Entries To A Form

Sep 28, 2006

I have two forms "Enter_details" and "sendemail"
on typing txt in "enter_details" forms txt field " checksum" i want it to be updated in "BODY" field of "Sendemail"
"SendEmail" form may be open or may not be open. I put this code on "Sendemail" but its not working plz help

Private Sub txtBody_BeforeUpdate(Cancel As Integer)
[txtBody] = Forms!Enter_Release_details.[Checksum]
End Sub

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Creating Two Tables - Old Entries And Weekly New Entries?

Mar 13, 2014

I have a table in access which is updated weekly; I need to create two tables from this updated table.

1st table will consist of all the new entries for the current week

2nd table will consist of all the entries from the previous week - an amalgamation of all the entries which are not from the "current week" (table) For example; the table below shows the two entries from last week.




This week I have three new entries New entries




So when I run the same query next week I will get something like this.

Old Entries






How do I get a query /queries which divides up the weeks new entries and also all the old entries.

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All Entries To Show Up In Form

Feb 25, 2005

I have table with different companies and related info. Another table with contacts for each of the companies, each company might have different number of contacts. I want the form to show all the contacts for each of the company, if there are two contacts in the company then show two, if five then show five.
Just to make sure I am doing it the right way, what is the best way to build a form that is based on multiple tables.
Thanks in advance,

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Automatic Entries On A Form

Oct 30, 2005

I'm trying to build a Form that will allow one field to be automatically populated when data is entered in another field. I have a table that contains two Fields: Course Name and Course Code. When I enter the Course Name in a Form, I would like the corresponding Course Code to appear in the relevant box on the Form.

Can anybody point me in the right direction as to how this can be achieved



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Help With Entries On A Form Disappearing

Sep 6, 2004


i have tables called JobRecords and Customer, JobRecords contains 10,000 invoices (jobnumber 1-10000, but all are blank) these 2 tables are related by ContactRef. the idea is to select the ContactRef when entering an invoice and it will automatically fill in the address, phone number fields etc from the Customer table.

now since i need a VAT and Total values, i used a JobRecords Query, when creating the entries i had the default value for ContactRef set to (select) which in the Customer table has N/A values for all fields. my form shows all invoices with data from the jobRecords Query and Customer table, so when i added some new contacts into the Customer table, and then changed some of the invoices to show these addresses instead of (select) and N/A, they disappear.

i know that if some of the fields are null then it wont show the entire entry but even making sure all fields have data in it, it still doesnt appear in form view. it doesnt dissapear in the JobRecords Query either only the form.

my form is based on this

SELECT [JobRecords Query].JobReference, [JobRecords Query].InvoiceDate, [JobRecords Query].ContactRef, [JobRecords Query].JobDescription, [JobRecords Query].AuthNo, [JobRecords Query].AuthName, [JobRecords Query].OrderDate, [JobRecords Query].CompletionDate, [JobRecords Query].NettPayment, [JobRecords Query].VAT, [JobRecords Query].Total, [JobRecords Query].Invoiced, [JobRecords Query].Paid, [JobRecords Query].IncomeRef, Customer.DrawerRef, Customer.CustomerName, Customer.CustomerAddress, Customer.[CustomerPhone 1], Customer.[CustomerFax 1] FROM Customer INNER JOIN [JobRecords Query] ON Customer.ContactRef=[JobRecords Query].ContactRef;

can anyone help?


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Edit Previous Entries Using Form - Odd...

Jun 14, 2005

I'm working on a pre-existing form. When I open the form, I am able to enter new data and this data gets stored in the database fine. If I close that form and reopen it, I cannot view past entries or edit them. I know of a property (Allow Additions, Allow Edits, Allow Delete) which can change this behaviour, but these seem to do nothing for this form. I have them all set on yes and it behaves as I've described. Ideally, I would like to allow edits of previous data.

I thought maybe the SQL query controlling the data wasn't returning any entries, therefore no entries would be displayed. So I saved the query and opened it up to see how many entries it did find. And it found all that it should have, so I know that the SQL statement controlling the form is what I want it to be.

So my question is this: are there anymore properties or values that I don't know about, that would control the mentioned behaviour of the form? Maybe something somewhere that I'm missing, that would make the form add only?

Thanks in advance for any help. Kevygee

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Updating Form Entries To Another Table

Jun 11, 2006

Hi all

I'd be very thankful if someone can please help me with this problem.

I have 1 Table. This Table is imported and contains data from Excel. It also contains fields I added manually. There is about 20 imported fields (full of data) and about 100 manually added fields.

Then I made a Query of this table. I made some calculations in this Query.

I then created a Form based on the Query. I then made a Combo Box. This Combo Box selects a customer, and then updates the other fields (the ones I imported from Excel) depending on the customer I selected.

So now what I want to do is this: I want the fields (updated from the query) and newly entered data to save to another newly-created table. Can someone please help me with this? Any ideas?

Thanks a lot. All input greatly appreciated.


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Predictive Address Form Entries

Dec 1, 2006

i have an address memo field

on the form.. is there a way to display entries already present in certain address fields


the following address is in the 'pickup address' field and the 'destination address' field

23 High Street, South Kensington


i put a rule on my pickupaddress memo field on my form..

if they type 23.. the rest of the above address appears and offers itself to the field as a sign of good will.. of course the user can just type over it if it happens to be a different address starting with 23..

is this hard to do?

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Forms :: Multiple Entries From One Form

Jan 12, 2014

I need to create a form that will allow the user to enter details about say a water meter - make, model, size for example.

These will be from combo boxes.

Each time the form is opened though, there could be a different number of meters to enter, from 1 to xxxxx

I will need to use this method for entries on other things as well, such as users and a couple of other things. Same basis just different information.

What I want to do is have a form where they enter the number of each thing that is going to be entered, so 3 water meters, 2 users. Then hit "next".

That will then open a form with the right number of spaces to enter the details for 3 water meters, or 2 or 1 or 999 depending on how many have been entered.

As apart from putting a look in and closing/reopening a single entry form each time.

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How To Choose The 10 Latests Entries In A Table (from A Form)

Aug 10, 2007

I'll start by saying that I'm not sure which sub-forum to choose, as my question(s) covers several areas, so I have tried with this one first.

I'm currently making a database, which among other things contains a 'Port of Call list' table. I have a form, where I can add data to this table, meaning, that whenever a vessel has left its port, user can update following: Port name, security level, arrival date and departure date.

What I need is two things (it might be more or less the same):

1. When user click a "Generate" button on a form, the 10 latest port calls from the table, should be shown. I'm not sure what kind of control is the best to should the list on the form. Code is also needed.

2. I would also need to be able to print the list. It should be part of a report. Again which controls/which code to be used is needed.

I hope that someone are able to assist, as I have no clue what to do.


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Show Total Entries From A Table On A Form

May 14, 2006


i am trying to show the total number of records that are in a table.

there are currently 8 entries in the table 'applications'

now i would like to show this on a tabcontrol in a form. I have been told to use Dcount. I have read about this and tried this on my form but unfortunately its not working.

Can anyone show me an example of how i would do this.

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Forms :: Using Form To Display Previous Entries And Add New Ones?

Apr 8, 2013

I'm trying to design a simple wildlife tracking DB, so that when myself or my colleagues spot an animal we can enter its ear tag number via a form. That will either bring us up a list of previous dates/locations that animal was observed, or if it's not in the DB, allow us to enter the new animal and location.

I have two main data tables:
dt_Animal- which stores the ear tag info, species, and other information about that unique animal
dt_Sightings - stores info on when/where animals been seen (linked to dt_Animal in a one-to-many relationship, of course)

What I want is that when you open up the form, you get a box (text or combo) to enter the animal's ear tag number.

- If it already exists in the DB, it brings up all the info on that animal and its previous sightings - with the option to fill out any missing info and (of course) to add a new sighting - and it WILL NOT add a new record to dt_Animal - just to dt_Sightings
- If it DOESN'T exist in the DB, it creates a new record in dt_Animal and allows you to enter any/all of the other information

Where I'm running into problems is that I don't want duplicate records in dt_Animal - each animal is unique. I haven't found a way to set up a form so that you don't get pop-up errors if you're typing in an ear tag number that's already in the system.

I've tried various tactics involving simple coding (NotInList, etc.) that I pulled out of this forum and other places, but haven't had any luck.

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Forms :: Form Not Picking Up Previous Entries

Sep 9, 2013

I'm fairly new to databases and have been attempting to build a multi-table database. It's not properly rationalised, but I wanted to test run it to ensure it was fit for purpose first.I've built my form, which is pushing data out to several tables, but I cannot seem to get the form to pick up previous records.

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Multiple Entries In A Form At Same Time And Save

Oct 5, 2011

In access 2007, I was wondering if it was possible to have multiple people enter information in a form at the same time and have it save? The database is split so that multiple people can be in the whole database at one time, but when two people enter information in the form at one time... only one of the two can save...

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Choosing Multiple Entries In Combo Box On A Form

Jul 2, 2014

I'm quite new to creating a database. On my navigation form, I have a dropdown list/combo box that contains up to 16 possible selections. The user should be able to select more than one item, but can't, when using the navigation form. In the man form that this 'writes to' the selections can be made, with checkboxes in front of each item in the list; but not in the navigations sub-form. the Navigation sub-form only shows the list in a column. I don't see any properties that explicitly allow more than one suggestion or restrict to only one, so am I using the correct control?

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Form Entries Leaving Entry Boxes Blank

Sep 6, 2006

I have a form that allows users to search the database for records based on there criteria. The form allows the user to search, through combo boxes, by variables. The first is MAT, the second is Relocation Area. The search works fine when the user selects options form the combo boxes. However sometimes it is neccesary to leave the location field blank and only search by MAT. When the location combo box is left blank no records are found. Is there anyway around this. The SQL code for the query is below:

SELECT [Extract Data].[ID], [Extract Data].AREA, [Extract Data].[MAT], [Extract Data].[Relocation Area 1], [Extract Data].[Relocation Area 2], [Extract Data].[Relocation Area 3], [Extract Data].[Grade Score]
FROM [Extract Data]
WHERE ((([Extract Data].[MAT])>forms![Data Search]!SearchMAT) And (([Extract Data].[Relocation Area 1])=Forms![Data Search]!SearchArea)) Or ((([Extract Data].[MAT])>Forms![Data Search]!SearchMAT) And (([Extract Data].[Relocation Area 2])=Forms![Data Search]!SearchArea)) Or ((([Extract Data].[MAT])>>Forms![Data Search]!SearchMAT) And (([Extract Data].[Relocation Area 3])=Forms![Data Search]!SearchArea));

Any help would be much appreciated

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Table Record Entries Exists But 0 Shown In Form

Jul 23, 2005


In the current db there are some tables and queries, forms designed around them

With one table Test

That has 3 records in them

Just won't show in form anymore, at this stage

The Form was working previously. This is the second time this problem has came up, I thought it would go away if I made a new form and pasted all the controls and codes. It indeed went away for a while until this problem hit me again...

This db is in Access 2000 format and designed using Access 2003

I would appreciate if anyone is willing to point me to the right directions, many many thanks in advance

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Forms :: Changing Combo Box On Form To Allow Entries As Well As The List?

Jun 3, 2014

How do I change a combo box that I have on a form so that it will allow entries as well as edits?

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Forms :: Unbound Form To Make Inventory Entries?

Oct 10, 2014

I'm trying to use an unbound form to enter single inventory items to my database. As part of the function of this form, I'd like to check new items against the current inventory, and perform the function you can see in the error handling code(Which works fine). Currently, when I try to run this I get an error on the syntax of the 'FROM' clause.

Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Private Sub btnCommit_Click()
'On Error GoTo errHandler
Dim SQL As String
SQL = " INSERT INTO [InventoryDetail]" & _


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Queries :: Show New Record Entries Made From A Form

Feb 26, 2014

I created a form for data entry only where records could be continually added until you were done and closed the form. Into that form I dropped a query that kept a running list in datasheet form of all the new records entered while the form was open, and then cleared when the form was closed (so the query was empty when the form was opened again).

My Problem: I accidentally deleted that query.

What I need:

-Query to be empty when form is opened.
-Records added while form is open get displayed in the query after record is saved.

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Forms :: One Form To Create Multiple Data Entries

Dec 30, 2013

What the database currently has: A payment entry form consistenting of many fields. This form populates a payment entry table. Some of the fields within the payment entry form are linked to other tables and queries for data (such as a recipient list).

What the database now needs: A group payment option. Should ten people attend a dinner, the total cost needs to be divided among the attendees, and then the payment entry form table populated with ten different entries and the subdivided cost of the dinner per person.

My thoughts: The most ideal thing to do is to have a hidden recipients window show up when the user indicates that this is for a group event. The user could then add all the additional recipients (beyond the primary which is already collected on the form), and the total amount for the meal. The database would then generate an entry for each recipient listed, dividing the total cost among them, and then simply duplicating the rest of the information as is.

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Login Form - How To Check 2 Data Entries To See If They Are In Table

Sep 28, 2012

I have a login form. 2 spots for users to input and ID and their name. I want to do error checking to see the user inputs a wrong name or wrong id with their corresponding name or ID. For example, I don't want User A to be able to login with User B's name. If User A inputs their ID and inputs User B's name, I want to show an error message stating the their is a mismatch of credentials. Here is my code

Private Sub Command12_Click()
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim txtID As Variant
txtID = Forms![LoginForm2]![txtEmployeeID]
txtName = Forms![LoginForm2]![Text13]
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM CoachTable WHERE EmployeeID = '" & txtID & "'", dbOpenDynaset)

[Code] .....

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Form Should Only Submit If Number Of Entries In Table Field Is Less Than 3?

May 29, 2014

I have a form (called User_Input)with 2 text boxes, 5 combo boxes and a Submit button, which is bound to a table (called Submssion table) i.e the form submits its entries into the table called Submission.

I want the submit button on the form to work based on this condition:

1. Check current submission of four fields (corresponding to entries from 4 out of the 5 combo boxes on the form) in the table and confirm if the current selection on the form already occurs in the table up to two times. If this is the case, the Message Box should pop up on the form informing user to make another selection as maximum number of entries for that particular selection is already in the Submission table.

2. The checks for the four fields will be done simultaneously as the selection will be done together on the same form.

3. However, if the entries on the Submission table is not up to 2, the entries should be saved to the table and Messagebox should display "Thank you for your Submission"

I need to use Macros for this being a web database which will be published using Sharepoint and VB is incompatible with the web database.

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Forms :: Prevent Duplicate Entries Of Field On Input Form

Nov 24, 2014

I have recently started working for a new company and have inherited a nightmare of a system!

I have basic knowledge of Access and have been asked to stop duplicate entries under the same PO Number.

I have tried using DLookups by looking at other posts on the forum with no success.

The input form is called Purchase Order Entry, with the field called PO_No. The table is called Orders, with the field called Purchase Order Number.

I have tried to make the Purchase Order Number in the Orders table, the primary key but an error that it cannot contain a null value appears.

The Purchase orders may not be entered into the database in numerical order also.

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Forms :: Adding Table New Entries With Form Retrieving Data

Nov 15, 2014

I have quite an extensive form linked to a table. When I add new columns to the table I seem to have a problem getting the form to read the data.I have just added a numerical column to the table and added a text box on the form that is bound to it. When I try to pull up the value using VBA it is blank, even though an entry is visible on the form. I have set the text box to general number and the entry shows in the actual table. When typing in the entry into VBA it capitalises where required so it must be registering the table entry. However the value it pulls remains blank.

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Forms :: Inputting Data Into A Form And Getting Multiple Table Entries

Jul 3, 2014

I'm fairly new to access and have been tasked with fixing a database that to my knowledge is built incorrectly but due to budget constraints and the time it would take to build a new one, we have to stick with this one. Here's my problem, in the database is a form that we use to create new entries in a table but when I try to create a new entry through the form, it creates multiple entries in the table with the rest of the data split between all the new table entries. Is this something that is caused by us moving over to the most current version of Access? Is there a way to fix this problem given the software we are using? At one point I had recreated this table because we had been having issues with other aspects of the database (security deposits were not being updated when entered through this form).

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