Empty Cells Query To Not Work.

Apr 26, 2006

I have a Query pulling data from several tables. If there are empty cell with no data in them, they cause the Query to completely skip that record. It does not show up in the Query. Not practical since most of the data int the table will not be entered until some time later.

What gives? Is there a way around this?


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Updating EMPTY Cells

Sep 2, 2007

I need to update column 'customer' in table 'db' with a name of a customer.
Currently this column is empty from data.

I do following , but it doesn't work.

UPDATE db SET Customer = 'Microsoft'
WHERE Customer='';

Where is the problem.

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Adding Zeros To Empty Cells?

Apr 10, 2007

Is there any way I can automatically add zeros to cells with no value?

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How To Calculate Date Cells That Are Empty

May 6, 2014

I have a query that has 11 dates on it, I am trying with iif statements to get it down to one column reflecting the most recent date out of the 11, for example 5/2/14 and 4/9/14, I would want to have 5/2/14. The problem with this is that most of the cells are empty and and I can't calculate empty date cells. my thought was to create a statement that goes something like this iif([Date1]="", "1", [date1]), obviously this does not work but I would like for it to show something other then nothing so that I can calculate on it.

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Forms :: Cannot Save Form - Remove Layouts With Empty Cells

Dec 8, 2013

I have added a delete button to my form but now I cannot save the form.

I get the error message:

"In order to save your changes you must remove any layouts that have empty cells in them and/or set the has module property for the form to no."

How do I locate empty cells.

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General :: Work Order System - Empty Records Showing In Table

Apr 3, 2014

I have a work order system that people use but it somewhat randomly puts blank records into my table. I've added a lot of validation checks when submitting, closing and resetting the form and limited the way people can exit out of the form to fight this issue but it still happens.

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Fill Blank Cells With Appropriate Data From Preceeding Cells

Jun 28, 2005

I have table1:

Name, Date, Points
Peter, 1.8.2005, 100
________2.8.2005, 200
Paul, 1.8.2005, 100
________4.8.2005, 300

etc. and I need to fill the blanks with Peter, Peter... , Paul, Paul, ... etc. so, that I can later take it as a group ID and work with the data.

Preferably with SELECT query, but insert or update is also possible.

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Query Blank Cells

Dec 18, 2006

hi all

i have created a database but didnt insert any default value at the begining and now i have blank cells in the table rather than £0.00

how would i go about querying the blank cells and then populating them with 0.00

thanks in advance


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How To Sum Two Cells From Crosstab Query

Aug 27, 2011

I have a crosstab query which shows me something like:

Activity Quarter1 Quarter2 Total
Call 2 1 3
Visit 3 1 4
Home 4 2 6

and I want to add another row in the query itself or a new query to SUM the Visit and Home.. Like for example:

Visit+Home 7 3 10

Is it possible to do that?

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Query Returns Duplicated Values For Some Cells

Oct 29, 2007

I'm trying to execute a query which is looking at data from 2 different tables and most of the data fields in the tables are the same. For instance table 1 has Dept, Res, Period_date, & Available Hrs and table 2 has Dept, Res, Period_date, Project & Forecast Hrs. The results I'm looking for are as follows:

Dept Res Period_date Project Forecast Hrs Available Hrs
11 A 11-02-07 123 XXXXX
11 A 11-02-07 456 XXXXX
11 A 11-02-07 789 XXXXX
11 A 11-02-07 012 XXXXX
11 A 11-02-07 XXXXX

But the "Available Hours" are duplicated in the preceeding 4 rows.
Thanks for any advice on this.

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Access Results From Query Has Blank Cells - Advise

Aug 17, 2006


I've written a querry - and the results that come back dont look right. Some rows have data in and others dont.

Has anyone seen something similar?
Does this mean that the data are probably incorrect?
Any advise?


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Modules & VBA :: Copy Query Info To Specific Excel Cells

Mar 7, 2014

I have spent the day using Access 2010 and attempting to move information from a parameterized query into specific cells in an excel template. It runs smoothly until I attempt to reference the query at which point I run into th error "Too few parameters. Expected 1." Currently my reference code looks like this:

Dim T As Recordset
Set T = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT [8D Data].ID, [8D Data].[Customer Closed], [8D Data].[Days Open], " & _
"[8D Data].[Open Date] , [8D Data].[QN #], [8D Data].[Last Report Date], " & _
"Leaders.[Leader Name] , Leaders.[Leader Title], Leaders.[Leader Phone #], " & _
"Leaders.[Leader Email], [8D Data].[Part Description], [8D Data].[Customer P/N], " & _
"[8D Data].Customer , [8D Data].[Vehicle Year], [8D Data].[Problem Description]" & _
"FROM [8D Data] INNER JOIN Leaders ON ([8D Data].Lead = Leaders.ID)" & _
"WHERE ((([8D Data].ID)=[Enter QCR #]));")

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Queries :: Update Table Query Populate Cells Based On IIF Statement?

May 6, 2013

I would like to have a table update query populate cells in a field, based on an IIf statement (below), but states that the IIf statement arguments still need to be enclosed in parentheses. I don't understand what the problem is, I have two sets of opening / closing parentheses.

IIf IsNull (=Mid( [CONTRACTOR_TASK]![TASK_NAME] ,6,6))

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My Query Is Empty :/

Jul 12, 2005


I have just created a query so that I may base my report on it. The query ties together 4 tables. I only included the fields that will be in my report. I created the report using the wizard and used my new query as the source but it does not want to work. I tried opening the query and it was empty even though I have entries in the database.

ANY IDEAS :confused:

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If Query Is Empty?

Jul 13, 2005

Hello, I have writen a piece of code:

Code:DoCmd.RunSQL "SELECT tblTrades.tradeID, tblTrades.TradeConfirm, tblTrades.Laurent FROM tblTrades WHERE (((tblTrades.TradeConfirm)=No) AND ((tblTrades.Laurent)=Yes));"

How do I check to see if it returns any results?

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Error Message For Empty Query

Feb 11, 2008

i have a form which has as button that opens a query
how can i make it so that if there arent any results from the query then a error message will pop up saying "no results found" and the table dosent show?

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How To Add Empty Columns To Tble Using Query?

Sep 29, 2006

I have a text file that I will be importing into a new table once a week (every week) that I will need to add about 30 more columns to before I export it to a new text file in preparation for importing it into another Access application.

Is there a way through a query to add the columns without having to open the table and manually add them each week?


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Query To List Non-empty Fields?

Nov 10, 2005

Hi...I have the following requirement:

I have a table called "tblselectrso" with the following fields:

stockno rso1 rso2 rso3 rso4 rso5
s1 1 3
s2 2 4 5

stockno is a text field and rso1 through rso5 is a Number field.

Given the value of "stockno" I want to run a query to list all the other fields (rso1 through rso5) that are NON-EMPTY.

Is this possible at all? Can anyone help me please?


Please find attached a sample db.

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Query Not Responding: Empty Fields?

Jun 26, 2006

Query not responding: empty fields?

I have a table with a field 'Fax number', type: text (since occasionally we write a comment in there, like 'prohibited').

Some records have fax numbers, others are empty.

I want to find all records which do have a fax number. So I wrote into the Query: "is not null", expecting to get only the records which have a fax number or some text in them.

In fact, all records came up in the query, empty as well as non-empty fax fields.

I was wondering if the 'empty field' had a blank space in them, but could not find any. Tried backspace key, but there was nothing to backspace on.

I used the find-replace utility and searched for single space in Whole Field. It picked out quite a few records, but not all - so something invisible seems to be there.

However, when I opened the 'replace' window of find/replace, and had the replace window empty, then clicked 'replace', the msg came 'Access cannot find the specified text'.

What am I doing wrong? What do I have to do to get the query to work?



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Showing Empty Records In A Query

Feb 6, 2007

Hi All
I have a feeling that this is an absolute newbie question.
I have three queries, qryVisitsDue, qryVisitsOverDue, qrySiteView.
The query qrySiteView uses SiteID to produce a listing of all sites which includes a count of visits for those sites. If there is no visit data the site does not display. To display the counts I'm using the other two queries. In the first two I'm querying a table, tblVisits, to find what visits are due or overdue based on the current date. They work fine where there is visit data. My problems start when there is no data for a site. I need to be able to show the sites where there is no visit data.
I'm not very experienced so basic explanations are probably the best.
Any help much appreciated.

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Query To Add Empty Records To Dataset?

Jul 31, 2014

I have a dataset showing sales by salesperson for each product. I'd like to summarize this data in a table that looks like this:

Note that some salespeople don't sell certain products and that these records show up with "0". My problem is that, in my actual dataset, if a salesperson doesn't sell a product, that records doesn't exist at all. Is there any way to append empty "0" records to my dataset? See attached for an Access file.


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Syntax For Empty Query Recordset Test

Sep 6, 2006

Can someone tell me the VBA code for testing whether a query recordset is empty or not?

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How To Stop A Field In A Query Showing If It Is Empty

Jan 10, 2005

I'm trying to create a query which will only show fields that have information in them, but I can't figure out how to do it.

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Forms :: Record Source Query Is Empty?

Oct 18, 2014

I have a main form with two unbound text boxes that filter a subform with a select query in the record source. The problem is that it only works sometimes.when I copy and paste the SQL into a query instead of the form it works all the time. for example when I open the query and the form side by side with the same SQL the form does not show results but the Query does, and yes I have "requeried" both of them after entering criteria into the unbound text boxes.

Here is the SQL:

SELECT [Quote_ID] & "-" & [Version] AS QuoteIDv, tblQuoteID.Quote_Type,
tblQuoteID.Quoted_By, tblQuoteID.Agency, DLookUp("[Contact]",
"tblContacts","[QuoteID] = '" & [Quote_ID] & "' And [Version] = '" & [Version] & "'") AS contact,
tblQuoteID.Quote_Date, tblQuoteID.FileName, tblQuoteID.FileLocation, tblQuoteID.Amount,
tblQuoteID.Active, tblQuoteID.Quote_ID, tblQuoteID.Version, tblQuoteID.Selected

[Code] .....

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Select Query To Find Empty Date Fields

Jan 26, 2008

I am trying to create a select query on "ApprovedDate" where no approval is recorded. IsNull returns an expected type mismatch. Any ideas?

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Modules & VBA :: Financial Database - Loop Query Until Empty

Oct 4, 2013

I'm an accountant and I'd like to build my own personal financial database in Access. One thing I like about MS Money is the 'Forecast Cashflow' feature, which is based on a schedule of recurring transactions, amounts, next due date, and frequency. I want to replicate this.

So, I created a dummy database for the sake of learning the code behind this process. I've got 2 tables (but no microphone.

1) tbl_InitialPoint (which is my schedule of recurring transactions, amounts, frequency (in days))
2) tbl_Register (where I want forecasted transactions to wind up)

I've got 2 saved queries:

1) qry_MaxDate (looks for any transaction @ 'tbl_InitialPoint' and finds the last date of that transaction in 'tbl_Register'
SELECT MAX(tbl_Register.PostDate) AS LastDate, tbl_InitialPoint.Description
FROM tbl_InitialPoint INNER JOIN tbl_Register ON tbl_InitialPoint.Description = tbl_Register.Description
GROUP BY tbl_InitialPoint.Description;

2) qry_InsertTransactions (populates 'tbl_Register')
INSERT INTO tbl_Register ( PostDate, Description, Amount )
SELECT qry_MaxDate.LastDate + tbl_InitialPoint.Frequency AS DateSeries, tbl_InitialPoint.Description, tbl_InitialPoint.Amount
FROM tbl_InitialPoint INNER JOIN qry_MaxDate ON tbl_InitialPoint.Description = qry_MaxDate.Description
WHERE qry_MaxDate.LastDate + tbl_InitialPoint.Frequency <= [Forms]![HomePage]![DateHorizon];

And I've got a form called 'HomePage' that has

1) A textbox where I input a date horizon (this is where I want the eventual 'Forecast Cashflow' to stop
2) A button to start the process

It seems to me that qry_InsertTransactions needs to be run over and over (looped) until the query is empty. And it seems to me that this can only be done via VBA (not sure if I could structure my SQL to avoid VBA in this case, but I need/want to learn the vba to accomplish this).

I'm having trouble getting VBA to run qry_InsertTransactions a single time. I'm pretty sure if I could get the thing to run once I could get it to run through a loop. So, here's what I came up with.

Public Sub InsertTransactionsBttn_Click()
Dim db As Database
Dim qdfNew As QueryDef
Dim qdfInsertTransactions As QueryDef
Set db = CurrentDb()

[Code] ....

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