Emailing Single Record From A Rather Large Form

Feb 28, 2005

Hi fellow Access battlers!

I've searched high and low on this forum on a step by step on how to do this and everyone's answer is either vague and assumes everyone is an access wizard, or really complex and codey and assumes every one is an access wizard!

I have a "lead sheet database" and I need to add a button on the form which emails just the contents of that current record. My company still handwrites these lead sheets and faxes them to consultants so I'm trying to bring them into the 21st century! An uphill struggle. I'm a code and VB newb by the way.

I've tried sending the form to a report as other posts suggest, but I get an error message about there being too many fields. So I'm stuck. All I need is for each form record to be emailed to a different consultant each day.

(I've had to rar then zip the database file due to size restrictions. I couldn't get the files size down enough by just zipping.)


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Single Record Corruption In A Large Table --HELPPP

Feb 18, 2005

:eek: I have a large table with 1 damn corrupted record, the database can't be repaird, compact, I can't use the copy ,method since the table is over 9000 record sets.

I tried creating a new table and appending the non-corrupted record into it with no success, it is keep locking on me.

Have you guys tried anything else that works for this situation???

Thanks a bucnh

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Reports :: Emailing A Single Page From Report?

Nov 12, 2014

I have a database that is strictly for generating and printing work orders. Our supervisors use it to print new work orders on the fly. normally that is fine. I have the Vb to print that specific work order

what I need to create is a VB that would allow other people to create a work order that would email it to the those supervisors. email addresses will always be the same. I just dont want to send the entire report.

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Reports :: Emailing A Record / Report / Form From Within Access

Aug 7, 2015

My database is stores information about students such as name, student number, programme, email, etc. I have a STUDENT form with this information visible.

I also have a another table and MARKS sub form that contains the details of courses completed by the student and results. I have placed the sub form in the STUDENT form and can see each student's details and a list of their courses.

I want to be able to send this information to the relevant student via email. The student should only receive his information and no one else's.

Can this be done? Do I need to create a report first? Should I be using WORD to produce the emails?

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Modules & VBA :: Storing A Single Record In A Single Dimension Array?

Sep 8, 2014

Any Single line of code available?

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Modules & VBA :: Sending A Single Email To A Single Record In A Query

May 15, 2014

I am trying to create a form with a button attached to each record that would allow the user to click the button and it would automatically open outlook and fill in the TO:, SUBJECT: and BODY: fields. Here is the code that I currently have:

Private Sub Command33_Click()
Dim strEmail As String
Dim strMsg As String
Dim oLook As Object
Dim oMail As Object
Set oLook = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set oMail = oLook.CreateItem(0)


There are two issues I keep running into:

1. This code opens outlook and populates all of the fields but pastes the email incorrectly. Instead of pasting just the email ( it pastes the html tags as well ( which means that the user would have to delete everything between the #'s in order to send the email every time.

2. I currently have the email BODY pulling from a table but this obviously limits what I can do. I would like to simply encode the BODY within the VBA code. The setup I am looking for is:
one paragraph
a blank line
a hyperlink to a website
a blank line
another paragraph

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Single Record Preferences Form

Aug 13, 2005

I need to set up a preferences type form. What's the best way to accomplish this. Can I store this data in memory as a variable?

Here's what I need:

Customer Name, CustomerID.

I have been reluctant to put it in a table because this is the only data that I need.

Plx lead me down the best path.

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Find Record + SINGLE FORM

Mar 30, 2006

Is it possible to create text box for search for records if I use SINGLE FORM?
i try but without effect :(

pls see my database (I want to use for record "Title")


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Send Single Record From Form

Dec 1, 2014

I would like to be able to place a button on my invoice form that will allow me to e-mail the individual invoice to the person being billed (the e-mail address is included on the form). I created a macro that works to send a PDF file of all of the records and I am having trouble figuring out how to send just the current record. I would also like to have the e-mail address automatically populated based on the e-mail address on the current record.

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Print Single Record Based Upon Current Form

Apr 6, 2006

I need to Print a single record from a form but using a report layout.

I have created the form and created a report. A button on the Form kciks off the print but I get all records rather than just the one shown on the Form. Whats a really simple way of just selecting the Current record.

Where do I put an instruction saying print only this record:confused:

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Forms :: Print Single Record As Form (not Report)

Jul 17, 2014

I need to find a way to print the currently selected record (by clicking a button in the form) as a form. I know printing is almost always done in records, but they use the forms by hand before entering them into the computer database.

One tough part of this is that this printing function needs to be sustainable through revisions of the form, as we will be constantly updating it.

Is there a way to print the form with only the current record shown without creating a second form or report?

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Email Single Record In Form (Hayley Baxter Help Plzz)

Jul 21, 2005


I have searched this forum and found a few examples but cannot get them to work in Access 97, what i would like to do is email a single record by using a query for Repair No..

So i would like it to be a button, it's possible to do this via a sendOject command but that emails ALL records not give a option to type in your repair number and email that...

Thanks for any one who can help, im a complete noob an dneed some help

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Modules & VBA :: Saving Single Record In Form As PDF In Access 2013?

Jul 3, 2013

I need to save a single record (preferably the current record) as a PDF. I have created a form for my boss to calculate bids. He wants to save each record individually as a PDF to upload into our service software program to attach to client files. I can save a selected record as a PDF if I print the selected record first. We need to eliminate having to print it first as it is just a waste of paper and an unnecessary step. I am kind of thinking that VBA and attaching that to a control button on the form is the way to go, but I am new to writing code and I am completely confused!

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Forms :: Send Single Record Displayed On Form Not All Records

Apr 21, 2015

I've created a button on my ACCESS 2010 form that will send a PDF via email. However I only need to send the single record displayed on the form not all records.

The on click command of the button sends the PDF of the report. (I read that this is what should be sent; but still get the same results.)

I don't understand how and where to attach VBA code:

Me.Filter = "RequestsID=" & Forms![OD Reversal Requests]![RequestsID]
Me.FilterOn = True

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Forms :: Continuous Form - Change Color Of Single Record

May 1, 2014

I have a continuous form based on a orders table and a details sub form.I list all the records in a continuos form in date of order.i need to change the colour of a single record based on the condition of a tick box on the original orders form

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Emailing Embedded Record Attachments

Oct 27, 2014

How do I email embedded attachments in records (Attachment field) as a separate entity in the same email as the report being emailed?

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Reports :: Creating A Report Based On Single Record In Multiple Item Form

Jan 8, 2014

I'm currently working on a database which requires invoicing as a part of it. The invoicing is done based on quarters, and I want the users to be able to use a multiple items form, listing all of their clients, to create the invoices. Each invoice must be created individually so they can be e-mailed to the client, and saved to the clients folder. So I was wondering if it would be possible to create individual invoices for clients using a multiple items form.

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Modules & VBA :: Copy Record As New In Large Number Of Tables

Jan 20, 2015

I have "Master" table with fields "Job No" and "Revision No". Both together is a primary key, so that combination of both cannot be duplicated. I have 100 other tables to be related with referential integrity(+update&delete) to Master for both fields. Apart from Job No and Revision No, all 100 tables have different set of fields which is why I had to come with so many tables.

Due to 32 limit rule, I had to come up with workaround method to have all 100 tables in the relationship. So, I created 5 other SubMaster1, SubMaster2, ...., SubMaster5 which are related to Master with relationship with referential integrity (+update&delete). Then I assigned 20 tables to each SubMaster so that 20 tables are related to each SubMaster table.

Whenever I create new record in Unit, the new record is generated in each SubMaster using update query for each SubMaster table. I have all the forms and necessary query laid out. The only missing part is being able to duplicate a record. I have limited knowledge in VBA, but I should be able to modify it to address to my requirement.

I want to copy a given record in Master, SubMasters and 100 tables as a new record. I need this feature so that I can select certain Job No and Revision No and copy that as a new Job No(assigned manually in a form) and 0 as the revision number. Possibly a button which will ask for new job number and copy everything from the active Job No and Revision No to a New Job No and "0" Revision No. The existing record may not be there on all 100 tables for the given Job No and Revision No. If it is there, then copy otherwise ignore for each of the tables.

I have a table "ItemList" which lists all the unique name of the 100 tables.

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Filling Form And Emailing It

Jun 9, 2005

I have a form that the user will fill, then email it to a customer.
I dont want to send the whole table, just the values that the user just inserted in the form.

Any idea on how should i do that using Access?

I am aware of the SendObject method, but i never used it, and dont know how. Any help will be very apreciated.

Thank you in advance.

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HELP -Emailing MS Access Form

Mar 29, 2007

We are a facility maintenance company that do a variety of jobs for many commercial companies with a several different trade groups we have (electrical, hvac, plumbing, painting, masonry, etc...) Our Trade Group Managers submit estimates and budgets for the jobs they are bidding to. I created a database to store all those jobs so we can track what manager has bid to any certain job, what trades are involved, if it has been accepted-rejected-in progress-and such. As of now the managers turn a written (paper) form into me to submit an estimating inquiry request and I put it in the database and print them out a receipt of all the information they submitted to me along with an Inquiry Number (which is the primary key in the database)-then that is how we keep track of that particular bid-with that unique Inquiry Number assigned to it.
Now we are wanting to be able to have this all electronically. So the managers can submit an inquiry request electronically and get a receipt back electronically-either by email or online or whatever. On the form they fill out there are several different trades that are able to be checked off. After they are finished filling out the form I would like for there to be a button at the bottom to email that form to all the checked off trades. How do I go about doing that?

..any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you so much!!

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Query In Forms Question (printing A Single Selected Query Record From A Form?)

Oct 19, 2004

What is the best way to impliment a query in a form so that the user can view the query records, and have the option to print or save the selected record using command buttons?

I tried subforms but I could not get the command buttons to work in the subform after it went into the form, it wanted to print the entire form instead of the selected record from the subform.

So in a nutshell I have 3-4 queries that are built, and I want to have them show up on my form in a format that the user can scroll through the results and select a single record of the results and then print or save that individual record from the form, if such a thing is possible.

Thanks in advance


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Emailing Queries/report By Using A Form

Oct 21, 2005

Well im close to putting my DB into action, but I'd like to have a form that will show a list of queries and reports where they can be selected and emailed. I would like to be able to choose one or many files. I have created the email module and its working fine, I just thought I could make it a bit easier to send multipule reports with the click of a button. I just can't find a way to list all my queries/reports in a dropdown list. Can someone send me a suggestion on how to do this if posible.. Thanks in advance.


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Large Table Causing Slow Opening Form

Mar 21, 2006

I have a database with a table that contains 360,000 rows. I built a form with four boxes where a user can specify values to limit the result set. And instead of having a new window open with the results, I built a subform and placed it on the main form to display the results.

Here is how it flows:
Main Form -> user enters search criteria
Search Criteria -> feed as criteria in query
Query Results -> display on subform
Subform -> shows on main form

The query is setup to take the values from the main form and either use it if it's not null, or return all values if the field is null.

The problem I am having is that on opening the main form, Access is taking the four null values from the main form search fields, feeding them to the query, which is then feeding the subform. So 10 minutes later when the main form finally opens, I have 360K records displaying in my subform.

What I would like is to be able to open the main form instantly, specify my search criteria, then run the query, then have the query results populate the subform.

What do I need to do?

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Single Record In Table

Feb 22, 2007


On our main menu table, I only want to be able to add one record.

On the form that I have linked to this table, should you press the tab key to go through all the items / buttons, it opens a blank record screen. However, I do not want this. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance


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Adding Single Record

Sep 5, 2005

I have 2 tables and a query to show the details of both tables on a form for an attendance database. The idea is that whenever someone is absent they have a record created.

tbl[Staff] has the following fields StaffID,Name,Team,Job Title
tbl[Absence] has the following fields StaffID, abStartDate,abEndDate,abIssue

I can set up the query to find the member of staff by name but I want to be able to use this form to add new records to the Absence table for each individual. eg I use the query to search for "Joe Bloggs" and the form shows the details from staff table and then use the form to add details to the Absence table.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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Adding A Single Record

Sep 5, 2005

I have 2 tables and a query to show the details of both tables on a form for an attendance database. The idea is that whenever someone is absent they have a record created.

tbl[Staff] has the following fields StaffID,Name,Team,Job Title
tbl[Absence] has the following fields StaffID, abStartDate,abEndDate,abIssue

I can set up the query to find the member of staff by name but I want to be able to use this form to add new records to the Absence table for each individual. eg I use the query to search for "Joe Bloggs" and the form shows the details from staff table and then use the form to add details to the Absence table.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

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