Does anybody know how to add an option that says 'none' or 'no selection' or something to a list of combo options.
I use a query by form to produce a report. But I may close that report and it goes back to the form. If I want to re-run a new query I have to close the form and re-opne it so the combos are empty.
Is there anyway to have a 'none' option to empty the combo box?
I have an simple option group (3 options 1,2 and3!!)I am building a query where I need to display records whose option group field in the table is empty. I have tried:
field = Int(0) field = "" field = null isempty(field)
Hey guys......simple problem I have a form with 3 combo boxes.
The 1st combo, called winecode, gets the values from the following sql: SELECT [winecode] FROM wine WHERE winedesable=0; it works.....
The second combo box, called suppname, gets the values from another select, but depending on the previous combo: SELECT DISTINCT [supplier].[suppname] FROM supplier, suppwine WHERE [supplier].[suppnumber]=[suppwine].[suppnumber] And [suppwine].[winecode]=[Forms]![addpop]![winecode]; it works......
The 3 rd combo, called winesubcat, gets the values from a query which takes the selected value from the previous 2 combos. The query works by it self . However, i added the query in the data tab and open the form. then i selected values from the first 2 combos and there is no value in the 3rd combo...... any idea??
When I click a button I have code (below) that checks to see if my Combo boxes are NULL (empty), and if they are it’ll prompt the user to “fill in all fields”. Right now it includes all of the combo boxes on my form. Although, I want it to only include 3 combo boxes (I have 5 on my form). How could I do this, lets say if my combo box names are cbo1, cbo2, cbo3 ?
For Each ctl In Me.Controls Select Case ctl.ControlType Case acComboBox If ctl.Value & "" = "" Then MsgBox "You must fill in all data fields." Exit Sub End If End Select Next
I have a form with 2 combos (cboStart and cboEnd) and button to preview a report.
The report is made from a Query, with the following in the completion date:-
Between [Forms]![frmReporting]![cboStart] And [Forms]![frmReporting]![cboEnd]
The user then chooses the start date and end dates in the combo's. What I would like to do is have a message box appear if the use forgets to enter either date.
I have a form, form1. Inside there is a combo box, cbo1, that gets its values from table1.On form load, I want an expression that checks if table1 has any values to "send" to cbo1. If yes, meaning, if after form loads cbo1 is loaded with table1's values, I want cbo1 colored RED, if not, colored WHITE.
Since the last Windows XP update on the secretary PC, all combo lists are now empty even if the related tables are not at all.
Here is her configuration: Windows XP SP 2 Access 2003 SP 3
Here is the description:
1) I've got a combo list based on the table Towns with zip-code, name, country.
2) In the form, in addition the combolist is sorted on the name, just to easily pick up the right Town
3) Since the Windows update, the combo list displays only the zip-code, the other fields are empty even if the table content is not empty at all; I mean I checked in the table content itself.
4) I created a query based on the same arguments of the combo list and the query is working well alone; if I try to create a new combo list linked to the query, then I get the same weird result
5) I've tried to create a new field with the combo list assistant; when I select the table Towns, it shows me the full content (so name, zip, country) and when I run the form, the combo list is again almost empty !!
6) What is more weird is that when I put the Access database back on my standalone laptop which is running Access 2002, the combo list is working correctly !! In fact I am currently maintaining the Access database from my Access 2002 since more than one year and I had no issue
7) In fact, I got the same issue with all the combo-list in my Database
8) I tried to compact the DB but with no effect
Somebody has a brillant idea for me ?? otherwise I think I will contact Mister Bill directly :)
I have a form called frmSearch with an option group called grpSearch ,a combobox called comboNyaba and subform called subform_CasesSearch has a checkbox called CaseClosed
The combobox filter the subform based on option group choice and value in textbox called NyID ... it works fine except that if the combobox is empty it give me error the code in main form i put it on Load and on current
Code: Private Sub Form_Load() With Me.subform_CasesSearch.Form If Me.grpSearch.Value = 1 Then .Filter = "NyID = " & Me.ComboNyaba
I'm working on a table for work which will serve as a database of bins and the products currently in those bins, as follows:
ID Bin Amt Product 1 34 25 110001 2 33 15 200005 3 32 23 110003 etc.
Basically: employee A will use a form to update "Bin 34" (ID=1), with information (Amt, Product) until it is emptied by employee B and cleared using a separate form. No new records will be made or deleted, just the adjacent fields (Amt, Product) cleared and filled in and cleared again over and over.
What I'm trying to figure out is, when employee A clicks on the combo box on his/her form to select a Bin and enter information, how can I filter what is listed in the combo box to display only those bins which have no values under Amt & Product. The real-world risk of overwriting a bins fields before it has been cleared by employee B (who physically empties the bin) can be extremely high monetarily so I am trying to reduce that risk by eliminating it from the combo box until employee B has cleared those fields.
I have a table called students and one attribute is called Ethniticity and have a text datatype.......I'm setting up a form to add a new student.... for the Ethniticity part I set up a set of combo boxes ---- African American, White, Hispanic, Native American, Asian, Multicultural, Other: ---- beside the "other" option there's a text field where the user can type in their own answer. I want the text for the option selected to be placed in on the student table in the ethniticity field and if the "other" selection is selected the text in the textfield will be placed on the students could i get this to work???? any help would be appreciated
I have a combo which I have set to activate successive combos when a selection is made in it.
Unfortunately if you delet what is in it i.e. to make it empty it does not deactivate the other combos. I presume this is a peculiarity with combos as once you have clicked in it it is active?
is there anyway of getting Acess to recognise you don't want to use a particular combo by removing the data manually or by selecting a 'none' option in the combo?
I am trying to link a option group to a combo box. The combo box has a list of employee names. The option group has two options Active and Inactive. All I want the user to be able to do is check the current status of an employee (as active or inactive) and to be able to change their status. I am having some troubles linking the two together.
Resident Experts, I am currently working on a database to track the employee training for my company. Access is the only tool that is available and I'm definitely a novice. I'm working on a form to enter training event information and I have an option group and combo box problem. How can I disable a combo box until a certain option is selected?
I had made a database earlier for this customer but I worked with no process and so therefore I did the best I could. However, the customer has brought something to my attention that needs correcting.
The problem is that although the current database does record training events it doesn't produce reports which show what the employee hasn't done.
Because there are training events that pertain to everyone and then there are events that only pertain to individual employees based off of a 'job code' (which identifies their specialty) I've struggled to establish a link between employees and these two different types of training.
In an effort to correct this problem, I've added a 'project mandatory code' to the 'EmployeeInfo' table which holds all employee information along with their job code. Each time a new employee is entered into the table, a default value is entered into the project mandatory row.
I have seperate tables called 'JobCodes', 'ProjectMandatoryCode', and 'TrainingEventFrequency' which are connected to my 'TrainingEventInfo' table. The TrainingEventInfo table holds the information for all known events.
When a new training event is recorded, an entry is made into my 'CompletedTrainingRecord' table. This table records the event name, date completed, and the employee clock number.
Although I think my logic is sound, I may have missed something and made no progress at all.
Having said all that, the form I am working on to enter training events into the TrainingEventInfo table is where my original question came in. The option group I have has two choices: Project Mandatory Training and Position Related Training. If the user selects Project Mandatory Training then I want the combo box to be unavailable and based off the value it will automatically input a default value for the ProjectMandatoryCode. If the user selects Position Related Training from the option group I want the combo box to become active. My combo box is run from a query which pulls the job codes from the appropriate table and this value can then be written to the record in the TrainingEventInfo table.
Because both the ProjectMandatoryCode and the JobCode are in the EmployeeInfo table I'm hopeful that I can write a query which will pull all events, related to the individual, whether they have been completed or not.
Thank you in advance for any assistance you may be able to provide. I've attached a document which may be helpful. Respectfully, Dale Gagnon
Is there away to set the values in a combo box depending on what option button you have selected.
What I would like is to select an option button in an option group then that would trigger certain vaules in a combo box. And if I selected another option button it would change the values in the same combo box?
So if I selected optWhite, the values in cboEthnic = British AND Irish AND Other
If I select optMixed, the values in cboEthnic = White and Black Asian AND White and Black Caribbean etc...
How do you convert a combo box to a radio option? I have made a table called level it has only one column and is only two values (udergrad and grad)
I have a form that sets requirements and in there I have the option to choose what level the requirement is on. Instead of using a combo box for the level (with a select statement SELECT Level.LevelName FROM [Level]; ) I was wonder how I can conver the Level into two radio buttons one for undergrad the other for grad, and depending on what was selected that value would be stored in the table.
I have a male or female option gorup. I know when it is an option group one must be check is there any way to uncheck these boxs so nothing will be check if a user accidently checks one of these.
Also in a report i have male/female but on the report it show 1/2 1=M 2=F is there any way that on the report it will show as an X instead of 1/2
2. Combo box. on a form I have a combo box that looks up the managers first name last name.
The problem i'm having is when i select the combo box on the form is does show first name last name however when i select the name in the combo box it only show first name in the field
I have tried creating a combo box in a form and as I have gone through the steps, the option to bind each choice that I created in my drop down box for the form is not an option, so how do I make each choice in my drop down box access the report I need?
I have table with a list description and prices. However, some of the descriptions are the same but with differernt prices. If I create a combo box just want user to select description, how can I make use of this table in the combo box but only showing each descrpiton as a unique option?
I have two dropdown boxes on my form, the second is dependent on the first and shows only employess from the company selected in the first dropdown box. I am using an AfterEvent update to filter the employees.
Now when I try and choose an employee other than the first one on the list it automatically goes back to the first person and the info in the subform only shows their information.
I have 2 Option buttons that I want to use to control a combo box. If I select Option1 then I want it to pull from one table for the drop-down choices. If I select Option2 I want it to pull from a different table. The Option buttons and combo box are all on the same form.
I'm very good with utilizing the access tools however I can only code in vb editor minimally. What I'm looking to do is have the option buttons control two combo boxes. One to search by user name and the other to search by serial #. I've created an option group with two buttons I set the default values in the combo boxes in accordance with the option buttons However, the option buttons aren't doing what they are supposed to do. I've been told I need to tweak the code for the buttons in order to make them control the combo boxes. Does anybody know what I need to do to make this happen? Ultimately the user will be able to click either of the buttons to perform a search through a single combo box.
Thanks to everyone out there for making this possible. Your expert knowledge will help me grow into an expert myself.
Hey all, I am wondering if there is a way to do this:
Create an Option Group from a list (the Option Group would be most popular responses), and then, using the same control list in a table, have a combo box for the other possible entries?
Whatever is selected, it would be stored to one table to prevent reduncy... This would be strictly to expidite data entry.
Hi I'm a real newbie at this but basically I have a form displaying three lots of contacts Expediting, Quotation & Miscellaneous contacts.After choosing the company name from a list box it displays the Expediting, Quotation & Miscellaneous contacts info - but doing it this way there isnt much space on the screen to show all the Contact names,Telephone fax & email addresses clearly& at a decent size.Apart from the company list box I want to have a list box/combo box with:
Expediting Quotation Miscellaneous
and then after choosing Expediting, Quotation or Miscellaneous from the list/combobox i want it to take the relevant data from the Expediting, Quotation, or Miscellaneous contacts sections and only display the information relating to those sections only, therefore allowing me to have bigger text and not so cramped display so everyone can read it ok and get more info on the screen for each contact group.
If anyone could help it would be much appreciated!!!! Thankyou in advance for any help. Be gentle with me I am a newbie,lol.
I have a form with a combobox whose list items are taken from a table of currencies (called tblCurrencies)
Row Source = SELECT [tblCurrencies].[Ccy] FROM tblCurrencies ORDER BY [Ccy];
Problem is, there may come a time when the currency they want to select is not yet part of the tblCurrencies table, and needs to be added. For simplicity, I'd like to have an additional option in the dropdown (perhaps at the bottom) to specify a new currency.So an additional list item (e.g. 'Add New...') which when selected could prompt a subform where the user could specify the new currency (and any other relevant details specific to that currency) which can be programmatically added to do I get that extra option into the list items for the combobox?...