Error When Pasting Excel File In MS Access 2010?

Sep 1, 2015

When I am working in the tutorial which is shown in the below link:


when I copy from Clarksville.xlsx the employees names and try to paste into a new Access database*. It says:

Text is Too Long to be Edited

I am unsure what to do next to deal with this error. The internet says to increase the size of the cell where the text is being pasted. I am not sure how to do that.

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Reports :: MS Access 2010 Report - Exporting To Excel Produces Blank Xls File?

Jun 27, 2014

My report (rptBilling_STS_Summary) has three subreports (rptBilling_STS_Summary_Install, rptBilling_STS_Summary_Rental, rptBilling_STS_Summary_LDRate) that return values that are grouped by customer and calculates a total for each customer.

I need the report to export to excel for our client but every attempt has produced a blank XLS file. I have tried every export method I can think of. This is what I have tried:

Export button from external data ribbon
Export from print preview
Export via macro
Export via VBA (DoCmd.OutputTo acOutputReport, "rptBilling_STS_Summary", acFormatXLS, , False, , , acExportQualityPrint)

All this has produced the same blank excel file... Very frustrating...

I have searched and found a lot of information on 2007 and it requiring sp2 but all I can find on 2010 is instructional information.

Update: I copied the database to my local PC and when I export the XLS file it opens in protected view.

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Getting Unparsable Record Error When Importing Txt File To Access 2010

Jul 21, 2014

I am trying to import large txt file to access but getting Getting 'Unparsable Record' Error.


Unparsable Record


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Modules & VBA :: Access 2010 / Runtime Error 1004 While Export To Excel

Jun 15, 2015

I'm using Access 2010 and I want to export a query to Excel by clicking a button. Every time I click on it Excel opens but doesn't open my worksheet, it's just gray like you just open the program without a table. After exiting it Access tells me I got a run time error 1004: the open-method of the workbook object couldn't be executed. After opening my Excel file it says that Excel found unreadable content and asks if I want to restore the content of the workbook.

Here is my code:

Private Sub Befehl62_Click()
Dim cdb As DAO.Database, qdf As DAO.QueryDef, SheetName As String, xlApp As Object
Set cdb = CurrentDb
SheetName = Me!txtSheetName.Text


where my problem is?

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Pasting Data From Excel To Access

Mar 15, 2005


I'd like an easy way for my users to be able to transfer data from Excel to Access. Basically, I'd like them to manually create a new parent record, and paste into an empty text box new child records. Then, when they clicked finish, I'd grab the info in the text box and put it in the appropriate tables. The trouble is - I have no clue how to do this. If someone could tell me how to get data pasted into a textbox into a table, I could figure the rest out. Any advice?


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General :: Possible To Have Value In Excel 2010 Cell Used To Update Access 2010 Database

Apr 4, 2013

Is it possible to have a value in an excel 2010 cell be used to update an access 2010 db?

For example, if in a spreadsheet "test" cell A2=3 then in a db "test" a column "value" is 3. However, if the value in the spreadsheet changes so does the db.

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Modules & VBA :: Access Exported Data To Excel / File Error

May 28, 2014

I've vba in Report onformat the vba code does some data copying to External Excel file (premade by vba).Now on first run, i got success.But on opening the excel file, it showed blank space + Error"File already opened"

No White Spreadsheet is shown with data to see into file, i created new excel file in windows, and inserted the vba created/exported file as an Obj.Now Obj is showing correct and full data with spreadsheet as normal view.

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Reports :: Using Transfer Spreadsheet Command To Output Data In Query To Excel 2010 Format File

Aug 18, 2015

I'm working with Access 2010 and am trying to use the transferspreadsheet command to output data in a query to an Excel 2010 format file. Here is the line of code:

DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet acExport, acSpreadsheetTypeExcel12, "q_calldetails_tmp", "c: emp estoutput.xlsx"

It works fine and produces the output file but when I try and open it with Excel I get an error saying the format is incorrect. If I change the extension to .xls it opens with no problem but I need it to be an Excel 2010 format with correct extension.

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Pasting To Table From Excel

Feb 14, 2006

Hello All,

I'm having trouble pasting a series of records of text from an excel sheet to a table in access.

The field (Instructions) in the main table gets its values from another table (Instructions) with Inst_ID(autonumber) + Text.

The (Instructions) table was constructed based on the unique values found in the pool of all records (611) in the excel sheet - 102 unique records.

The problem occurs when i paste the bulk of records (611) to the field in the main table - stating that #The text is too long to be edited"

- My Field Size for the respective field in the main table is set to "LongInteger"
- In the Instructions Table the text records are set as "Memo"

What happens is that only 529 of the 611 records are allowed to be pasted the remainder end up in the "Paste Errors" table, which i then confirm exist in the Instructions Table.

This also happens for other fields where i attempt the same approach (unique values from excel to table, then pasting of 611 records to respective field in the main table) but here i'm able to paste a mere 30, 52, ... records of the total of 611.

Reading through the forum for this subject i found that what could be done (Long Integer + Memo), I believe, has already been done.

So i was hoping someone could provide some help for this issue, or to figure out if what i'm trying to do is not possible.

It must be said that some of the Instruction's text really have a large character count but certainly less than 65,xxx (memo)

Thanks for any help provided. :)
Kind regards,

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Pasting Records From Excel

Feb 14, 2006

Hello All,

I'm having trouble pasting a series of records of text from an excel sheet to a table in access.

The field (Instructions) in the main table gets its values from another table (Instructions) with Inst_ID(autonumber) + Text.

The (Instructions) table was constructed based on the unique values found in the pool of all records (611) in the excel sheet - 102 unique records.

The problem occurs when i paste the bulk of records (611) to the field in the main table - stating that #The text is too long to be edited"

- My Field Size for the respective field in the main table is set to "LongInteger"
- In the Instructions Table the text records are set as "Memo"

What happens is that only 529 of the 611 records are allowed to be pasted the remainder end up in the "Paste Errors" table, which i then confirm exist in the Instructions Table.

This also happens for other fields where i attempt the same approach (unique values from excel to table, then pasting of 611 records to respective field in the main table) but here i'm able to paste a mere 30, 52, ... records of the total of 611.

Reading through the forum for this subject i found that what could be done (Long Integer + Memo), I believe, has already been done.

So i was hoping someone could provide some help for this issue, or to figure out if what i'm trying to do is not possible.

It must be said that some of the Instruction's text really have a large character count but certainly less than 65,xxx (memo)

Thanks for any help provided.
Kind regards,

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Pasting To Excel For VLOOKUP

Mar 27, 2014

I am copying and pasting the results of an Access query to Excel for the purposes of using that data as the source for a VLOOKUP. However, it seems that no matter what I do the cells that were pasted from Access do not correspond to the same values that are in the lookup table in Excel. For example, I want to find the value ABC from column A of the pasted Access data to find the corresponding ABC in the Excel array. It doesn't consider it a match even though both cells are formatted the same way. I've even gone so far to test it by putting a logical comparison of the specific cells in another cell and it claims they are not the same even though the values are exactly the same. The only thing that seems to work is if I manually type over the value pasted from Access with the same value that is already in the cell. Then the VLOOKUP works. However, I am not about to go typing all these values manually. That's why I used an Access query. How do I get Excel to recognize that these values indeed match?

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Open Ddb File With Access 2010

Sep 11, 2012

I'm trying to open a ddb file with Access 2010 and Access asks for a password to the file. The ddb file is the source file for an Invoices and Estimates Pro database. Invoices and Estimates Pro won't run correctly on Windows 7 in XP mode, so we're upgrading our invoicing to a Windows7 friendly program. However, we can't upload the ddb file data from our old program into the new, we need to first convert it into csv, which i'm hoping to use Access for. However, Access is now asking me for the password, which was never set in Invoices and Estimates Pro.

Is there a way to see what the ddb file password is? Or a work-around? This will save us literally a hundred hours of re-entering all the inventory data into the new program.

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Import DAT File Into Access 2010?

Jun 14, 2013

importing a .DAT file into Access 2010?

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How To Read PDF File In MS Access 2010

Sep 9, 2014

I am way beyond my skills trying to read these files.

I am trying to read *.pdf files using VBA. I have tried using some code

Dim AcroApp As Acrobat.CAcroApp
Dim theForm As Acrobat.CAcroPDDoc
Dim jso As Object
Dim text1, text2 As String
'error occurs here stating"ActiveX component can't create object"

[Code] ....

I have set a reference to Adobe 10 Type Library and Adobe Access 3 Type library. I am using Adobe Acrobat Reader X. I now read them by converting to text file and using FileObject to read the text file and VBA text commands to get the right fields.

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Importing Excel Spreadsheet Into Access 2010

Dec 9, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that I'd like to import into Access 2010 however prior to the import, I'd like to delete some of the rows in the spreadsheet.The spreadsheet only has one workbook.It will likely always be rows 1-10.I have already set up the Excel 14.0 Object reference, if that's even necessaryHow can I accomplish this using either VB or query?

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General :: Editing MDB File With Access 2010

Nov 15, 2012

Any issues with using Access 2010 to edit an mdb file..I know there are backward incompatibility issues with 2007 and 2010, but these are both accdb formats.

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Modules & VBA :: Access 2010 File Dialog Box

Feb 11, 2015

I have the following code which successfully opens the dialog box with filters however when I add a function with an Excel import, the filters do not work at all (no files are shown even though they exist in the directory that's opened within the dialog box). If I manually type in the filter (i.e. *.x) it still shows the files.The function at the bottom was provided by cheekybuddha from another form, I'd be lost on getting the Excel file imported into Access.Here's the VBA code (the Function is also included at bottom):

Private Sub Command0_Click()
On Error GoTo PROC_ERR
Dim strpathtofile As String
Dim strTable As String, strBrowseMsg As String
Dim strFilter As String, strInitialDirectory As String
Dim blnHasFieldNames As Boolean


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General :: Hide File Tab In Access 2010

Jan 25, 2013

I just upgraded to Access 2010. I was able to solve all migrational issues, but my custom ribbon is showing two File tabs, one that I created and the default access file tab. How to get rid of the default File tab or at least disable it?

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Error Importing Excel File

Jul 6, 2005

So I have had Access for all of one day now. I am trying to import an excel file into access as a table. I successfully imported the first file but the second file gives me an error that says "An error occurred trying to import file ____. The file was not imported." What are the possible reasons this error has occurred? Both excel files I am importing are in the same format, so I am confused as to why one worked but the other did not. Thanks for any help.

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General :: Importing XML File Into Access 2010 With XSL Via Transform?

Dec 9, 2012

I'm having difficulty getting my import to work... when i call on the original XML file I get too many tables... when i call on the XML file using the transform function of Access with the XSL file it gives me only two tables "body" and "tr". Body contains the value "Weather" and tr contains the value "Day".

Import the day as month/day/year into a field "Day" in access table "WeatherSFCAL"

Import the Fahrenheit temp from the high section into the field "High" in access table "WeatherSFCAL"

Import the Fahrenheit temp from the low section into the field "Low" in access table "WeatherSFCAL"

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General :: Importing TXT File Into Database - Access 2010

Apr 3, 2014

I am having difficulty importing a large txt file into my database, due to the first column containing a * prefix. normally i would just go through the document and delete it, but this file is quite large at over 100k records.

Is there anyway of importing this file in access 2010 and telling access to ignore the first column?

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Modules & VBA :: Access 2010 - File Search In Specified Locations

Feb 28, 2014

Previously in Excel / Access 97 / 2003 I made a little tool that would search for files in specified locations - I modified the code so that it would search for files based on what was entered in cells.

I believe a lot of the old code doesn't work in Access 2010 and it seems like a lot of the old file searching code I used to use no longer works.

Is there code available that searches a directory and lists results?

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Transfer HTML That Has XLS File Format In Access 2010 Using VBA

Oct 20, 2015

I have a downtime system that was created by our IT department that records the downtime of the line stops, it has export to excel button that will export the downtime to excel based off the parameters of date and time. I want to do the export then import to access for downtime analysis. The problem I am having is the programmers export it as HTML with .xls file format. and the worksheet has a date associated with it as well as the spreadsheet has a tab that contains a date and I can't figure away to import to a fixed table. So I tried the transfer spreadsheet not knowing it was in HTML, couldn't recognize the format, then I tried transfer HTML, can't find the file because of .xls file format. I know I could re-save it as a excel file but was trying to keep the steps to a min. Is there a way to import even though it has a date attached to the file and spreadsheet tab.

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Forms :: Multi Select Listbox Access 2003 Code Gives Syntax Error In MS Access 2010

Oct 24, 2013

I've been using the following code successfully in Access 2003 & now I need to migrate to Access 2010. The purpose of the code is to use the items that the user selects in the list box to build the criteria of a query. Access 2010 keeps giving me a syntax error when I try to run the query & I don't know why:

My code is:

On Error GoTo Err_Command151_Click

' Declare variables
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim qdf As DAO.QueryDef
Dim varItem As Variant
Dim strCriteria As String
Dim strSQL As String

[Code] .....

The syntax error I get in Access 2010 is:

Syntax Error in query expression 'SELECT * FROM
qryContractListSummarybyDateContract3TYPEBREAK WHERE
qryContractListSummarybyDateContract3TYPEBREAK.Rep ortableName IN('Adbri
Masonry NSW');'

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General :: Uploading From Excel - Error In XLS File In Row 0

Feb 3, 2014

I have an access database that has been written by someone else (I am a novice when comes to access!) and to which I have been asked to regularly upload data from excel.

There is a Macro written to load data from spreadsheets, and generally this works without problems. However there are a few spreadsheets which come up that result in a message box saying "Error in [name of spreadsheet] xls file in row 0" - I have checked for errors and null values in the spreadsheet but have seen this before as it generally tells me the error is in row 245 for example, but have never seen this error in row 0 before!

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Forms :: Changing Embedded Excel Sheet Cell Value - Access 2010

Mar 9, 2014

I would like to embed a blank worksheet in access form. I want to do a macro to change the cells value when I click on a button, but I don't know how to do it?

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