Error: You Cannot Make Changes To The Design Of The Database At This Replica

Apr 14, 2007

I recently was asked to update a client's BE & FE database.

It seems the client only has a replicated version of the database. I don't have the original Design Master.

Problems with negative autonumbers (it seems are due to replication), made me want to remove all need for replication from the database sets.

I attempted to modify some of the Tables in the BE and keep receiving the same error when I try to save it:

ERROR: "You cannot make changes to the design of the database at this replica"

I haven't found a solution on the forum yet. Any ideas?

I found the Replication part of this Microsoft KB article somewhat helpful:

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Design Master Reverts To A Replica After Synchronization???

May 15, 2006

Hello I have a perplexing problem …

I have been using replication successfully for years. Recently the PC where my Design Master resided crashed taking the hard drive with it. No problems I thought, I used a replica to recover the design master and placed it on the new hard drive (the OS and Access was upgraded from 2000 to XP, however the Access 2000 file format was retained – there are still a couple of laptops with only W2000 software). I understand that moving the path of replicas or design masters is no no, so I proceeded to start from scratch and create a complete new batch of replicas based from the new design master.

Everything was going to plan UNTIL a replica was routinely synchronized with the design master. The design master reverted back to a replica. I recovered the design master again, everything looking fine until again a synchronization causes the design master revert to replica.

Next plan of attack to hopefully fix a potential corruption problem: create a new blank database, import all (non-system) tables, compact and repair, and create a new replica from scratch. From the design master, I created the complementing replicas and sure enough the Design Master again reverted to a Replica after a routine synchronization.

I repeated this “start from scratch” procedure, and the same results prevailed. I am at a loss especially since I verified that the hidden system MSysReplicas table had only two entries after the Design Master and Replica were first created.

I would greatly appreciate any ideas of where to go next with this problem.

Thanking you for your time.

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Tables :: Replica Trying To Make A Column Addition To Table

Sep 11, 2014

I have a replica at work, 1 copy on the network, 1 local.. I need to add a column to the main table, getting "Operation is not supported for this type of object".... I have users that use the database but was given a change to the form/report which requires a column addition. What is the simplest way to get around this??? I'm trying not to get into major problems.

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Access 97 Replica Set Error Message.

May 2, 2008

I am getting this error on a access 97 database that we have been using for years. the message just started popping. use are still able to access the database, yet this message will not got away.

this member of the replica set has expired because it hasn't been syncronized with another m ember of the replica set.

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Error When Opening Database - Cannot Access Data To Make Changes To Scripts

Feb 12, 2013

When I launch my Database file, it would normally run some scripts (I don't actually know what they do, the file is not used by me, only colleagues).

Instead i get this error:

The expression On Load you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: Object or class does not support the set of events.

When I click 'OK' another error appears:

The expression On Timer you entered as the even property setting produced the following error: Object or class does not support the set of events.

Once i click 'OK' on this error, another error sometimes occurs:

The expression MouseMove you entered as the even property setting produced the following error: Object or class does not support the set of events.

But strangely enough the third error doesn't occur every time i move the mouse.

After these errors have been closed, all i have is my 'form' with a loading bar. I cant access the actual database. Nor can i get into the Visual Basic to try and find the cause. This is happening to multiple clients of mine, and me personally.

Running Windows 7, Server 2008 (64bit), Windows 7 (64bit)
Running Access 2007 and Access 2010.

I have tried changing permissions on the file, this doesn't work.

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General :: Cannot Open Database Error When Make Table Option Selected

Sep 28, 2012

I linked table rawdata from a database called competitor from a ODBC Database. I run a query with to make a table with a criteria where it retrieves roughly 10 columns with 719,000 rows. And it gives me this error.

(Cannot open database". It may not be a database that your application recognizes, or the file may be corrupt.

I asked the creator of the database and they said the database grows automatically and it was created with the same Access version as i am using to run the query.

Also when I do a RUN without creating a table and just selecting and displaying the data it does not give me any issues.

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Make Specific Field To Be Sum Of Many Other Fields In Design Table Without Using Codes

Apr 26, 2014

how can i make a specific field to be a sum of many other Fields in design table with out using codes

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To Replica Or Not To Replica

Jan 14, 2006

Hi All,

With the help of many people on this forum, my database is coming along well (Thank you!). My DB will end up on a server where it will be accessed. My question is; should I use the replica function, or back up the file every day or so.

The database I am replacing has been a replica and it always looses data. I am not sure it is because its a replica or not.

Any thoughts?


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Modifying A Replica

Jul 21, 2005

I am still new to Access and am loving the learning process. I am stuck on a problem though. I have serached the forums here and various other places and haven't found the info I am looking for. I was wondering if there is a way to have a relpica (or a seperate database that can syncronize) that has a modied design. I want the main one to have everything on it, reports/forms/ add/delete/ect, but I want another one that is simply a data entry form, with only the option to input data. I would love to do this and avoid system security measures with usernames and passwords. From my reading it doesn't seem like I can do this, but I still hold in my heart a glimmer of hope. Please help, and if you can explain the process to me, all the better (its how I'm learning).

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Replica Sets

Feb 4, 2008


Am using a replica set in order to distribute a school reporting system around teaching staff.

Everything works fine apart from one thing. A marking system (basically 1 to 6 list) is stored in a linked table. Before replication this appears in the correct order. Once the database has been replicated however the list is placed in a random order and I cannot rectify this.

With only 6 items this is not much of a problem but I also want to use a much longer list and the same problem appears.

Can anyone explain why this happens and if there is a simple way to get around it?

Am really only an Access novice and I really appreciate any help that you could give me.



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How To Find A Replica's Priority

Apr 21, 2006

I know how to setup a Replica's Priority, but where do I go if I want to change it afterwards? I have searched everywhere, or am I just supposed to create another replica and set it then?

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How Do You Sync An Unmanaged Replica?

Mar 14, 2008

I need the same database as managed and unmanaged in repl manager, I think.

My replica set got scrwd up and now I need to re add an unmanaged replica.

Previously the map displayed a scheduled synchronization line to the replica not managed by synchronizer.

I can add the unmanaged replica, but how do I add the synchronization line?

Do I need the same replica added to the map 2x? 1 managed and the other unmanaged?

i tried uploading 2 bmp files to show the way it was and is now but i dont see them, how do u add bmps to post?

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Make MDE Error

Jul 15, 2005

I'm trying to make and mde file but when it runs I get a error unable to make mde. Where do I start looking into this?


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Requery Error When Entering Design View For A Form

Jun 5, 2014

I am modifying the Students template for a student & alumni administration database for our non-profit Food Service Training Academy.

After making some changes recently, whenever I select Design View on a specific form (Student Details), a window pops up stating "The command or action 'Requery' isn't available now. The window further states that:

You may be in a read-only database or an unconverted database from an earlier version of the databaseThe type of object the action applies to isn't currently selected or isn't in the active view.And finally "Use only those commands and macro actions that are currently available for this database."

After exiting this window, a Macro Single Step window opens with the following info:

Macro Name: Student List : txtOpen : Onclick : Embedded MacroCondition: (blank)Action Name: RequeryArguments: (blank)Error Number: 2046

This form is usually opened via an "Open" button in a list of students form called Student List. It has 5 tabs on it, the last I created & copied 2 queries to it. The form opens in Form view OK and I can switch to Layout view OK. Once in Design view I seem to be able to do go back and forth OK, although often going back into Design view sometimes only the name of the sub-form is displayed and the whole header, detail, grid, and controls etc. do not show.

Further, you can open the Student Details form directly, but now it opens as a datasheet instead of a form. Otherwise, the normal use of the forms, from a user perspective, does not seem to be affected.

This may have begun after I opened the database in Access 2007. I have done all the development in Access 2010.

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Missing Or Broken References - Replica

Aug 4, 2005

Love this forum! It orginally helped me build a database to manage customers back in 2002 (using Access 2002). Becuase of our slow server, I was forced to spilt the database and it's been great for years (some glitches). Recently one of the users upgraded to Access 2003. When he sync's to the master file, the master has problems. "...contains a missing or broken reference to the file 'OWC10.DLL' version 1.1" I reviewed the references and it's looking for Microsoft Outlook 11, instead of 10. When other users sync, everyone now inherits this problem. Do you have any ideas for a solution so I don't have to fix reference problems? All users will eventually be on Access 2003 so having him stop using it would only be a temporary solution. Is there a patch or upgrade to fix this problem? Any help? thanks in advance....

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Converting A Replica Back To Normal

Nov 28, 2005

I currently have a database thats A Replica which I need to Convert Back to a Normal Data file, Is there a simple way of doing this other than creating a new db with tables then using Querys to add the data from the replica.

I'm using 2002 and the replica if sized around 470Mb with over 200 Tables.

also does anybody know if the file size for assess 2002 was incresed from access 2000's 2Gb.



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General :: Replica Set Lost Key Field?

Aug 21, 2013

Using access 2003 my replica set tables in both the master and replicas seems to have lost the key field! The data and field itself are simply missing from every table. When I look at the data in the tables the key field called 'UID' is not visible but I can still see it in the relationships view and in certain forms and queries. If I try to re join any of the two tables the UID field comes up as an option to join the two with but it's still not visible in any of the tables.

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Anyone Willing To Help Me Design A Database?

Nov 8, 2005

Hello everyone. Im relatively new to access, i've only been using it for a few weeks. There are certain aspects that I cannot get my head around.

Is anyone willing to let me email them what I have done so far and the criteria for the database I am making and advise me where I am going wrong and where I need to be heading to get it right?

Thanks very much. Any help will be very much appreciated.

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Database Design

Apr 15, 2007

When creating a database is it true that ideally i should avoid using the lookup wizard at table level and instead do that with combo boxes at form level ?


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Database Design

Feb 13, 2008


I have three tables

1 tblAssistFMWork in which is stored the fields JobNumber, SiteRefNumber, SurveyorNo
2 tbltable1 which has the field SiteRefNumber, Address1, Address2 etc
3 tblAssistFMSubJobNumbers which has the fields JobNumber, SubJobNumber.

JobNumber is the relationship between tables 2 and 3 and SiteRefNumber is the relationship between tables 1 and 2. There are other fields in each table but these are the relevant ones for this question.

Each JobNumber will have a minimum of one SubJobNumber but may have many. Each SubjobNumber starts at 1 for each new job so this may look like this in the table

JobNumber SubjobNumber
0001 1
0002 1
0002 2
Each SiteRefNumber may have one or many JobNumbers

I wish to enter the date a SubJobNumber is completed and have been struggling with pulling the record into a form using a combo box because of the need to enter the JobNumber and also the SubJobNumber. So I decided to create a new table tblAssistFMJobDateCompleted which has the fields

JobNumber, SubJobNumber, DateJobCompleted

I need to report on a jobs status ie done or not done, but when I created the query for this it would only pull the records which have a completed date on them.
Could someone please give me some advice as to a way forward.



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Help With Database Design

Feb 20, 2005

I have been reading other posts, and this where i should have started from the beginning,I am not very experienced with access (or forums as yous propably know) but can learn anything in no time (hopefully).

I would like to design a database to store all the info about a drag racing event including;

• event info (Event name, track name, event date)
• car info (Car name, gearbox type, diff ratio, engine name,)
• driver info (driver firstname, driver lastname)
• Engine info (make, model, engine compression, carburetor, front carburetor jets, rear carburetor jets, fuel pressure, engine timing at idle, total engine timing)
• Race info (track temperature, relative altitude, milibars, humidity, air temperature, tyre type, tyre size, tyre pressure hot, tyre pressure cold, stage RPM, shift RPM, reaction, 60foot time, 330foot time, 660foot time, 660foot MPH, 1000foot time, elapsed time, elapsed MPH, comments.)

My issue is design of tables and relationships. as you can probably see, obviously cars will do many runs at each event, and there engine setups and car setups(diff ratio) can differ each run. there might also be different drivers for the same car. weather info like track temp etc also change from race to race so I think it is possible I might need some sort of race time as-well. My main reason for the database, apart from organizing all my results would be so that I could do a run at an event and search previous races by the current runs weather info (relative altitude, milibars, humidity, etc) as to set the car up similar to keep it’s elapsed times consistent. Please, please, please help as I am at a total loss.
Thanks in advance!!

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Database Design

Aug 5, 2006

Hi all

I've created a database from scratch. No data attached anywhere yet - I'm planning to input the data manually through my Form.

Well I have about 15 tables - CustomerInfo_tbl is the main table with the field RefNumber my primary key (it's an Autonumber which is sequentual). The rest of the tables are normal tables which I plan to link.(these tables also have RefNumber fields which are LongInteger) All the tables have about 10 fields in them.

So then I have 2 choices - I can make one big table (about 150 fields) or 15 tables with 10 fields each and the join them. I heard somewhere that it's better to have small tables and then link them up. So I'm going the smaller tables route.

I'll tell you what I did. I joined all the tables to my CustomerInfo_tbl with a one-to-one join. Then I made a Query, and then I set the RefNumber of the other tables equal to the RefNumber of my CustomerInfo_tbl.

I have 1 problem. When I enter some data into the form (I do not enter all the fields I leave some blank) it isn't displayed in the query, but it is displayed in the appropriate table. Only when I enter all the fields it is displayed in the query correctly and also in the tables.

Any help? I hope I made my question clear enough.

Thank you in advance.

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Database Design

Nov 7, 2007

Hi, i got back to working on databases again for the first time in years and ive got confused on the offset.I went to set about desigining my tables and cant figure out how to do it.most of its simple stuff however this one bit stumps me.

Im designing a database to hold stock information in work we manufacture parts for rally cars and when a customer rings up i need to have the price at hand.I can store the prices etc of individual parts,however some people request kits which would have there own stock number and all the same relevant data i.e. Item Name,Type,Cost,Number in stock,Selling Price.......

These kits would consist of several items from the stock table.and when a kit is sold it will be inserted into the Sold Items Table together with the other individual parts a Customer may order.

Any help would be gratefully recieved.

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Database Design

Oct 22, 2004

Hi all

I have a new project but before I get started, I need some advice on design.

I'm designing a student report card which I'll implement for 1300 students next year. The concept is an ongoing electronic markbook where teachers update the progress of each student and then at the end of the year print a report based on the captured data. The data is then passed on to the next teacher the following year.

My problem is data storage. During the course of a year a teacher may mark off up to 550 things a student can do. After 7 years of schooling (7 x 550) this amounts to a large amount of data. The thing is, I could reduce the number of fields if the multiselect list box stored multiple pieces of data. Option groups are no good because only one piece of data is stored and I certainly don't want thousands of check boxes.

Basically, I'm looking for a way to store multiple pieces of data in the one field. I'm also looking for a way in reducing the amount of clicks (i.e. one click instead of 2 to enter data)

I can't delete data because it's an audit requirement to keep it.

Any ideas??

I appreciate any help

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Database Design

Mar 4, 2005

Can someone help me out with the design of my database? I currently have it set up one way and I am running into problems when I need to update information?

here are the attributes I have to put in the database for Printer cartridges:

There can be numerous products with the same name
(for example: C120 is a product name but can be made by HP and by Canon)

There can be numerous products with the same ProductCode
(for example: F416301700 is a product code but can have multiple products with that code)

Currently I have it set up like this:
3 Tables



I have created that combine table to link the two other tables together.
I am running into problems now when i want to update a product and I don't know where to take this from here. I think if I have a better design from the get go it will prevent problems in the long run.
Can anyone help me with this?

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Database Design

Mar 17, 2005

Hi, I’m fairly new to access and I’m creating (well, want to create) an employee database. I was wondering if anybody has created an employee database that keeps track of employees information like; personal information, salary, training the employees have taken, performance reviews and much more and if so do you have any suggestions on the design. Pretty much this database will be an electronic version of the employees personnel file.

Or does anybody know of any sample databases, not necessary an employee database that have been shared here in the past that I could look at and get ideas (formulas, qrys, tbls. etc.) from there.

Thank you.

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