Err Msg : External Table Is Not In The Expected Format.

Feb 4, 2007

A lady at work created an Access database that imports a dBase 5 file and when I go to import this file on User #1 PC it gives the error;

"External table is not in the expected format."

I can use the same Access database and same dBase file to import (stored on a shared network drive) from User #2 & #3's PC's and all works well. The only problem is that it is User #1 job to do this.

I unloaded Access 2003 and reloaded it and still the same results. All 3 PC's are identical via hardware and software.

It use to work until this past Tuesday when it started to give the error.

My steps are:
open the "Sales" Access database
select the prices table
Get External Data / Import and then select Prices.dbf
Then the error message comes up.

I am not an Access database guy and could use some help!



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Modules & VBA :: Error 3274 - External Table Is Not In Expected Format

Apr 2, 2014

I have a function that exports a number of tables within an access 2007 database to one spreadsheet using docmd.transferspreadsheet.

The error message in the title of this post presents itself during a loop which transfers the tables to the spreadsheet. However, it doesn't always happen, sometimes it completes the process perfectly which is quite frustrating.

Below is the section of code where the error occurs ....

Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tbl_Table_Exports WHERE Type = 'CRM'", dbOpenSnapshot)
Do Until rs.EOF
TableName = rs.Fields("Table")
WSName = rs.Fields("WSName")
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, TableName, NewWBPath, True, WSName

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Modules & VBA :: Exporting Tables - External Table Is Not In Expected Format

Sep 15, 2014

I'm currently using the following VBA to export all tables within my DB to Excel on separate tabs:

Dim td As DAO.TableDef, db As DAO.Database
Dim out_file As String
out_file = CurrentProject.Path & "" & "Backup.xls"
Set db = CurrentDb()
For Each td In db.TableDefs
If Left(td.Name, 4) = "MSys" Then
'We do not need MSys tables in excel file
DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, _
td.Name, out_file, True, Replace(td.Name, "dbo_", "") 'We do not need dbo prefix in sheetnames
End If

But upon exporting I get the following error:

"Run-time error 3274' External table is not in expected format"

It then hightlights the following line:

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel9, _
td.Name, out_file, True, Replace(td.Name, "dbo_", "")

If i navigate to the directory i can see that it has exported it to excel(attempted), but half of the tables(tabs) are missing.

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Linked (external) Table Help

May 29, 2005

I have a database which contains a link to an external table.
This link is broken, however, if the external table's database is moved (yes, I know this isn't a suprise).

What I want to know is if there's a way that would be easy for a user who's not very confident to easily change the path to the table. I don't care how--a popup box, a form, whatever, as long as it'll be easier for them than unhiding the main dtabase window, dleting the exiting link, and making a new one...

Is this possible?

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Linking An External Table Through ADO - Not Working!

Feb 17, 2005

code Fails at appending new table to catalog,
i am missing something, don'tknow what though,

thanks in advance,

Private Const strProvider As String = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source="

Private Sub ADOLinkProjMaster_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)

Dim cnn As ADODB.Connection
Set cnn = New ADODB.Connection

cnn.Open strProvider & "F:PROJMASTER.mdb"
Debug.Print cnn.ConnectionString

Dim cat As ADOX.Catalog
Set cat = New ADOX.Catalog

Dim tblLink As ADOX.Table
Set tblLink = New ADOX.Table

' Open the catalog.
cat.ActiveConnection = cnn

With tblLink
' Name the new Table and set its ParentCatalog property to the
' open Catalog to allow access to the Properties collection.
.Name = "PROJMSTR"
Set .ParentCatalog = cat
' Set the properties to create the link.
.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Create Link") = True
.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Link Datasource") = strProvider & "F:PROJMASTER.mdb"
.Properties("Jet OLEDB:Remote Table Name") = "PROJMASTER"
End With

' Append the table to the Tables collection.
cat.Tables.Append tblLink

Set cat = Nothing

End Sub

what am i missing??

oh, and i shouldn't see the table in the db container either, correct?

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Updating Table From External Source

Sep 10, 2007

Dear Forum,

I have a question and I would be very happy if you could help me with some thoughts on how to start.

I have a database, which contains one table tbX, which ist interesting in this context. tbX needs to be updated on a regular basis, hence it would be very helpful to automate this process.

Source is the table tbY, which is located in another database in a different directory. What I am looking for is basically a query (or do I need a macro?), which deletes tbX, imports tbY and changes its name to tbX.

As there is no macro recorder like in Excel I find it very difficult to find a start here... :confused:

I'd be happy for any suggestion.

Thank you.

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Import Table From External Database?

Apr 23, 2013

Using access 2010. Trying to set up an import table from an external database.

DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", "Y:DevTestFolder2013 01 Some Data Name", acTable, "tblName", "tblName"

I get an error 3024 could not find the file Y"DevTestFolder2013....

The database I am importing from is a 2003 .mdb

I tried the brackets because the file has spaces in it but still get the same error.

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Import External Table, Access Does Not Like Field Name

Sep 27, 2005


I would like to link to an external data source (table) from MS Access 2003. I attempt to use the 'Import' feature to do this, and select 'ODBC Connection'. I am trying to connect to an application called 'Action Remedy'. I make the connection fine, but when Access attempts to import the table, it does not like one of the Action Remedy field names, and the Import aborts. The name is something like "Call Status-History.Closed.Time". Obviously, Access does not like this field name. And the chances of getting it changed (on the A/R backend are slim to none). Thus, my question: Is there away around this ?

Thanks !

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Tables :: Updating Table Data From External Db?

Dec 24, 2012

I have an Access db in a 3 person multi-user environment on a Windows network.

There is a "PRODUCTION" db and a "DEVELOPMENT" db.

Let's call them PROD and DEV.

PROD has the most current data, shipping records, item master, customer data, sales, etc. - but not the most current structure.

DEV has the most current struture - all the front end stuff - forms, functions, modules, etc. - but not the most current data.

The way I've handled this in the past (it seemed to work) was to take the PROD db and rename it to PRODX. Then take the DEV db and rename it PROD. Then open DEV (now called PROD) using the usual shortcut to PROD.

So now that opens fine, and I have to update all the tables from PRODX - and I mean ALL of them - since I don't really know what data has changed since the last update.If I try to delete records I get blocked by access because of all the related records (I don't have cascade delete set on every relationship). So I delete the whole table - ALL of them (this requires me to also delete the relationships). Then I IMPORT all the tables from PRODX (these have the current data). But now the relationships are all gone. It seemed at first that the relationships were back and intact - but when I last looked they were gone. So this is my problem.

HOW do I COMPLETELY empty ALL of the tables - or even delete them - and then restore them or repopulate them from an exact copy of the db but with current table data - and WITHOUT affecting the relationships?

Obviously any back end structural changes have to be handled differently. Usually by manually making the same change on the PROD db that I had in the DEV db - because deleting the table will cause the structural changes to be lost.

One last thing - I've been working this way on an un-split db, and now I'm in the process of splitting it - which SHOULD make updates much easier.

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Tables :: Import Table From External Database

Apr 23, 2013

Using access 2010. Trying to set up an import table from an external database.

DoCmd.TransferDatabase acImport, "Microsoft Access", "Y:DevTestFolder2013 01 Some Data Name", acTable, "tblName", "tblName"

I get an error 3024 could not find the file Y"DevTestFolder2013....

The database I am importing from is a 2003 .mdb. I tried the brackets because the file has spaces in it but still get the same error.

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Modules & VBA :: Find All Table Names From External File

Nov 6, 2013

I'm trying to find all the table names inside an external access file from a path.

I have a code for the user to select a file which return a patch to the file.

Then I need to find all the tables names from that file and append them to a list.

so I them can input them into a code and link the tables.

here is the code to get the file patch:

Function getFileName(path) As String
Dim f As Object
Dim varFile As Variant
Dim path
Set f = Application.FileDialog(3)

[Code] ......

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Appending External Text File To Table With Primary Key?

Aug 13, 2014

I have a table that contains a primary key and I am trying to append records from a text file. When I go to append the records, it tell me that XXX amount of records were lost due to key violations. Shouldn't access be able to figure out how to create new ID's on newly appended data?

Access 2007.

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Modules & VBA :: Get Filtered / Grouped External Data Into MS Access Table

Oct 20, 2014

I have an Excel file with a name range "DBIAS" which identifies all database data.

Then I have an Access file with a form to import that database (better, that named range) into an Access table. While importing, I have to filter some records or grouping by some field.

I cannot run correctly a VBA code to get data (filtered and/or grouped) from that name range and save those records to an existing or a brand new table.

I could get those data as DAO.recordset and printed out with "Debug.print" on immediate window, but I cannot complete the final step: writing those records to a table.

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Too Few Parameters. Expected 1.

Jun 8, 2007

I am using Access to run my database. I am using Coldfusion to power the website. What I need to do is be able to update some fields. The problems first start in the select query, however.

There are two different forms. One that is a select box that has the options of "Buyers", "Sellers", "Newsletter". Onchange the select box (named "page"). When I submit that box it needs to populate a second box. That box is populated with the information found in the table that is selected in the first box.

Here is the query that it is using to get the information to populate:

SELECT RE.Information, RE.Page
WHERE (((RE.Page)=""));

Does anyone see a problem?

Here's the result:

] Too few parameters. Expected 1.

The error occurred in D:Inetpubaheart4homeadmineditpages.cfm: line 10

8 : SELECT RE.Information, RE.Page
10 : WHERE (((RE.Page)=""));
11 : </cfquery>
12 : </cfif>


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Too Few Parameters Expected.1

Nov 2, 2006

I have write the following code but on execution gives the following error. "Too few parameters. Expected.1"

the code is myQuery = "INSERT INTO SummaryHistory (HTimeStamp, HDiaryNo, HDiaryDate, HRecivedFrom, HSentTo, HReffrenceNo, HSentDate, HPageFrom, HPageTo, HRemarks, SummaryID) "

myQuery = myQuery + " VALUES ('" & myTimeStamp & _
"', '" & myDiaryNo & _
"', " & myDiaryDate & _
", '" & myRecivedFrom & _
"', '" & mySentTo & _
"', '" & myReffrenceNo & _
"', " & mySentDate & _
", " & myPageFrom & _
", " & myPageTo & _
", '" & myRemarks & _
"', " & myID & _
" )"

CurrentDb.Execute (myQuery)

on this last line its give error

any idea

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Error: Too Few Parameters. Expected 1

Feb 11, 2008

Hi All,I am getting problem "Error: too few parameters. Expected 1" when following Query is executed to updated a Flag Value in a table on Click event of a Submit button. CurrentDb.Execute "UPDATE Scheduled_Appointment SET Is_Taken = 1 WHERE Scheduled_Appointment_ID LIKE Me.Sch_P_ID"Where:Table: Scheduled_AppointmentColumn: Scheduled_Appointment_ID [Primary Key]Column: Is_Taken [ColumnType = Number ]Text Field: Me.Sch_P_ID [contains the Scheduled_Appointment_ID value for the selected Record on the Form]Thanks in Advance.

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OnDirty Not Responding As Expected

Mar 22, 2006

I have tried to display a message asking if you are sure you want to change data when you enter a field that already contains data. This is via a combo box.

Even when the entry is new, the message comes up. I have tried using OnDirty, OnChange, and AfterUpdate, but I always get the message on new input. Any suggestions?


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Run-time Error '3061'- Expected 1

Jan 18, 2006

I have a error I need help with. Here is my code for my Global, and My Form Current: See the red for the Error Line, that show up in the VBE and the Blue is the code related to that line. I am using access 2003

'Declare all variables for right-side record counter
Dim bdg As DAO.Recordset
Dim swr As DAO.Recordset
Dim wtr As DAO.Recordset
Dim dmo As DAO.Recordset
''Dim dvt As DAO.Recordset
Dim occ As DAO.Recordset
Dim fre As DAO.Recordset
Dim swrlat As DAO.Recordset
Dim wrtlat As DAO.Recordset

Dim bdgCount As Integer
Dim swrcount As Integer
Dim wtrcount As Integer
Dim dmocount As Integer
Dim dvtcount As Integer
Dim occcount As Integer
Dim frecount As Integer
Dim countswr As Integer 'laterial counter
Dim countwtr As Integer 'laterial counter

Dim sqlbdg As String
Dim sqlswr As String
Dim sqlwtr As String
Dim sqldmo As String
''Dim sqldvt As String
Dim sqlocc As String
Dim sqlfre As String
Dim sqlswrlat As String
Dim sqlwtrlat As String

Dim db As DAO.Database

Private Sub Form_Current()
Set db = CurrentDb()
'Use SQL strings to pull data from the tables
sqlbdg = "SELECT [Building].[PIN] FROM Building WHERE [Building].[PIN]='" & Me![ADDRESS3] & "' ;"
sqlswr = "SELECT [Sewerform].[PIN] FROM [SEWER SERVICE LATERALS] WHERE [Sewerform].[PIN]='" & Me![ADDRESS3] & "' ;"
sqlwtr = "SELECT [water].[PIN] FROM [WATER SERVICE LATERALS] WHERE [water].[PIN]='" & Me![ADDRESS3] & "' ;"
sqlswrlat = "SELECT [SewerMain].[PIN] FROM [SEWER MAIN PRBLEMS] WHERE [SewerMain].[PIN]='" & Me![ADDRESS3] & "' ;"
sqlwtrlat = "SELECT [WaterMain].[PIN] FROM [WATER MAIN PROBLEMS] WHERE [WaterMain].[PIN]='" & Me![ADDRESS3] & "' ;"
sqldmo = "SELECT [Demolition Permits].[PID] FROM [Demolition Permits] WHERE [Demolition Permits].[PID]='" & Me![ADDRESS3] & "' ;"
''There is no PIN field in the development table ==> sqlwtr = "SELECT [Development Permits].[PIN] FROM [Development Permits] WHERE [Development Permits].[PIN]='" & Me![ADDRESS3] & "' ;"
sqlocc = "SELECT [Occupancy].[PIN] FROM Occupancy WHERE [Occupancy].[PIN]='" & Me![ADDRESS3] & "' ;"
sqlfre = "SELECT [Freeze].[PIN] FROM Freeze WHERE [FREEZE].[PIN]='" & Me![ADDRESS3] & "' ;"

Set bdg = db.OpenRecordset(sqlbdg, dbOpenSnapshot)
Set swr = db.OpenRecordset(sqlswr, dbOpenSnapshot)
Set wtr = db.OpenRecordset(sqlwtr, dbOpenSnapshot)
Set dmo = db.OpenRecordset(sqldmo, dbOpenSnapshot)
''Set dvt = db.OpenRecordset(sqldvt, dbOpenSnapshot)
Set occ = db.OpenRecordset(sqlocc, dbOpenSnapshot)
Set fre = db.OpenRecordset(sqlfre, dbOpenSnapshot)
Set swrlat = db.OpenRecordset(sqlswrlat, dbOpenSnapshot)
Set wrtlat = db.OpenRecordset(sqlwtrlat, dbOpenSnapshot)

'Building recordset
On Error Resume Next
If bdg.EOF And bdg.BOF = True Then
bdgCount = 0

With bdg
bdgCount = .RecordCount
End With

End If

'Sewer recordset
On Error Resume Next
If swr.EOF And swr.BOF = True Then
swrcount = 0

With swr
swrcount = .RecordCount
End With

End If

'Water recordset
On Error Resume Next
If wtr.EOF And wtr.BOF = True Then
wtrcount = 0

With wtr
wtrcount = .RecordCount
End With

End If
'Sewer laterial recordset
On Error Resume Next
If swrlat.EOF And swrlat.BOF = True Then
countswr = 0

With swrlat
countswr = .RecordCount
End With

End If

'Water laterial recordset
On Error Resume Next
If wrtlat.EOF And wrtlat.BOF = True Then
countwtr = 0

With wrtlat
countwtr = .RecordCount
End With

End If

'Demolition recordset
On Error Resume Next
If dmo.EOF And dmo.BOF = True Then
dmocount = 0

With dmo
dmocount = .RecordCount
End With

End If

'Development recordset
''On Error Resume Next
''If dvt.EOF And dvt.BOF = True Then
dvtcount = 0

''With dvt
'' .MoveFirst
'' .MoveLast
'' dvtcount = .RecordCount
''End With

''End If

'Occupancy recordset
On Error Resume Next
If occ.EOF And occ.BOF = True Then
occcount = 0

With occ
occcount = .RecordCount
End With

End If

'Freeze recordset
On Error Resume Next
If fre.EOF And fre.BOF = True Then
frecount = 0

With fre
frecount = .RecordCount
End With

End If

'Set the values of the recordcounts to the appropriate text boxes

txtbdgcount.Text = bdgCount
txtswrcount.Text = swrcount
txtwtrcount.Text = wtrcount
txtdmocount.Text = dmocount
txtdvtcount.Text = dvtcount
txtocccount.Text = occcount
txtfrecount.Text = frecount
txtcountswr.Text = countswr
txtcountwtr.Text = countwtr


' Provide a record counter for using with
' custom navigation buttons (when not using
' Access built in navigation)

Dim rst As DAO.Recordset
Dim lngCount As Long

Set rst = Me.RecordsetClone

With rst
lngCount = .RecordCount
End With

'Show the result of the record count in the text box (txtRecordNo)

Me.Text34 = "Record " & Me.CurrentRecord & " of " & lngCount
End Sub

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Query Returning MORE Results Than Expected

Mar 2, 2007

Hi all:

running access 2000. I have a query that I selected to return the Top 1 record sorted descending on the date so it would pick the most recent entry. I did it by selecting Top 5 from the drop down box in query design mode and then changed the 5 to a 1 using SQL View from qry design.

SELECT TOP 1 Class.CourseID, User.UserName, Class.TrainerID, Class.ClassLocationID, Class.ElapsedTime, Class.ClassDate, Class.Comments
FROM [User] INNER JOIN Class ON User.UserID = Class.UserID
ORDER BY Class.ClassDate DESC;

It still gives me as many records as are entered on the system. How can I get JUST the most recent record entry?


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Query Not Returning All Expected Data

Sep 7, 2007

O.k. I have a query working, and it's calculating perfectly and I'm reporting on it fine. However I noticed that when I run the query it doesn't populate the equation for all the results. Let me explain further.

I have a main form for tracking company information, and a sub form that tracks departments for that company and waste breakdown information. We take measurements for the company in two ways. 1 - a total weight for the day, and 2 - we weigh out categories of waste (within the sub form that tracks the department stuff)..we then calculate what percentage of the daily waste a specific category is. This calculation is done in a query, and works fine for the first department of every company, however when it moves to the next department for the same company, all I get is #Error in the field. eg./

Company "X"
Total Daily Weight = 750 Kilograms
Department "Shipping"
Category - Plastic Bottles - 20 Kilograms

I then have a query that calculates what % 20 Kilograms is of 750, then a report based on the query. This works fine; However in my report I look at the next department, with the exact same informaton as above...I see #Error returned in the field.:confused:

Does all of that make sense?? Is there a way to make sure my query calculation flows through all of the departments??


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Compare Actual Records To Expected

Jan 28, 2008

Not even sure where to start so if this isn't a query question, please point me in the right direction.

I work in a plant that has a number of cranes. Each crane should be inspected each shift (three shifts per day), each day (less Sunday).

I have exactly what I need to capture the inspections being done. Inspections are identified by crane #, shift, and date.

How do I determine if an inspection hasn't been done? How do I compare the inspections that have been entered against the standard of inspections for each crane, each shift, each day?

I am below average with Access on my best day so please type slowly and be specific. Thanks for any help you can give.


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Error 3061; Too Few Parameters. Expected 2

Jun 15, 2005

I am running this code, and i am getting this error:

Code:Private Sub SendFormToConsultants_Click() On Error GoTo Err_SendFormToConsultants_Click Dim stWhere As String '-- Criteria for DLookup Dim varTo As Variant '-- Address for SendObject Dim stText As String '-- E-mail text Dim stSubject As String '-- Subject line of e-mail Dim stCOFNumber As String '-- The COF Number from form Dim stCustomerID As String '-- The Customer ID from form Dim stCompanyName As String '-- The Company Name from form Dim stContactName As String '-- The Contact Name from form Dim stAddress As String '-- The Company Address from form Dim stTRDW As String '-- The TRDW from form Dim stPreReq As String '-- The PreReq from form Dim stWorkLoc As String '-- The Location of Work from form Dim stDelivActiv As String '-- The Deliverables/Activities from form Dim stStartDate As Date '-- The Start Date from Subform Dim stEndDate As Date '-- The End Date from Subform Dim stWho As String '-- Reference to Resources Dim strSQL As String '-- Create SQL update statement Dim errLoop As Error '-- Combo of names to assign COF to stWho = Me.COF_Scheduled__Assigned_Resources__Subform1!Res ourceName stWhere = "Resources.ResourceName = " & "'" & stWho & "'" '-- Looks up email address from Resources varTo = DLookup("[ResourceEmail]", "Resources", stWhere) stCOFNumber = Me!COFNumber stCustomerID = Me.Consultancy_Order_Form_CustomerID stCompanyName = Me.CompanyName stContactName = Me!COFContact stAddress = Me.Address stTRDW = Me.TRDW stPreReq = Me.PreRequisites stWorkLoc = Me.WorkLocation stDelivActiv = Me.DeliverablesActivities stStartDate = Me.COF_Scheduled__Assigned_Resources__Subform1!Sta rtDate stEndDate = Me.COF_Scheduled__Assigned_Resources__Subform1!End Date stSubject = ":: New Consultancy Order Assigned ::" stText = "You have been assigned a new Consultancy Order." & vbCrLf & _ "Consultancy Order Form Number: " & stCOFNumber & _ vbCrLf & _ "Company ID: " & stCustomerID & _ vbCrLf & _ "Company Name: " & stCompanyName & _ vbCrLf & _ "Contact Name: " & stContactName & _ vbCrLf & _ "Address: " & stAddress & _ vbCrLf & _ "Terms of Reference / Description of Work: " & stTRDW & _ vbCrLf & _ "Pre-Requisites: " & stPreReq & _ vbCrLf & _ "Location of Work: " & stWorkLoc & _ vbCrLf & _ "Deliverables / Activities: " & stDelivActiv & _ vbCrLf & _ "Start Date: " & stStartDate & _ vbCrLf & _ "End Date: " & stEndDate & _ vbCrLf & _ "Please reply to confirm Consultancy Order Assignment." 'Write the e-mail content for sending to Consultant DoCmd.SendObject , , acFormatTXT, varTo, , , stSubject, stText, -1 'Set the update statement to disable command button once e-mail is sent strSQL = "UPDATE [Consultancy Order Form] SET [Consultancy Order Form].COFSentToConsultants = 0 " & _ "Where [Consultancy Order Form].COFNumber = " & Me!COFNumber & ";" On Error GoTo Err_Execute CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError On Error GoTo 0 'Requery checkbox to show checked 'after update statement has ran 'and disable send mail command button Me!COFSentToConsultants.Requery Me!COFSentToConsultants.SetFocus Me.SendFormToConsultants.Enabled = False Exit SubErr_Execute: ' Notify user of any errors that result from ' executing the query. If DBEngine.Errors.Count > 0 Then For Each errLoop In DBEngine.Errors MsgBox "Error number: " & errLoop.Number & vbCr & _ errLoop.Description Next errLoop End If Resume NextExit_SendFormToConsultants_Click: Exit SubErr_SendFormToConsultants_Click: MsgBox Err.Description Resume Exit_SendFormToConsultants_ClickEnd Sub

What does it mean? it doesn't say where i have a problem in my code. What do you think?

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Querydef Execute Error: Expected Function

Dec 9, 2005

All I want to do is run a make table query (or append) and show the user how many records were processed.
If I try to set recordset equal to the qdf.Execute I get the Compile error "Expected Function or variable".

I'm not sure what I'm missing...I've searched numerous threads and tried various combos of the execute method.

strquery = "qryEmailGenerate"
Set db = CurrentDb
Set qdf = db.QueryDefs(strquery)
Set rs = qdf.Execute
txtStatus = "Number of email recs: " & rs.RecordCount & vbCrLf

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Reports :: Report Is Not Returning Expected Averages

May 9, 2013

My database is set up to track call evaluations with 4 fields for number data (S, A/C, C/E and B) each of these have a possible point total. I also have a percentage field to track out of total possible points.When I run my query I get a list of each of the totals for each of the evaluations with the associates names (as expected).I take that query and try to run a report wizard to give me an average socre for each associate. and the system returns averages of 0 or an odd number that does not make sense.when I use the =Avg([fieldname]) process I get an accurate average of the total but can not get it to do a "subtotal" for each associate.

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Queries :: Query Returning 2 Records When Only One Is Expected

Aug 7, 2015

I'm running a query from two related tables in the database.the table relationships and the query design. Instead of doing what I want it to do/what I think I'm asking it to - which is show the sum total number of weeks on the program for each student - it shows me the number of weeks for that student just for that claim, not the total for the student overall. I've added some 'dummy data' (2 records in the claim table relating to 1 student), and the query then returns the student twice in the results.

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Referential Integrity: Cascade Update Not Working As Expected???

Nov 2, 2006

I have a database with a couple of tables. The primary table has a primary key called "StaffNo". I checked the relationships between the primary table and each related table, if I have ticked on the boxes for referential integrity, cascade updates. All done. If I now create a query, which selects the primary table and one related table and enter a new StaffNo, I would expect to see the new StaffNo not only in the primary table but also in the related one. But there is nothing. Do I expect wrong? Have I missed sth.? I read a few posts in this and other forums reg. referential integrity, but I have no clue, what's wrong. :confused:
Any quick help is much appreciated.
Thanks :)

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