Entering Data Into Input Mask - Frustrating

Dec 2, 2006

Hi guys,

not sure which section to post this so i hope here is ok...

ive made an input mask for a postcode field. problem is its really annoying having to click the beginning of the field to enter data in the correct area of the input mask. Is there a way to automatically set the cursor to the beginning of the input mask/field when it is clicked?

thanks, James

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Problem Entering External Data From Excel Into Access Field Using Input Mask

Mar 5, 2008


I'm new to this. I'm trying to enter data (it's actually Latitude and Longitude co-ordinates) from an existing Excel source into an Access database which has input masks of 00°00'00.00"L;0;0 (Latitude) and 000°00'00.00"L;0;0 (Longitude) in the respective fields. However I cannot get the information to import or display correctly. I did an "export data" of the respective table (hence fields) to Excel to try and get the correct entry format. An example of the Lat exported was 24°49'41.81"N and Long was 067°01'44.02"E (but with a very small ' in front but only visible in the data entry line in Excel, not in the actual spreadsheet table???)

However when I try to enter the data (even using the exact same little degree symbol, apostrophe, and quotation marks) it does not enter the access fields correctly. On closer scrutiny of the exported Excel format I note a small ' at the very beginning of the 24°49'41.81"N or 067°01'44.02"E string. But as I said previously only visible in the data entry line next to the formula button. Not on the spreadsheet cell.

However even when I "Paste Special" "values only" my new co-ordinates into the same entry location as one exported, it will still not import, or display correctly. If I go into the Access database directly there is a form where if I need to enter the new co-ordinates (using lat example above) I only have to enter 24 49 41 81 N (spaces between) and it will show correctly as 24°49'41.81"N

I'm getting desparate as I don't want to have to change all the details manually. Anyone know what my correct format from an Excel spreadsheet should be?

Apologies for lengthy story! Difficult to describe problem with degree symbols etc

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Imported Data/ Input Mask

Aug 22, 2006

Hello there,

In Table A I have a field called Pin Number.
I set an input mask for this field, Pin Number.

Now I have imported a huge number of records into Table B from Excel which also contains Pin Numbers.

I need to link all fields with Pin Numbers, so my question is:

How can I change newly imported data fields to conform to a previous input mask?

many huge thanks, :)

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Input Mask To Change Data

Sep 13, 2007

I have excel spreasheet that have dates on them. But the dates are formatted as general so they are really only numbers to Access when I link the spreadsheet to a table. I was hoping that I could create an input mask that would make Access recognize that the numer 20070912 is really September 12, 2007. I can't change the structure of the spreadsheet because the data comes from a data service. :mad: But maybe I can translate this number into a date in Access? Can you geniuses help me create either an input mask or some process besides using:


to change the number into a date? I was hoping that I could just create an input mask yyyymmdd and then Access would recognize it as a date, but it seems more complicated than this. I need to use the date() function for further analysis so it has to recognize the number as an actual date. Thanks for your help.:)

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Double Input Mask For Data Field

Jun 30, 2014

Is it possible to set a double input mask for a field? I would to set it so users can eneter two different values for data field: 00/00/0000 or just the year 0000, is it possible? How do I do that?

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General :: Data Input Mask And Expiry Message?

Jul 12, 2013

I want to have an input mask on an 'Expiry Data' Field so that the input method is 'MON-YY" and I need access to realise it as a data. And then I also need when a user opens a record an anything that is 2 weeks from expiring I need an error message to pop up.

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Input Mask Data Not Working In Make Table Query

Jan 30, 2007

I have data recorded using an input mask,
to display data in the style: RFA-0001, RFA-0002 etc.

I have a make table query to join this field to another, to create a combo box look up.

Unfortunately, after I run the query, the only data from the input mask that gets imported is A0001, A0002 etc.

What have I done wrong? I guess the error must be in my specification for the input mask...

Any and all help gratefully received.

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Input Mask

Apr 26, 2005


I want to use input mask in my email field i.e the @ must be present but i must be allowed to input values or numbers before and after the @. This did not worked because i have fixed the values: ????@????

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Input Mask

May 2, 2005

Dear All,

Is there any way that I can use an input mask to enter serial numbers of softwares.....

the data will be like this...


Thanks in advance


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Input Mask Maybe

Sep 15, 2005

What I have is field called contract number, and its entered as 09-0011, which is ok.

Now I like it to show up in a different field as 090011. I guess my first question can this be done. Or even better how would I do it?

Now your question is. Why don't you put it in correctly the first time, and the answer is we want the number to have a dash.

Any suggestions

Never can be easy for me.

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Input Mask

Jan 31, 2005

let's say i have a field, in which i store and identity card number. This number may consist up to 7 digits (of which 3 are mandatory) plus 1 letter (mandatory) at the end. Thus a valid identity card number may be the following: 1234567M, 123M

Eventually, since the field must always contain a letter, i set the data type to Text with field size of 8 ... and i set the inout mask as follows:

9999000L (since the first 4 digits are mandatory). With this input mask, if i have an ID Number of 123M, i have to input it as 0000123M.

Although, I would like to have the leading zeros, is it possible that during data entry time, i would simply type 123M, and i will get the zeros automatically, after the field loses the focus, rather than having to type them myself ?

Thank You

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Input Mask

Oct 18, 2005

Trying to set an input mask to Capitalize the first letter of a surname but also to do this for ie MacDonald or O'Brian? How can i do this?

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Input Mask

Jul 19, 2006

When you add a new column you can select different data types such as text, memo, currency,...

When I pick currency and typ in 12345 in the column and press tab it automatically puts the € sign behind 12345.....

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Input Mask Help

Sep 2, 2007

I am trying to create an input mask for a name field. I have Spanish names with two last names separated by a hyphen, a comma after the two last names, a space, and then the First Name a space and the Middle Name. The First Last Name needs to be in all capitals like the example. Example: NARANJO-Ramirez, Jose Luis

Can someone please help me format this mask. One trick is that there aren't always middle names. Since all parts of the name are different lenghts for everybody, I need to have an optional number of characters for each of the four parts of the name.

Thanks for your help.

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Input Mask

Apr 11, 2005

I have a text box on a form that holds a grid reference, (2 letters and 6 numbers). I have set the box up with an input mask, (>LL000000;0;_). Is there a way that when the user clicks in the box that the cursor will go to the start of the box. At present it goes wherever they click in the box. If they dont notice then the machine starts beeping at them, most annoying!

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Input Mask HELP!!!!

May 2, 2005

I have created an input mask but it depends what type of currency is..

If Me![Currency Counter] = "1" Then
Me![Serial No].InputMask = "LL00 000000"
If Me![Currency Counter] = "2" Then
Me![Serial No].InputMask = "LL-00000000-L"

The problem is that if for example the currency counter = 2 the serial must be
AA-11111111-A but it is saving AA1111111A and i dont want it to save it like this.

Any help pls...

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Input Mask

May 12, 2006

I have a text box that has an Input Mask setup. The box is format to be
##-### (00-000;0;). My problem is, when the user clicks in the box it does not start at the beginning, it starts where ever the user clicks inside the box. Is there way to for when you click inside the box it automatically starts at the beginning?

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Input Mask

May 12, 2006

I have a text box that has an Input Mask setup. The box is format to be
##-### (00-000;0. My problem is, when the user clicks in the box it does not start at the beginning, it starts where ever the user clicks inside the box. Is there way to for when you click inside the box it automatically starts at the beginning?

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Input Mask For Importing

Feb 25, 2005

I have a table that I copy into daily from a shared Excel spreadsheet. I am trying to minimize the amount of touching up the data needs. What input mask should I use so that a field with four numbers...1234 (for example) will be converted to a nine-digit number with leading zeros (000001234) when the data is imported. I would like the nine-digit number to be saved.

Also, is there a way to have a date field import the date only & ignore any text?

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Input Mask / Format

May 19, 2005

Hiya everyone,
I'm try to do a database for items with part numbers.
& I want to be able to set the field to only accept data which has two letters at the begining, but any other characters after that (no fixed size).

part num1: pn047589sdf8m3
part num2: pn6583
part num3: pnfdgmj5973m
part num4: pn-fdgmj-5973m

Is this possible to do?

Cos all I can do at the moment, is to put a fixed number of characters.
ie. is the field size is 30characters
then I'd have to do this:

but this isn't good.

I just need something like:

* mean any character for as many characters in length.


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Input Mask For Zip Codes

May 23, 2005

I am working on a membership database that only has members from Canada and the United States. In the zipcode field, is it better to have two seaparate fields or is there an input mask that can handle both US and Canadian zip codes.

Thanks in advance.

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Input Mask Password Help

Jan 31, 2006

how can i only allow numbers to be entered when i make the input mask password

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Input Mask Problem

Jan 2, 2008

I have a number field that has three groups of 3 numbers: 123 456 789 or 12 345 678 (8 numbers). When there are only 8 numbers I need to have the first group of number contain 2 numbers and the other two groups to have the other six numbers. If my input mask filled from the right it would solve my problem if the mask was 900 000 000 (filled from the right) but I can't seem to figure this out. Your help is greatly appreciated.


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Multiple Input Mask

Feb 25, 2008


Can anyone tell me how I can format my access tables with multiple input masks under one field?

In my table I have formatted my telephone numbers so that they read (xxx) xxx-xxxx which suits our predominantly UK based business telephone numbers, however we also have a lot of Irish numbers which follow a different configuration e.g. (xxxxx) xxxx-xxxx - how can I add this second input mask so that both formats are recognised within the same column/ field?

Many thanks

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Input Mask For Mobile Nos

Mar 25, 2005


I am newbie and i need some help how to make an input mask for mobile no, which begins 79 or 99.

Thanks a lot

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Input Mask For Surname With '

Aug 24, 2005

Is it possible to set up an input mask for a form for a surname field so that names will show first letter of name as a capital (easy), as in Smith - but for names like O'Connor, show the first and second letters as capitals? (and, of course, allow the ' to be entered).

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