Enter New Record In A Filtered Form

Jan 25, 2005


I want a filtered pop up form to accept new records.

The archive posting that I found suggested that I insert

[MyForm]![LinkedField] as the default value of the linked field.

Any suggestions gratefully accepted.


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Modules & VBA :: Open Filtered Form With Record Source Set

Dec 17, 2013

In my Access adp, when I open a certain form (frmVertebrates), the databinding occurs in the Load event for the form, for various reasons. I have not specified any datasource in the form's design view.

Databinding for frmVertebrates:

Me.Form.RecordSource = "select * from dbo.vertebrates where catalogID=3"

This works great when just opening the form. However, when opening with a filter from a button on another form it won't work, the form displays all records.

Button code:

DoCmd.OpenForm frmVertebrates, , , "vertID=123"

Obviously, this makes sense, since the record source is explicitly set in the Load event.

Is there a way to capture the filter "vertID=123" so it can be added to the Form.RecordSource sql?

When breaking in the Load-code and watching the 'form' variable, I can't spot the filter condition anywhere...

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Forms :: Database To Record Appointments - Filtered Lists On A Form?

Oct 18, 2014

I'm constructing a database to record appointments. I want my users to input their appointments on one half of a form (I can manage that bit) but on the other half I want them to be able to see a list of the appointments they already have booked that day (with any patient) or what the patients already have booked that day (with themselves and any other therapists).

The appointment fields they will need to see are:

start time
end time
patient/therapist (depending on if they are viewing their own or the chosen patients' appointments
type of appointment (physiotherapy etc)

The date won't need to be seen but will dictate which day's appointments are listed.

At it's simplest I could get away with a list of the day's appointments for the patient and date the therapist has typed into the form to start the record.

Ideally I'd like them to be able to choose whether to see a list of the patient's appointments for that day or their own. If there's room I would display both.

Here's the final, 'moon-on-a-stick' bit... it would be great if I could show the appointments in time slots rather than just as a list. From what I can tell that's quite tricky to pull off but i thought I would ask anyway...

At the moment I don't even know what keywords to look up - is this 'embedding a report in a form' or 'inserting a filtered list' and so on.

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Forms :: Form Without Any Navigation But Only Record To Enter

Sep 29, 2014

how to set a subform or table in a form that has no navigation at all?

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How To Update All Queries When Enter A New Record In A Form

Jan 4, 2015

How can I update all the queries when I enter a new record in a form? When I enter a new employee record in a form, I want all the queries that are related to the employee information table to be updated with this new entry.

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Forms :: Cmd Button To Open Form To Enter New Record?

Oct 23, 2013

I have a main form created from a query (FrmQuerySearchResults) which has a sub-form within, (FrmPresentationsTabular) which I am using to show each presentation to our service made by any given client.

For ease of use, I've removed the navigation buttons and want to replace them with my own command buttons. For appearance, I've changed the properties of the sub-form so that 'allow additions' is set to No. This is so that the list of presentations users see does not show the bottom row as a new record.

I'm trying (using macros) to add a button in the footer of the subform that opens a new form (FrmNewPresentation) which opens to a blank record allowing the user to click button, enter info, hit close.

I'm having all sorts of trouble getting this button to do as its told! So far, I have a macro that has 2 steps, first it opens FrmNewPresentation, then it has action GoToRecord, with record set to New, object type set to Table, object name set to Presentations (the name of my table populating this sub-form).

I realise the problem may be the allow additions property being set to No, so I believe I need to add parts to this Macro that goes to that property and changes it on opening the input form - I keep getting a message saying "The object 'Presentations' isn't open.

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General :: Create Combobox On Form To Enter Record Not On List

Jul 22, 2012

I'm creating a simple database to document our supplier's contact information, addresses etc. However, when I create a combo box on the form and try to enter a record not on the list it gives the message "The Text You Entered Isn't an Item in the List".

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Double Click On A Record In Datasheet Opens A Form To Enter Data

Mar 1, 2008

I have a list of incidents in my Incidents Management Database. It comes up as a grid view when users open the database.

This is what it looks loke (paste the following into address bar of your browser. lh5.google.com.au/snehal.dabhi/R8oc22J_RfI/AAAAAAAABz0/bbIkCzg5whk/image001.png

I want particular incident to open in a form when users double click on any particular incident from the list above.
For example double clicking on the first incident (dated 1/03/2008 in the list above) should open the form below with THAT PERTICULAR incident. And double clicking on 22nd incident should open the following form with 22nd incident loaded, so users can edit that incident

please Paste the following into your browser to see the image.

Any detailed help is much appreciated. – I am too new to understand macros and vba.

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Mandate Users To Enter Data In Textbox Before Proceeding To Record On Form

Nov 21, 2012

Any way (VBA script, etc) to make it mandatory for a user to enter data in a textboxes in a form before proceeding to the next record on a form? I know I am able to do this in the table by selecting the value "Yes" in the Required area in the General Tab but I was wondering if there is a VBA script you can enter it in a form instead.

On attachment is an Access Database in winzip. In the __Property form, I want to make it madatory for users to enter data in the County Shapefile Gross Acres, Township, Mineral Severance Tract, and Unit name fields before proceeding to a new record. If data is not entered in these textboxes for these field, then a person will not be allowed to go to the next record.

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Forms :: Enter Tracking Number - Click Button To Search Record On Form

May 24, 2013

I currently have a database where new records can be entered in a "New Part" Form and Records can be viewed(but not altered) in a "Part Search" Form. The forms are the same except one is allowed to edit. I have also created another form where I am trying to search the "Part Search" Form via a tracking number. I want to have a text box where users enter a tracking number then click the button to take them to the record on the "Part Search" Form.

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Older Record Disappearing When Filtered

Mar 24, 2012

My database contain these:

- Products Table = [ID].AutoNumber, [Product].Text, [Active].Yes/No
- Orders Table = [ID].AutoNumber, [Product].Number, [Date].Date/Time, [Payment].Text
- Orders Form = [ID], [Product], [Date], [Payment]

I have [Product] in Orders Table and Orders Form as Combo Box for showing Product from Products Table.

And within product field on Orders, I want to make 'Active' product only showing up when choosing from combo box.

I made some records to test in Orders Form. Then I filtered Product from Orders Form with query:

SELECT Products.ID, Products.Product, Products.Active
FROM Products
WHERE (((Products.Active) Like Yes));
Then I changed some product 'Active' to "No"
And the old record disappearing.

How to make older record not disappearing when I filter some of field not being available to choose (because Active product uncheck)

More in-depth, Attachment Database1.zip

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Forms :: How To Auto Enter Date Of Previous Record Into New Record

Aug 26, 2013

I need to know how to auto enter the date of the previous record into a new record. I have this db for my vehicle log sheets and I submit monthly a claim for the business km from my company. I usually cant remember the date of the previous claim and have to scroll back until I find the field with a date. It will be useful if the date was copied into every new record until I edit the date when I submit the claim. What I ask is during the new month all the dates will be the same until I submit the claim. I do not know how to do this, and yes I have done a search.

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Modules & VBA :: Link Filtered Record To Different Word Files

Apr 10, 2014

I have made a form with different records now my goal is to filter those records and export the details of those records to excisting Word files.

So for instance:

Record filtered on:

Title: TrainingsSharepoint
Location: London

Than it wil export the details to --> Doc1.docx


Title: TrainingSale
Location: Berlin

Than it will export the details to --> Doc2.docx

And so one...

The Word files already have some text in them so i want to set up variables to insert the details in the right place.

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Forms :: Default Display Record From Filtered List Box

Apr 17, 2014

I have a form which displays records based on a selection from a list box on the form.

The default record displayed when I load the form is record 1 from the table, this is not an issue when I initially load the form but I also have options to filter the records displayed in the list box using various SQL statements, depending on the options selected.

However, when I apply one ofthese filters to the list box the default record displayed on the form still defaults to the first record in the table, which may not be included in the filtered list box.

Is there a way I can default to the first record listed in the list box rather than the first record in the table.

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Run Form With Filtered Criteria

Jan 27, 2006

Hello all,

I have looked through the forum, found some things, but not sure if they help with what I need specifically. I tried looking at the microsoft website, but can't really follow some of the things they have there.

On clicking a form (called Manager), I would like a list of some fields from a query (called queryMgr) to pop up, so that I can put in the criteria as I would if I just used the query, and then submit or run, and the form gives the filtered results. I don't want users to open the query and put in their criteria, I just want them to go to the form directly

When I click the form, I want the following to pop up at the same time so I can fill in the criteria:

Vendor Number
Invoice Number
Check Received (this is a Yes or No field)

and then when I click submit or enter, the form gives me say 5 records that match this criteria.

Thanks a lot!!!

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Adding Records To Filtered Form.

Nov 1, 2005

Ok heres the problem, i seem to have a little bit of a mind block at the moment so help would be greratly appreciated.

Basically there are two tables involved, tblBikes (which contains all information on the bikes) and tblHires (which contains all the information about hired bikes) these are linked with a one to many relationship as each bike can be hired out many times.
I have a button on a form containing bike information which opens the hires form filtered by the bike ID of the record selected in the first form. When I add a record to the hires form i need the bikeID to be automatically input into the field.

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Sorting Form By Filtered Data

Mar 14, 2006

I have a button that opens a second form and shows filtered data based on the selection of a ComboBox from the initial form. That all works nicely, I now wish to sort the Data in the new form by [POID].

The code I'm using looks like this;

Private Sub Command5_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command5_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stLinkCriteria As String

stDocName = "FRM_AWMPonum"

stLinkCriteria = "[ClientID]=" & Me![Combo0] & " AND IsNull(DelDate)"
DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command5_Click

End Sub

What changes do I need to make to the code to sort the data?

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Forms :: Form Filtered By A Query

May 14, 2015

I filter my table with a query - where the Invoiced Date is NULL. In the vba ADD RECORDS code I may INSERT new records which should then also appear - but are not showing up. The records ARE added to the table, but don't show up unless I close the form and reload it and then the query filter picks up the added records.

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Enter Or Update Child Record?

May 30, 2012

I have a Parent Record "Events" which has data already entered into it. I now want to assign workers to work the "event". The child table is "Assigned Officer". They have a one (event) to many(employees) relationship. Both the parent and the child have the key "Event ID". Of course Event ID is a subkey in the employee's table.

Every time I enter an employee it creates a new blank event.

My query looks like:

UPDATE Event INNER JOIN [Assigned Officer] ON Event.[Event ID] = [Assigned Officer].[Event ID] SET [Assigned Officer].[Name Assigned] = [Assigned Officer].[forms]![Assigned Officer Subform].[name assigned], [Assigned Officer].[Employee ID] = [Assigned Officer].[forms]![Assigned Officer Subform].[Employee ID];

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Open Filtered Form From Unbound Switchboard

Feb 3, 2005

I get the feeling I'm really missing something glaringly obvious here but I'm struggling.....

I have a combo box on my switchboard that looks up field txtOfficer in a query and then want it to open up a new form containing only those records relating to the officer name selectedtxtOfficer

The rowsource for the combo is:

SELECT DISTINCTROW [qryMain].[txtName] FROM [qryMain];

and the on click event is:

DoCmd.OpenForm "frmFiltered", , , "[txtName] = " & Me.cmbOfficer.Column(0), acFormEdit

When I select a name from the combo I get a parameter box and have to type in the name to open up the filtered records form. How can I get rid of it so the selection is one seamless process? :confused:

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Filtered PopUp Form, Multiple Selection

Jun 16, 2005

I am building a sort of property management database, and I have run into a bit of a problem. The database will store information about buildings, leases, maintenance etc..

My problem has to do with units in buildings. The tracking of units was requested near completion of the database, and now I have to somehow incorporate it into the database.

Previously, the user when filling out lease information, simply had to manually fill in the unit numbers. It was just a text box, and the user could input what ever he/she wanted. For example unit:1 or unit:3,4,5 etc.

Now since we want to monitor unit sizes, instead of having the user just manually type it in, we want the user to select actual units.

I have several tables but I think the ones that are of concer here are:


Units table right now stores the following:
(and others that aren't really important) the unit table will store unit information for all buildings and is related to the buildings by the buildingName

So when viewing unit information on the building form, the units are in a subform, and are filtered by the buildingName. Everything works here.

Now for my problem. What I am looking to do is when a user is entering lease information in, instead of choosing the buildingName from a drop downbox and then just typing in the unit numbers, I would like to have the user select the buildingName from the dropdown box, but then besides the unit field, press a button which will open a popup form, displaying all the unit numbers for that building. Then the user can select which units the lease pertains to (it can be more than one unit), and this will populate the unit field.

I want the popform to look something like this

□ unit 1 □ unit 2
□ unit 3 □ unit 4
□ unit 5 □ unit 5


I think I know how to filter the form, so that it only displays relavent units to the selected building, but I have no idea how to display multiple records on one page, and allow the selection of multiple records.

Sorry about the long post but I was trying to be really clear in what I am trying to achieve (hopefully it was clear not confusing). Any input you guys might have, is very much appreciated.


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Uncheck Checkbox On All Records In Filtered Form

Jan 22, 2006

I have a db with a form showing all customers with communication checkbox checked, I want a button which uncheckes all chackboxes.. all I have now is a button which uncheckes the first record.. anyone an idea?

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Single Number Issue On Filtered Form?

Jul 25, 2006

Hi all,

I have a form (form2) that filters records based on the employee number (in a combo box) that the user selects. At the moment this works fine on double numbers (such as 10, 12, 80 ect) but if I use single numbers it displays to many records. For example if I select Employee 1 it shows all records that start of with the number 1 such as Employees 1082, 11, 1507, 10043.

If I select Employee 1, I only want it to show records for this employee and the same for other single numbers.

Ive posted the database if any one is willing to have a look for me as its difficult to explain it fully, (ive removed irrelevant tables/forms/reports).Form2 is set to startup, Im using access 97

Any ideas on how I can fix this single number issue? :confused:



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Show Filtered Form Records In A Combo Box

Oct 17, 2006

This sounds like a cascading combo box issue but it isn't quite.

I filter my form using 2 unbound combo boxes which can be used in any order, both of which define text strings using case select. These strings are concatenated into a filter text and applied by a routine called in the after update event of either combo. All works well.

My question: How can I show all the filtered records in a third combo box so that users can easily select the record of interest from the filtered set?

I attempted to define SQL for each combination of the 2 comboboxes but it was getting ludicrously complicated so that got the heave ho.

After that, I attempted to use a recordset clone, but I couldn't get this to work:
'Clone record set for combo box rowsource
Dim R As Recordset
Set R = Me.RecordsetClone
R.Bookmark = Me.Bookmark

'Populate combo box with recordset
With Me![cboProjectList]
.RowSource = R
End With

Reading the Access help, it seems that a combo box can only be populted via query, table or SQL. Is there any way of using a cloned recordset or the me.filter to show the filtered form records in a combo or list box?

I will be very grateful for any pointers.

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Main Form With Filtered Continuous Subform

Oct 31, 2006

Hi, all...

Sure hoping someone can help me with this. I have a main form with a continuous subform. I am trying to filter the subform "behavior" combo box with another combo box on the subform "learningtype". The subform filter works fine if only the subform is open, although I can't add records because it would require a record in the main form. However, now that I've added the subform to the mainform, when I open it it asks for the parameter value of the filter combo box on the subform. Can someone help me, please...I'm desperate. I'm attaching a sample for you to look at.

Thanks, gurus!!

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Reports Based Off Of Form Filtered Results

Nov 3, 2004

I'm trying to create a report that prints out results of a filter by form search.

I have a form, frm_account, which displays data from tbl_account.

I have a select query, qry_filter_results, which I want to take the filtered results from frm_account.

My problem is that I don't know how to take the results from the form. Is it a parameter in the query? Or is it the criteria fields? I've tried a couple things in the Expression builder for the criteria, but each has failed. I either get a report with nothing in it or a report with every record in tbl_account.

Any ideas? Thanks

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