Error On Synchronize Now For Replication Version: 2003 (11.0)

Nov 29, 2006

I am getting the following error when Synchronizing Now for Replicated database. The total database size is only 22 megs (contains reports and forms). This just started happening recently, otherwise it was fine before. My machine is running WinXP Pro SP2 (with latest service pacs) on an AMD DualCore 3800 with 1gig RAM. Once you hit the OK it continues and competes successfully (at least it look OK). Any ideas what this could be or to eliminate it popping up? I run the database with minimum of programs at the same time.


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Safely Removing Replication From Access 2003 Db.

May 1, 2006

The short Questions:
1) How do I safely remove replication from a copy of an MS Access 2003
database? Safely as in without affecting any of the other replicated copies?
2) How can I find all the copies of this database still being replicated to
after the design master has been lost?

The long Questions:
Hello All, I’m new to Access replication and have started at a company that
uses several Access databases with replication. We are creating a new site
using a similar database structure. I’ve made a copy and would like to start
by removing replication both because it is not necessary in our environment.
Also I’m about to make some database changes and am worried they changes or
record deletions will be propagated. As mentioned I do not believe there is
any reason to use replication for this project so I would like to remove it
for all databases, unfortunately several of the databases are very critical
so I want to be as informed as I can before making any changes since if I
break it and do not know enough to fix it my company would loose a lot of
money. Is there anyway from a given database (besides the replication master,
it has been long lost) to find all the databases that are replicated?

Lastly before undertaking this project is there any advice anyone here can
give me to better my chances of success? Any lessons learned?
-Brian Sky

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Version 97 And 2003

May 20, 2005

Are there any issues with converting an older 97 database to 2003? Is it a straight conversion, or will there be differences that affect the way the database will run if converted? I've read somewhere that it is possible to use the newer version to open the database w/o converting it. It seems silly to have to install 97 on a new computer in order to view the db.

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2003 Have A Runonly Version

Jun 6, 2007

Hi all,
Does A03 have a cheap/free stripped version out there?

I gotta install my DB on some more PCs in the office and have run out of licenses on my office disk for access.

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36 Categories How To Update? Version: 2003 (11.0)

Jul 12, 2005


Got a problem here with Access 2003: got 36 categories (example: volume from 0-0.1=category 1 vol from 0.1-0.2=category 2 etc) and a whole bunch of records (in a table) stating volume per record (0.111, 0.23456 etc). For each record I need to know which category it is. Now in order to prevent me from writing 36 update queries for each category (if vol>0 and <0.1 then category = 1 etc) there must b a smarter/faster way to do this. What is it?


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Pictures In Access Data Pages (Version 2003)

Sep 14, 2005

My database consists of some personal data and a photo of each person.
I am trying to include these photos when I browse the database via ADP.
I have found instructions how to do so at Microsoft website (article ID: 285820)
Link for it:
The problem is I cannot make it !!!!!!!!
Where exactly should I paste the VBscript in the page code to execute displaying of the photos???????
I am happy to send you the head portion of my page code if anybody knows where to paste it.....

Please help,

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Restricting Users Ability To Read Only Version: 2003

Feb 22, 2006

I have a very simple Access database that contains a form where users enter sheduling information...I wish to limit a group of users to be able to read this information only and not modify or add to it.

The tables are in a back end mdb. The rest is in a front end mdb. And the users actually use the mde file when working with the schedule.

What in your opinion is the least complicated method for providing some users with the ability to add/modify and some with read only.

Thank you.

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Access 2003 Runtime Version And Shortcut Menus

Mar 14, 2006

I have developed an application and packed it into a runtime version.
However, in the runtime version the shortcut menus do not work. The reason why I want the user to have that possibility is that the application has two hyperlink fields and it is much easier for the users to be able to browse to the documents instead of typing each link with all the errors that might give as well.
Any help would be appreciated.

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Pdf.ocx Version 1.3 Error

Sep 20, 2006

Hi all,

My boss get this message when open a form in his pc
"Your Microsoft Office Access database or project contains a missing or broken reference to the file 'pdx.ocx' version 1.3"

Unfortunattely this message didn't appear in my pc :) .
I make a small program to open a pdf file from access.

Could you help me please to solve this problem.

Thanks in advance for your help


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Access 2003 Shell Error

Jul 20, 2006


I am attempting to open an Access db from another access db like this:

varDST = mymdbpath
varEX = path/msaccess.exe

varSHELL = Chr$(34) & varEX & Chr$(34) & Chr$(32) & Chr$(34) & varDST &

Call Shell(varSHELL, 1)

but I get this error:

MS Office is unable to open the data access page
The field does not exist etc
The file you attempted to load not recognised as HTML etc.

It works ok in Access 2000

please hlp.


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General Error With Migration 97 To Access 2003

Sep 29, 2005

In the company whe are migrating from NT4 with Access 97 to a XP And office 2003 enviroment.

This couses some serrius Isues.

one of them richt no is a Multi usser DB. 2 systems of XP and only one of them is able to run the DB. both instalations are the same. ... the DB is tested on more XP systems. but so als it seems only one person is able to run the DB at a time..

But a few can't run the DB at al.

the Software on all systems is the Same Image so there is no diference between OS and Office.

Who already migrated from 97 to 2003 and had isues with migrating..
like these.

.. on the department whe have 15 + diferent DB's in 97. and the Main developers of these DB's ore the IT department is not going to fix this.

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Write Conflict Error Is MS Access 2003

Feb 12, 2008

Hi everyone,

I am doing some work on my company's database. It is a MS Access 2003 front-end with an SQL back-end.

Recently, I have asked the database administrator to add some new fields to an existing table and two of them are yes/no fields. When I have tried to update these fields, it comes up with a 'Write Conflict' error message and I can only choose 'Copy to clipboard' or 'Drop changes'. But either way, my changes do not get saved.

I have found that the error occurs when I refresh the table links to add the new fields and then try to save over just the old fields and not even trying to add anything into the new fields. Two of the fields are yes/no but they have a default value of 0 and I'm not sure what is causing my error. I read that it may be due to these yes/no fields having no default values so I thought I would mention it incase anyone may have suggested that to be the reason for my error message.

Any help is appreciated.


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Error Upading Excel With Access 2003

Apr 28, 2006

I recently updated my version of Access 2003 with the latest patches. I have a linked excel spreadsheet that I update using a query. The linked spreadsheet no longer allows editing since the update. Anyone encounter this problem - know of a work around?


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Microsoft Access 2003 Error 3197

May 10, 2007

I need help with Microsoft Access 2003. I am receiving messages when I am saving in windows or closing in windows. the message is, "Microsoft Jet data base engine stopped the process because you and another user are attempting to change the same data at the same time.

email at:

(E-Mail address blocked: See forum rules)

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Oct 13, 2005

Hi all,

I want to make a synchronize function in access.
I have two methodes, and i dont know what is best, since i have no experinece with synchronize functions.

Its about meeting information.

An employee has a meeting. He creates his meeting in the database. This way his meeting id is reserved. The employee goes to a client. Takes his laptop with the program. Fills in the information. Goes back to his company. push the botton, and the files from his latop synchronize with the main database under the reserved meeting id.

for example:
meetingID 7 is reservated.


The employee comes back:

MeetinID and Action ID are PK.

Now the question. I can also create a unique field for the action table. So that actionID and MeetingID wil be no long PK, just one field that identifies. But for the synchronize function, is it harder to program? Or does it make no difference? can you simpy add them ? or is it better to keep using the 2 pks.

please help



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Shortcut Error In Access 2000 Works In 2003.

Jun 24, 2005


I got the following code from this forum to create shortcut on the desktop..
Set objShell = New WSHShell
Set objShortcut = objShell.CreateShortcut(objShell.SpecialFolders("AllUsersDesktop") & "" & sShortcut)
objShortcut.TargetPath = sDB
objShortcut.WindowStyle = "3"

I have Access 2003..but file format is 2000 because others have access 2000.
This code works great on my machine..but getting error on access 2000 machine..It does not recognize "New WSHShell" in the above code.

-------------------error message
Compile Error:
User-defined type not defined

Any references needs to be added?

Please help...Thanks..

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Forms :: Opening DB With 2003 Form Loading Error

Sep 17, 2013

I have designed a DB in access 2010 and it opens fine on my computer. However, when others I work with (who still have 2003) try to open the database, they get the following error: "An Error Has Occured Trying to Load The Form "Form Name" - Do You Wish to Continue".

When I click Yes, it brings up all of the VBA code in the background, but when i close all of that out, it still doensn't open.I am by no means an access expert.

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Synchronize To ALL Replicas

Jan 30, 2008


Is it possible to synchronize to ALL replicas using a command button in one shot from the Design Master?? I've read various posts, and it doesn't sound like anybody has found a solution for this. Found solutions for doing it one at a time, but was wondering if anybody has found a way to synchronize to all replicas without any user interaction other than hitting a button.


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Modules & VBA :: Access 2003 - Compile Error Expected / End Of Statement

Apr 19, 2014

I'm using MS Access 2003 and having difficulty with VBA.

strSql = "Insert into TBLCONDUTOR (Codigo, pretensao, ncarta, nlicenca, nome, apelido, dnascimento, contacto1, contacto2, email, nbicc, nnif, morada, localidade, cidade, cpostal, _
imagemcondutor, catAM, dataemissaoAM, datavalidadeAM, catA1, dataemissaoA1, datavalidadeA1, catA2, dataemissaoA2, datavalidadeA2, catA, dataemissaoA, datavalidadeA, _
catB1, dataemissaoB1, datavalidadeB1, catB, dataemissaoB, datavalidadeB, catBE, dataemissaoBE, datavalidadeBE,

[Code] ....

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Synchronize Splitted Database

Mar 23, 2007

Hello mates,

I was wondering (once again :D) is there a way to synchronize splitted and replicated database programmatically from users front end when they close database? I've "Data" & "Interface" databases both in users pc and in server as well.

If this sounds a bit odd, please correct me? Is there a point add back end database to users pc as well or only front end database, which is linked to back end database tables in server?

Thank you! :)

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Synchronize A Combo-box And A Text Box

Jan 27, 2005

I've a form with a combo box "OrderNumber" (to allow the user to select the correct order) and a text box "Date" which displays the date of the order selected.
The problem is that I don't know how to synchronize the boxes.
I know the procedure to do it with two combo-boxes (cmboDate=Null & cboDate.Requery in the after update property of the cbo "Order Number"), but is it possible that when I change the order selected in the combo-box, the text box shows the correct date?
Thanks for your help!

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Synchronize Three Combo Boxes

Dec 29, 2004

Ok, here's my dilemna. I'm new to Access and have been struggling to learn this all day long.

I have mastered how to syncrhonize 2 combo boxes, but am having trouble for 3. I would like to do it using Events/VB Code (I guess that's what you'd call it)

Say I have a Car Manufacturer, Model, and am looking for a particular part in the database.

I want a form with combo boxes that has a list for "Manufacturer" (Pkey = ManufacturerID) which is related to "Model" (PKey = ModelID) which is related to "Part" (Pkey = PartID).

The first combo box takes info from the Manufacturer table and gives me some choices, I want to pick one and have it restrict it to the available Models for that Manufacturer.
Then I choose the model and the last combo box restricts me to parts available for that Manufacturer/Model.

Is there a way to do this with the "AfterUpdate()" event? Need more details, or anything? Please help, this is making me go insane.

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Synchronize Three Combo Boxes

Mar 3, 2005

HELP PLEASE. I'm fairly new to access and would like to synchronize three combo boxes. My table are; tblDepartments, tblDivisions, tblTitles, tblDeptDiv, and tblDivClass. The last two tables are junction tables because I have many to many relationships one department can be related to many divisions or a division to many departments and the same goes for divisions and titles. I can manage to synchronize two combo boxes.

Any help will be appreciated.

Thank you.

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General :: Synchronize 2 Or More Databases?

Jan 21, 2014

I want code to synchronize 2 or more databases. The databases are the same, but in different media,like in mobile flash drive,backup drive and main system

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General :: Synchronize 2 Or More Tables?

Jan 21, 2014

I have 2 or more identical tables in Access 2010.I need to synchronized both table at intervals automatically using code. how can this be done?

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Synchronize To A Design Master With A Button

Aug 2, 2005

I appologise but I am useless with Access but am trying to learn.

I have a datababse that we use to log calls onto, There are five members of our team and each member has thier own replica of the datababse. At the end of each day we have to re-sync our replicas to the design master.

It would be nice if we could put a button on the form we use to do the synchronization for us. Is this possible and how do you do it? bearing in mind that I am not too good with access so I need laymans terms.

TIA all

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