Excluding A Field From The Second Table In A Join

Jul 1, 2005


I have 2 tables.

1) Table A, which is a table of all 100,000 users
2) Table B, which is a table of all other users

I have a query qryA, which looks for everyone in table A with a certain type of job title.

I want to exclude anyone who works for a company that occurs in the table B from showing up in the qryA query.

Any ideas?

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Inner Join? Selecting And Excluding From Two Tables

Jun 14, 2006


Got the following question.
I have got two tables with the following values

Table X with Field ULX:

Table Y with Field ULY

Now I want to select the values from table X that correspond witht the values in Table Y for which I use the INNER JOIN operation, wich is working and gives me the results I am looking for.

But now I want to select the values from Table Y that do NOT correspond with the values in Table X, when I rewrite the INNER JOIN operation but now with the <> operator, my results still show the values XAUUSD and XAGUSD from table X.

This is my query:

Select distinct Y.ULY from Y
Inner join X on Y.ULY <> X.ULX ;

What am I doing wrong?


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Excluding A Field Which Exists In Another Table

Mar 10, 2006

Hi All,

Say you've got 2 tables and you want to extract data from table 1 but exclude all records from table 1 which have a field value existing in table 2?

Table 1 fields:

Table 2 fields:

Therefore, I would like to query out from Table 1 all Test_Code values which do not exist in Table 2. Any ideas please?

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Join AutoNumber With Other Table Field

May 17, 2006

Hi, I just a fresh user for the Microsoft Access. I have some question on the forms. I created a form and there is a field name Membership Id. In this field I created using AutoNumber format. I was requested this membership number needed to add also some Area Code and BranchCode infront of it. How could I add this into this membershipID so I could have this few info combine and shown in my form(textlabel) ? :p :p

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Problems Merging/join/combining Field To Table

Aug 20, 2007

hello people

im having some problems with my db. i have 2 tables(ATL and BATE)
in ATL, i have (im, IMAGEID, BREAK, TASK, LOC, bate) and in BATE, i have (Bate, var)

im trying to take Bate from Batetable, and insert it to ATL, even tho thers already a bate in ATL, both contain different records...
i tried this, but didnt work
Select ATL.im, ATL.IMAGEID, ATL.break, ATL.task, ATL.loc, ATL.Bate, BATE.bate
from ATL, BATE;
it worked, but BATE shows the same value for the hole row, it displays the same thing thing, even tho each row has a different value...
can anyone help me out?

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Excluding Duplicates In One Field In A Query

Aug 9, 2006

How can I run a query on the table attached to show the number of UR's that were operated on. As you can see some of the UR have more than two procedure dates so I want to exclude duplicates. i have tried "count" but that just gives a "1" value for each UR on each procedure date

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Excluding Records If They Appear On Another Table?

Sep 27, 2005

Hello, I'm new to the forum and relatively new to Access. There's something I'm trying to do but I'm not sure if it's even possible so I'm hoping someone can help me out and point me in the right direction

the situation:

I have one very big table containing data for around 250 petrol stations. The data is collected monthly, so each site has a record relating to each month. E.g site A has data for month 1, 2, 3 etc.

The problem is that in any month, some of this data needs to be excluded from analysis. And this will vary over the months. What I want to do is run a query where specific records are excluded, for example, exclude Site A data for month 1 and 3, Site B data for month 2 etc.

I have another table containing a list of which site + month data is bad and to be excluded. Ideally I want to simply add to the list each month before I run the select query.

the question:

Is there any way to exclude records from a select query based on their details appearing on another table?

help would be much appreciated!

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Excluding An Entire Table?

Oct 9, 2006

I have one table that will consists of about 1,000 rows. I have another table that consists of product codes that we want to exclude from the report. I know how to include the two tables by joining, but I want to EXCLUDE the 2nd table of product codes. Basically, if any of the product codes listed on table 2 are on table 1, I don't want them to appear. So how can I do an exclude function in a query?

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Excluding Records From Separate Table

Apr 29, 2006

I created a report where is lists sales volume by day. I was asked to create a table where data can be excluded from this report. The exclusion table consists of only three fields:

Date Department and a check box

What do I need to do in the query to have it exclude the data listed in this exclusion table. The table only holds data we want excluded, not all dates and departments.

I originally added the table to the source query and made the criteria "False" for the check box but when the query runs it does return any data at all.

Please help!

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Excluding Data Found In Table

Dec 4, 2012

I am building a query with a column of data, 'location number'.

I need to exclude any data where the location number is found in a pre-built table.

i.e. return all data except when the location number is found in the table.

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Excluding Deleted Records From An Imported Table

Jun 6, 2007


I have a table that I am importing from FOXPRO DATABASE. When someone goes into the system and deletes a record, Foxpro does not really delete the records but marks it for deletion. There is no field to query on that I can see in the table, but when I go to Foxpro the record is "marked" for deletion.

Anyway to exclude these records when doing a query or importing the table?


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Queries :: Query Criteria Excluding Table Records

Jul 23, 2015

I want to run a query on a table that holds all speed information for our trucks imported from a third party. Some of the speed alerts in that table are not correct so we set up a second table managed by the users to enter a speed exception. So if we know that Main St in Dallas TX generates false alerts for speeding we know not to call the driver, the third party db speed limit is not up to date.

So I want my query to pull all the speed data from tblSpeedData, except leave out the records where the street and zip are listed in the tblSpeedExceptions.

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Queries :: Check All Records Excluding 10 Newest In Table

Sep 12, 2014

I am trying to write a query that will check all records in a table but exclude the 10 newest records in the table.

The table is from a stock program i have wrote for the company i work for (i am a novice access user). what ive been asked to do is write a duplicate order system that will flag up if the order has already been packed.

the table logs the [OrderID] with each item [barcode] scanned out with a barcode scanner what i want is a query that checks the OrderID for a duplicate entry in the entire table but because the OrderID is entered with every item scanned i want to ommit the last 10 records as prety much no order has more than 10 items i understand this may not be 100% fool proof but it is close enough.

The other option is to have it ommit all records within the last 15 minutes there is also a [Time] and [PackDate] Field which im guessing could be used for this the time field records Now() and the PackDate records Date(). After searching the web i cant seem to find anyway to ommit the last 'n' records and the few things i have found with the Date("m",-15,Date()) doesnt seem to work

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Making Join Between Numeric Field And Text Field

Dec 23, 2006

I would like to make a join between two field in 2 different tables:

1.) Table with number field for Purchase Order number
2.) Table with text field for customers PO ref (where normally above PO number is entered)

When I link the both I get an error/warning message that the "types in the expression don't match"

Can anyone help me to overcome this problem ??


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Create Table Of Different Columns In Three Tables Join To Form A Master Table?

Jun 4, 2015

I have three tables that contain different columns but linked by a primary column call Name. I want to create a table where all these different columns in the three tables join to form a master table which can be updated regularly either through the master table or the smaller tables. The master table also has the primary column as Name.

If I update the master table with records, it should update the respective linked table and vice versa. I also want to link these tables to my SharePoint site.

Note: except the Name column, none of these tables have any other columns in common How do I go about this?

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Queries :: Join Multiple Fields From One Table To Same Table In A Query

Nov 21, 2014

I have a table that is basically a survey form. The same series of options was available for 35 questions, and the table used to have a text string written for each answer. Because of all the repetitive data, I created a second table that assigned a number value to each of the nine possible options in these 35 separate fields. What happened is that, instead of the same text strings repeated over and over (and taking up real estate), now each of the 35 columns had a single number in them.

Now comes the day of reckoning and TPTB want a query with the raw data and the original text strings back in instead of the numbers. I was thinking doing something along the lines of a DLookup, but I can't seem to make that work in a query correctly. Apart from calling the same table and linking it over and over to the different fields in the original data table (see photo for how insane that is).

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WHERE Clause On LEFT JOIN : Why Do I Get Join Expression Not Supported Message?

Nov 10, 2006

I've been toiling with the issue of WHERE clauses on the "Right" side of Left Joins. I'm aware that you need to use JOIN ON......AND.... rather than JOIN ON....WHERE.... if the WHERE relates to the Right Hand table.

I've even got an example in my DB where the above works, but now am struggling to use the same theory for other tables. Therefore, I went and created two Mickey Mouse tables to test the logic but am getting an error.

I have
Table 1 with one field called Field 1 - values A, B, C
Table 2 as follows

Field 1.....Field 2.......Field 3

I hoped to have a query that finds all records on Table 1 and records on Table 2 where Field 1 matches on the two tables and Field3 = XXX

My SQL is
SELECT Table1.Field1, Table2.Field1, Table2.Field2, Table2.Field3
FROM Table1 INNER JOIN Table2 ON Table1.Field1 = Table2.Field1
AND Table2.Field3="XXX";

but I get Join Expression not supported

What am I doing wrong?


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Create A JOIN Of Different Tables Called Join A Variable And List

Nov 16, 2013

And then called this join as a symbol or variable, and then have it use to select the items from these joined tables, can this be done in Access? Here is an example of a code that I created, but it has an error message saying the FROM syntax is incorrect.

SELECT firstJOIN.trainID, firstJOIN.trainName, firstJOIN.stationID, firstJOIN.stationName, firstJOIN.distance_miles, firstJOIN.time_mins
FROM (trains INNER JOIN ((station INNER JOIN lineStation ON station.stationID = lineStation.stationID)
INNER JOIN bookingLeg ON bookingLeg.startID = station.stationID or bookingLeg.endID = station.stationID )
ON trains.trainID = bookingLeg.tid) as firstJOIN

Can Access do something similar to this, in the FROM statement I joined 4 tables, because each unique fields are in each table and I have to joined them to get those fields. I called this join firstJOIN and in the SELECT statement, I list those columns in the table by calling it firstJOIN.trainID. Can Access do something like this, but syntax it differently?

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Join Two Tables Based On Field

Jul 25, 2012

I have two tables: Focus and Comp..I want to join these two tables based on field: DwId...For this example, I made a Comp table that has 3 DwId's not present in the Focus table.When I run the below statement, I am not getting the 3 records only present in the Comp table in the result.

SELECT Focus.DwId, Focus.PRD_May2012, Focus.PRD_May2012 - Comp.PRD_May2012 AS PRD_DiffMay2012
FROM Focus RIGHT JOIN Comp ON Focus.DwId = Comp.DwId

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Join Table

Apr 3, 2006

How do I join two tables. I have a table and a lookup table. My table has products on there that are listed as custom or basic. I have a look up table that has an ID for basic and Custom. In my table, i want it to read what the id is for each product instead of it reading "basic" or custom. Someone said that I need to join the two tables and do an update query, but I don't understand how to.

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Table Join?

Oct 1, 2007

Quick question so i can clairify what I am thinking. I have two tables. Both have a job code fieldname in them. What I wantto happen is where the job code in table 1 = job code in table 2 display the job description in table two. Example

table 1

name | mo | date | code

table 2

code | job description

If i understand this correctly I would need to do a table join correct... somthing to the order of SELECT * from table2 where me.table1.code = me.code? I'm not entirely sure. Am I understanding this correct?

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Join Table Like That

Sep 4, 2006

SELECT tech_id.CORP, tech_id.TECH, tech_id.TECHCONT
FROM tbl_PPVResearch INNER JOIN tech_id ON Mid([tbl_PPVResearch].[AccountNum],1,5) = tech_id.CORP;

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Join Three Fields Together And Create A DATE Field

Feb 20, 2007

I am editing data in a table that was designed by someone else. For some reason, they divided the date into three columns (YR, MON, DAY). I would like to join these three fields together and create a legal DATE field. I have tried the following:

FROM MyTable;

However, it returns an odd result. I think this might be because ACCESS does not know I want a date format.

My question is: is the above QUERY correct and how do I tell ACCESS to put the concatenated data in a date format.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide...

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Reports :: Join Together Multiple Rows To One Field?

Jul 1, 2015

I have been struggling with combining multiple rows into one row for an order summary report.

Specifically, I have three tables (Products, Orders, and OrderDetails)

ProductID = AutoNumber
ProductName = String

OrderID = AutoNumber
OrderDate = Date/Time
OrderInfo = Memo
CustomerName = Text
CustomerAddress = Text
PaymentDetails = Text

OrderNumber = Number (Linked to OrderID)
ProductNumber = Number (Linked to ProductID)
Notes = Memo (Notes on product customization)

The OrderProductDetails table is in many to one relationships with both Orders and Products table. If I place an order with 3 products, the OrderProductDetails datasheet would be:

OrderNumber ProductNumber
1 78 (Product 1)
1 89 (Product 2)
1 56 (Product 3)

On my report, instead of 3 entries for this order, I would like show just one entry under a column "Products Ordered" ---> Product 1, Product 2, Product 3.

I tried the Concatenate macros I found online, however, I am unable to configure them properly to use for this purpose.

I am using Access 2010.

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Join Column To Another Table

Aug 24, 2007

im having problems updating a table. im trying to take a column from table2 and place it in table one...i tried exporting it to excel, copy and pasting it and what not, but since it has about 200k values, it only copied half, incomplete...

i tried this query, i dont know if im doing it right.

SELECT DlexLoad.pah, DlexLoad.doc, DlexLoad.vol, Bate.BATES
FROM DlexLoad
ON DlexLoad.Bates = Bate.BATES

im trying to replace the Bates column from Dlexload table, with Bates from bate table...

i attach a screen shot of my tables


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Join Tables Into A New Table

Jul 13, 2005

Have some problems with a Purchase Order (PO) System I'm trying to do.

Figure 1 is the PO entry form. The upper part of the form shows the Header, while the bottom part shows the Line, containing all the ordered item details.

I separated the information keyed in into 2 tables, namely Header table (Figure 2) and Line table (Figure 3). The header table shows only the header details. With the order ID, the header is linked to the Line table where all the ordered items detail can be found.

I want to join the 2 tables and put the data into a new table, which will later be exported to text/spreadsheet for other purposes. I know it can be done using the make-table query. But my concern is about the layout/format of the table.

I would want to put my data where there's one header row followed by the corresponding line rows. Then another new header row with its line rows. I'll give an example:


Note that not all the fields for Header row and Line rows are the same. So can I put different data into the same column?

Would appreciate it if anyone could solve my problems. Thanks. ;)

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