I've created a custom search form where using unbound text boxes and combo boxes I enter the criteria for a query. I would like to enhance my form to allow "and" and "or" searches on a field. For example, a product on my database has multiple features. I would like to search for products who have "feature1 and feature 2" or "feature1 or feature2". {Note: The table, Product is connected to table, Features using table, LineItem_ProdFeature where there are multiple records in Features for one record in Product}
Right now, the search form has a combo box that lists all product features. The user selects a feature and runs the query. All products with that feature are listed in the query.
It would be so great if the user could choose multiple features from the combo box. Then the query would return all products that have all of the selected features ("and" search). It would be just awesome if the user could select multiple features, and specify if they want an "and" or "or" search of those features.
I have made a database for work and is fully functional, but theres one thing I want to add but cant get my head around how to do it.
I have created a Form called 'Filtered Search', on the form it has multiple combo boxes for 'Auditors' 'Area' 'Status' and 2 text boxes for date range.
I want to be able to set what filters I want, and for the query to ignore any fields with no information selected/inputted (i.e. I want to see all records raised by "Mr Smith" (Auditor) that are still 'Active' (Status) in all areas at any time).
Names of items;
Table = 'Incidents' Form = 'Filtered Search' Report = 'Filtered Report' Auditor = 'Combo7' Status = 'Combo156' Area = 'Combo5' Date Range From = 'Text161' Date Range To = 'Text163'
I built a custom search form that uses unbound text boxes to set the criteria for a query. For example, I have an unbound text box, LastName on my search form. Then in the query, I set the criteria to Like "*"&[Forms]![SearchForm]![LastName]&"*". This returns all records if the text box is left blank or returns those records that match the text box if it isn't.
I would like to do the same thing but instead of searching a text field, I want to search a number field. And I want to search for a range of values aka >10 instead of just a single value. I still need the query to return all records if the text box is left blank.
I am currently creating a new part of my database which will enable users to store data for Storage Job which we do. the form has a number of fields called "pallet ref1 / pallet ref2" etc. now when the customer phones up and gives the pallet reference number, the user will need to search these fields to find out where in the warehouse the pallets are stored. But i want to create a search that will only search fields "pallet ref1 / pallet ref2" so that it will not have to search all the feilds within each record.
I support a database for some users who don't find the built in search function (ctl+f) to be useful enough.
The main data entry form of the database has fields for subdivision, lot number and address, any of which they may use to find the record they want. They're requesting that I add two types for searching: * select sub and/or lot number as search criteria and have the selected record populate the screen * type in a freeform address and have the record populate the screen
I'm debating about what the best approach would be to do this. Should I have a command button which opens a pop up form with the fields? If so, what is the code I will need to take the data selected/entered on the popup, run a query and then populate the underlying form? I think I need to pass parameters but I'm inexperienced at this so I need some guidance.
Also thinking that if I do create a popup form that I'll use it in the open event on the data entry form as well.
Got a small problem. I got a big Access-form (big of size) but a small computerscreen before me. I am very much used to scroll up and down with my mousewheel.
However, when I open my file and the opening-form pops up I cannot scroll up-and-down the form using my mousewheel.
Is there a VBA-code or whatsoever which can enable the mousewheel???
I tried to find the answer in earlier discussions, but I found only discussions where the topic was about disabling the mousewheel. I want to ENable it.
Hello. I have a form with a million little buttons on it (don't get me started, I didn't design it! - heh)...
Depending upon which user is running the mdb, I would like all but 16 (of the 80 or so) objects/controls disabled/enabled. I would like to autodisable all the controls, then enable the subset (or all of them) depending who the current user is.
SO in short, other than individually disabling/enabling the many items, is there a magic command for vba, similar to enable *.* for controls [silly e.g., but I hope you get my point...]
I want to disable a tab control page when a form is open, and enable some of the fields if a check box is checked, and some others if another check box is enabled
I have a Excel spreadsheet with an embedded query that pulls from an Access table. The users use a spreadsheet with an embedded query to search on a field called "Circuit ID", to bring up results showing the history of a given circuit id. Currently they have to enter an exact match, for example if the circuit id value is DHECHUIOY, they need to enter this exact value DHECHUIOY. They want instead to be able to enter DHEC and a wildcard character to bring back every value that begins with DHEC. There doesn't seem to be a way to do this in a spreadsheet with an embedded query.
I finally decided that it would be easier to create a form in Access
How I can create a form which allows users to search on a value using wildcard characters ? (the user enters the wildcard character).
I did a search in the form forum and couldn't find anything close that had a response.
I have a parent form and a sub form.
I have the parent set up to make the enable property false for the command buttons that aren't appropriate when you first open the form: Like Save and Undo.
I want to do the same for the child form, which has different data linked to the parent form.
The parent form always grays out the inappropriate boxes.
The subform will gray them out only if I open it as a stand-alone form. When I put the code in the Open, or Load or Gotfocus events I get an error message that it cannot locate the subform.
I am asked to create a checklist for a number of tasks to be executed in a particular shift. However in some tasks can be skipped. There are three shifts per day.
To accomplish this i have created a continious form with a number of checkboxes per task which represent the days of the week. The tasks itself are stored in a seperate table with a checkbox per shift (task settings). If the tasks must be performed in a particular shift, the checkbox is activated (= true).
Goal here is, if a task doesn't have to be executed in a shift the task should not be visible on the continious form. The recordsource of the continuous form is a query, which contains a join between the table with the task settings and the table with the tasks performed.
I have placed some code to perform the task in the form's current event
In the continuous form current event I have placed for every checkbox the following code:
Private Sub Form_Current() If Me. PerformTaskShift.Value = True Then Me.MaandagOchtend.Enabled = False End If End Sub
However when i execute the code and load the form, not only the checkbox in the row mentioned are set invisible, all the rows are. Is there any way to set only the checkboxes on the rows mentioned invisible, in stead of all rows?
I have written code to look up a value in a table that then enables or disables a subform in my main form. The code works, but I know it is now as efficient as it can be. The main problem is that I have multiple values that determine if the subform should be enabled or disabled. I would like to use an IN statement but I'm pretty sure this doesn't work for Dlookup. Below is an example of the code I currently have:
Code: Sub enablecontrols(setting As Boolean) Inv_subform.Enabled = setting End Sub Private Sub Form_Current()
[Code] ....
Like I said, this works fine, but I am concerned if I need to add more items to look up and the stability of the code in general.
Basically I want to put a code in the "on load" event of a form that enables or disables navigation buttons based on a value in a table (the table has 1 record and 1 column).
So if the value is "A", I want to hide navigation buttons on load; if it is "B", I want to show navigation buttons on load.
I know I can set this property in each form, but I have a number of forms that I want to configure at the same time.
My problem is that I don't know how to reference the value in the table.
I have a search form that uses a query to show results of a search, but everytime I press search everything comes up even though I have entered search parameters, even though my search requeries every time and the search used to work before I added new records today. Also when I press the query alone on the navigation pane it asks me for the parameters and then it actually works but it won't when I use my form.
i need to create a system that can search data using keyword.so i want to create search button that i will create it at form. currently i have 1 table and in that table i have 10 fields which are project_name, doc_ref_no, doc_title, volume, book_no, author, doc_status, box_barcode, filling_location, doc_availability.
i have create 2 forms, one form for user to add new record and another one is to search record. the user can search by enter project name, doc title, volume and box barcode. for project name and volume, i use combo box and for doc title and box barcode i'm using text box.
i want to create search function that can detect from user keyword and even user did not fill in all the form, the system still can search the record.
I have a search combo box to search for a field on my form. But it just goes to that particular record. The combo box is for client id and it has more than one record. How can I have it return just the records pertaining to the client id choosen in the combo box.
I use the following code for an error message box to pop up. I need to know how bring up a custom form I have made instead of the standard message box but don't know how to code it into the function.
Function StartUp() On Error GoTo Err_ProcedureName
Set db = CurrentDb Set rs = db.OpenRecordset("tblEmployeeBenefits", dbOpenDynaset)
If rs.EOF = False Then rs.MoveLast If rs.Fields("FlagDate") = True Then MsgBox "You need Administrative access for this function to work.", vbOKOnly, "Serious Warning" DoCmd.Quit End If
If rs.BOF = True Then y = 0
Do Until x = 1 x = rs.RecordCount
rs.AddNew rs.Fields("MeDate") = Date + y rs.Update y = y + 1 Loop End If End If UpdateTable
I have converted a 2003 database to the 2010 file format. In the 2010 database, I have created the USysRibbons table with 2 separate ribbons. One of the ribbons need to load depending on what the user chooses upon opening the database. I have a form that opens with the database and the user can either choose "Premium" or "Subsidy." I'm uncertain as to why the conversion will not replicate how the database works in 2003 but if I had to assume it would be because of the ribbons. I found a small piece of VBA that I think needs to be changed but I'm not sure to what or how. As of right now, I don't have a ribbon loading, just the form to load when the database is opened. Except I noticed that the "add-ins" opens the correct menu depending on which the user chose.
I actually went into Options--->Current Database--->Ribbon and Toolbar and selected a generic ribbon (File, which just has exit because it's the same whether the user selects Premium or Subsidy).
To clarify if needed, the user doesn't actually log in. The form that pops when the database opens has the drop down of either Premium or Subsidy. So really it goes like this:
Open database Select Premium Click Enter Premium ribbon loads
Open database Select Subsidy Click Enter Subsidy ribbon loads
Technically, if I could have just the form pop I'd be cool with that because on the form there is an Exit Application button where the user could click and exit the database. When either the Premium or Subsidy ribbon is loaded, I already have an exit in the coding.
Public Sub openRegion(authority As String, region As String) If (cboRegion.value = region) Or (region = "ALL") Then 'open region selected If cboRegion.value = "PREMIUM" Then loadPremium authority
I have a custom record counter on a form using the below code:
Private Sub Form_Current() If Me.NewRecord Then Me.lblRecordCounter.Caption = _ "Record " & Me.CurrentRecord & " of " & Me.Recordset.RecordCount + 1 Else Me.lblRecordCounter.Caption = _ "Record " & Me.CurrentRecord & " of " & Me.Recordset.RecordCount End If End Sub
I think at some stage the form was saved with a filter on and this may be causing the issue. The problem I have is:
There are 1749 records. Everytime I open the form the custom record counter displays "Record 1 of 501". The built in record counter shows 1 of 1749. The moment I hit the next record arrow the custom record counter displays "2 of 1749" and if I go back again it displays "1 of 1749.".
I know it's a filter causing the problem because I have a macro that does a clear search. As soon as I hit the clear search the custom counter goes back to "1 of 501" again (even though the built in one stays at 1 of 1749).
I have a main form and a sub form. Tbhidden and tbpropersave are the text boxes that govern the update procedure. The main form has two text box that i use to prevent the user from modifying the information on the main form without clicking my custom save button. the problem is that the subform should be completed after the information on the main form has been filled in. The Update code i have refuses to allow me to complete the subform without first clicking the save button on the main form. Here is the code. I wana be able to fill in info in the main form, then the sub form then click save. The sub form is a table which relates to the main form table Many to One.
Private Sub Form_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer) On Error GoTo Err_Form_BeforeUpdate
If Me.tbPropersave.Value = "No" Then Beep MsgBox "Please Save This Record!" & vbCrLf & vbLf & "You can not advance to another record until you either 'Save' the changes made to this record or 'Undo' your changes.", vbExclamation, "Save Required" DoCmd.CancelEvent Exit Sub End If
Exit_Form_BeforeUpdate: Exit Sub
Err_Form_BeforeUpdate: If Err = 3020 Then 'Update or CancelUpdate without AddNew or Edit Exit Sub Else MsgBox Err.Number, Err.Description Resume Exit_Form_BeforeUpdate End If
I have generated a standard form for displaying/editing of data and I have also created a form for generating Sql query statements (The form builds a string but does not execute the query). Can I execute a query and use it with that form.
So when I generate the the SQL statement and execute the query it loads the form (With Data) instead of a query datasheet. Thank you.
how i can get a current user from a custom login form CurrentUser() this function always return a system user name admin as default. In my login schema i have a Hidden splash form that have a unbound field that holds user name from custom login form after login a dashboard execute and also display user name on dashboard according to user login ,this working fine for mine. Actually i want to make a currentuser stamp in every entry when a record is entered in database.
For keeping record of provient fund, I have made a access/(or excel) database with many fields like ID, Name,contribution for months eg March, April,..to..,Feb,etc.It contains 50 records.
Now I have to print the provident fund statements of my 50 friends. This statement consists of some text language and some data(It is a word form letter document).The statement also shows some data which has to be calculated from the data of database eg grand total, cumulative total, interests etc.
Now I want to print the statement for all or selected no of people. What I want is to make the statement proforma in another excel sheet and then merge and print the statements for selected no of persons eg for ID 1 to 20, 50 to 70 etc. I do not want to make statement in MS word and do not want to merge it there, but I want to do it in excel just as we do in MS word mail merge.
Pl help me how can I do it in access/Excel? Can i calculate in word or should I calculate before hand in access before merging data?