Error After Deleting Split Database File

Nov 16, 2011

We have a MS Access Application. It involves authentication as well. I split the database and created this db_be file. I deleted this. Now I'm not able to login into this Application.

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Split Database: Back End File Path (via Vba)

Mar 2, 2007

Hey guys,

How can I change the tables' splitted file path via vba?

Ex.: c: ables.mdb -> c:ew path ables.mdb

thank you.

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Database Split - Disk Error

Nov 8, 2005

Since splitting my database into a front & back end - when I attempt to run the front end part from a client PC logging in as one of the users/groups defined I get : 'Disk or Network Error' and the DB fails to open.

If I log in using the same username/group bypassing the config/startup options - I do see the Access Design view main window - but then if I attempt to open (not all) most of the forms in Form View - I again get the same 'Disk or Network Error' message each time.

Yet, if I log in as the administrator from the same workstation - no message appears?

Any ideas please? :confused:

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Strange Error After Database Split - Need Help!

Nov 22, 2005

Everything we peachy-keen with my database until I split it and I get the following error:

"The expression On Menu you entered as the event property setting produced the following error: User-defined type not defined."

Please help as I'm not sure how to proceed. Here are some facts:

1. I'm a noobie with Access. I've been clever and resourceful enough to figure out most answers to my questions, but searching for this one have turned up bare.

2. There was a single custom Toolbox present before splitting the database. On the Import, though, I used the option to import toolboxes/menuboxes (checkmark at the bottom on the Import page).

3. I've checked for missing/broken References, there are none being reported.

4. The 'On Menu' event exists nowhere to my knowledge! Where can I find it and hopefully troubleshoot the problem?

Your imput welcome, I'm defeated for now, but am continuing the search for an answer. Please help ;)

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Strange Error With Split Database

Sep 11, 2007

Hello. I just split my Access 2000 database and receive the following Run-time error (#3251): Current provider does not support the necessary interface for Index functionality. This error occurs on the following line of code: tablename.Index = "PrimaryKey"

Does anyone know why this occured after I split the database and what exactly it means?

Thanks in advance.

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General :: Split Database - Modify Backend File And Make A New Front End

Jun 12, 2012

So a while back I created a database which I use to keep track of my companies large list of products. It is very simple only 3 tables, 1 query and 1 form. After running into a problem with copying and pasting updates on each computer in the office I decided to split the database on a network drive. This worked for a bit, however I had to add new fields and modify the form, which corrupted the file. Luckily I had a backup before the split.

As far as I could tell all I had to do was modify the backend file and make a new front end. However it seems like it is not as easy as I thought it would be. How do you modify a split database without corrupting the files or using a non-split copy?

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Error Using Shortcut To Open A Database - Can't Find File

Nov 5, 2013

We have a new user who is unable to get into a database. Another user in the same office had no problems.

The other user is using:

"C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice14MSACCESS.EXE" /wrkgrp"ServerNameShareNameSFTPSFTPWorkgroup.mdw" "C:SFTP Database V2.1 FESFTP Database V2.1 FE.mdb

The new user was not able to access the share at all using ServerNameShareNameSFTP until he changed the path to:

"C:Program Files (x86)Microsoft OfficeOffice14MSACCESS.EXE" /wrkgrp" reNameSFTPSFTPWorkgroup.mdw" "C:SFTP Database V2.1 FESFTP Database V2.1 FE.mdb"

Now he can get into the SFTP folder, but when he uses the shortcut, he gets an error stating Microsoft Access couldn't find the file reNameSFTPSFTPWorkgroup.mdw 1" "C:SFTP Database V2.1 FESFTP Database V2.1 FE.mdb" (Note the space and 1)

I created a new shortcut, and I was able to open the db using his target line, even though I can use the shorter one. For the new user, this still generates an error.

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Search Key Not Found In Any Record Error (Trying To Port Database File)

Jul 24, 2015

My database is in database where we do the editing and using Access for query reports.

Upon importing from External Data Link to the data source by creating a linked table: the table was created but running a query yields the above error.

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Deleting .ldb File

Nov 8, 2005

I have a database that needs repaired, but can't because the database thinks users are still in it. The users listed in the .ldb are not logged in. Can I simply delete the ldb file, or the contents of the ldb file, then repair, w/o consequences?

thank you!!!

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Deleting Oldest File

Apr 9, 2006



Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Function Backup()
Dim fso As FileSystemObject
Dim sSourcePath As String
Dim sSourceFile As String
Dim sBackUpPath As String
Dim sBackUpFile As String
Dim strSQL As String

sSourcePath = Application.CurrentProject.Path
sSourceFile = Application.CurrentProject.Name
sBackUpPath = Application.CurrentProject.Path & "Odontiatreio BackUp"
sBackUpFile = sSourceFile & Format(Date, "ddmmyyyy") & " " & Format(Time, "hhnnss") & ".mdb"
'Add new file to table.
'Assumes tblFile has 2 fields:
' FileID (AutoNumber)
' FileName (text)
strSQL = "INSERT INTO BackUp(BackUpFileName) " _
& "Values('" & sBackUpFile & "')"
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL
'Delete oldest filename if there are more than 5 records.
strSQL "DELETE * FROM BackUp " _ ============>Error<=========
& "WHERE BackUpID IN(" _
& "SELECT MIN(BackUpID) FROM BackUp " _
CurrentDb.Execute strSQL, dbFailOnError
Set fso = New FileSystemObject
fso.CopyFile sSourcePath & sSourceFile, sBackUpPath & sBackUpFile, True
Set fso = Nothing
End Function

Compile error:
Expected Sub, Function, or Property

What is wrong???

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Deleting Oldest File

Sep 23, 2005


I am using this in a module to copy files to a directory:

Public Function Backup()

Dim fso As FileSystemObject

Dim sSourcePath As String
Dim sSourceFile As String
Dim sBackupPath As String
Dim sBackupFile As String

sSourcePath = "c:a"
sSourceFile = "db2.mdb"
sBackupPath = "c:aa"
sBackupFile = "BackupDB_" & Format(Date, "mmddyyyy") & "_" & Format(Time, "hhmmss") & ".mdb"

Set fso = New FileSystemObject
fso.CopyFile sSourcePath & sSourceFile, sBackupPath & sBackupFile, True
Set fso = Nothing

End Function


Now, what I want to do is delete the oldest file after there have been 5 files copied. In other words, I will be running this once a day and only want to retain the newest 5 copies. Once the sixth has been copied, delete the oldest one in the directory.

Any suggestions?

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Modules & VBA :: Deleting File From Network

Dec 2, 2014

I have a button that adds pictures/files to a network location. So people from all over the company can do this and all pictures/files are stored in one location.

I also have a delete button, but a waning pops up and the file remains on the network.

PHP Code:

Run-time error '424': object required 

My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteFile (Path)

where Path is a string, files location on network.

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Modules & VBA :: Deleting File Based On Date

Feb 12, 2014

So I currently have a module which automatically backs up my database to a separate file everyday on open of my database.

If is it possible to create a function which will allow me to delete these backups after a certain amount of days (eg 30 days). They all have different file names based on the time that the backup was created but have the same extension of "*.accdb". I ask because it stores EVERY backup so the storage space required will soon build up unless manually deleting the files which is not what my client will want,

I have tried using the "Kill(pathname)" function but have had no luck yet!

If possible, I would like this to be done automatically either on open or on close of my database.

Would this be done with a module?

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Modules & VBA :: MDB File - Deleting Multiple Items In List At Once

May 28, 2014

In appendix is .mdb file with this thema.

Inside you can find one form with listbox (with multi selecting ability).

I use this code :

Dim strSQL As String
Dim i As Variant
With Me.se1
For Each i In .ItemsSelected
SQL = "DELETE '*' FROM [t1] WHERE [id] = " & .ItemData(i) & " ;"
CurrentDb.Execute (SQL)
End With

Result is this one :
1) If I delete only one item in list, it is ok. I can do it again and again and it is working fine.


2) If I delete more items in list at once, it is ok - but if I will try to do it again then there is an error because .ItemData(i) value is Null.

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Modules & VBA :: Deleting Record And Then Delete Listed File?

Jan 7, 2015

What is the correct syntax that would delete a file when the record is deleted. The file's path is listed in a record field, MailLocation. Every time I try this code, I receive an error!

I've tried the below, and number of iterations, including calling the killfile differently (me![MailLocation], me.MailLocation).

Private Sub Form_AfterDelConfirm(Status As Integer)
Dim KillFile As String
KillFile = me!MailLocation
Kill KillFile
End Sub

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Error Deleting Record In Table

Mar 16, 2005

I have a corrupt record in a table that I am trying to delete. I keep getting the following error when I try and delete the record: "The search key was not found in any record".

Can anyone help me with this. All I am trying to do is delete this one record


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Deleting Import Error Tables

Dec 31, 2004

I routinely import from an Excel document provided by a third party. Most data in it is ok, but 10-15 records always end up in the import error tables which Access creates automatically when formats do not match.
I am trying to automate this whole process thru VBA and am pretty successful so far, except that I haven't figured out how to programatically get rid of these tables (I do not need them, and data imports anyway).
Is there a way to destroy a table programatically in Access?


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Reports :: Error When Deleting A Record From Form

Apr 18, 2013

I'm using MS Access 2003.

I have a form that displays in datasheet view. When I select a record and hit my keyboard's Delete button, I see the following error:

The Microsoft Jet database engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time.

This error *always* appears when deleting any record from this form. After clicking OK on this error, if I refresh the form, the record in question has indeed been deleted.

We use an Oracle back-end, and I have tried dropping the associated triggers, but the error message persists.

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Tables :: Possible To Update A Table In Split File?

Nov 21, 2013

I have an Access 2007 file that is 'split' so the tables are centrally stored on the server.

How do I update one the linked tables stored in the back-end file with a table from another Access file?

If I import the 'new' table it is not 'linked' - it is embedded with the Access file I am working on.

What is the correct way of doing this without corrupting the data?

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Deleting All Data From B_E Database Tables. (AC2003)

Nov 26, 2007

Hi all,

Im trying to write a query so that all data in all but two tables is deleted, not the tables themselves only the data.

I keep getting these errors when im trying to build a suitable query..


With any luck i'd like to able to have this query run automatically each day is there any way to do that or do i have to repost in vba section?

Thanks for reading!!

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Deleting Forms,queries,macros In Another Database

Feb 16, 2005

I have a list of objects (forms,queries,macros,reports the number varies but could be up to 100) that need to be deleted from several other databases (about 20).

I could do this by hand (go into each database and select and delete each object) but this is slow and error prone.

I could create a macro and import it into each database and then execute it (I know how to do this)

or (!!!!!!)

there should be some way to be in one database (HOME) and programatically (VBA) delete in the other database (OTHER).

I know how to

Dim db As Database
Set db = DBEngine.Workspaces(0).OpenDatabase("c:other.mdb")

What do I do next. I could use the db.execute command for tables (which I don't want to delete) but what about forms,queries,macros, and reports ???? I tried to modify the MsysObjects table but ran into permission problems.

Any Ideas

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Deleting Excel Sheet Linked To Database

Aug 7, 2015

I have a database that links to an excel sheet and take data from it. For a fail safe i put deletes in several places in case of user error to make sure the sheet is deleted. If it is already deleted the other deletes don't act well.

I need to write a conditional iff statement that if it doesn't exist it ignores the delete call. Not sure how to structure it.

Private Sub Command3_Click()
DoCmd.DeleteObject acTable, "Sheet1"
DoCmd.Close acForm, "District Select Form"
End Sub

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Split The Database, Should I Do It?

Jan 12, 2006

:confused: I have read a quite a few threads on spiting the database. My database is 50 Meg and running very slow. I have compacted and repair, still the same. This just happen all of sudden. Could that be possible?. What should I look out before I try to spit it?. It’s given that I will make a backup. I am running Access 2003. I have over 150 users.

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Split An MDE Database?

Aug 12, 2006

I am almost at the finishing line with a great deal of help from here.
I have now normalised the tables, built complicated queries, forms, reports, all from scratch as I knew absolutely nothing before I started with Access three months ago.
I have compacted and repaired the database using the wizard, and also complied the code and analyzed all tables, forms, queries, and reports and relationships.
The final step is to make it an MDE file so that it can go on the local network at work (not on the internet).
My questions are these;

Do I need to split the database into front and back ends?

If I save a copy of the original MDB file and then make it a MDE file would that not suffice in making it run more efficiently?

Can a split MDB database be made into an MDE database?

Any advice, as always, is most welcome.

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Split Database

Nov 21, 2006

I have a database that resides on a file server share. I have split the database to create a backend. I then posted a shortcut of the front end to the desktops of two users who have access to the share. I then tried to access the front end from the two machines simultaneously. It opened on the first PC but not the second? When I viewed the server share it had a 'padlock' icon?

Where am I going wrong? This is the first time I have attempted this scenario!!
Thanks in advance,

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When To Split Database?

Dec 21, 2006


Should splitting only be done when all tables,queries,forms,reports, etc. are done. Or can it be done anytime. I am almost to that stage but didnt want to jump the gun and run into problems later on.


I will have about 20 users sharing this.

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