Empty Recordset Help

Oct 3, 2005


I can seem to find a way to test if the SQL for my record set returns value. I've tried using the if statement with .BOF and .EOF. When there are no records returned for the criteria, there should be a way to test it with IF. I can't seem to figure it out. Using the record count does not work because it also returns at least one record. Help.

Here is the code

Dim rsContacts As ADODB.Recordset

Set rsContacts = New ADODB.Recordset

SQLStr = "SELECT FormatPercent(((43200-Sum(DateDiff('n',[tblOutageDetail.StartTime],[tblOutageDetail.endtime])))/43200),2) AS ElapsedTime FROM (qryOutageTotalMin INNER JOIN tblOutageData ON qryOutageTotalMin.Outage = tblOutageData.Outage) INNER JOIN tblOutageDetail ON tblOutageData.Outage = tblOutageDetail.Outage WHERE (((tblOutageData.System)='PARK PRIMARY') AND ((tblOutageDetail.StartTime)>=Date()-30) AND ((tblOutageDetail.OtgCat)=1))"

With rsContacts

.Open SQLStr, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly

End With

'Me!btnparkpri.Caption = CStr(rsContacts!ElapsedTime)

'Set rsContacts = Nothing

If rsContacts.RecordCount = 1 Then

Me!btnparkpri.Caption = CStr(rsContacts!ElapsedTime)

End If

If Me!btnparkpri.BackColor = 255 Or Me!btnparkpri.BackColor = 32768 Then

Me!btnparkpri.ForeColor = 16777215

End If

Set rsContacts = Nothing

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General :: How To Know If Recordset Is Empty

Feb 25, 2014

I have the following VBA code to select certain records from table to recordset, however, sometimes no records existed and movefirst should give error message. Just want to know how to know there got no records in the TRANS2 in case no criteria is matched??

Set TRANS2 = db.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM TRANSACTION WHERE tcode = 't12345'", dbOpenDynaset)


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How To Delete A Recordset If A Control Is Empty?

Sep 3, 2004

Can anyone tell me how to delete a recordset if a control is empty?

I have my form set up to automatically display the users ID which is bound to a table. If the user exits the form without entering any data I end up with a recordset that only has the users ID in it and nothing else. What I would like to do is set up an on close event in VBA that will check if other data exists in the table, otherwise delete that recordset. I'm not very familiar with this recordset.delete thing. Can anyone clarify?

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Syntax For Empty Query Recordset Test

Sep 6, 2006

Can someone tell me the VBA code for testing whether a query recordset is empty or not?

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Modules & VBA :: How To Get Recordset For Empty Rows In Form

Oct 14, 2014

Are new, empty record in form have recordset presentation, how to get recordset in form for empty row?

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Queries :: Recordset Is Showing As Empty But Query Wizard Returns Records

May 12, 2014

I'm trying to write record set contents to excel. My query runs perfect in access query wizard, but recordset showing as null. My VBA code


Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Dim recordst As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim appXL As Excel.Application
Dim wb As Excel.Workbook

[Code] ....

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Modules & VBA :: How To Extract Recordset From Subform Into Recordset Object

Aug 14, 2015

Special situation: The SQL Server Linked Server across the country is linked to a Read Only Oracle DB. This data pull works perfectly and populates the Subform.

The problem is that Oracle can take 3 to 6 seconds to retrieve the single record depending on the network traffic through a small pipe.

The code below shows the RecordSource for the SubForm. clicking on a list box supplies the value. Then 3 to 6 seconds later, the subform populates.

The actual Recordset for this Recordsource is needed to conduct Validation on each field. Normally this would be on SQL Server, I might just create a Recordset Oject and run this SQL statement again in 1 milisecond. In this case, it will probably take an additional 3 to 6 seconds. Avoiding another lengthy round-trip to Oracle would be prefered.

Goal: How does one grab, clone, or other wise reference the existing recordset for the SubForm?

Note: Immediate Window - One single field can be returned quickly

There are 48 fields that need validation - is there a way to reference the entire recordset?

Immediate Window during Break Mode:
? me.fsubsrNavSHLBHL("NavSH_QQ")
NESE ' this is the correct value for the current recordsource

Set a breakpoint right after the line:
fsubsrNavSHLBHL.Form.RecordSource = "Select * from vsrNavigatorSHLBHL where Well_ID =" & txtNavWellID.Value

Immediate Window:
? me.fsubsrNavSHLBHL.Form.RecordSource
Select * from vsrNavigatorSHLBHL where Well_ID =91229

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Does A Filtered Mdb Recordset Still Bring Down The Whole Recordset?

Apr 27, 2007

Hi guys, I'm a bit confused: I know that opening a bound form will bring down the whole recordset. But if I create a parametered query as the recordsource, will it still bring down the whole recordset first and only afterwards cut down to the records matching the parameters?

Example: I have a clients table with 5000 clients on a backend mdb, and my client lookup form in my frontend mdb. If I open the form looking for just client "Jim Jones" (via the parameter query), will Access bring down all 5000 clients from the backend to my frontend first, and only then seek out "Jim Jones" before discarding the rest of the recordset?

For if this is true then this whole Access business is rather unsuited for networks, even a small one. I hope you guys prove me wrong.


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Modules & VBA :: Can Use Result Of One Recordset For Other Recordset

Jul 7, 2013

I want to write a email where there are 2 or 3 different ordernumbers for same email, i want to include the email in the mail part as single column table. how to do it? also can i use result of one recordset for other recordset?

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Create A Recordset From A Recordset

Aug 17, 2007

from a table with fields userID and Date (in which any userID has multiple records with different Date values, and other fields) i have built a select query based on Date = one specific value. can anyone give an explanation (for beginners), through a sample code, that expands the query recordset so that the new recordset includes all records per userID that qualified in the prior recordset? below is an example. thank you!

Table with records:
userID / Date
u1 / d1
u1 / d2
u2 / d1
u2 / d2
u3 / d2
1st Select Query (where Date = d1):
u1 / d1
u2 / d1

Desired 2nd Query based off 1st Query (where ?):
u1 / d1
u1 / d2
u2 / d1
u2 / d2

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Updating One Recordset Using Another Recordset?

Jan 21, 2015

I have two tables that have the exact same fields. In table1 I have records that need to be UPDATED into table2. I tried an Update query and out of 600 records only half of those got updated. In my update query I joined tbl1 and tbl2 by Location (LOC) I checked for Nulls, Blanks, spaces, you name it. I can't figure why they all didn't get updated. I created a SQL query and go the exact same results. Ideally, I would like to create something in VBA to do this. I do not have any forms linked to these tables. In all I have about 600 records and 15 different fields that need to be updated. My example is only for one field.

sql example below. Which is the Access Sql in the Query

sql = "UPDATE tbl2 INNER JOIN tbl1 ON tbl2.LOC = tbl2.LOC" & _
"SET tbl2.Name = tbl1!Name" & _
"WHERE (((tbl2.Name) Is Null));"


Field1.Names = John

Field1.Names = "Need to UPDATE the name 'John' here"

I tried the Recordset .EDIT but I couldn't get it to work using two tables.

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Empty Field - But NOT Really

Oct 18, 2007

Hello World:I have two tables, one called Assets and the other table called Job Sites. the Assets table has several fieldsAssetID - autonumberplus othersthe Job Sites table has two fieldsJobSiteID - autonumberJobSite - text (with about 22 names in it)the I add the JobSite to the Assets table (hiding the JobSiteID) it shows me the expected drop down box but it is BLANK. If I click on any of the BLANK spaces in the drop down, it populates the field. It is behaving as if the font color was white.Any ideas??? I am baffled. :confused: :confused:

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My Query Is Empty :/

Jul 12, 2005


I have just created a query so that I may base my report on it. The query ties together 4 tables. I only included the fields that will be in my report. I created the report using the wizard and used my new query as the source but it does not want to work. I tried opening the query and it was empty even though I have entries in the database.

ANY IDEAS :confused:

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Empty Dates.. Why 12:00:00 AM???

Jul 15, 2005

Dear All,

I'm trying something quite simple, adding dates into a table with the aid of an action SQL statement (INsert Into) in VBA.

However, if a date is empty, the value 12:00:00 AM is filled in! I really want that if it a date is set to empty, that noting is added to the table... I can use an if statement though, to fix it, but why does it fill in 12:00:00 AM if a date is empty?? Can you fix it? Or is there no other way?

I use Access 2003.

Zurvy :eek:

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Get Rid Of Empty Fields

Jul 27, 2005

I have a query that appends records to a table with a constant numer of fields. so sometimes I have fields with no data. is there any way to create query which selects only fields with data.

thanks in advance

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Empty Field

Jul 7, 2006

I am trying to make a query with two tables. Each row consist of a student ID, their name and all their personal information. Both tables are exactly the same. But one table is a link table. That link table gets update every so often from an outside program and the other table is not linked. I want to be able to run a query that updates certain fields called "address changes". I have figured out how to find the updates, but I am having a problem with a field that is blank. If I have a field in the non-linked table that is empty but there is information in the linked table, it does not see it. Is there a way to get around this empty field problem?

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Empty Records

Apr 24, 2008

I have been going back in a db to the beginning of time and restructuring...I have a field sales person if its null I need to assign a value of 100 to another field representativeid, I have been using the update query to accomplish the update until now. I've tried is null and "" to get this query to update, any idea?

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Fields Do Not Empty

Mar 14, 2006

I have an Input form that does not clear the fields after I hit the Save button. Data Entry is set to YES. If I use the navigation bar, there is no problem, but I would like to have the fields empty after hitting the Save Button, so that the navigation bar can be removed. What is wrong?

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Empty Subform

May 30, 2006

Hi guys, here is my new problem.I have a form which conatins a subform that shows info from a query.I created a query which shows records from table history when the field comment is like *code 1.the criteria in the query, in the comment field is: [forms]![edititem]![vconcate]In the edititem form i have a hidden field called vconcate which receives the value as follows:me.vconcate= "*code " & me.winecode (me.winecode is integer)after assigning the value to vconcate i display the vconcate value and shows*code 1, as it should be. However, the subform doesnt displays any record.I also tryed to insert the query in the editform, but nothing.if i run the query from the query window, and fill the value as *code 1, it works.here is more info:when the edititem is open, the user has to select a wine code from a combo box. After this selection the values are assigned to me.winecode and the me.vconcate. Because when i open the form edititem these codes are null or empty the subform is empty. Is there any way to refresh the subform via code?any suggestion?

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Empty Combo Box

Jun 6, 2006

Hey guys......simple problem
I have a form with 3 combo boxes.

The 1st combo, called winecode, gets the values from the following sql:
SELECT [winecode] FROM wine WHERE winedesable=0;
it works.....

The second combo box, called suppname, gets the values from another select, but depending on the previous combo:
SELECT DISTINCT [supplier].[suppname] FROM supplier, suppwine WHERE [supplier].[suppnumber]=[suppwine].[suppnumber] And [suppwine].[winecode]=[Forms]![addpop]![winecode];
it works......

The 3 rd combo, called winesubcat, gets the values from a query which takes the selected value from the previous 2 combos. The query works by it self . However, i added the query in the data tab and open the form. then i selected values from the first 2 combos and there is no value in the 3rd combo...... any idea??

thx max.

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Empty Combo Box Help

Oct 24, 2006

When I click a button I have code (below) that checks to see if my Combo boxes are NULL (empty), and if they are it’ll prompt the user to “fill in all fields”. Right now it includes all of the combo boxes on my form. Although, I want it to only include 3 combo boxes (I have 5 on my form). How could I do this, lets say if my combo box names are cbo1, cbo2, cbo3 ?

For Each ctl In Me.Controls
Select Case ctl.ControlType
Case acComboBox
If ctl.Value & "" = "" Then
MsgBox "You must fill in all data fields."
Exit Sub
End If
End Select

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Null And Empty

Apr 15, 2005

In a previous post someone mentioned a difference between Null and Empty. Is Null is not pulling the nulls but I know those fields are empty. Can someone tell me how to pull in these empty fields. for my calculation I need to get Companies that showed revenue after and didn't show revenue once their contract started.

Thank you

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If Query Is Empty?

Jul 13, 2005

Hello, I have writen a piece of code:

Code:DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT tblTrades.tradeID, tblTrades.TradeConfirm, tblTrades.Laurent FROM tblTrades WHERE (((tblTrades.TradeConfirm)=No) AND ((tblTrades.Laurent)=Yes));"

How do I check to see if it returns any results?

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Empty Fields

Jul 7, 2006

I am trying to make a query with two tables. Each row consist of a student ID, their name and all their personal information. Both tables are exactly the same. But one table is a link table. That link table gets update every so often from an outside program and the other table is not linked. I want to be able to run a query that updates certain fields called "address changes". I have figured out how to find the updates, but I am having a problem with a field that is blank. If I have a field in the non-linked table that is empty but there is information in the linked table, it does not see it. Is there a way to get around this empty field problem?


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Empty Pages On Report

May 9, 2005

Hello visitors,

I have a report base on a select query but in the report i get the following:

page 1 = record 1
page 2, page 3, page 4 = are empty (nothing to see on the pages)
page 5 = record 2
page 6, page 7, page 8 = are empty (nothing to see on the pages)
page 9 = record 3
So there are three empty pages between every two pages(records).

I have checked in the settings of the report and all properties but cannot find the solution.

Can any one help me to solve this ?
Thanks in advance

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Problem With Empty Fields

Dec 21, 2005

i wonder if anybody can give me a hand here...

i have an SQL insert query as follows:

DoCmd.RunSQL "INSERT INTO Despatches (" & _
"[SupplierRef], " & _
"[DespDate], " & _
"[TimeIn], " & _
"[TimeOut], " & _
"[QtyLoaded], " & _
"[Shift], " & _
"[DocRef], " & _
"[TrailerRef], " & _
"[SealRef], " & _
"[Comments], " & _
"[TeamLeader]) " & _
"VALUES ('" & Supplier & "'," & _
date1 & "," & _
time1 & "," & _
time2 & "," & _
DespQty_1 & ",'" & _
shift1 & "','" & _
docref_1 & "','" & _
trailer_1 & "','" & _
seal_1 & "','" & _
comments_1 & "','" & _
TeamLeader.Value & "');"

This is working fine as long as I input the values for all the fields...when some values are missing, I get the error that Access can't append the query due to validation rule violations...got no clue what to do !

plss help!:o

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