Error In Total On Form

Mar 16, 2008

Okay, I know this is probably simple, but I am getting an error in putting a total on a form. I have the following:

Subform name is EntryDetail Subform
I have a field in the footer called TotalEntry that calculates the total entry. The formula is =sum([EntryAmt])

Form name is Entry
I have a textbox with the control =[Entry Subform].Form!TotalEntry

The text box shows #Name?

I am attaching a copy of the database.

Any ideas?

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Forms :: Records Total On Main Form From Subforms - Run Time Error 2450

Apr 24, 2013

Trying to get a total on main form from records from two subforms.

I'm coming up with Run-Time error 2450 Microsoft Access cannot find the referenced form 'tblitemlist subform'.

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Forms :: When Subform Have No Records Then Total Field On Main Form Shows Error

Sep 1, 2013

In my database main form with subform. subform have query as of one of field in subform shown on main form. all is ok and show total correctly but when subform have no records then total field on main form shows #error. How to convert this value either into null string or zero(0).

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Queries :: Self-Referencing Running Total Used To Calculate Next Total In A Query

Jul 23, 2015

I am trying to create a query that has a self referencing running total based on the values (point totals) of itself (running total of values in the running total column that have already been calculated for all previous records) plus the total of new points being added in the current record, less the total of points being removed in the current record. This running total can never go below 0, if it does, the running total should restart at zero and add in only new points and begin the process again with the next records

I am able to do this in Excel in less than two seconds so I know there has to be a way to port this into a query. I've attached an excel example of what I am exactly trying to do

If it takes multiple queries to complete the required output I am ok with it. In my previous outtakes I have had up to 8 queries but just couldn't seem to do it..

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Total Daily Sales Queries By Model/Total

Mar 8, 2008


1) I am pretty newbie to this access programming, do forgive me if my questions sounds stupid.

2) Basically I create an application in access capturing or production information for my company. now the top management suddenly wanted whats their main concern:- Total Daily/Monthly, Quarterly, Annual Sales (By Model If possible)

3) I start with daily (Lets don't be too overly ambitious).

4) I try to let user select dates from my calender control and reflect daily sales (in Total & By Model break down) insert into my form.

5) Understand someone told me from my previous post in Calender control I can achieve it either through forms or queries, which is a better way. (in terms of flexibility to change for program maintenance/ scalibility) wise ?

PS: Please forgive my ignorance :o:(

Thanks (In advance) & God Bless.

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Problem With Total Of Sub-form Fields On Main Form

Nov 13, 2004

I'm trying to sum up the hours of a sub-form on the main form. I've followed the instructions in Access Help so far. I've created a text box in the footer of the sub form with the following control source:


which should sum up all the hours in HoursMon fileds.

Then I've created a text box on the main form with the following code in the Control Source

=[frmTshtProj Subform]!SumMon

But it doesn't work. I get a #Name? appear in the box instead of a total. Any ideas?

Thanks in advance


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Forms :: Sub Total From A Form To A Field In Another Form

Jun 16, 2015

I wanted to take the values from the frmInvoiveItems' [LineTotal] field, subtotal all of them for a given invoice ([InvoiceApplied]), and place them in a new field under frmInvoiceInfo that I haven't created yet.

(I.E. I have three different items under frmInvoiceItems for one invoice. They all have a different price. I want to add all of their prices together, and display them in a "Total" field in the frmInvoiceInfo table. This new "Total" field should be the total amount due minus the "Deposit" value and anything in tblTransactions [I still have to figure out how to assemble that too... another question for another time]).

Is all of this possible without me having to store the information in a query? How?

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Total On Order Form

Feb 14, 2006

Hi, could someone please help me, I don't know how to put a total on my order form, heres my system:
Gamez System (
Thanks, Bob

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Total Field In Sub-form

Sep 14, 2007

I have to count the number of records in a subform that meet certain criteria. I have a yes/no field and presently have a field in the subforms footer that =Count(*) and I would like to be able to count only the "Yes" records. Is there a way to use the count function to do this.

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Total, Subform->form Problem ....

Nov 27, 2005

ok guys..
i dunno what exactly happen..i think i done it at right way..

ok..i create Main Form that contain 2 (material and workmanship) subforms. subfrom i create using wizard from query
then i use =Sum([TotalAmount]) at subform footer to calculate total price from selected part (i create workshop's part management system) n it works fine..for both subform..

but another prob here..
at Main Form that contain material n workmanship subform. i want to calculate Grand Price, where it from TotalAmount from each subform..
i create 2 dummy control (to hold TotalAmount from each subform,coz i think its hard to make sum for 2 TotalAmount), 1 for material n 1 for workmanship..
then i want to sum 2 dummy control into Grand Price box...
but when i use =MaterialSubform.[Form]!TotalAmount at dummy's ControlSource it failed.. show #name?..

y? am i missing sumting at my Main form or subform? plz help me..
i want to send attachment but my fileto big to send...

*(i hope u can understand, coz my english not good ^_^)

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Total On Order Form And Invoice

Jan 5, 2006

I am trying to add a total to my order form but i am finding it a bit tricky, but once i have done this i also need to create an invoice, which should be simple enough but is quite difficult because of the way the system has been put together....

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Forms :: Adding Total Box To A Form?

Aug 8, 2013

I am creating a database to track gifts to employees. The admin person will fill out a form for each gift and create a report with a total $ value for those gifts for the history of the employee.

I would like to create a box on the form that totals all of the $'s for the employee selected, so the admin can see what has been gifted before they start the next entry. They will select the employee from a drop-down list (Physician_ID) and when that selection is made, I would like to populate the Total_to_Date box on the form with a total of $ gifted for that employee from the NMC_Detail_Records table.

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Forms :: Total Sum Not Showing Up In Form

Aug 27, 2014

I have a query that has a total sum , my problem is when i create form all the fields in the query is visible in the form but my total sum doesnt show up, but when i view it in query it works properly.

I don't really know what the symbol really is called i just called it total sum, the E icon in query ....

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Add Together A Running Total On Input Fields In A Form?

Aug 28, 2005

Hello, I have 4 input field boxes in a form: "basic hours", "overtime hours", "holiday hours" and "total hours" i would like it so that when the user enters number(s) into the other field(s) the total field will calculate (add togther the other fields). So for example if the user puts "10" in the "basic hours" input field and "5" in the overtime hours" field then the "toal field" will display the number "15". i would like it so that the "total hours" field calculates the total progressively after each number in the other fields is input (ie a running total is displayed). The user will always fill in basic hours but 1 or more of the other fields can be left blank. I think i need to do some VB on the after update procedure for each field entry but not sure what the code is?, any help would be brilliant.

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Show Total Entries From A Table On A Form

May 14, 2006


i am trying to show the total number of records that are in a table.

there are currently 8 entries in the table 'applications'

now i would like to show this on a tabcontrol in a form. I have been told to use Dcount. I have read about this and tried this on my form but unfortunately its not working.

Can anyone show me an example of how i would do this.

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Query Aggregate Value Won't Subtract From Form Total

Nov 7, 2006

Here's a sticky one? (maybe...) I have a number of aggregate totals from several queries all linked to the Input Query and all Nz'd as 0's

From the image enclosed the totaling text box (top right left) is calculating the value in the properties box. The value should be 3.52 + 5 - 8 = 0.52 the value showing is -4.475 (which is 3.52 - 8) so I see it's ignoring the 5 value but I can't see why.

The ACDays and ALDays values are both generated by the same module, but with different Leave types. and as I mentioned previously all Nz 0'd

Any thoughts appreciated, I'm baffled:confused:

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Subform Total To Show On Main Form

Jan 24, 2007

Hi ALl,

I have a subform that accounts and adds all the expenses for a certain project (for example, total is $27,000). I would like to know how to duplicate the final cost in the subform and show it on an unbound textbox of that linked main form (the unbound textbox in the main form shows $27,000 also).

Thanks in advance, guys...


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Forms :: Getting Total Of A Field In Continuous Form

May 4, 2015

I have three tables (Group, Customer, Savings).

Every member of a group do savings once every 15 days and each group has maximum 20 members, group has one to many relationship with customer and customer having one to many relationship with Savings (there is no direct relationship between group and savings) i have created a continuous form for saving entry. in this form i select a group which is unbound and based on that group, its members are listed in the combo box named CusID, after selecting customer other saving details are entered.

What I want, is that for every group i want a total saving for all that specific group's members selected in the mentioned unbound combo box in that continuous form, this total should be based on the group selected in the mentioned unbound combo box, in case i select another group the total should also be based on newly selected group.

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Forms :: Using Total From A Subform In A Sum In Main Form

Jul 8, 2013

I am trying to create a time sheet that enables my workers to fill out separate work orders and the hours from those Work orders are auto transferred to a sub form within their daily time sheet. I have gotten all this done and I have the total hours transferring to the main form but I need to use that transferred number in a new sum on the main form. I know that this cannot be easily done just by using the expression builder.

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Forms :: Running Total Of A Field From A Form?

Jul 15, 2015


I have this expression in a field on a form. It's been a really long time since I worked in Access. Is sub2013 a field on a form, in a table?

It's doing a running total of a field from a form. I can't find a subform with this name, or a field anywhere, I'm drawing a blank.

using Access 2007....

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Total Of A Field In A Subform Displayed In Actual Form.

Jun 10, 2006


I am setting up a database to run a shop. In my 'Orders' form, i have a subform of the order details (The item (combo box), price, quantity and subtotal (price*quantity).

In the form in which the subform is displayed, how can I display the total of the subtotals? Is it easy, could anyone show me roughly what i need to write?

Many, many thanks,

- Smiffezo.

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Total Noob Can't Update/append Form Field

Jan 14, 2004

Hi guys- totally in the frying pan here...I can't seem to get past this initial stumbling block with Access

i've made a simple form that "should" create a primary key from the first two digits of a clients last name and last four digits of their phone number...i've tried an update query button and a refresh data button...the key field gets filled in on the form, but it will not transfer to the underlying table...I keep getting a null value error for the key....any help would be greatly appreciated...


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Calculated Field Pull Total From Another Report Or Form

Dec 16, 2004

I have a report with a calculated field. This calculated field needs to pull the value or total from a field in another report. I think the formula is :
but I'm getting ?Name as the result.
The report is AssmntB where I need to have the value copied.
The original report is AssmntC and the field is totalreqamnt4 where the value is originally calculated.
totalreqmant4 is also a calculated field which sums fields from a query.

Help with the formula? please?

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Total Newbie Question - Form Updating Not Table

Dec 1, 2004

Okay I've looked around but haven't found an answer to this, if there is one in the forum please forgive me. I've created a database to help track employee passwords for differnt system I placed and Audit Trail on the form (the example from Microsoft) however it updates only the form and not the table and I need it to do both. Please Help!



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Forms :: Pulling Totals From Total Row Into Form Textbox?

Dec 13, 2013

The new database that I am building will be used as a point system based on attendance. This means that I will have a main form that a few users will utilize to look up an employee's score. So far, I have a combobox (cmbEmployeeDropDown) that lists the query for each employee using the following:

Row Source:

SELECT [Name] FROM MSysObjects WHERE [Type]=5 AND [Flags]=0 ORDER BY [Name];

Row Source Type: Table/Query

From this combobox selection I would like the totals from the Total row in the query to appear in textboxes on the form (txtTotalPoints, for example).

Is this possible to do or is there a better way to do this?

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Forms :: Total Line From A Query Displayed In A Form

Jan 8, 2014

I am looking for displaying the totals from a query onto a form.

I have a query which has a total line showing a count of the number of entry's in each column. I would like to be able to display these totals on one of my forms in text boxes (or any other way). Is this possible and if so how do I do it ?

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