Event When Exit Application From SwitchBoard

Feb 25, 2007

I have a switchboard with an exit button to exit the application. I want to add an event so it executes when user exit the application from the switchboard.

how to do that.

or how can I access the procdure for the application exit attach the event to

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My Switchboard Won't Exit!

Jun 27, 2005

I've created a new database using the standard Switchboard function. However, when I use the Exit Application command the database closes but MS Access stays open. It's a minor problem but infuriating, especially as I've never encountered this problem before and everything I try won't fix it. Any ideas?

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On Exit Event - Tab/click Header Vs. Detail

Jan 6, 2006

I have a continuous form, with data entry fields in both the form header and the detail section.

I've attached an "On Exit" event to the ProdQty field in the detail section. The prime function of the event code is to run an update query on the table (which is the data source for the form).

The code executes properly (update query runs successfully and form refreshes) when I Tab out of that field. It also executes properly when I use the mouse to click on another field in the detail section.

However, when I use the mouse to click on a field in the form header or form footer sections, the On Exit code does not execute properly.

Here's the On Exit Sub:

Private Sub ProdQty_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
On Error GoTo ProdQty_Error

If (Int(Me!ProdQty) <> Me!ProdQty) Or ((Me!ProdQty / Me!LDU) < 1) Or (Int(Me!ProdQty / Me!LDU) <> (Me!ProdQty / Me!LDU)) Then
Me.ProdQty.BackColor = 255
Me.ProdQty.ForeColor = 16777215
MsgBox "The quantity you entered is invalid for this product." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Please check the LDU (least divisible unit) and enter a new quantity.", vbExclamation, "Quantity Error"
DoCmd.GoToRecord acActiveDataObject, "Order Form", acPrevious
DoCmd.GoToRecord acActiveDataObject, "Order Form", acNext
DoCmd.GoToControl "ProdQty"
Exit Sub
Me.ProdQty.BackColor = 255
Me.ProdQty.BackColor = 16777215
Me.ProdQty.ForeColor = 0
DoCmd.SetWarnings False
DoCmd.OpenQuery "Update Product Qty in Current Order", acViewNormal, acEdit

DoCmd.GoToControl "ProductCombo"
End If

Exit Sub

End Sub

Here's the Update Query:

UPDATE [Current Order] INNER JOIN Products ON [Current Order].[Product #] = Products.[Product #] SET [Current Order].Quantity = Forms![Order Form]!ProdQty, [Current Order].Price = IIf([Forms]![Order Form]![PriceCodeCombo]="CS",[Products]![Contract Net]*([Forms]![Order Form]![ProdQty]/[Forms]![Order Form]![ProdLDU1]),IIf([Forms]![Order Form]![PriceCodeCombo]="EDW",[Products]![Ed Wholesale]*([Forms]![Order Form]![ProdQty]/[Forms]![Order Form]![ProdLDU1]),IIf([Forms]![Order Form]![PriceCodeCombo]="R2",[Products]![R2 Net]*([Forms]![Order Form]![ProdQty]/[Forms]![Order Form]![ProdLDU1]),IIf([Forms]![Order Form]![PriceCodeCombo]="R3",[Products]![R3 Net]*([Forms]![Order Form]![ProdQty]/[Forms]![Order Form]![ProdLDU1]),IIf([Forms]![Order Form]![PriceCodeCombo]="R4",[Products]![R4 Net]*([Forms]![Order Form]![ProdQty]/[Forms]![Order Form]![ProdLDU1]),IIf([Forms]![Order Form]![PriceCodeCombo]="R5",[Products]![R5 Net]*([Forms]![Order Form]![ProdQty]/[Forms]![Order Form]![ProdLDU1]),IIf([Forms]![Order Form]![PriceCodeCombo]="R6",[Products]![R6 Net]*([Forms]![Order Form]![ProdQty]/[Forms]![Order Form]![ProdLDU1]),IIf([Forms]![Order Form]![PriceCodeCombo]="W",[Products]![Wholesale Net]))))))))
WHERE ((([Current Order].[Product #])=[Forms]![Order Form]![Product1]));

I tried copying that code to "After Update", "On Change", and "On Lost Focus" events but the results were the same.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!

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OnClose Event And Exit / Quit Buttons

Jul 24, 2012

I have a form (menu) that auto-loads along w/ the database that has a standard exit button at the bottom. On that form/menu, one item/button loads a table for editing (we'll call this 'edit table' button). I want a prompt to pop up asking whether or not the user would like to export the table to excel on exit, only when a user loads the table, regardless of whether other items from the menu are loaded during the session.

As of right now, I have a hidden form that loads when the 'edit table' button is clicked and I have an OnUnload event set on the hidden form to load an 'export to excel' form/prompt (loaded as dialog, form set to popup & modal). When I test this out by closing the hidden form (clicking it's 'x', or the 'exit' button on my main menu or access' 'x'), the 'export to excel' form loads beautifully and the 'export to excel' button works great except my other button on that form, the 'exit' button, does not work at all.

The exit button is set to 'quit -> prompt'. This is completely nitpicking, but how do I get this 'quit' button to work. Clicking on that form's 'x' button closes that window and continues the exit and I could just write I note saying 'click the x to exit', but I'd rather figure out what's broken here and fix that exit button. If I set that button to 'quit -> exit' I get an action failed error # 2950.

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Switchboard Event.

Jun 24, 2005

I have a switchboard with one value called Deliverables. This is what I am trying to do:

When I click on deliverables, it should run a fuction where I get a msg box asking me if the deliverable is Fund related or not? If the user clicks YES, it should open up in a form called Deliverable Fund Related Form. If the user clicks on the option NO it should still open in the same form but I want a few text fields and combo boxes visibility to be false.

Please help me on how do i go about with this.

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General :: Trigger Event To Update All Records On Application Open

Jul 29, 2013

There are around 100 customers.And on application open, need to check if customer has paid invoice. If the customer has paid/not paid need to change the status accordingly. Form on open event changes status of only the first customer.Form on current changes status only if we move to the specific record. Is there an event to trigger to check the entire table records on application open?

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Modules & VBA :: Main Form Load Event Firing On Application Quit?

Aug 6, 2013

I'm developing in Access 2007 and created a runtime version.

When the user clicks the X to close the runtime application, the main form's Load event fires. Any clues as to why this might be? Some of the code is based on other forms that do close, so of course errors start flying. Note, this is only in the runtime version; the accdb file works just fine.

My current workaround is to put the offending code into the forms On Current event, which I'm able to do in this context.

Is it wrong to think that a forms On_Load event shouldn't be firing when the application is closing?

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Opening Access Application Like Desk Application Done With Java Or Vb

Jan 5, 2014

it is possible to Open access application like desk application done with java or vb, or install access application as exe or similar methods. My requirements is to giving a access application to customer with data base for printing an invoice. when he running the aplication he can see access open and tables, queries forms left hand. how to hide these thing ?

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Is It Possible To Integrate MS Access Application To A Web Application??!!

Jun 11, 2007

We have an extensive reporting application in Access and would like it to be available through a web application. I've went down the road of migrating this application to SQL to use SQL Reporting Services; this is a good tool but I am wondering if MS Access has an easier solution for me other than migration to SQL.

I'm looking for a solution that will make these reports available over the web for many users. Price tag is a consideration...need to know if there is any.

Please help...thanks in advance for any thoughts!!!!

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Linking From Switchboard To Switchboard On Two Or More Databases

Nov 21, 2006

I am working on a database that will be an addition to an existing one on the company server. However, to make the overall layout not so complex and allow room for other additions in the future, I'd like to keep the databases separate. This will also ensure more efficiency, integrity and troubleshooting overall.

I have the original database with the name of "Cell MFG Screen" that contains a switchboard. I am now creating a db to keep track of manufacturing waste (which will also be on the same server when completed). That switchboard is called "Cell Waste Weight". Again, I want to keep these db's separated from one another as well being able to add future dbs. Now, what my plan is to make up a one db that consists of only a switchboard that will be used as the main switchboard to be able to navigate to other dbs that are located on the server.

Does anyone know how this is done?

Thank you in advance for your help,


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Exit Help

Jun 6, 2005

Does anyone know the code to exit from THE whole ACCESS program.

That is when I click the close button on the switchoboard, I want the system to close the whole of access program.

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Using X To Exit

Nov 14, 2006

If my user uses the MS Access 'X' button (upper right hand of screen) to Exit the application does anyone know what methods are triggered that may let me perform some task before the application actually ends?

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Hangs & Exit

Aug 21, 2005

I'm having an application which is developed in access. It's running quite well, some times when I made changes to forms or reports it hangs for a while and exits without saving, it happens sometimes not always... what could be the problem? how can I rectify this..

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Backup On Exit

Oct 13, 2005


I have a database which on exit runs calls the following module and backs up the database to anther folder

Public Function BackupCopy()

'This function will allow you to copy a db that is open,

'You must set a reference to the 'Microsoft Scripting Runtime' for the CopyFile piece to work!

Dim fso As FileSystemObject

Dim sSourcePath As String
Dim sSourceFile As String
Dim sBackupPath As String
Dim sBackupFile As String

sSourcePath = "C:Database"
sSourceFile = "MyDB.mdb"
sBackupPath = "C:DatabaseBackups"
sBackupFile = "BackupDB_" & Format(Date, "mmddyyyy") & "_" & Format(Time, "hhmmss") & ".mdb"

Set fso = New FileSystemObject
fso.CopyFile sSourcePath & sSourceFile, sBackupPath & sBackupFile, True
Set fso = Nothing

MsgBox "Backup was successful and saved @ " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & sBackupPath & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & "The backup file name is " & Chr(13) & Chr(13) & sBackupFile, vbInformation, "Backup Completed"

End Function

but after backing up correctly it brings me the following error

"Run-time errror '424':

Object required

any ideas what might be going wrong


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Help: Exit Access

Feb 16, 2007

Hi all,

How would i close access via vba after a function runs?
I know how to close a form, but id like to close the entire thing.

Thanks in advance

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Exit Code

Jun 15, 2005

I have a form that automatically is shown when a user enters the database. I want to disable all exits of this form so that the user cannot exit the form before he/she exits the whole database. How do I do this?

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Exit Form

Dec 1, 2006

I have a form with 4 tab pages. on the 2 tab page I have a subform that adds records to a table via 2 combo boxes.

I have been able to stop user from leaving a combo control blank or skipping to the next combo control, but if user clicks the Exit command button on the main form, from the 2nd combo control, it prompts that value has to be selected but the gives error:

"You cannot add or change record because a related record is required"

How can I stop this so form will close and undo the 1st combo selection and not give error?

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Compress On Exit

Jul 30, 2014

What are the pro's and con's and setting the database to compress on Exit?

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Exit A Sub Form Without The Mouse

Jan 4, 2006

My main form has 2 “Continuous Forms” sub forms.
The cycle of the sub forms is set to “All Records”

Is there a way to exit the first sub form and move the focus to the second sub form utilizing only the keyboard? (Like shift + tab, or any custom buttons)
I’m trying to avoid using the mouse

Thank you

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Exit Using A Command Button

Jun 14, 2005

I have a form that has a command button on it. When the user clicks the command button I want the form that was up to be exited. I cannot find the correct syntax for this. Please help.

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Form Exit Query

Jul 14, 2005

Obviously doing something stupid here :-)

I use a form for data entry. When I hit the next arrow in the navigation button section (the default navigation buttons supplied by access), by data is saved into the relevant table.

When the I press the X on the form my data is also saved. However I'm not given the opportunity to say if I want to quit the form or save the data.

What do I need to set to get this functionality?


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Cannot Go To Next Record Or Exit If There Is Missing Value

Jan 8, 2006


In MS Access, Form

I want to set up that if there is missing value of the fields, then we cannot go to next record or exit the form when we click to do next action.

I tried to add the code in the After update event, or Exit event,

Example Code:
if (isnull([Zip]) or len([zip]) = 0) then
msgbox "missing"
end if

when I click to go to next record, or exit the form,
it give out message "missing", it work fines,
but, it still go to next record, or exit the form after the message.

How do I fix it? Thanks.

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On Exit Changes Another Field Depending On Value

Apr 4, 2006

I am working on adding the function of adding a date to a field on a form On Exit from another field. If the field I am exiting has a value of "No" i want to add the current date and if it is "Yes" I want to make sure the other field is null. I can't seem to find how to do this effectively. Can someone help me here?

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Cancel And Exit Form

Jul 7, 2006

Hi all, I have a textbox with an input mask for an id number, so if I begin adding numbers I get an error message if they're not in correct format- this is fine- but I want the user to be able to cancel the entry and exit the form, but when I click the cancel button I get an error message about the id format- anyone know how I can allow cancel to override this?

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Validating Data On Exit

Sep 10, 2006

I'm trying to figure out how to validate a field to make sure the users are not entering any blank spaces into the field. I've tried setting the mask up as "aaaaaa" but it still lets the user enter a blank space.

I've also tried building an event procedure to run on exit that reads:

Private Sub Barcode_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
Dim LPos As Integer
Dim LChar As String
Dim LValid_Values As String

'Start at first character in Barcode
LPos = 1

'Set up values that are considered to be alphanumeric
LValid_Values = " abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZ+-.0123456789"

'Test each character in Barcode
While LPos <= Len(pValue)

'Single character in Barcode
LChar = Mid(pValue, LPos, 1)

'If character is not alphanumeric, return FALSE
If InStr(LValid_Values, LChar) = 0 Then
AlphaNumeric = False
Exit Function
End If

'Increment counter
LPos = LPos + 1


'Value is alphanumeric, return TRUE
AlphaNumeric = True
If AlphaNumberic = False Then
MsgBox "Barcode cannot contain blank spaces, only letters and numbers.", vbExclamation, "Barcode Field Value"
End Sub

However the message box does not come up and the form will not then let you get out of that field.

Any ideas? I've been checking on this field by running a query and then manually correcting the errors but I would rather that the DB check and force correction at the time the data is entered.

Any and all help will be greatly appreciated.


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Uncheck Boxes On Exit

Jan 18, 2005

I created a form to select individual subcontractors from my database to print their info and it works wonderfully, however, when I close the form I would like the check boxes to return to the default of unchecked so that when I open the form again, there are no checked boxes. How do I do this? Thanks!

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