Equipment And Personnel Check In And Out Database Using Barcode Reader

Jul 31, 2013

My desired output of this is to have a database to allow me to quickly check in and out equipment and personnel using a barcode scanner. I am using access 2013 and started with the asset tracking template downloaded from Microsoft. Where I am hung up right now is adding the personnel check in and out (each member of the team will have a barcode attached to their id) I want to be able to just scan their badge when they show up and again when they leave. At the end I will run a report that shows who was on scene (it is for a search and rescue team) during a certain day or time range.

I have added two new tables one check in and one check out the only fields are firedeptID and CheckIn or CheckOut a date/time field CheckIn and CheckOut Auto populatewith Now(). The first problem is that I think I need to turn off (if possible)the auto creation of a new record every time, when I scan in an ID right now that record gets the time stamp of the last time the new record was created IE.Last week when the last person scanned in and the new record was created. I assume I am going the same type of issue when I start working on checking out the equipment.

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Forms :: Put Barcode In Field When Reader Scans Barcode / It Records Current Time

Nov 11, 2013

I want to be able to put a barcode in a field that when a reader scans the barcode it records the current time. Need it for access control to record who is in and out of the office. Reading other threads I understand it may be possible in Dlookup.

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Barcode Reader

May 10, 2006

Hi all,
I am trying to use a barcode reader with an Access database. The raw data is a linked table to a Crystal Report Excel dump that is updated daily. My problem, the raw data “Asset Tag” field is numbers only. The barcode has the needed numbers but is preceded by “PC”.

Raw data Asset Tag “12064621”
Barcode Asset Tag ”PC12064621”

Is there a way to remove the “PC” from the scanned “lookup” field?

Scan the barcode tag into the form, bringing up all related information on that Asset.

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Barcode Reader With Access DB

Dec 9, 2005


One of users of supermarket is running my db successfully since long. But due to the change of time & his progress in business, he expanded his supermarket and it is becoming difficult to use the keyboard to enter the digits for the price.

Hence he asked me to make db able to read barcode on the items so the transaction would take very little time.

To be frank, I do not have any experience about barcode reader how to implement it with Access db.

What kind of barcode readers are available that would EASILY set with Access db? R They really work with Access db? What steps I need to carry out to implement it?

Please advice if anyone of you has any idea in this regard.

With kind regards,

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Queries :: Equipment Check In Form That Will Update One Record?

Mar 12, 2014

I have a transaction table the last record is [EquipIn]. during the equipment checkOut process all the other headings in the table are filled in. The idea is to fill in the [EquipIn] record a couple of days later when the equip is returned. How the heck can I make a equipment check in form that will update that one record? I can't do this manually as we have 1000+ pieces of equipment.

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Equipment Rental Database

Oct 13, 2007

Hi, I am new to access and was if someone could assist me in designing a database exactly like the rentmaster software on this website( I was told to design a database just like this one but, I am not all that familiar with ms access 2003. I've try searching google and microsoft's website for database templatesand I didn't see anything similiar to it. Any help with this is greatly appreciated and if I didn't go about posting this in the correctly, I am extremely sorry. Please don't hesistate to tell me and/or guide me to the right place.

Thanks, Val

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Modules & VBA :: Machinery Database To Match Parts Up With Equipment - How To Do Custom Sorts

May 24, 2014

I am creating a Machinery database to match parts up with equipment. So they can see what the Equipment is and all the available parts. The sort needs to be like this

First Sort:

If the manufacturer of the machine is the same as the manufacturer of the part sort that at top then sort alphabetical

Is this possible? Each equipment would have a different manufacturer so I can not do some type of hard coding.

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Reports :: Barcode Font - Generate Number As Barcode On Report Records

Jun 8, 2013

I am using a barcode font in order to generate a number as a barcode on my report records. In order for my barcode scanner to read the barcode it needs an asterisk at the beginning and at the end.

So, if my record ID is 62 - in order for the barcode to be displayed correctly, it needs to be on the report as *62* .

Without digressing into a discussion on barcode methods in Access, how can I precede and succeed each ID number field with an asterisks?

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Personnel / Document Storage, Archive

Aug 9, 2007

My database is to have a Personnel data area whereby I can store all relevant details for employees within the company.
I plan to incorporate a feature whereby I can alos maintain a history of documentation written and issued including links to the actual documents for that employee during their time with the company.

Has anyone done a similar thing they would be willing to allow me to use?
I figure this would contain links to work documents stored on the hard drive in a specific folder. Selection of a specific item from a historical list - would invoike Word /similar and display the appropriate file...

Any ideas would be gratefully received.
Thank you.

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General :: Clashing Events With Personnel

Dec 16, 2012

I have a table that stores events and then associates individual people to it. (I do this using a weak table between Events and Personnel) One person can be attached to many events and one event can have many people assigned.

Events.PKEvents - AutoNumber Primary Key
Events.EventName - Text
Events.StartDate - Date/Time
Events.EndDate - Date/Time

I have a second table where I store individual names that attend each event.

MMEventtoPersonnel.PKMMEventtoPersonnel - AutoNumber (Indexed no duplicates)
MMEventtoPersonnel.FKPersonnel (This links to a Personnel table, but I don't think it's structure is important at this stage)

The combination of FKEvents and FKPersonnel is the primary key for the MMEventtoPersonnel table.

What I need to do is flag the record in the subform, if a person is already assigned to an event that includes the date for the current event shown.

For example, Smith is assigned to an event from 12/12/2012 through 12/30/2012.

Someone comes along and want to add him to an event between 12/11/2012 and 12/20/2012. I don't want to stop the entry, (Their might be a good reason why they need to overlap.) just flag it.

I have an "Inclusive dates Query" that lists every date between a start end date using a cartesian product query.

I built a query that selects all events that have dates that exist between the start and end date "selClashPersonnel", I then used selClashPersonnel to count the number of collisions, creating a IIf statement to code and count whether there is a clash.

Problem is that it is requires a specific form to be loaded, and I use the form many other times in the database. Plus I can't get it to update on the forms. I tried DLookUp, but that doesn't seem to be functioning properly.

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General :: Join Key Of Personnel Table Not In Recordset

Jan 26, 2015

I am fairly new to access, and have the following problem with the attached new DB. Thought I have designed the start of a good database with a "Junction Table". Have 1 problem, cannot enter a new name on the from, gives the error below:

"Join key of personnel table not in recordset" ...

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Reports :: Link Report - Display Percentage Of Personnel Deployed

Jan 31, 2014

I need to display on a report the percentage of personnel deployed.

that is fine: 2 TextBoxes Sum1 and Sum2 and a third set to =Sum1/Sum2 and displayed as percentage in the setting.

My problem is that i need to be able to link the subreport to the main report by the field 'Type' from the table 'Job'

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Magnetic Card Reader

Apr 7, 2008

Looking at creating a database that looks up records based on a number from a magnetic card. Has anyone ever come across any code that will pull the info from the serial port? I have been looking for 2 days and not able to find anything. I have the card reader but do not have any software to get the info from the serial port and my limted coding does not even come close to what I need. Any help or a push in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.


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Meter Reader In Access

Mar 7, 2008


I m new, and i want to make a meter reader in Access for daily use. i want to be enter only last reading every day at data entry form and that last reading must appear as first reading of the next day automaticaly in same table, because i have only one table in my database. fields are "date", "1streading", "2ndreading" & one data entry form and one report. is it possible in access, if so please help me. thanks

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Equipment Reservation Db

Jul 11, 2006

I am currently creating a data base in access for reservation of audiovisual equipment. My form provides the selection of the equipment, the date and hour to be used and hour to be returned. My mayor concern is to not reserve the equipment twice(same day and hour). I want to be able to have a message telling the user that the equipment is not available upon the selection of the hour. Any ideas on this.


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Equipment Tracking Db

Dec 31, 2007

I need help finding an existing or making a db. This db does not have much to it, so I am getting frustrated finding/making one.

My company has equipment that is stored in one of three places, customers, trucks of employees, and other(like warehouse, or out for repair). The db should be able to give me a report of where everything is on a given day, and a report of what was in a given customers property during the job(this is not for a single day, but for the duration of the job).

If someone knows of an existing db like this, I would appreciate a link. If you want to help, it is appreciated. At this point I would not mind paying someone to do this for me, as long as it wont cost too much.

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Equipment Control Db

Jul 12, 2005


I am new to db and would like to do a simple db for items of equipment going out and coming back in showing who has been allocated what.

So one person could have many item but the item can only be issued once until it is booked back in. I would also like a history of transactions.

Only something simple, so we have a record who has what if we need to find something and when they had it etc.

Many Thanks


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General :: Finger Print Reader And Access

Dec 24, 2014

I have just finished putting together an access database as a payroll. It is working fine and it will now save the company a lot of man hours in calculations.

When the employee clocks in or out there is a form and the employee has to key in a unique employee number and a password, which of necessity is hidden from view. Of course the password can be divulged from one employee to another.

Consequently, eventually I will need to incorporate a finger print reader and use the information from this instead of the password.

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Queries :: Show All Books Not Borrowed By A Reader

Aug 23, 2013

How can I show by query all the books that has not been borrowed by a chosen reader?

My query setup is:

Table 1 readers( name etc.)
Table 2 books (name etc)
Table 3 Table of borrowing dates linked by 1 to many link to tables 1 and 2

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General :: Creating PDF From Report Opens Adobe Reader

Mar 18, 2015

Since converting to Access 2010, when I use the "PDF or XPS" button to create a PDF from a report, after the save dialog it opens the PDF in Adobe reader, and then after I close it there is another dialog with the option to save the export steps. Is there any way to just be able to save the PDF and go back to where I was without having to do the extra clicks to get back?

Back in Access 2000 I had created a custom button on a toolbar that would automatically make a PDF from the open report, but that didn't transfer over when I converted the database to 2010.

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Randomly Selecting Equipment Number

Dec 28, 2006

I have a table that consist of equipments. In it is a equipment number field. I need a way to randomly pull up these equipment numbers-kind of like a lottery. Please help.

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Creating Equipment ID's Automatically From Departmental Info

Jan 17, 2005


I am starting to get further into access development, originally i started from a sample database and have been teaching myself as i go along. This database has come pretty far and the farther it comes along the more my company demands of me from it!

either way, it is basically a database that holds all of our asset information, equipment parts, workorders and preventative maintenance. We've been plugging along just fine but I want to help their productivity and have access automatically create "Equipment ID"'s from information that is entered by the person adding an asset. I would like it to create an ID from Entry of the Department, Location, and then a 4 digit Autonumber after that.

Basically we have a few basic departments, IT, Facilities, etc. and a few locations... So we have been setting our equipment ID's like this:

AA - Two characters for the Location
BB - Two characters for the department
0000 - numbered field

So I really would like to be able to create these automatically instead of manually typing them in to a text field with an input mask.

AABB-0000 to automatically create entries from the departmental info, location info and then automatically create a 4 digit number in order to follow it.

What is the best way to do this? Keep in mind I am just barely able to do any code, I only have been going from what i see in the database and building upon it and learning a few bits and pieces of code from there. So if you start going into a code explaination go slow~!


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Queries :: How To Get A List Of ALL Equipment Showing Most Recent Date And Time

Mar 23, 2013

I've got three tables:

equipmentnumber (user defined ID)

fromparty (c for customer, e for employee, o for other)
frompartyid (foriegn key to either customer, employee or other)
toparty (same as from)
topartyid (same as from)


How can I get a list of ALL equipment showing the most recent date and time, also showing the respective toparty and topartyid? I can get it fairly easily, except for including toparty and topartyid.

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Convert Listed Dates To Duration To Calculate Equipment Rental Fees

Apr 7, 2015

I'm new in access I working on DB for my company equipment

I used tables and queries and reached to the following query

Query name (02-By Project)

KSC_NO From_Project To_project Date_of_Trans
K-01-037 52500 12013 02/14/2014
K-01-037 12013 52500 03/31/2015
K-01-037 52500 12013 04/07/2015
K-01-129 52500 12013 03/03/2015

I want to make query to give me the following

KSC_NO IN_Date Out_date Duration (months)
K-01-037 02/14/2014 03/31/2015 13.6667
K-01-037 04/07/2015 Today 0.0333
K-01-037 03/03/2015 Today 1.2

Is that possible?

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Can Someone Check My Database?

Nov 16, 2004

I'm relatively new to this Access thing... and I just finished my first one. Well, not finished, as it doesn't work right! Can someone check it out for me and tell me what I'm doing wrong?

It's a customer database I'm making for my work, and I hope to really impress the boss with it! I have the form created to enter in all the customer info, but tab/enter don't go to the next field... and sometimes all the info will dissapear! Then it will re-appear if I go to enter a new contact!

The file is 560kb, so I can easily email it to anyone who will help. Thanks a million!!!

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Database Check?... Can Someone Take A Quick Look Please?

Jun 12, 2006

Hey guys,
I'm having two small issues with my database. The first is, I can't get my drop-down to display content on the Form "frmSearch" under "Cast".

And the second, not really a problem, more of an inquiry... on the same form, is there a way to set a default value in the "released before..." and "released after..." of "(enter year - xxxx)" and have that value not interfere with the search feature if it is left as default?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm very new to database creation and an eager to learn about these things. Thank you!

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