Employee Expenses Table Design

Nov 6, 2006

I'm having problems getting my head around the best way to design a table for an employees expenses. This is my current M_Expenses table:

ExpenseID (PK)

PayrateID is the foreign key to a table that holds information about their rates, evertime etc.

My idea was that the user would only choose an expense if the employee were entitled to that expense - so if someone was not entitled to flight expenses the record would not be created. However my boss says that if he were to look at the report produced from this he wouldn't know whether the person putting in the data just didn't have the information at the time or it didn't apply to that employee. So I will need to let the users know that they must create a record for each.

Also the report must list all of the expenses:
Per diem expense
Car hire
Other expenses
They need to be listed in this order and must appear whether that particular employee is entitled to them or not. I don't see how I can do this as it is because my subreport that lists the expenses is a continuous form and they are not listed in alphabetical order. Plus only expenses that the user has chosen will appear.

The only other way I can see to do it is redesign my table as follows:

But that doesn't seem like good design?

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Queries :: Table Of Expenses - Too Many Digits After Decimal

Jul 27, 2013

I have a query that is pulling from a single table of expenses the sum of expenses for each quarter. I am using only three fields: the quarter, expense type and amount paid. I am using - Qtr: DatePart("q",[PostDate]) - to obtain the quarters, grouping by quarter and then by expense type. However, the record returned for the 4th quarter shows this result: "3.0026" It should not have four digits after the decimal.

Results for the other three quarters in the same query return correctly with two digits after the decimal point. The query below was suggested to me in order to make the sum returned have only two digits after the decimal:

AmtPaid: Sum((SELECT FORMAT(PymntAMOUNT, 2) FROM tbl_expenses))

The result of this was a curious information box that said: "At most one record can be returned by this subquery." The query returned nothing. I have checked the formatting in both the table and the query itself and the format is "Standard" for both. So, I can't figure out what is producing this 4 digit problem, and why it is only in one record while all the others have two digits after the decimal.

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Queries :: Summarize Income And Expenses Over Periods

Apr 1, 2013

I have some issues with summarizing in a query. My intention is to summarize income and expenses over periods

This is how it should look like.

Periods_____Total income___Total expenses

I made the following query to get the result I wanted.

Unfortunately, the result seems to be multiplied instead of summarized.

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Queries :: Analyze Multiple Fields Of Actual Vs Estimated Expenses

May 15, 2013

I am trying to find the best way to compare estimated expenses to actual expenses in Access. I am working with vessel and port call information, so each port call has a series of costs associated with it. I have two tables, each with multiple fields (around 100). Each of the fields contains a cost type that goes to a particular cost code. Each row of the table is associated with one particular port call. The call is estimated right after it happens, but the invoices are not all recieved for up to three months. Once all of the invoices for this port call have been recieved, we enter the actual expenses for the call. I am trying to find the best way to analyze the costs through finding the variances for one particular port call for each code, and also for multiple port calls to see which cost item has the largest/smallest variance for further investigation into how to estimate it more accurlately. I am thinking that I may have to move into Excel to do this, but would like to stay in Access if possible.

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Create Monthly Table Based On Employee List

Dec 26, 2006

Greetings all!!!

I have a database containing a table of employees and their rank. I want to record monthly details regarding these people: hours, performance, etc. Their rank can change dynamically from month to month. They may be a Supervisor for a month, and I want to change this value on a monthly basis. But I want to generate a Table which shows all employees belonging to each of the eight departments, but which has empty fields enabling me to record these monthly values. I then want to be able to pull up that data at any time to see these values for any given month in the past. I also want to add the values of each field and total them for the various departments providing monthly and yearly values on a departmental and organizational (grand total) level.

The employee names and their respective departments rarely change. I don't want to have to select their names (about 125 of them) every month to create a new blank form in which to put the monthly data. I want to have perhaps a button which creates the records and puts the names in for (1) department, (2) year, and (3) month, but that adds the fixed fields ready to put the data in. This data is required every month and the field names will never change. I'm sure the solution is programmatically simple, but I seem to have a mental block over the issue.

I hope that someone casts some light on this.

Do I use a Create Table query? (The data can remain in one table.) I would like to do it programmatically. My VB is pretty good, but, it seems, not good enough.


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Queries :: Creating Access Database To Monitor Expenses For New Snack House

Jun 3, 2013

I am trying to create an access db to monitor my expenses for my new Snack house.

I have created a "Main" table which will be holding all the daily expenses entries one the fields is called "Type" in which i formatted as combo box with the following values (vegetables , butchery , bakery).

Another field is called "Item" which should list the items based on the Type selection.

Knowing i have a second table in which i stored all types and their corresponding items , how can i force the filed "item" in table Main to simply display the ones i need based on the "Type" input.

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Tables :: Adding Term Date Or Active Marker To Employee Table

Apr 25, 2014

I have an active database that is used to evaluate employee call performance. When building the database (my first full attempt) I did not include a way to sort out employees who are no longer active.

I know I don't want to delete them.

1) Add a termination date to the employee tableHow do I set my form to ignore all employees with a term date? (I currently have a drop down box that allows us to choose the associate from the employee table by using the Row Source)...

What if the employee were to return to the position (has only happened about 5 times in 15 years) would sorting termed employees out of reports be as simple as adding in the criteria of the query something like "is Null" under the term date?

2) Add a radial button to the employee table to show "active"Same question about how to ignore employees that have been unclicked?

3) Add a Z-to the last name of the (employee name) this will drop them to the bottom of the list.What happens to the associated records under the "old" employee name?

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Design Table So That When A Box Is Checked Data Is Transferred To Another Table

Mar 23, 2012

I am designing a database for my organisation. I have done most of it but am stuck on this. Ideally I would like to have a check box (in a table) that when checked a load of data is carried across from that record to a record in another table.

Given that I can't and don;t want to use VB is there anyway that this can be done easily?

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Help With Table Design

Nov 28, 2005

I am having problems coming up with a Table design and need help.

I am trying to design a table that will have 8 categories, 47 subcategories, and then choices within those categories.

Much like the following (this is only one category example, there will be many):

(Main category) Floors -> (Sub categories) Joist, Carpet, Vinyl Flooring, Wood Laminate -> (Choices for Joist Sub Category) Structure Wood 2X8 Joist, Plywood 2X8 Joist, Structure Wood 2X10 Joist, Plywood 2X10 Joist

This only shows the flow if the main category is "Floors", sub category "Joist", and then the choices under subcategory "Joist". There will be others for the other categories, subcategories, and choices.

Can someone help me or steer me in the right direction in setting up the database table/tables to accomplish this. Oh and BTW, there will be prices attached to each "Choice" under the subcategories.

I hope that this makes sense... any help would be much appreciated.

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Design Table

Aug 30, 2006

I have 5 tables with the same data (row and columns). How do I make it into a relational table?

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Table Design

Jan 29, 2008

if i had a table with products and i want to keep a record of what has been chaged or added to this product, whilst keeping the old records how could i set it up in a databse?

the excel spread sheet looks like this

product commments

1 chnged this and that 20/08
1 modifyed component 21/08

2 newest model 3/08

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Table Design Help

Oct 23, 2004

Hi all, i wonder if anyone can help?

It's a simple question really. I'm currently learning databases and am doing a project, just to show that i understand everthing i've learnt so far. I have to produce a small database.

There's nothing difficult about the project, and its a very basic database, but i was just hoping to ask a small question.

I'm producing a DVD database, to hold details on a collection. My main table holds the majority of the fields, as follows;


The problem came with boxsets. Originally i was just going to have boxsets as one entry, but some contain a few dvd's, each with different certification, etc, and i wouldn't be able to record running length, director, etc.
So i added a ysnBoxset field (just to record whether a dvd was part of a boxset or not) and then made a new table with


So now i can record which are part of a boxset, and the name of the boxset they belong to. But.. then i got to the problem of Purchase Price. Obviously i cannot record an individual purchase price for those which belong to a boxset, and i want to be able to record the price of the boxset.

So my question is... is it acceptable to add a curBoxsetPrice field to tblBoxsets, which would allow me to store the price... and then just leave curPurchasePrice as £0.00 for those dvd's in a boxset??? Or is there a better way of doing it? (I know there is, but i'm a novice :( )

Thanks for any help you can give, sorry for the lengthy explanation! :rolleyes:

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Table Design ??

Mar 14, 2005

Within my db I have a table, tblProjects which currently has 36 fields. Each project will have a fixed set of 12 tasks, each having a begin and end date as well as a yes/no "completed" field. This would add another 36 fields to tblProjects.

Instead, I have created a new table tblTasks which has these 36 fields along with a PK(TaskID) and FK(ProjectID) and is related to tblProjects. I believe tblProjects is already normalized properly with relationships to tblCompanies and tblContacts as well.

I'm not sure if this was neccessary, or should I have just added the task fields to tblProjects. What, if anything, are the advantages of one way over the other? I'll be upsizing to SQL Server, does that make a difference?

I appreciate any advice,


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Table Design

Jun 2, 2005


Bit of a long one but I require some advise if people can supply it.

I've started creating a DB that is now getting out of hand due to me being inexperienced. The things I want to do now are getting way to complicated. From reading various posts I know that this is all being caused by my database design and while the DB is still young I'm go back to square one. I want your advice on this if you can to ensure 3 weeks from know I'm again not chasing up weird bits of VB code to make it all work.

I basically have a lot of information to hold that interconnects with each other. I'm making up a role profile DB (so we can assign define access rights to a computer system) I have lots of info to collate but the basic stuff is.

Staff Records (Name, business area & ID)
Applications (What computer applications do staff require)
Shared Drives (What access to shared drives and folders do they need)
Shared Mailboxes (what access to shared mailboxes)
Roles (users will be assigned roles to suit their requirements)

Basically what I have at the moment is below.

Role ID
Role Name
and about 15 other fields that dont really matter for this

Application ID

Shared Drives
Shared Drive ID
Shared Drive

Shared Mailbox
Mailbox ID

Each role will only have a select number of applications, mailboxes and drives from the overall list. so role 1 may give access to 2 of the 10 applications, 1 out of 5 shared drives and 3 out of 4 mailboxes. Role 2 on the other hand may need 9 out of the 10 applications, 1 out of the 5 shared drives and 1 out of 4 of the shared mailboxes.

I just don't understand how I can create a form from these tables that would display all the different roles with their respective apps, mailboxes and drives they would need.

any advice you can give to help whould be appreciated.

Again sorry for the long post.

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Table Design

Jun 5, 2005

I am designing a db for our Law office. I want to have tables for different types of Civil Cases-ie Divorces, Deeds, Contracts, Personal Injury, Auto Accident, Slip and Fall, Product Liability, etc. The divorce, Deeds, tables are easy but I am having difficulty deciding on the personal injury tables. Heres my dilemna. Can I get away with one or two Personal Injury tables even though there will be blank data fields. For example, I will need a field for the name of the product in a Producrs Liability field. This field will be blank in all other Personal Injury Cases. I know the rule is you don't do that but my alternative is 15-20 tables for every concievable Personal Injury Case- Auto Accidents, Slip and Falls, Fraud, Prouduct Liability, Accounting, Attorney, Dental and Medical Malpractice, etc. This is in addition to other civil case tables, criminal case tables and federal case tables. Anyone have a suggestion?

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Table Design Help

Aug 30, 2005

I am not sure if which I should be using as the main entity for my tables. I am creating a database for hourly information on individual employees. Each employee will have the same types of hours to keep track of (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly etc) I naturally thought to treat each employee as the databases own entity and created fields for each type of hours but hit some trouble when trying to pull queries to compare each employees hourly information against each other to see who is being efficient or not. Each employee has the same exact fields but with just different numbers. We track each type of hour by week (Field One: Week 36, Field Two: Aug 28-Sep 03)This is the first time I am creating a database from scratch. All advice greatly appreciated and TIA :confused:

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Table Design

Oct 7, 2005

I have a table within a database and i was wondering whether or not i should split the table into 2 seperate tables.

The layout of the existing table is to record quotation information ie product codes, cost price, sell price, delivery dates available etc and it also contains fields that allow the user to state if the quote has been authorised or declined, when it was authorised and a number of options to explain the reason the quote wasn't accepted.

QuotationID - Primary Key
EmployeeID - Foreign Key
CustomerID - Foreign Key
EnquiryID - Foreign Key
Authorised - Yes/No field Type
Declined - Yes/No field Type
LostPrice - Yes/No field Type
LostStock - Yes/No field Type
LostDelivery - Yes/No field Type
LostCustomerClient - Yes/No field Type
LostNoFeedback - Yes/No field Type

above is the layout of the table, does anyone think that it might be a good idea to split this table into two tables, one table to record the quote information and another to hold the authorisation or decline information??????

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Table Design Help

Oct 25, 2005

i am creating a database for a local football club. I want to show player information (the main focus of the database), such as, what guardians are responsible for this player, what are the Doctors details for this player, what team does the player play for etc.
I have seperate tables for the Guardian, Doctor and Team information.

I also want to hold Staff details, (Name, address, staff title etc)

My problem is that someone in the staff table, could also be in the guardian table.

Should i combine the Guardian and Staff tables into one table as I dont want to have to enter the data twice for both a staff memger and a guardian

a player can have more than one guardian
a guardian can be responsible for more than one player.

What is the best way to approach the design of these database tables.

Thanks in advance


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Table Design Help..........I Think

Feb 20, 2006

Have a database that I am working on this is constructed to perform Compliance tracking of wellness activity by employees. Have all my tables, queries and a form that has 3 tab controls as well as a subform on one of the tabs.

It is necessary to create a quarterly report card based on 6 wellness cateogories that have specific criteria. I thought I was OK but now I am having difficulty pulling it all together on the report. I now think that it has to do with my table construction and I am looking for advice. If there is someone I could send my DB to who can take a look and give advise or assistance I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.:confused:

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Help With Table Design

Aug 2, 2006


I'm currently in an internship working solely with databases. I've become really interested in designing databases and I now want to design my own. I was wondering if I explained my table structure then someone could give me their thoughts and ideas for improvement. I have a huge sport trading card collection and I wanted to create a database for it. This way I could run some quick queries to find out how much my collection could be worth, how many cards I have, easily keep track of duplicates. Things like that.. This might seem strange, but I think it would be a good learning experience that would help me utilize many of the features of Access.

My Table Structure:

Ok I have a Company table(Topps, UpperDeck, etc) and they sell many boxsets(which would be another table).. Boxsets have many Cards(which would be my third table)...

Now here is where I get confused. I want have a sports table that would categorize my cards by what sport they are, but I don't know where I could link this. I also have a players table. This table will have a 1:M with Cards because 1 player can have many cards, but couldn't Cards and Players have a 1:1 because 1 card shows one player???

Finally, I want a Price Table that will be linked somewhere, but I've yet to figure out where to link this too.. Have I missed anything???

Your ideas and opinions are greatly appreciated!!!


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Table Design

Oct 7, 2006

i have a table(patients) with more than 1500 records.this table contains patients information like diagnosis etc.I use cbo boxes in my form to choose info.(i have separate tables to keep this information e.g.table for diagnosis, table for treatment procedures etc.

of course these info are kept in the patients table as text fields.and also i have many query with criteria to select specific records(for example ) parameter value is [Enter diagnosis] and i type for example "cardiac" to get the list of cardiac patients etc.

now , the size has become large . so i want to do somthing to solve this
i designed this when i was very new to access.

how if i want to change the field type from text to number which can look up the required info from other table.

but if i do this , i think that my queries want work .

any advice on this.

i have about ten fields to be changed from text to number.

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Something Like 3D Design Table?????

Jan 10, 2007

In this database the Tables are:
Materials (Material_ID, Material_Name, etc.)
Users (User_ID, User_Name, Date_modified, Hour, etc.)
Enviromental Values Of Materials (Ev_ID,Cretarion_01, Cretarion_02, etc.)

So i want to build a relation like a 3d axis system like that:
X: Materials
Y: Envirometals Values Of Materials
Z: Users

So for each user may correspond with 1 or all of the materials and for each material many enviromental values(cretarion_01,cretarion_02, etc.)

Namely i want to do a database where a person saves a number of material (1 or all) and for each material a number of Enviromental Values(1 or more).

I make a relation (see attach file):( :confused:

What is your opinion about that?
It would be a broblem if the PK's type is text?

Thanx in advance....

Happy new year:)

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Table Design

Feb 7, 2007

Being a newbie I have a general table design question which I would be grateful if someone could advise upon.

In Access 2000 I currently have 3 tables for use in a holiday cottage rental system:

tblCustomer (customer details)
name (text)
address (text)
telephone (text)
customerID (autonum)

tblreservation (cottage reservation details)
cottage (text) - linked to tblCottage
customer (test) - linked to tblCustomer
start date (date)
number of nights (number)
Adults (number)
Price (currency)
ReservationID (autonum)

tblCottage (list of cottages available for rental)
cottage (text)
CottageID (autonum)

I need to add a table structure which defines the price band for each cottage at several times throughout the year, in order to take account of peak holiday periods etc. The price field in the tblReservation table needs to refer to the correct price band based on the cottage and the start date of the reservation.

Any thoughts how best to approach this would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks


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Table Design

May 13, 2007


I am looking at creating a database for a charity, to help them maintain there volunteer information.

The database will need to hold information about the charity, volunteers and there roles, language and status.

This is the db design so far.

id PK - charity number
name *
house *
street1 *
town *
postcode *
p_office *
p_land *
email not sure of data type and length
www not sure of data type and length

id PK - unique number, auto number
vol_name *
f_name *
s_name *
house *
street1 *
town *
postcode *
p_home *
last_change date/time, when record last updated

vid FK, PK
lid FK, PK

id PK, Auto
name *

id PK,
vid FK
rid FK
sdate *
edate *

id PK, auto
name *

id PK,
vid FK
sid FK
sdate *
edate *

id PK, auto
name *

I am not sure if the vol_link_rol and vol_link_sta are correct, I have created a PK to ensure there is a record of the volunteer and the status and the same for the roles table.

comments please.

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Table Design

Feb 8, 2008

I have been asked to create a simple 5 question quiz and can not for the life of me figure out the table and form design. The goal is to have a question listed and then 5 answers to choose from. I need the answers to be in an options control format meaning they will read the question and check one of the option boxes for their choice. I need it allow only one of the 5 to be chosen...that is the problem. If I make each answer a field then they can check all of them and I don't want that. I don't think this is that difficult but would like to stay away from coding it as I am very good in access except for the code part.

Thanks in adavance!

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Queries :: Crosstab Design Is Slow When Opening And Saving In Design Mode?

Oct 6, 2014

I have had to use my first crosstab queries.

I now understand that when opening and saving crosstab queries Access (2010) runs that query to ascertain the column names. Unless you hard-code them. Running the query takes at least 20 minutes.
I have hard-coded where I can, but one report takes arbitrary dates so I can't hard-code them.

I believe that turning off AutoCorrect might make a difference to whether the query runs - but I don't want to turn it off.

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