Enable / Disable Label

Feb 28, 2006

I've used a form with labels for building a menu options
¿How can I do to enabled or disables a label ? (each label is a menu option)

I've tried to use:
label1.Enabled = True

but don't work

Would you help me ?

Thanks a lot

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Enable / Disable Label

Feb 28, 2006

I've used a form with labels for building a menu options
¿How can I do to enabled or disables a label ? (each label is a menu option)

I've tried to use:
label1.Enables = True

but don't work

Would you help me ?

Thanks a lot

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Yes/no Enable Disable

May 23, 2005

Here is my problem: When a certain yes/no box is true (checked) other fields on the form are not enabled. That works just find when I am on the record that I click the yes/no field. When I go to another record and then go back to the previous record the fields that should be disabled due to a certain yes/no box being true are now enabled and not disabled. Below is my code. Can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?

Private Sub Form_Current()


End Sub

Private Sub SetCheckBoxes()

If Me.StaPrimary = True Then
Me.StaUp.Enabled = False
Me.StaUpTrainerFirstName.Enabled = False
Me.StaUpTrainerLastName.Enabled = False
Me.StaUpVerifyDate.Enabled = False
Me.StaUpReverifyDate.Enabled = False
Me.StaBack.Enabled = False
Me.StaBackTrainerFirstName.Enabled = False
Me.StaBackTrainerLastName.Enabled = False
Me.StaBackVerifyDate.Enabled = False
Me.StaBackReverifyDate.Enabled = False
Me.StaOther.Enabled = False
Me.StaOtherTrainerFirstName.Enabled = False
Me.StaOtherTrainerLastName.Enabled = False
Me.StaOtherVerifyDate.Enabled = False
Me.StaOtherReverifyDate.Enabled = False
End If

If Me.StaPrimary = False Then
Me.StaUp.Enabled = True
Me.StaUpTrainerFirstName.Enabled = True
Me.StaUpTrainerLastName.Enabled = True
Me.StaUpVerifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaUpReverifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaBack.Enabled = True
Me.StaBackTrainerFirstName.Enabled = True
Me.StaBackTrainerLastName.Enabled = True
Me.StaBackVerifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaBackReverifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaOther.Enabled = True
Me.StaOtherTrainerFirstName.Enabled = True
Me.StaOtherTrainerLastName.Enabled = True
Me.StaOtherVerifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaOtherReverifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaPrimaryVerifyDate = ""
Me.StaPrimaryReVerifyDate = ""

End If

If Me.StaUp = True Then
Me.StaPrimary.Enabled = False
Me.StaPrimaryTrainerFirstName.Enabled = False
Me.StaPrimaryTrainerLastName.Enabled = False
Me.StaPrimaryVerifyDate.Enabled = False
Me.StaPrimaryReVerifyDate.Enabled = False
Me.StaBack.Enabled = False
Me.StaBackTrainerFirstName.Enabled = False
Me.StaBackTrainerLastName.Enabled = False
Me.StaBackVerifyDate.Enabled = False
Me.StaBackReverifyDate.Enabled = False
Me.StaOther.Enabled = False
Me.StaOtherTrainerFirstName.Enabled = False
Me.StaOtherTrainerLastName.Enabled = False
Me.StaOtherVerifyDate.Enabled = False
Me.StaOtherReverifyDate.Enabled = False
End If

If Me.StaUp = False Then
Me.StaPrimary.Enabled = True
Me.StaPrimaryTrainerFirstName.Enabled = True
Me.StaPrimaryTrainerLastName.Enabled = True
Me.StaPrimaryVerifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaPrimaryReVerifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaBack.Enabled = True
Me.StaBackTrainerFirstName.Enabled = True
Me.StaBackTrainerLastName.Enabled = True
Me.StaBackVerifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaBackReverifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaOther.Enabled = True
Me.StaOtherTrainerFirstName.Enabled = True
Me.StaOtherTrainerLastName.Enabled = True
Me.StaOtherVerifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaOtherReverifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaUpVerifyDate = ""
Me.StaUpReverifyDate = ""

End If

If Me.StaBack = True Then
Me.StaPrimary.Enabled = False
Me.StaPrimaryTrainerFirstName.Enabled = False
Me.StaPrimaryTrainerLastName.Enabled = False
Me.StaPrimaryVerifyDate.Enabled = False
Me.StaPrimaryReVerifyDate.Enabled = False
Me.StaUp.Enabled = False
Me.StaUpTrainerFirstName.Enabled = False
Me.StaUpTrainerLastName.Enabled = False
Me.StaUpVerifyDate.Enabled = False
Me.StaUpReverifyDate.Enabled = False
Me.StaOther.Enabled = False
Me.StaOtherTrainerFirstName.Enabled = False
Me.StaOtherTrainerLastName.Enabled = False
Me.StaOtherVerifyDate.Enabled = False
Me.StaOtherReverifyDate.Enabled = False
End If

If Me.StaBack = False Then
Me.StaPrimary.Enabled = True
Me.StaPrimaryTrainerFirstName.Enabled = True
Me.StaPrimaryTrainerLastName.Enabled = True
Me.StaPrimaryVerifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaPrimaryReVerifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaUp.Enabled = True
Me.StaUpTrainerFirstName.Enabled = True
Me.StaUpTrainerLastName.Enabled = True
Me.StaUpVerifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaUpReverifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaOther.Enabled = True
Me.StaOtherTrainerFirstName.Enabled = True
Me.StaOtherTrainerLastName.Enabled = True
Me.StaOtherVerifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaOtherReverifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaBackVerifyDate = ""
Me.StaBackReverifyDate = ""

End If

If Me.StaOther = True Then
Me.StaPrimary.Enabled = False
Me.StaPrimaryTrainerFirstName.Enabled = False
Me.StaPrimaryTrainerLastName.Enabled = False
Me.StaPrimaryVerifyDate.Enabled = False
Me.StaPrimaryReVerifyDate.Enabled = False
Me.StaUp.Enabled = False
Me.StaUpTrainerFirstName.Enabled = False
Me.StaUpTrainerLastName.Enabled = False
Me.StaUpVerifyDate.Enabled = False
Me.StaUpReverifyDate.Enabled = False
Me.StaBack.Enabled = False
Me.StaBackTrainerFirstName.Enabled = False
Me.StaBackTrainerLastName.Enabled = False
Me.StaBackVerifyDate.Enabled = False
Me.StaBackReverifyDate.Enabled = False
End If

If Me.StaOther = False Then
Me.StaPrimary.Enabled = True
Me.StaPrimaryTrainerFirstName.Enabled = True
Me.StaPrimaryTrainerLastName.Enabled = True
Me.StaPrimaryVerifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaPrimaryReVerifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaUp.Enabled = True
Me.StaUpTrainerFirstName.Enabled = True
Me.StaUpTrainerLastName.Enabled = True
Me.StaUpVerifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaUpReverifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaBack.Enabled = True
Me.StaBackTrainerFirstName.Enabled = True
Me.StaBackTrainerLastName.Enabled = True
Me.StaBackVerifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaBackReverifyDate.Enabled = True
Me.StaOtherVerifyDate = ""
Me.StaOtherReverifyDate = ""

End If

End Sub

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Enable/Disable BypassKey

May 1, 2007

On searching the forum, I found the following post for enabling/disabling BypassKey. I did as instructed but on clicking the label, it gives 'syntax error with 'On Error Goto' in red color and highlighted.

Hello af1112 welcome to the Forum...

I use this code that ghudson supplied at the beginning of this post.

First of all create a copy of your db (Just incase.. )


Create a label on a form somewhere and make it invisible to other users
(I have mine hidden in my main Switchboard)

The idea is that by clicking on the label you can activate/de activate the code without anyone else knowing about what you are doing..

Name the label "bDisableBypassKey" & hide it somewhere in the corner of your screen or something.

Copy & Paste the code inbetween the bold text to the onclick event of the label you have just created

Private Sub bDisableBypassKey_Click()

On Error GoTo
'This ensures the user is the programmer needing to disable the Bypass Key
Dim strInput As String
Dim strMsg As String
strMsg = "Do you want to enable the Bypass Key?" & vbCrLf & vbLf & "Please key the programmer's password to enable the Bypass Key."
strInput = InputBox(Prompt:=strMsg, Title:="Disable Bypass Key Password")
If strInput = "MY PASSWORD" Then 'Change password to your own
ChangeProperty "AllowBypassKey", DB_BOOLEAN, True

MsgBox "The Bypass Key has been enabled." & vbCrLf & vbLf & "The Shift key will allow the users to bypass the startup options the next time the database is opened.", vbInformation, "Set Startup Properties"
ChangeProperty "AllowBypassKey", DB_BOOLEAN, False

MsgBox "Incorrect ''AllowBypassKey'' Password!" & vbCrLf & vbLf & "The Bypass Key was disabled." & vbCrLf & vbLf & "The Shift key will NOT allow the users to bypass the startup options the next time the database is opened.", vbCritical, "Invalid Password"
Exit Sub
End If
Exit Sub
MsgBox "bDisableBypassKey_Click", Err.Number, Err.Description
Resume Exit_bDisableBypassKey_Click

End Sub

Now paste this code in the Double click event of the same label

Private Sub bDisableBypassKey_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
Private Sub Disable_Click()
Option Compare Database

Option Explicit

Function ChangeProperty(strPropName As String, varPropType As Variant, varPropValue As Variant) As Integer

Dim dbs As Object, prp As Variant
Const conPropNotFoundError = 3270

Set dbs = CurrentDb
On Error GoTo Change_Err
dbs.Properties(strPropName) = varPropValue
ChangeProperty = True

Exit Function

If Err = conPropNotFoundError Then ' Property not found.
Set prp = dbs.CreateProperty(strPropName, _
varPropType, varPropValue)
dbs.Properties.Append prp
Resume Next
' Unknown error.
ChangeProperty = False
Resume Change_Bye
End If

End Function

To Test
click on your label to activate the password prompt
and type in the wrong password (that will now disable the bypass key) and you will not be able to open the db by holding down the Shift button

to disable enter the correct password and you will be able to use the Shift button

Would someone help?

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Enable/Disable Entries

May 9, 2006

Hi there I am new to Access and I am currently modifying an existing DB. Currently this DB has a main table which holds a bunch of Patient info such as:


The assigned staff field is populated from another table (Staff), which holds all the staff members working at the institution. However a couple of these individuals have left and they no longer want their name to show up on the form when inserting a new record. However we do want there name to still be in the DB for historical reporting purposes......My intital thought was to create another field in the Staff table that would hold either a "Active" or "Inactive" entry. Then just have a simple If statement to see if the staff member is active or inactive. Does anyone see any problems with this solution or propose a more efficient method.


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Enable/Disable Not Working

Aug 2, 2005

I am creating a data entry form with combo boxes related to two different tables:
EducationID - Auto# PK
Education - Text
MediaFillID - auto# PK
Incubation Time- text
Incubation Temp - text

In my form, I have a combo box that the user selects the Education Type (Media Fill Test; Aseptic Technique Observation, Watch Video, etc....)

I want the incubation time and temp text boxes to be disabled unless Media Fill Test (ID#4) is selected on the first combo box. (I get a Procedure Declaration does not match error.)

Private Sub EducationID_AfterUpdate()
If EducationID = 4 Then
IncubationTime.Enabled = True
IncubationTemp.Enabled = True
IncubationTime.Enabled = False
IncubationTemp.Enabled = False
End If

End Sub

Any Suggestions? Thanks,

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Enable / Disable Check

Nov 23, 2006

I have the following which works

Private Sub A300_Completed_AfterUpdate()
If A300_Completed = True Then
A300_Date.Enabled = False
User1.Enabled = False
A300_Date.Enabled = True
User1.Enabled = True
End If
End Sub

for some reason when creating a new record the above disabled/enabled fields retain the same property of the last records check? The form in a single (not a continuous)

**A300_Completed is a check box

Can anyone help please? Thanyou

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Enable/disable All Controls On Form

Jan 10, 2008

Hello. I have a form with a million little buttons on it (don't get me started, I didn't design it! - heh)...

Depending upon which user is running the mdb, I would like all but 16 (of the 80 or so) objects/controls disabled/enabled. I would like to autodisable all the controls, then enable the subset (or all of them) depending who the current user is.

SO in short, other than individually disabling/enabling the many items, is there a magic command for vba, similar to enable *.* for controls [silly e.g., but I hope you get my point...]



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Need To Enable/Disable Fields In Access

May 1, 2008

Hi guys, I have a huge problem with a table I'm currently making and I was hoping you could help.

I have created a field in one of my tables using a Combobox lookup that only allows users to enter one of two options. What I want to do is restrict the other fields that a user can enter data into based on the their selection in the lookup field.

i.e if they select the first option then they can see and enter data into a few additional fields (but not others). Likewise if they select the second option they see/dont see other fields.

I am using Microsoft Access 2003.

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Need To Enable/Disable Fields In Access

May 1, 2008

Hi guys, I have a huge problem with a table I'm currently making and I was hoping you could help.

I have created a field in one of my tables using a Combobox lookup that only allows users to enter one of two options. What I want to do is restrict the other fields that a user can enter data into based on the their selection in the lookup field.

i.e if they select the first option then they can see and enter data into a few additional fields (but not others). Likewise if they select the second option they see/dont see other fields.

I am using Microsoft Access 2003.

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Access Information, Disable Enable.....

Jun 19, 2006

Lets say i have a (Yes/No) combo box and a text box.
I have it so if my combo box says Yes the text box must become enabled so i can type in it.
The problem comes in when I goto a new record, the combo box is still enabled.
I have tried putting the text box to disabled in form_load, but then when I go back to view other records the text box is disabled and the combo box is already set to Yes.

How do i overcome both these problems at the same time ??

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Disable / Enable Full Menus

Feb 19, 2008

I accidently unchecked the "allow full menus" option in Tools - Startup. When I did that, the menu bar at the top of my database no longer displayed the "Tools" option.

Does anyone know how I can restore the full menus option?

I am new to access and can do nothing with my database until I get my menus back.


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Enable/Disable 3 Texts Boxes At Same Time

Mar 11, 2008

I would be very greatful if someone could help me. I have a Combo box called "COM01" which i want it to control the enable function of 3 Text Boxes TXT01,TXT02 and TXT03.
When COM01 dropdown menu is used and field No is selected i want the 3 Text Boxes above to be set to Enable (False). The reverse when option Yes is selected is required for the same Text Boxes Enable (True)
I will be adding the code to the Change() of the COM01 properties
I have tried to use Case statments without success.
Any help is greatly needed

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Problem Making Enable/disable Persist

Jun 8, 2005

The following code governs whether two fields are enabled/disableddependent on a selection made in a frame with 4 radio buttons. All are bound controls.

The first time that you select an option it's fine and the fields disable correctly, however, when I close the form and then go back into it the controls that should be disabled are enabled. I have to reselect the appropriate radio button to enable/disable the fields again.

Can anyone let me know what I am doing wrong?


Private Sub fraSysSel_AfterUpdate()

If fraSysSel.Value = 1 Then

Conditions_Expected.Enabled = False
Actual_Conditions.Enabled = False


Conditions_Expected.Enabled = True
Actual_Conditions.Enabled = True

End If

End Sub

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Dynamically Enable/disable ToggleFilter Button

Oct 10, 2005

hey I have a requirement to switch on or off the toggle filter button depening on who the current user is.

I can id the current user no problem - my issue is how do I swicth this button on and off??


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Enable/Disable Event Proceedure With Check Box

Mar 28, 2006

Hi, bit of a noob here. I've searched for a while but I can't find anything related.

I have a data entry form that auto recalls the last entry that was made in it. I did this in an effort to speed up data entry. Anyways, here is the code I use.

Private Sub Investigator_AfterUpdate()
Investigator.DefaultValue = "'" & Investigator.Value & "'"
End Sub

Now the problem is that I want to be able to enable and disable this event proceedure with a check box. Is there a way to do this?

Thanks in advance for all your help.

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How To Enable/disable Textbox Based On Checkbox Value

Aug 29, 2006

I have 44 checkboxes, each has a textbox next to it. What I want is when the user selects a checkbox, the textbox next to it will be enabled. Also, when the user unselect a checkbox, the textbox next to it will be disabled and any value entered is cleared.

Another way is whenever the user enters a value in a textbox, the checkbox associate with it is selected and vice versa.

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Enable/Disable Fields Based On Table

Oct 13, 2006

Hi everyone,

Need some help here! I have a table where different types of records are recorded. Let say for argument's sake my tblMain looks like this:

RecID (autonumber)
EntryType (Combo box linked to my tblEntryType)
Field1 (text)
Field2 (text)

I then have tblEntryType which lists the different types of entries to be made and which fields are required on my form and what the lables should be. The structure looks more or less like this:

EntryID (autonumber)
EntryName (text)
Field1Req (true/false)
Field1Tag (text)

On my form, my record source is tblMain. When my user makes a selection in the combobox EntryType, there is a lot of code behind the AfterUpdate function like this:

If EntryType.Column(2) = True Then

Me.field1.Enabled = True
Me.lblfield1.Caption = Me.entrytype.Column(3)
Me.field1.Enabled = False

End If

I find this setup a bit labour intensive, especially as my form has quite a few fields! Is there a way that I can "look up" which fields are required from the table and enable/disable and label based on my tblEntryTypes without me having to creating so much code/use the "column" function.

Let me know if I am not making myself clear and I will be glad to try explain so more!

Tx in advance,


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Enable/Disable Fields Based On Table

Oct 13, 2006

Hi everyone,

Need some help here! I have a table where different types of records are recorded. Let say for argument's sake my tblMain looks like this:

RecID (autonumber)
EntryType (Combo box linked to my tblEntryType)
Field1 (text)
Field2 (text)

I then have tblEntryType which lists the different types of entries to be made and which fields are required on my form and what the lables should be. The structure looks more or less like this:

EntryID (autonumber)
EntryName (text)
Field1Req (true/false)
Field1Tag (text)

On my form, my record source is tblMain. When my user makes a selection in the combobox EntryType, there is a lot of code behind the AfterUpdate function like this:

If EntryType.Column(2) = True Then

Me.field1.Enabled = True
Me.lblfield1.Caption = Me.entrytype.Column(3)
Me.field1.Enabled = False

End If

I find this setup a bit labour intensive, especially as my form has quite a few fields! Is there a way that I can "look up" which fields are required from the table and enable/disable and label based on my tblEntryTypes without me having to creating so much code/use the "column" function.

Let me know if I am not making myself clear and I will be glad to try explain so more!

Tx in advance,

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General :: Function To Enable / Disable Screensaver

Jun 10, 2015

I need an Access 2010 function to enable/disable screensaver on W8.1

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General :: Command Button Enable Or Disable

Jul 27, 2012

I have a form. and it has three buttons. Such as Submit, Reject, Under Observation.

I want :
1) If i click SUBMIT button it will be disable and other two buttons REJECT and UNDER OBSERVATION will be enable
2) If i click REJECT button it will be disable and other two buttons SUBMIT and UNDER OBSERVATION will be enable
3) If i click UNDER OBSERVATION button it will be disable and other two buttons SUBMIT and REJECT will be enable

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Modules & VBA :: Enable / Disable A Control Through Expressions?

May 11, 2015


Not working through expressions

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Enable / Disable Command Button After Conditions Have Been Met

Mar 9, 2012

Objective: After each field in my form is completed, I want my NewSave button to be enabled.

Problem: Created an if/then code that disables the button but never re enables it after conditions are met


Private Sub Form_Current()
Dim promptmsg As Long 
If IsNull(Me.ContractValue) = False And IsNull(Me.ContractNumber) = False 
And IsNull(Me.InvoiceDate) = False  Then Me!NewSave_Button.Enable = True  

[Code] .....

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Forms :: Enable / Disable Checkbox On Continuous Form

Apr 5, 2015

I am asked to create a checklist for a number of tasks to be executed in a particular shift. However in some tasks can be skipped. There are three shifts per day.

To accomplish this i have created a continious form with a number of checkboxes per task which represent the days of the week. The tasks itself are stored in a seperate table with a checkbox per shift (task settings). If the tasks must be performed in a particular shift, the checkbox is activated (= true).

Goal here is, if a task doesn't have to be executed in a shift the task should not be visible on the continious form. The recordsource of the continuous form is a query, which contains a join between the table with the task settings and the table with the tasks performed.

I have placed some code to perform the task in the form's current event

In the continuous form current event I have placed for every checkbox the following code:

Private Sub Form_Current()
If Me. PerformTaskShift.Value = True Then
Me.MaandagOchtend.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub

However when i execute the code and load the form, not only the checkbox in the row mentioned are set invisible, all the rows are. Is there any way to set only the checkboxes on the rows mentioned invisible, in stead of all rows?

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Forms :: Enable / Disable Button Based On Textbox

Aug 12, 2013

I'm trying to have a button in a form that, when clicked, will time stamp a text box already formatted for time. But once the text box is filled with a time, the button then disables itself for that record.

If I switch to another record where the text box is empty, the button will enable itself without closing the form, but obviously re-disable itself if I go to a record the text box is filled.

I'm sure I could use conditional formatting for it, but I don't think I'm going about it the right way. I already got a basic button built to timestamp.

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Forms :: Disable / Enable Fields Not Working For A New Record

Aug 9, 2014

I have some code like this that sets some fields up to be disabled when the form loads, then enables them when a combo box ('Type') is selected to 'Instrument'. This works fine as far as it goes, but if the user has selected 'Instrument' and then goes to a new record, the fields remain enabled.

Private Sub Form_Load()
Me.CalibrationTolerance.Enabled = False
Me.AcceptanceLimit.Enabled = False
End Sub

[Code] ....

I've looked this up and it appears I need to use the property Form.NewRecord, but nothing I do seems to make it work.

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