Employee Tracking Database
Aug 3, 2005
Would like to hear from anyone that has designed a database that can be used to track employee compensation on a year to year basis. I am current designing a database to do just that but I'm having a hard time deciding on how to setup the tables. What they use this for is yearly reviews so I need it to be able to pull data from prior years and the current year. I've designed one but don't think its going to work for me. Just interested to see if and how someone has done the same thing.
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Aug 18, 2006
I am tracking training for employees. I have a database that keeps track of the dates a particular training was taken. Employee training is ongoing from year to year. I have an Employee Training with a subform showing only the specific employee's training. I need a help with a few things. I need to keep track of training by the year. If I enter 2006 dates it will show in one line, if 2007 dates, another, all the way across the list of training classes for an employee. I also only want to limit a person enter more than one date for a particular class for a calendar year...Are these things possible. I have attached the database. Please help, make changes and suggestions. Thank you so much in advance.:eek:
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Mar 17, 2008
My computer crashed and I lost my employee vacation tracking database.
Does anyone have an Excel spreadsheet or other tracking method they could share please? I really don't have time to build a new database.
Thank you for your help.
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Mar 23, 2005
Hello everyone, I'm fairly new to access and I’m learning as I go. I just manage to create an simple employee DB that keeps track of their salaries, position, training, dependents and so on. Now I want to be able to keep track of their absences and vacation & sick leave accruals but I’m stuck. I don’t know how to go about doing this as the design of the table(s). Any help will be highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
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Sep 22, 2006
I'm trying to create a database in Access to track various employee data for the company I work for. We have about 44 employees. There are about 7 different groups of data our poor secretary now has to keep up with. These include: a list of the employees, with name, address, phone, etc. A handmade form with salary information like current wage, raises and when they were given, etc. A bonus section, how much and when. A list with attendance information including tracking missed days and tardies. A list of temporary employees and when their incremental reviews are due. There are other lists we use and others we are thinking of starting having to do with training, etc. It’s too much to keep up with manually now.
One of my questions is: can there be one table with the basic employee information that other tables can access without having to enter the same names again into other tables? (Why enter all those names more than once)? My other question has to do with linking tables together, I just can’t seem to grasp the concept even after reading two Access training books on the subject. I made a simpler database for another project and gave up on linking tables and the database seems to work just fine.
Any help is appreciated and sorry for the long post.
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Feb 24, 2008
Dear Access Expert.
I would like to create a Scheduling database for employees. The database would include:
- list all of the employees
-tabs to look at schedule for this week, 1 week from now, 2weeks from now, 3 weeks from now, long term (1-2 months), etc
-small comment section within each day for the guys to enter some comments...e.g. dentist at 10, holidays, etc
There has to be something like this already out there that I can modify and work with. Is there anything like this already in the NorthWind Database that comes with Access? What about some free examples Access developers made?
What about Outlook? Can I modify Outlook and use VBA somehow to accomplish this? Outlook is basically on an account basis so I don't know if I could tailor it to my 30+ employee database.
Thank you very much for your input.
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Mar 26, 2008
Is there a way to track changes made by different users to access tables? For instance if several users update or change data in various records is there a way to track when and what was changed (before and after data)?
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Oct 10, 2007
I consider myself an intermediate ACCESS user and can get around it with little trouble with the help of the internet and the help file.
I am trying to design a database that is fairly simple in design, it is for tracking the status of documents at our work center. Basically we have personnel reports that are passed around the different people and different dates.
I have a main form that has the info on the person along with dates that it is due.
Then a sub form that has the date sent and where it went to.
My problem lies in that I want to keep track of the whole history of the document but when i print out a report or export the data to excel to put up in powerpoint I need to have just the most recent date sent only item.
I have 2 tables one with user info and another with the routing info with its own primary key along with a identifier key to link the primary and sub form.
Of course it is easy to create a report with the data to show all the different routing steps but not just the one with the most recent date.
Thanks in advance for the help.
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Aug 11, 2005
Hi all,
I am stuck where to start and wanted some advise. I want to create a database that captures whether employees are late, sick, holidays etc.
So i would have a list of employees, then create a new records in another table to store what type of reason it is, (late, sick, holidays etc.), and then the directors can monitor employee sickness. But what i would to do is to be a bit clever about it though in 2 ways.
Against the employee they would have a number of allocated holidays against them, but i just wanted the user to enter the start and end date, and then get access to work out how many holidays days need to be taken off, i.e. it does not included weekends or bank holidays....
Also in the sickness report, work out how many single days where taken on either a Monday or Friday....
Has anyone done or seen an access database that can do this already.
I know there is a calendar addin, but i've not used it...
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Oct 16, 2012
I am creating an employee database for a client. The employee table has a performance column for each employee, and my client wants to be able to choose from four performance codes - Excellent, Good, Average, and Poor. They want to choose these descriptions instead of typing them in each time. How can I make this happen?
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Nov 12, 2005
I would like a field on my main switchboard that displays the last time the database was modified.
Simple question, and I can not find an answer anywhere.
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Jun 28, 2007
Hi team.
I've had a bit of a search around the forums and haven't found this anywhere.
Does anyone have a sample issue tracking database for an IT department?
I don't have too much Access experience so am looking for a little bit of a headstart on this. It seems relatively basic though.
The fields I think I will be needing are the following:
Log No
Raised by Person
Raised by Department
Description of Issue
1 Active
2 On-Going
3 Hold
4 Finished
5 Cancelled
1 High
2 Medium
3 Low
1 Bug
2 Enhancement
3 Other
1 Lotus Notes
2 File Maker
3 Tumbleweed
4 Windows
5 Microsoft Word
6 Microsoft Excel
7 Microsoft Outlook
8 Adobe Acrobat
Raised by Department
1 Research & Development
2 Customer Service
3 Finance
4 Data Solutions
5 Communication Services
6 Production
7 Stores
8 Operations
9 Other
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Dec 6, 2007
I am trying to figure out how to setup my tables. The tracking system i am trying to create will have these information:
the Tables will contain these information
- Package number
- Received date
- Sent date
- How long have we had the package
- Status (Sent or Pending)
I will also need to figure out who received and sent the package
- Employee name
Please advise if I setup the tables correctly.
I will also need to query these info:
- all packages received 3 days ago
- how many packages an employee received and sent
- How many sent or pending
Thank you for your help.
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Apr 16, 2014
I have a requirement to categorize a field in the employee database.
The requirement is: for any given user designation, if the total number is 10 or more, I need the actual designation itself as the output. However, if a particular designation in the organization is less than 10 in total, the output should be 'Misc - and the grade'.
Also, this will need to be done for each grade as well. For example, though the staff designation 'Software Engineer' count is 15, the designation is present across two grades A and B. So, in the output, for the staff with Grade A will show the actual designation as the count is 11, and for Grade B staff with the desgination 'Software Engineer', since the count is 4, it should display the output as 'Misc - Grade B'.
I would like to achieve this in MS Access 2010.
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Sep 14, 2013
Trying to modify this calendar database to track employee leave. I need the calendar form (frmCalendar) to show all employee leave on the calendar using the "Show All" command button on click event. This works if I specify a uID (UserID from employee table) in the code, but only for that specific employee. I need all employees at the same time up on the calendar so I can see if there is more than one employee off on any given day.
Events or leave is populated on the form through "Private Sub DisplayEvents" and the mdlCalendar module.
Using Access 2010
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Mar 15, 2007
Hello Everyone,
I've been looking at all the fine db samples and advice provided in this forum and they are giving me a huge boost in my new job as a DB Admin. :D
Since this forum has a very active group and you guys know and done it all, ;) I thought I would ask if anyone out there has done or could give me an idea on how to buid the following db:
I need to create a db that will keep track of a specific item from the moment it comes in 'til it goes back out. This could be weeks in the process.
What happens is that this is a program where people donate old worned out wheel chairs and they get totally overhauled. As the chairs come in they need to be tracked from start to finish to see where they came from (Somewhere in the USA), what process it took to overhaul it (ItemID and Current location [Storage, Repair BIN, Repair Table, Completed Tabe, Outbound Table, En Route to Destination, etc] and status [For parts, fixable, paint room, repair room, completed]) and where they were donated to, a city in some foreign country (Africa, Asia, Mexico, South America, Etc.).
If someone has something I can use would be great, but if not any idea on how to do it best, would be greatly appreciated.
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Jul 9, 2014
Our office needs a way to track reports that are due to us, so I'm trying to build an Access database to do that. What happens is this...
We put out a weekly tasking document (called an AFCTO) every Friday that tasks our outside agencies (units) to do various things. Each task in the AFCTO directs a single unit to do a specific thing. Units may be tasked multiple times in the AFCTO (one-to-many relationship), but each task only applies to one unit.
Some tasks require the units to send us reports on the status of that task, while other tasks don't. The reports that are due can occur at different frequencies. For instance, some tasks require our units to send us reports weekly on Thursdays; other tasks may require reports to be sent to us monthly on the 1st; other tasks may require daily reporting.
Now, with all that said, we need a way to see what's due to us each day. What I would like is a report that displays what's due for this week, similar to this:
So far I have a very rough mockup of what the form should look like (fmAFCTOTasks in the attached db):
The user can type in the AFCTO Task Number of the task, the start and end datetime group, the unit assigned to that task, the task desc, what type of report is due, what triggers the report, and the frequency at which the report is due. Reports can have one of two triggers...
1) event driven (something happens that requires a report to be due), or
2) date driven (report is due on certain date or day(s)).
Obviously if a report is event-driven, then there will be no frequency or date/day associated with it. How to structure the tables and the form.
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Aug 19, 2013
how to build a construction submittal tracking database.. im doing all this in excel but i find it very hard to trace the data that i need.. i have a form where all the data is inputed.
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Nov 28, 2012
I was wondering if it is possible to create custom security permissions in access. For example I have created an employee database, with security. I would like to have it when a manager logs on, it will only display his employee's information and no other departments. Is this possible?? In one of the tables is a field for the department the employee works on, can it based off of a table field?
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Dec 11, 2013
Just a question, I am developing a database for the company I work for and being new to Access, I have successfully made a login menu when the database starts up. The employee selects there name and begins data entry. Is there any way to log the activity of each employee, which records they inputted, date and time and so on?
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Oct 24, 2004
I am developing a database for a friend and have all the relationships,
tables, forms, queries and reports working well. I used the orders template to
build this and just made a few changes. I have an orders form with an orders details
subform that works beautifully. There is also customers table, employee table,
products and inventory table. The inventory table has product ID, units in stock and reorder level
as the only fields. I need an easy way to have the orders detail form decrease inventory as
items are ordered and also some sort of way to enter restock. Can anyone offer advice that a
beginner can understand in regard to this?
I wrote an update query that he can run that will subtract the qty ordered from the units on stock
for orders with order date >= whatever date he enters, but if he enters a date he's previously updated it will update those records again. I think this is not a good way to go but the only way I could accomplish. I have him using the same order entry form with customer name Restock to add items to inventory by putting an if then else statement in the before mentioned update query. This just adds to inventory if customer name="Restock" else the qty ordered is inventory units in stock -qty ordered.
I'm sure someone can suggest a better way. A friend mentioned dsum function but can't explain how to apply it in this instance. Thanks so much!!!!
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Jan 1, 2013
I am looking to create something called a "transactional" database that tracks historical information.I want to track and keep a record of employees at my organization who have had disciplinary action. We currently have a 5 step approach leading to termination.Eg. Step 1: receive Letter #1 Step 2: receive letter #2 + manager meeting step 3: receive letter 3 + manager and director meeting, etc etc.
I believe this is transactional because for each employee, we would need to see when they received the letter in the past, and an employee may receive two or three "step 1 letter 1" notices due to whatever circumstance.I stumbled upon this database and I found the bottom part where you Add/Edit Employee is what I am looking to do...except I can't Design view or anything to see how all this cool stuff is done! The link is: access-programmers.co.uk/forums/showthread.php?t=154187
Essentially, I want to create a user friendly database like the link above where a clerk/admin assistant can open Access, search for an employee by name or department or manager, and then be prompted to add information such as Letter #2 delivered, manager meeting occured, employee signature, etc.
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Jul 24, 2013
I am working on a project where I am creating a database that tracks open orders (old and new orders that still need to be billed but haven't been billed for one reason or another).
I have my "Master" table built and now I need to create 2 queries, one query retrieves the Top 20 orders based on value and that are older then 30 days and the second query is to retrieve the Top 100 orders based on the same criteria but the Top 100 query should not include the orders that appear in the Top 20 query.
My Top 20 query is below
I have tried multiple ways to do the Top 100 query and exclude what is returned in my Top 20 query but so far no success.
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Apr 17, 2014
I am designing a shipping container tracking system for my work and would like to know what the best design is for this.
There are many excel sheets that provide data on the status of containers along the supply chain i.e. shipping schedule, data from the logistics supplier showing status at the wharf, data for movements on our site etc.
Each container has a unique identifier according to what stock it carries and also a container no. designated by the shipping line. I was planning on use the first one as a primary key.
My first instinct was to have a main table that contained all of the information, with queries that updated the fields from the other data sheets.
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Jul 3, 2013
I am building a database for employee training. In the FrmNewTrainingGroup I am trying to create a form that will allow selection of a single class, a completion date, one or more instructors (or none at all) and a list of students by LName, FName, MI, EMP#. in my latest attempt, I have tried using a query of the TblEmployee to act as a go between, and dropped a subform into the FrmNewTrainingGroup, and that is not working.
Trying to get the student roster to work has been frustrating. I have been attempting to make it a check box select list that is also searchable by LName and FName [which would perhaps display a reduced list of names, as the name was typed?. This list would update a class roster text box to reflect all the selected employees for training so far, prior to the class being committed (I am planning on a button on the form).
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May 9, 2013
i have been trying to create an employee database to record:
1. Name , Address
2. Telephone
3. Date of birth
4. employee ID#
5. Emergency contact -name, address, telephone
6. Photograph
7. Other pertinent information related to employees
So far I have incorporated the contacts database forms into my new database but I am unable to link the forms into one form that will incorporate all the information needed. Is there an existing employee database that I may edit to suit my purposes?
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