ClientID. What do I need to write in the Criteria field to filter clients from showing again ?
Board Member(Lookup,integer) SAMGA(Lookup,integer) 44 Smith smith@abc.co.za 44 Board Member ADHTY 44 Smith smith@abc.co.za 44 Grower SAMGA 44 Smith smith@abc.co.za 44
I only want to show 1 row, based on the duplication of E-mail address. I know i should be using the row_number function, but cannot get to the result I want.
I have produced a label printing query which eliminates duplicate addresses from a mail list. It works beautifully.
However, when I try to replicate with a different field criteria the new query fails to produce any output at all.
The SQL code I am using is as follows:
SELECT a.[Member ID], a.[Address 1], a.[Member Name], a.[Address 2], a.Town, a.PostCode, a.[e-Mail List] FROM [Mail List] AS a GROUP BY a.[Member ID], a.[Address 1], a.[Member Name], a.[Address 2], a.Town, a.PostCode, a.[e-Mail List], CStr([a].[Member ID])+[a].[Address 1] HAVING (((a.[e-Mail List]) Is Null) AND ((CStr([a].[Member ID])+[a].[Address 1])=(Select cStr(Min(b.[Member ID])) + b.[Address 1] From [Mail List] as b Where b.[Address 1] = a.[Address 1] Group By [Address 1])));
The working version has 'HAVING' e-Mail News =False instead of e-Mail List is Null. The former searches for an empty check box and the latter for an empty field.
I am building a query that pulls from one databases but I am running into duplicates.
Here is the skinny:
From the [tbl_databases], I am setting criteria that restricts a column containing “Visio”, more specifically, “Not Like “*Visio*”. I am also setting criteria that restricts a column containing “OLD” (it is a Yes/No field).
The problem is that there are duplicate rows that contain both “Visio” and “Old. So, simply suing my criteria restriction are pulling out the Visio and Visio/Old orders as well as Old and Old/Visio order.
Can I create a subquery that contain the combination of “Visio” and “Old” to restrict the subset from being extracted twice?
I think I have the logic but not sure not to set it up.
I am have trouble eliminating the $0.00 balances in a query. From what I can figure out is that even though the Balance appears as $0.00 in reality it could be anywhere from $0.0012 to $0.009 or something like that.
What I am trying to do re reconcile the Balance field. If the balance reads $0.00 I want it out of the query. Then I would like to find all the balances that appear to be $0.01 to a negative $0.01.
It seem that no matter what is use as critiera I still can't what I want.
I have many queries that all do the same thing. The problem is that they're connected to specific controls on a form, so I have to make a new query everytime I make a new form to perform the same task as the others. This would be eliminated if there was a way to use the criteria the same way you would in code, like Me!controlname. Is there anyway possible to make these queries more universal so that they can be used by many forms?
I have created a query which gives me a COUNT for a field type GROUP: SELECT AllPairAssignmentsQ.COID, Count(AllPairAssignmentsQ.COID) AS CountOfCOID FROM AllPairAssignmentsQ GROUP BY AllPairAssignmentsQ.COID;
AllPairAssignmentsQ is based on a union query of 5 tables. The problem I am having is that I am getting some duplicates which I need to eliminate. Each listing contains several fields. However their are two fields in the query which can be used to determine that entries are duplicated. If the combination of MAINCOUNT and COID are identical in an entry then only one of the listings needs to be counted.
The following is an example of my problem: MAINCOUNT COID 1201 HNVL 1202 HNVL 1203 HNVL 1203 HNVL 1203 COAC 1204 COAC
My existing query will return the following: COID COUNT HNVL 4 COAC 2
Since 1203 HNVL is duplicated I would like for the query to count only one entry so that the query returns the following: COID COUNT HNVL 3 COAC 2
Thanks for any help that can be provided in solving this problem
I have a field in a database that needs the data entered without any spaces and I'm trying to figure out how to set either the validation rules or the masks so that the system will either automatically delete any spaces or warn the user not to enter them.
My preference would be for them to automatically be deleted.
Any ideas, suggestions?
I can figure out how to make either all numbers or all letters, but the data is both so that doesn't work.
OK, first time posting so I'll try to be clear here. I work for a special education agency and have created a database to track student/therapist information. Now, I have reports showing which kids are in which schools and who their therapists are. What I can't figure out is how to print a report, grouped by school, that will display which therapists are active in that school.... any ideas?
what I am trying to do with that table is get a sum of all assets, a sum of all Customers, and a sum of all Employees only counting each Comp ID once. Each company that we deal with carries multiple of our products. So as you can see I currently have it in the table where it shows the different data for each product over 2011, 2012, and 2013. Obviously for this I cannot just sum the entire column, as I would have the same company summed multiple times. The thing that is making this challenging for me is that I need it summed for each individual year (2011, 2012, 2013), with the end result being a total number of employees, assets, and customers.
I was thinking that to do this I would need a Sumif formula with several other formulas inside of it, but cannot figure out what exactly I would need to do. I know that if I took it into excel I would be able to do it, but we have over 7000 different customers, each having anywhere from 3-20 different products, and for each of the years 2011-2013... so the data is just too massive to try to convert and manipulate in excel.
The reason that I am hoping to get a count of their customers, assets, and employees is so that we could then take the info from individual customers and find out that particular customer's portion of the total assets, customers, or employees. I guess the mock table that I made doesn't keep the formatting when I add spaces, so imagine that each pair of l l is a column and match that with the columns above.
I also need another column that has the 2012 and 2013 results
l Comp ID l Year l Prod Fam l Prod Group l Prod Code l Assets l Customers l Employees l Assets for 2011 l Customers for 2011 l Employees for 2011 l l 1101232 l 2011 l Family A l Group A l Prod A l 59000 l 33 l 28 l l 1101232 l 2012 l Family A l Group A l Prod A l 55000 l 36 l 23 l l 1101232 l 2013 l Family A l Group A l Prod A l 51000 l 39 l 25 l l 1101232 l 2011 l Family A l Group C l Prod B l 59000 l 33 l 28 l l 1101232 l 2012 l Family A l Group C l Prod B l 55000 l 36 l 23 l l 1101232 l 2013 l Family A l Group C l Prod B l 51000 l 39 l 25 l l 1101232 l 2011 l Family B l Group B l Prod C l 59000 l 33 l 28 l
I have a query I'm creating that is using a joined view. I'm joining two tables and whereas the first contains unique data to each field the second contans class information so for example while all users are unique many may be assigned to the same class. When i use the join it therefore dupliactes all the class information in the query.
how can i set up the query so that the class information is only output once and not duplicated along with a user every time ?
I work with an Access database with about 20 tables that requires considerable manual data entry. Although it is time consuming, the bigger problem is the keypunching errors that inevitably occur. A colleague of mine said that some databases can be set up so that two (or more) individuals can enter the same data into the database (basically creating two separate, temporary databases). At the conclusion of this double data entry, the two databases can be compared to see where they differ so that corrections can be made...the logic being that it's extremely unlikely two people entering the same data independently will make the same keypunching error in the same field.
Just wondering if Access has this capability, or if a reasonable facsimile of this approach exists.
With a particular client, they want to display a subform in datasheet mode. They do not want an alternative like continuous forms. If I am displaying the subform in datasheet mode, is there any way to eliminate the header row which contains the names of the columns in the subform? I know how to remove the captions themselves but the header row is still there. I don't think it can be done but I wanted to check here with those more familiar with this.
We are working on an Access (2007) database that is on a SharePoint Site (2007).
Currently the form is operational, but there is one last thing that would be nice to have.
The table is "Updated Headcount" which contains "EMP_ID" which are unique numbers stored as text.
In the event a new employee is entered in the system by another user on this site we would like to prevent any duplicate "EMPID"s from being entered and saved on the SharePoint, we would also like to alert the user and prevent the data from being saved.
All data is currently bound, so once the user makes a change it is made, no submit button is required.
We are running into some difficulties in doing a dlookup from the value entered and comparing to a column in the table.
TABLE - UPDATED HEADCOUNT COLUMN in UPDATED HEADCOUNT - EMPID FORM CELL user will input an EMPID - newEMPID FORM CELL used for a dlookup to compare what user has entered to what is already in the table - duplicateEMPID
So below is what we are trying to do, we are sure there are a few commands missing....
I am using a database created by someone else, so I don't know if this is a table issue or a query issue. I create my query pulling information from an established table, and I get duplicate results. The database is intended for use as a timecard where all of our employees can record their time and we can track the projects that they are working on. So, what I mean by duplicate results is that we have tasks and subtasks for the time card and for each entry, when I pull it up in the query, it is duplicated for each task. In other words, if there are nine different tasks in the table and the subtask is "robotic testing", it will be repeated with all of the nine tasks. Like I said, I don't know if it is the table that has a problem, or if it is me. I am a super beginner and I don't know much at all about access. Please simplify your answers. Thanks!
Okay you'll read this and think this is a really dumb question but bear with me please! I have a table with about 100k records. There is a field called "SN" and this feild is unique to it self. Although it is not a unique record in the table, this is because "SN" is count EVERY time it passes through a specific location. So for example say your car "SN" is 4545, and you drive through PA, then NY, then NJ. This table will count each event this happens. Then say this car makes the same trip through PA, NY, NJ so again the table will count 4545 for "SN". What I need to do is query only the duplicated so I can get rid of of all of them but 1. Sorry if this is confusing.
I am creating an ordering system which comprises of amongst others, these fields:
ID OrderHdr OrderLine
I want to ensure that if a user enters an ID, OrderHdr and OrderLine that this combination does not already exist elsewhere within the same table.
I have written a query like this:
COUNT OrderLineDetails.id, OrderLineDetails.orderno, OrderLineDetails.orderline FROM OrderLineDetails WHERE (((OrderLineDetails.id)=?) AND ((OrderLineDetails.orderno)=?) AND ((OrderLineDetails.orderline)<>?));
I will be replacing the "?" with the relevant form fields from the form, but how do I run the query and store the result in a variable and prevent the user from carrying on until they change any of the fields until there is no duplication.
What I need is a query that will find any duplicate records from field '1' in my table.
But then I want it to check another field '2' in the same table for any records that meet criteria 'A' but also have entries with a different critiera.
Not sure if I'm explaining that right.
So say we have a table like this
field 1..........field 2 XX.................A (the criteria we want) XX.................C (oops, somone entered another entry with a different criteria)
So it would tell us that the 'code' in field 1, we have the criteria A and C at the same time. not good.
I've got a query where a particular field can have duplicate entries. I do NOT want to limit the properties to only have unique values. On the contrary, I very much WANT to keep those but I DO want to have something indicating that the duplicates are there. I can create another Y/N or true/false field to indicate this if needed.
Dear Experts, I have created a database with queries that is working fine, however there are many records that have the same information that can not be removed easily, is there a method anyone knows of that can filter the records produced from a query to remove duplicates? i.e. 'select distinct' but for the whole query after the search parameters have been entered.
e.g. the search query is producing, after the refined search values are entered: 414353p - Fiat - 1.6 - MLS 414353p - Fiat - 1.6 - MLS How can i then apply a filter to automatically reduce these duplicates to just one entry for the whole form?
I have searched for an answer and spent some hours but still not getting it.
I have played about with the query joins and still nothing?
I have never had this problem with my database in 5 years (well not that i have noticed). Some records are fine others are triplicated and quite a lot are blank?
This is the SQL for the query.
SELECT Employee.EmployeeID, Employee.FirstName, Employee.Surname, Employee.Address, Employee.[Town/City], Employee.Region, Employee.DateofBirth, Employee.Nationality, Employee.MaritalStatus, Employee.PassportNo, Employee.ExpiryDate, Employee.Nextofkin, Employee.Relationship, Employee.NOKAddress, Employee.ContactNo, Certificate.CertName, EmployeeCert.Level, Trade.TradeName FROM Certificate INNER JOIN (Trade INNER JOIN ((Employee INNER JOIN EmployeeCert ON Employee.EmployeeID = EmployeeCert.EmployeeID) INNER JOIN EmpTrade ON Employee.EmployeeID = EmpTrade.EmployeeID) ON Trade.TradeID = EmpTrade.TradeID) ON Certificate.CertID = EmployeeCert.CertID WHERE (((Employee.EmployeeID)=[Forms]![Employee]![EmployeeID]) AND ((Certificate.CertName)="IRATA"));
Basically i have to solve this problem.
I have a report that is based on this query and if the employee is not displayed correctly instead of the employees Name and Surname i am getting "#Error" ?
I know there a many posts about eliminating duplicate records because I did search, but I did not see anything that really answers my question.
I have a query in a local Access database that is using a Linked table from an SQL database managed by our corporate IT department. I have read access to only certain tables / fields in the SQL database. My query is based on 3 tables from the database and I have them linked together in my query.
When managers move from one site to another, they are given a different TeamID number. However, until they are replaced, the manager will have more than one TeamID assigned to him in the SQL database. Evidentally, the way our IT has the SQL database structured, when I query open items it duplicates the record for that manager because he has 2 TeamID numbers. So the only field that comes up differnt in the duplicate records is the manager's TeamID number.
I would like for my Select Query to ignore the duplicate record. I know I can use an Append Query to copy the data temporarily to a local table and set the proper fields as Primary Keys to do this. However, it would be nice if I did not have to go to all that trouble.
Is there a way to eliminate duplicate in my Select Query?