Error Checking For Table Fields Null Value Constraint
Aug 17, 2005
Hi all. I want to check for not null value constraint for all tables in database . I tried the following but when i run it i get the following error:
Compile error:
Invalid Next control variable reference
I be happy if some one one help me fix this error.if i remove the bold lines the program workes well but it does not put not null for table fileds that requries value.
Code:Option Compare Database''This module displays field name and type in a massage boxFunction ShowFields(pTable As String) As StringDim db As DatabaseDim rs As RecordsetDim I As Integer''Dim j As IntegerDim n As Integer''Dim NL As StringDim strHold As String, ST As String''Dim x As Variant''NL = Chr(13) & Chr(10) ' Define newline.Set db = CurrentDbSet rs = db.OpenRecordset(pTable)n = rs.Fields.CountReDim x(n - 1, 1) As String'''ST = "Create Table " & pTable & vbCrLf''adding Create table and table name to statementST = "Create Table " & pTable & vbCrLf & "("For I = 0 To (n - 1)For Each fld In tbl.Fields ST = ST & rs.Fields(I).Name & " " & FieldType(rs.Fields(I).Type) & "," & vbCrLf If fld.Required = True Then ST = ST & " NOT NULL" & " " Else ST = ST End IfNext Irs.Closedb.CloseSet db = NothingShowFields = ST '' returns the fields name to main functionEnd Function
on click even code
Code: For Each T In db.TableDefs '''Skip the system tables If Left(T.Name, 4) <> "MSys" Then ''' this line determines the primary key of the table ''' by calling GetPk function from module pk = Left(GetPK(T, db), InStr(1, GetPK(T, db), "<-") - 1) cont = cont & ShowFields(T.Name) & vbCrLf & " primary key " & "(" & pk & ")" & vbCrLf & ")" & vbCrLf End If Next T ''' This line of code post the generated table statment to a massage box MsgBox cont
If I have about 9 Text fields, How would I go about checking to see if all of the text fields are empty, then hide all the fields, but if any of them have anything in it, show them all. Here is my code, but it doesn't work: Code:If SpecAgent = "" And SpecArea = "" And SpecBenefit = "" And SpecCompany = "" And SpecCSR = "" And SpecDoctor = "" And SpecHospital = "" And SpecPlan = "" And SpecRx = "" ThentglNo = TruetglYes = FalselblSpecAgent.Visible = FalseSpecAgent.Visible = FalselblSpecArea.Visible = FalseSpecArea.Visible = FalselblSpecBenefit.Visible = FalseSpecBenefit.Visible = FalselblSpecCompany.Visible = FalseSpecCompany.Visible = FalselblSpecCSR.Visible = FalseSpecCSR.Visible = FalselblSpecDoctor.Visible = FalseSpecDoctor.Visible = FalselblSpecHospital.Visible = FalseSpecHospital.Visible = FalselblSpecPlan.Visible = FalseSpecPlan.Visible = FalselblSpecRx.Visible = FalseSpecRx.Visible = FalseElsetglNo = FalsetglYes = TruelblSpecAgent.Visible = TrueSpecAgent.Visible = TruelblSpecArea.Visible = TrueSpecArea.Visible = TruelblSpecBenefit.Visible = TrueSpecBenefit.Visible = TruelblSpecCompany.Visible = TrueSpecCompany.Visible = TruelblSpecCSR.Visible = TrueSpecCSR.Visible = TruelblSpecDoctor.Visible = TrueSpecDoctor.Visible = TruelblSpecHospital.Visible = TrueSpecHospital.Visible = TruelblSpecPlan.Visible = TrueSpecPlan.Visible = TruelblSpecRx.Visible = TrueSpecRx.Visible = TrueEnd IfEnd Sub
The first table is created just fine. And if I leave the constraint clause out, the second table is created also. If I try to run it as an SQL query right in Access, after the error is delivered, it highlights the word DELETE, and if I reverse the update and delete portions, it highlights the word UPDATE.
I have looked up the clause in Access help and even using their example, i get the same error.
Hi guys i got a form and sub form. When i leave the field hours empty in the sub form and try to click on close or some where in the form i get this error:
MsgBox "Primary key violation", , "Explanation"
instead of
MsgBox "Violation of Not Null constraint", , "Explanation"
i want to trap not null error and prompt the user that he has to enter value for hours field but aparently it does not. i be happy if some one help me fix this error .Thanks
Code:Private Sub Form_Error(DataErr As Integer, Response As Integer)Select Case DataErr Case 3162 MsgBox "Violation of Not Null constraint", , "Explanation" Case 3146 MsgBox "Primary key violation", , "Explanation" Case 3155 MsgBox "Trigger violation: 'Wages of the employee in this project is not existed. You must enter data of hourly wage first'", , "Explanation" Case Else MsgBox "Other errors" End SelectEnd Sub
The following code doesn't check null condition in Scannedby field. The scannedby has text data type. The code gives me all the data where scandate=20130722 but doesn't check that scanned by can't be blank.
Code: rs.Open "select count(*) from BatchTBL2 where scandate=20130722 and scannedby <> null", cn, adOpenKeyset, adLockOptimistic j = rs.fields(0).Value
I dont want to allow for the same product to be put on one order twice. Therefore, (orderNum,productNum) must be unique, but productNum is not a part of the primary key so it can be repeated in every row for all the database cares. :P
I have been working on an application where I am collecting survey data in a database. There are multiple survey tools available to the user, and it's possible to complete multiple survey tools in the survey.My problem is, it's possible for the surveyor to complete some tools on one day and other tools on another day. I am having problems with trying to figure out how to add a tool that has not been previously added and keep in the same survey which is all held under a single Survey Number.
The first step in the function is to set a Record Number temporary variable based on whether or not the tool has been used (it's possible to use multiple instances of a survey tool, so need to know if the Record Number is '1', or the next number in the sequence.I've been trying to do this by checking a query for a Null and setting the temporary variable using something like:
IF ISNull("RecordNumber","qryRecordHeader") Then '1' Else DLast("RecordNumber","qryRecordHeader") +1 End IF
The second half works just fine, so if there is a previous record, it will add. But if it's Null, it doesn't work.I'm trying to avoid opening a temporary form to run the query and checking a field. Is there a way around that?
So on a command button I have this code in the OnClick event. When I click the button it will ask me to enter the name if blank but if I enter something in that field and then delete the data is bypasses this. Does the same reason field, Why?
Code: If IsNull(Me.CE) Then MsgBox "Please enter your name" Me.CE.SetFocus Exit Sub
I am developing a simple database for students to register courses using Microsoft Access 2010. I have 4 tables: Student, Register, Course, and Section (1 Course can have many Sections).
Then, there is a criteria that a student can only take up to 6 courses. Hence, may I know that where and how can I include this constraint? I believe that it should be in the Macro (Before Change) of the table Register...
My relationship is: Student -> Register <- Section <- Course
hello all, I have no idea how to run error checking I get this error can't append all the records in the append query. i want a custom error to come up instead of that. PLEASE HELP.
I'm new to programming with Access but am attempting to create a new field in a table with an new date based on existing fields in the table.
The current fields are [Frequency], integer, [Risk], text, [Last Audit Date], date/time, and the new field is [Next Audit Date]. [Frequency] is a calculated field based only on [Risk] and is equal to "5" if [Risk] is "Low" and is "3" is [Risk] is "Medium" or "High", and [Frequency] is blank if [Risk] is (thus far it has never been empty).
What I need the new calculated field to do is return "N/A" (or blank, or anything easily separated really) if [Frequency] is blank, or if [Risk] is "Low" or "Medium". If [Risk] is "High", [Next Audit Date] should be equal to [Last Audit Date] plus 3 years. When I try to save the code, I get this message: "The expression could not be saved because its result type, such as binary or NULL, is not supported by the server."
This is my code now: IIf(IsNull([Frequency]),"",IIf([Risk]="Low","N/A",IIf([Risk]="Medium","N/A",IIf([Last Audit Date]="N/A","N/A",[Last Audit Date]+Year(3)))))
I have a copy of the back-end that gets a search key error 3709 on two records. In other words, I can duplicate the problem.
The interesting part is that I can update any other field on both these records and save the record, but when I try to change two specific fields, I get a Search Key Error and have to ESC out to continue (basically UNDO the change). Both fields are text fields with lengths of 7 characters and 255 characters, and both are COMBO Boxes on the form.
I tried to focus on the form think there was an issue in the code. I can definitely TRAP the 3709 error on the ON ERROR event on the form using "if dataerr = 3709", but then I tried something even simplier.
I went directly to the table and to each of the records. Again I can update any other field in the record but these two specific fields. When I try to change either of them and move to another record, you get a Search Key Error 3709.
By going to the table record directly I'm as low level as I can get. There are no validation rules on either field at the database level. If it was truly CORRUPT would it let me update any of the other fields on either of these records? One is an empid (not a primary key but is indexed with duplicates okay and not required), and one is status code (not a primary key but is indexed with duplicates okay and not required) so they're no critical fields, but something is keeping them from CHANGING.
Just tried something else; deleted the INDEXES on both the fields. Now it works! I am completely confused now because it really wasn't a corrupt record, but the indexes are causing the problem. Do I need to update the indexes somehow when the users selects a new empid or status code?
Quick question... I figured out how to make all the searching items work... individually. The problem is is that I want to be able to search with two fields at a time. For example, say i have mo, date, job, pay and i want to seach for the MO and JOB and query the results accordingly. I can't get it to do that. Would I have to make a large If statement? I'm not entirely sure. Also now my problem is that it won't execute my first if statement or I should say it ignores it all togeather. I know it executes the code in the order it is written. If someone could shed some light I would be much apprecative. As always here is the code and attached is the program. What I'm working on is in the query table.
I also would like to be able for it to say if the fields MO and JOB do not comeup witha result for a messege to display there is no result. Or if the field is null not to do anything. I tried doing that in some of my code to no success perhaps I did somthing wrong.
Have a great day!
Dim strSQL As String Dim sqlStringWHERE As String Dim strhead As String Dim strJOIN As String
' strSQL = "SELECT * from Panel WHERE MO like " & Chr$(39) & "*" & Me.qMO & "*" & Chr$(39) strJOIN = " AND " strhead = "SELECT * from Panel "
I had a little problem with delete query. I would like to delete the records by checking two fields if both fields are empty. I mean if a records had both these fields are empty only. If one of the field has data , the record should stay there.. Is there any way I can do this?
I have a form with mandatory fields highlighted a different colour (yellow or blue). On the form are 3 tab pages with subforms which also have these fields.
I have added a checkbox named incomplete to each tab page and to the form. My intention is to try to write some code to look at each field on the page and if the non-white (ie mandatory) fields all have a value, then the incomplete on that page is changed to no. The code then checks the incomplete value for all 3 pages - if these are all no and the form's mandatory fields are also filled in, then this also becomes no.
When creating reports, I can then find out which records have not been completed and notify the relevant staff. Also if the data is incomplete, they don't want those records appearing in reports - so I can use the incomplete value from the form.
TEAMS. This contains TeamID / TeamName and TeamManagerName. TeamAPPLinks. This is a many to many relationship and contains TeamAppID / AppID and TeamID (TeamID links to Teams.TeamID and AppID links to Applications/AppIS) Applications. This contains AppID / AppName / Pass/Fail.
So teams can have many applications and applications can have many teams.
I only want to show teams that have all applications that have the Pass/Fail column as PASS. I have managed to do this for FAIL runing a query in a query but obviously its different for PASS as all associated applications have to be a PASS, not just one FAIL for a FAIL.
the problem is that sometimes the table doesn't exist... Instead of trapping the error code, is there a way I can check to see if the table exists? If it doesn't I'll simply skip this step of my code and move on.
I have tried the attached code from a previous post but some of the code doesn't work on Microsoft Access Project. Does anyone have any ideas how I would amend this code so that it works?
We have an application which is used in a couple of offices and on a number of terminals. The data is stored in a back-end database on the server on each site.The databases are getting to the stage that we cannot roll out changes to the back end table layouts relatively efficiently. What I want to do through vba if possible is basically have a blank local version of each table and say:
check tab_1 on linked_backend, if tab_1 layout <> tab_1_local layout then update the back end layout to mirror that of the local layout.
We cannot overwrite the data, but on occasion, we need to add an extra field to a central table as new bits of the application are developed.I've tried a few searches here, and am probably using the wrong phrases, but not getting any results.
- tbl_Positions {containing information on a specific job role} - tbl_Office {containing information on an office} - tbl_StaffDetails {containing information of all staff in the company, including a relationship with tbl_Office to say which office they are working out of}
I want to do a simple query saying what type of staff are working out of each office:
If in Office 1 I might have a managing director, CEO and 2xOperations managers etc.
If in Office 2 I might have 5xAdmin, 3xHR, 6xIT Support etc.
What sort of query can I run to return just a list of job titles for those present in the office I choose.
I have an Access 2002 database with a relationship between 2 tables I want to delete using VB code. I setup the relationship from within Access. Is there a way to find out the name of the relationship, if there is such a thing. The tables are: TableA.Id linking to TableB.BankAcctId with both cascade functions. What would the VB code look like? Something like ALTER TableB DROP CONSTRAINT ... Thanks
I am developing a form where students have to enter their ID number but I want my form to check through a table of students and their IDs and flag up if the ID number does not exist in the table.