Err: System Resources Exceeded

Mar 10, 2005

I have a database of 45 MB.
I am running a report from a form.
the report is based on a query, which is too long(about 14 unions with join also)

when i am running this on a P4 PC having 256MB RAM it is working.

but when I am running it on P3 PC having 256 MB RAM, is displays an err like System Resource exceeded.
nothing is running behind. only the database is opened.

why it is so?

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Queries :: Query Too Complex / Exceeded Resources

May 20, 2015

All using access 2010. I've have a query in a database that is given an error: query too complex or system exceeded resources. I've been running this query once a week and all of a sudden; errors. I have changed one unrelated table. I've gone back to an old database and its giving the same errors. database on the server is giving off this error and it's only when I run this particular query.

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Maxing System Resources ....

Jun 22, 2006

I just found something interesting.

I have a small db open. One form, viewing info.

I notice in Windows Task Manager that MSACCESS.EXE is taking up between 70 to 97% sometimes 100% of systems resources.

How could this be?

QTNM = )

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Forms :: Timer Event Causing System Resource Exceeded

Dec 9, 2013

I have Access 2010 and have made a small system that creates a table as a result of an query based on linked tables. The result is approximately 40 records that are grouped in 4 different priorities where each record has a status of green, yellow or red.

By using the timer event I want to loop through 6 different forms starting with the overall view and herafter priority 1 form, priority 2 form and so on. When the last form has been displayed start over again. Loop for ever until stop button has been pushed on the first form.

The timer is set to 15000 on each form, when I open a form the first thing that happens is that I close the previous open form.

After the system has looped 4 times it gets "SYSTEM RESOURCE EXCEEDED".

I have used 3 days on the internet to try to get a solution on my problem with no luck. I have got so far that it must be something with the timer function. Since if I run it manually (open form, close previously, open next form etc) then no issues.

I have the latest service pack for access 2010.

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"Query Is Too Complex" And "System Resource Exceeded"

Dec 22, 2004

These are the two results I get when I try to run or go into design view for the last few queries in a series of queries I've created for an estimating tool for my company. The reason I'm getting it now, is that I had to significantly alter the queries prior to these in the series. I need to alter these as well, but I'm thrown into SQL view, and with the amount of info, I'd be lost without the normal design view. Furthermore, it won't run anyway. I can't reduce the size and maintain a decent representation. Is there anything I can do with Access 2003, or will I have to resort to not doing this at all?

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Human Resources Database

Mar 22, 2008

Dear All,

I am on a way to develop a database for human resource division for a company. May I expect some guidelines and advices from experienced members of this forum?

Does anybody can provide me any example of template?
Thanks in advance.

Arif Masum :confused:

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Query Taking Too Much Time/resources

Sep 26, 2005


I have two queries which are slightly different.
One of the queries takes way too much time and resources and I'm wondering if anyone could explain me why, and if possible, how to fix it.

This query is slow.

Unseen Movies
SELECT "General Info"."Title", "Additional Info"."Subtitles"
FROM "General Info" INNER JOIN "Additional Info" ON "General Info".id="Additional Info".id
WHERE ("General Info"."Seen" = 0)
ORDER BY "General Info"."Title";

This query is fast.

Unseen Movies With SubTitles
SELECT "General Info"."Title", "Additional Info"."Subtitles"
FROM "General Info" INNER JOIN "Additional Info" ON "General Info".id="Additional Info".id
WHERE (("Additional Info"."Subtitles" IS NOT NULL) AND ("Additional Info"."Subtitles"<>'') AND
(("General Info"."Seen" = 0)))
ORDER BY "General Info"."Title";

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Tables :: Primary Web Based Inventory System - Update Raw Data From Another System

Mar 13, 2014

I have our primary web based inventory system that I am exporting to Excel and using this as an import to Access for the main raw data for my database. This being inventory it changes daily so I am updating this table every day. When I try to append the table it ads all the records. I am wanting an easy way to add only the new records/take out the ones that are no longer there. Basically update the table with what is currently there.The only have I have found to do this is by running non-matching queries and update queries.

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General :: Optimization Of Resources Dependent On Sequence

Feb 9, 2015

Right now, I have an entire job with multiple piece parts. All of these different parts go through different processes (They are shown in the table "Piece Parts New"). I've created a query that the user puts in the EC (estimated completion) days per process of a given piece part, it automatically outputs a ESD (Estimated Start Date) and ECD (Estimated Completion Date) on all processes based on date the part was started.

So, now I want it to output a report that each piece part will:

1. Follow Sequence by Step #
2. Do longest part first (make number one priority at a given machine).
3. Only 1 part per machine at a time (The part that takes the longest to do will always be first, followed by the next longest, etc.)

Right now, the report labeled "Step Groupings" somewhat does this, however another part will have ESD a day later even though the part before still hasn't finished according to ECD.

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File Sharing Lock Count Exceeded

Jul 27, 2005


I have some code which updates an invoice table with transaction numbers. It worked ok until this month when we had to run three months worth of invoices in one go. I recieved a runtime error 3052 "File Sharing Lock Count Exceeded" and Access told me to increase the MaxLocksPerFile registry entry. I thought i'd better check it out a bit first though and found the following on

In Microsoft Access 2000, you can take advantage of a feature that allows you to increase the MaxLocksPerFile setting for Microsoft Jet database engine 4.0 by editing the Windows Registry. The default value of this setting is 9500. However, changing this value is not recommended if one of the replicas is located on a Novell Netware server, because the server's maximum record locks per connection is 10000.

The invoice table had about 20k lines but as I am on a netware server i'm not gonna be able to squeeze more than 10k lines out of my recordset so I was wondering if there is any way I can open it without record locking? The table that is being modified is never edited apart from in this one process so there is no risk of complications there.

Here is how I opened the recordset

Set rstInvs = dbs.OpenRecordset("SELECT [InvNumber], [InvNumExt], [TransactionType], [LineNum] FROM [tblInvoices]" _
& "WHERE [LineNum] Is Null ORDER BY [InvNumber], [InvNumExt], [TransactionType]")

Any help would be much appreciated.

thanks, Tom

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Reports :: Listbox Page Break When Contents Exceeded

Jul 28, 2014

I created a report that would generate, among others, a listbox on monthly payments. How do I make it spill-over to the next page when its contents have already exceeded that of a single paper?

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General :: Number Of Blocks Of Shared Files Are Exceeded

Jun 20, 2014

I have an Application with several users that share tables located in a Design Master file at a server. The tables are shared in several computers with a Replica of the Design Master in each computer. When we try to synchronize any Replica with the Master Design, it gives back an error message stating that the "Number of blocks of shared files are exceeded" And the message ends stating that I must increase the MaxLocksPerFile in the Register.

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Spa System

Aug 19, 2007

I am new to Access and Ive created adatabase to control a spa system.
I have several tables: Customers
Types Of Haircut - Their prices
Types oF massage Their Prices

Now I want To create a form where i am able to choose customer, the employee performing the haircut or massage
The price should be displayed and the total AMount

How can I do that?
Should I create a Query and based on the query I create the form?

Please Help!!!

Thanking you all

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System.MDW File

Jun 18, 2005

I am still a bit confused about the system.mdw file.
I create FE and BE on my local computer and change name of system.mdw to say Jobs.mdw, after backing up system.mdw I then join jobs.mdw with my jobs FE and jobs BE and set secutity settings, etc. I then place
FE, BE and Jobs.mdw all in the same folder.

I now email jobs database with jobs.mdw file to client which places FE, BE and jobs.mdw in Jobs folder on server. Shortcut for fe is placed on each local machine.

My question-Does Jobs FE and Jobs BE still access Jobs.mdw even though placed on another computer and possibly another version of Access?

Does the shortcut have to reference Jobs.mdw?

I need to understand this.



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Payroll System

Sep 27, 2005

Hi All,

Need your expert advise. Is it ok to develop a simple payroll system using MS Access or do i need switch to Visual Basic?

Also, is there anybody can help what tables do i need to produce a payroll system, i.e. tblEmployee.



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Reservations System

Nov 3, 2006

I am creating a database to room allocation in a small hotel. I want the system to check room availability between two dates. What would be the best way to construct this in Access?


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Set An Equiry System

Dec 15, 2005

Hi, I am trying to implement my Database with an enquiry (or quotation) table and I am not sure I am heading in the right direction:

-We use assemblies made of components and the data are held together in the database with a 'Bill of Material' set up.
-A typical assembly is made of 1 or 2 bodies + Fasteners (straps and screws),
-The body price is calculated depending on his weight and an extra costs can be added with extra tooling and machining,

The costumer ask us for a quotation for various number of assemblies and we send back the estimation of the price,

I am really struggling to see if my tables are set right and this is what I came up with (attached
A main Enquiryfile Table is linked to an enquiryDetail Table which would record each individual item information for each Enquiry.
I have also added a Extracost detail table that would record all the Machining and extra pattern making cost for each assembly.
And finally, and that's what I am far to be sure about, a TblChildItemCost where the price of each components would be recorded (for each enquiry detail). The body price is based on his weight but also depend of various market exchange rates, that is the reason why I have created a table for the price of component for each enquiry.
I really hope someone can help me on that one...Thanks in advance.

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System Tables

Oct 24, 2006


My application I develop should retrieve some meta data from Access system tables. It should find:
- What tables are stored in database.
- What columns have each table in database.
- What relationships are between tables in database.
I opened systems tables of some .mdb file and took interest in such kind of information. But I got some problems by looking for what exactly I need. Please, could someone help me at these points:

1) I found that in system table MSysObjects I can find names and ids of tables created by user (for example by me). But how to determine that these tables are created by user and they are not let’s say a system tables?
2) I didn’t find any meta data about columns of tables! How to determine what columns has each table?

I created application which uses MS SQL Server to retrieve such a kind of meta information and there where no problems. But I stuck using Access.
I was looking for some information in Internet but ineffectively. Please, help me...

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Hire System Help

Nov 27, 2006

I have two tables, one named Loan and one named DVD Details.

On my DVD details table i have a field name, on_loan with a data type yes/no.

I have created a form called LoanForm where i want to select a DVD with a combo box,

then select a Set loan button that will set the corresponding DVD on_loan field to yes(true), in the dvd form.

on the button i have the following code

Private Sub HireDVDButton_Click()

Update dvd
Set car.on_loan = True

End Sub

But it doesn't seem to set the on_loan field in the DVD table to true, which is what i want to do.

Sorry if it's not clear what i want to do. I am just a beginner.

Thanks in advance :)

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Difficulties With System

Feb 8, 2006

Hi, I’ve been having some problems being able to do some things on my database, I was doing ok creating my system but now I’m a bit confused about what to do and I’ve been trying but getting no where. Firstly on my order form I need a total for the products which are in an subform and after the order is complete I need to be able to create an invoice and keep all the order information in the 'invoice' and 'invoice details' tables. I also need it to update the stock levels after the order is complete. Then I had created a tab in 'view customers' and I wanted to have it so that past customer orders could be viewed. Any help is appreciated; here is a link to my system:
'Gamez System' (

Thanks, Bob.

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Checking If The Same Name Is In The System?

May 31, 2006

I have a form where I enter student names, and it often happends that I enter the same student a couple times, Is there any way to let the user know that there is allready someone in the system with the same name, like a pop up message.:confused:


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Getting Into An Access System

Jun 12, 2007

Someone, who is no longer working at out organisation, created a system in Access which we are trying to get into, however the creater put on some security which will not let us open the system to alter. Is there a way of getting into this?

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Issue System Commands From VBA?

May 23, 2005


I would like to issue a system command from within a VBA function. Specifically, I'd like to start another application using a command-line startup command, but am not sure how to do that.

Any suggestions?


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Access Quiz System

Jul 29, 2005

i am trying to make a quiz system using ms access
i want to select 30 questions randomly from a questionbak of 100 or more
also i need to select 3 answers randomly including the corect answer
from answer bank that has 5 possible answers for each question

QID Question
1 Question1
2 Question2
3 Question3

1 1 Q1 answer a true
2 1 Q1 answer b false
3 1 Q1 answer c false
4 1 Q1 answer d false
5 1 Q1 answer e false

the field correct is for identifying the correct answer yes/no filed

so far i have been able to get the questions randomly
that is generating a random number in the query and selecting
top 30 records

ideas and help would be appreciated

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Slot Reservation System

Oct 7, 2005

Hi there,

I'm working on my A2 IT Access project atm, and my aim is to produce a fully functional db for use by a golf course, incorporating membership information and tee-time reservation system.

I've got the membership side pretty much sorted, so now I need to start work on the reservation system.
But where to start?

Basically, the user needs to be able to view slot availablity on a specific day, and make/change/delete bookings quickly and easily. The booking also needs to contain the party size. The bookings themselves should relate back to the specific member that made it via the MemberID field.
The user should be able to make bookings upto 6months in the future.
Block bookings should also be possible, so that the admin can block an entire day out for a tournament therefore preventing member bookings.
The first available and last available slots also need to be editable by the system admin to take into account time of year, light conditions etc.

Right, so i know there's quite a lot there, and i'm sure i'll come up with more features that would make it better.
But as it stands, that's something to get me started.

I'm not asking for someone to do the project, just to point me in the right direction as to suitable table structure, how to "make" the slots, how to store the bookings in the table, etc.

So, any input and ideas are greatly appreicated.

Gavin W

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Minimize To System Tray

Mar 13, 2006

is there a way that we can minimize access application to system tray.

this can be done in a vb project.

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